
Strathaven After School ClubEstablishment Improvement Plan and Standards and Quality Report2017/2018ContentsSection 1: Standards and Quality Report1A Introduction, Statement of Purpose and Improvement Objectives1BEstablishment Aims1CEstablishment Standards and QualitiesSection 2: Planning for Improvement 2AEstablishment Position in Relation to Education Resources Improvement Priorities 2B Improvement Priority Action Plan 1A Introduction The Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 (‘the Act’) places a duty on establishments to produce annual reports on its progress throughout the year. We take account of the national care standards issued by Scottish Ministers and work with Care Inspectorate’s through inspections to improve our standards for all service users. This report with provide information to parents/carers and other service users about Strathaven After School Club and our successes. Strathaven After School Club is situated within Wester Overton Primary School. We hire the dining hall and gym hall through South Lanarkshire Council, and the children have access to a changing room to store their coats and belongings, toilets and the outdoor play area. We were established In March 2000, and we operate in the voluntary sector. We have a board of directors made up of current parents who support management to run Strathaven After School Club. We provide breakfast club and after school club during term time and holiday during out of term time. We currently have 8 permanent members of staff including a manager and assistant manager, and 5 members of casual staff. The environment we provide is safe and stimulating for children to feel peaceful and secure. We encourage children to respect their environment and other, and we encourage children to be involved in planning and to explore. We promote children’s rights and ensure they are at the centre of all of our decisions; we also involve ourselves in the local community and encourage children to do so by taking part in Gala day, attending local pantomimes and inviting local visitors to work with the children by delivering workshops. We implement GIRFEC throughout our planning and every day practice. We also have a GIRFEC board that we involve the children to fill each area. Contact DetailsStrathaven After School ClubC/O Wester Overton School, Ashkirk Road, Strathaven ML10 6JTManager: Becci O’ConnorTelephone number: 07813469481Email: managersasc@hotmail.co.ukWe encourage parents to become involved by answering questionnaires, giving feedback of our service using our ‘question of the month’ and also joining the board of directors. We send out monthly newsletters to inform them of any information or changes that take place and we involve them in the Gala parade. We have a ‘post box’ in place and a number of sheets next to it. There is a ‘significant events’ sheet to let us know if something personal happens that may affect their child or they think we need to know about but they don’t feel comfortable telling us. There is a ‘suggestions sheet’ for parent/carers and children to fill in, and also a ‘staff recognition’ sheet that is drawn every month. 1A Statement of Purpose South Lanarkshire Council’s vision is to ‘Work together to improve the quality of life for everyone in South Lanarkshire’. “We aim to offer before and after school care and holiday care to children of school age up to 12 years (the day before their 13th birthday). We aim to offer play and education opportunities that are both fun and challenging. We will promote the dignity, privacy, choice, safety, potential and diversity of all users and staff of the Club.”To the childrenOur aim is to provide a top quality service in a safe, happy and comfortable environment placing clear emphasis on the social and educational welfare of each child as individuals.To the parentsOur aim is to provide a service, which is designed to be flexible to suit the needs of all parents using the service. We will strive to maintain a policy of responding promptly to proposed improvements to the service.To the staffOur aim is to provide sufficient training and support to ensure that all staff are able to derive the maximum job satisfaction.We will achieve these aims in the following way:The Club will enforce policies and procedures that promote its aims in practice and will make these available to all staff, parents, children and young people.The Club will adhere to all relevant legislation and take account of local and national guidanceThe Club will employ competent and confident staff who have been appropriately vetted.The Club will provide a balanced range of activities, taking account of the ages, development needs, interests and the pattern of attendance of each child.The Club will contribute to the local community and will develop links with services and organisations that will assist it in meeting its aims.The Club will operate a self-evaluation scheme as a means of ensuring continuous improvement and will involve all staff and users in this process.The Club’s management will supervise the activities of the staff through a formal supervision and development programme.The Club will encourage parents, children and young people to contribute to the life and work of the Club and will promote positive behaviour at all times.1B Establishment Aims This year our establishment aims to develop 4 areas using the National Care Standards. We aim to develop our outdoor area and the experiences that are available to the children using our service. We would like to involve the children’s council to purchase new outdoor equipment and also get them more involved in gardening. We aim to develop the technology we use by introducing wifi and other equipment. We aim to introduce new policies with up to date information from legislation and review existing policies with staff. We aim to develop our staff team by involving staff in our plans, delegating leadership roles, providing training and taking part in team building activities. A new manager was appointed in February 2017 who will work on building relationships with all staff. We aim to build on children’s independence and support opportunities for them to become more independent with tasks in club. We will offer them opportunities to help staff with tasks within their ability. 1C Establishment Standards and Qualities Strathaven After School Club Ltd require staff, volunteers, users and sub contractors of services to comply with the following code of practice:To treat users, colleagues, members of the public, staff and volunteers with respect and courtesy.Language, conduct and appearance should maintain the image of the organisation and include refraining from the use of any language, conduct or dress which gives offence to others. This includes using racist, sexist or ageist terms, words which are offensive about people with disabilities, swearing, using an aggressive tone of voice, wearing football colours or clothing with slogans which may offend others or allowing users, visitors, volunteers or staff to do so.The organisation is anti-sectarian and respects the multitudes of religious and other beliefs of our society. No user, visitor, staff member or volunteer should be discriminated against for their beliefs and appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that dietary requirements, religious holidays or festivals etc are taken into account. We will aim to offer appropriate multi-cultural activities which reflect the diversity of the community.Punctuality is extremely important to Strathaven After School Club Ltd and this applies to staff, users, volunteers and others involved in the activities of the service. Prompt notification of lateness or non attendance is expected from all involved in order to keep the service running smoothly.In public, staff, users, volunteers and others involved must be aware of the image they are projecting of the service and behaviour towards other members of the public should reflect the above standards.The board of directors should also adhere to all of the above standards and:Make decisions based on the needs of the service.Not interfere with staff in the day to day running of the service unless there are reasonable grounds to do so.Declare any conflict of interest at meetings where a decision could impact on their business, friends or relatives or the organisation they represent.If personally interested in applying for a post with Strathaven After School Club immediately resign from any position which is involved in the recruitment in any way.The Club will seek the opinions of children and young people using the service, and act on their views, as a matter of ongoing daily practice as well as for the organisation’s annual review.Section 2:Planning for Improvement2A Establishment Standards and Qualities 2AImprovement Priorities Session 2017-2018Progress of Priorities and Impact for Service UsersImprove our outdoor provision, how much the children have access to the outdoor area and the equipment and experiences they have. Update resources Obtain outdoor container for resources Begin to use outdoor area in all weathers – purchase waterproofsPurchase head torches for autumn/winterProvide staff with training on outdoor playIntroduce more technology within the setting, working with service users to recognise what we can do to improve our resources.Introduce WIFI into the club for the kindles which is to be monitored by staff Purchase more technology resources eg kindles, electronic cars, DS games Introduce MP3 players Implement new policies and use up to date legislation to support this, ensuring all staff review policies and make they available to service users every day. Ensure all staff are familiar with all policies and relevant legislation. Ensure that all policies are up to date and legislation is current and relevant. Make all new staff members aware of the policies and procedures in place within Strathaven After School Club.Involve staff in planning for improvement, and introduce team building activities. Delegate leadership roles and build relationships between the new manager and all service users.Set up team building activities outside of working hours for staffTake part in a charity event as a teamLook into staff roles and progressionInvolve staff in improvement plansBuild on children’s independence and support opportunities for them to become more independent with tasks in club. Offer them opportunities to help staff with tasks within their ability. Involve children in snack Older children supporting younger childrenCreating well risk assessed opportunities for children to develop skills outdoors.2BImprovement Plan Care Standard 5‘Each child or young person can experience and choose from a balanced range of activities.’ Improvement Plan PriorityImprove our outdoor provision, how much the children have access to the outdoor area and the equipment and experiences they have.Target Success Criteria(Outcomes related to impacts and benefits)Audit/Monitoring/Evaluation of Impact and Benefits for Learners(Methods used/to be used)Timescales (including progress/success checks, datesResources(implementation group/personnel involvement/time)Staff development/ external support requested/ plannedUpdate resources Obtain outdoor container for resources Begin to use outdoor area in all weathers – purchase waterproofsPurchase head torches for autumn/winterProvide staff with training on outdoor play Have a range of outdoor resources for children to enjoy and engage withHave an external storage to allow for more resources Allow children to access the outdoor area more Allow children to access the outdoor area moreMotivate staff to use the outdoor area to its full potential and engage with children Audit the resources purchased at staff meetings Contact with head teacher regarding this, assess the impact it has had on our internal storage how many resources it will hold. Feedback from children and staff, evaluate how much they’re using the opportunities. Feedback from children and staff, evaluate how much they’re using the opportunities. Audit the experiences provided by staff and engagement they have with children outdoors. Each month (1st Monday)June 2017 May 2017 November 2017 January 2017 Staff time to evaluate and feed back during meeting. Manager to speak to head teacher and make arrangements.Time to consult over changes Time to consult over changes Staff time to take part in training Training to be sourced from agency. 2BImprovement Plan Care Standard 11‘Each child or young person has access to a sufficient and suitable range or resources.’Improvement Plan PriorityIntroduce more technology within the setting, working with service users to recognise what we can do to improve our resources.Target Success Criteria(Outcomes related to impacts and benefits)Audit/Monitoring/Evaluation of Impact and Benefits for Learners(Methods used/to be used)Timescales (including progress/success checks, datesResources(implementation group/personnel involvement/time)Staff development/ external support requested/ plannedIntroduce WIFI into the club for the kindles which is to be monitored by staff Purchase more technology resources eg kindles, electronic cars, DS games Introduce MP3 players Allow children to seek information for homework. Allow staff to find activities for children eg drawingExtend the technology box further than DS’s, xbox and kindles.Allow children to listen to music in the quiet area.Feedback from staff and children. Audit how well the parental controls work and what the children use the kindles for. Monitor what the children use and ask for.Audit how many children use the MP3 players, monitor how well they work in the quiet area. Feedback at staff meetings (1st Monday) June 2017 December 2017 Staff time to evaluate and feedback.Time during children’s council to create ideas for resources Time for management to source MP3 players2BImprovement Plan Care Standard 2‘The needs of each child or young person are met by the service in a safe environment, in line with all relevant legislation. Improvement Plan PriorityImplement new policies and use up to date legislation to support this, ensuring all staff review policies and make they available to service users every day.Target Success Criteria(Outcomes related to impacts and benefits)Audit/Monitoring/Evaluation of Impact and Benefits for Learners(Methods used/to be used)Timescales (including progress/success checks, datesResources(implementation group/personnel involvement/time)Staff development/ external support requested/ plannedEnsure all staff are familiar with all policies and relevant legislation. Ensure that all policies are up to date and legislation is current and relevant. Make all new staff members aware of the policies and procedures in place within Strathaven After School Club. Staff are confident in their role and have a good understand of our policies and legislation. All policies are relevant to our practice and services.Staff are confident in their role and have a good understand of our policies and legislation. Monitoring how often staff are reviewing the policies. Involving staff when creating new policies to ensure they have a deep understand of them. Ensuring that all new staff read through our policies when joining the team. March 2017 June 2017 Ongoing as staff join the teamStaff time to read policies and legislationStaff time to consult with new policies Staff time to read policies and legislation Online guidance 2BImprovement Plan Care Standard 4‘Each child or young person will be supported by staff who interact effectively and enthusiastically with him or her.’ Improvement Plan PriorityEncourage children to become more confident and independent in daily tasks and play. Have staff who assess and support children to do so. Target Success Criteria(Outcomes related to impacts and benefits)Audit/Monitoring/Evaluation of Impact and Benefits for Learners(Methods used/to be used)Timescales (including progress/success checks, datesResources(implementation group/personnel involvement/time)Staff development/ external support requested/ plannedAllow children to become more involved with snack preparation and delivery. Provide resources and opportunities for children to explore and risk assess their activities Involve older children in the ‘settling in process’ for new younger children to support their needs. Children are confident to help themselves to drinks and become more involved with the preparation process.Children are able to manage their own risk with activities such as woodwork, building dens etc.Older children are supporting younger children to become accustomed to the club routines. Monitor and evaluate children’s individual abilities. Discuss with staff how affective the system is.Closely monitor children assessing their own risk dependent on the task involved. Make the club more inclusive by having a relaxed ‘buddy’ system in place. May 2017 evaluate with staff on snack dutiesOngoing throughout the yearOngoing throughout the year Staff time to work with children when preparing snack Outdoor resourcesChildren’s time to support others Action PlanMarch 2017April 2017Improve our outdoor provision, how much the children have access to the outdoor area and the equipment and experiences they have.This month we have started to take the children out more as it stays lighter for longer. The children’s council asked for new toys, so we have purchased new balls, scooters, paddles, tennis balls, stilts, quoits and skipping ropes. This month the children have been spending a lot more time outdoors, we have discussed with senior staff about buying clothing for children and staff to go out in all weathers.Introduce more technology within the setting, working with service users to recognise what we can do to improve our resources.We have purchased 2 new kindles and we are looking into WIFI options for the club. Directors still looking into wifi options. Implement new policies and use up to date legislation to support this, ensuring all staff review policies and make they available to service users every day.Sandra has been reviewing and updating some of the old policies.Sandra has been reviewing and updating some of the old policies.Involve staff in planning for improvement, and introduce team building activities. Delegate leadership roles and build relationships between the new manager and all service users.Staff are planning to take part in the ‘Bubble Rush’ to raise money for the Prince and Princess trust. Staff have been made aware of the improvement plan, we will be holding ‘improvement meetings’ on the first Monday of every month.Encourage children to become more confident and independent in daily tasks and play. Have staff that assess and support children to do so.Not indentified until April 2017Children have become more involved with snack, jugs of juice and water are now placed on the tables for children to pour their own drinks. Action PlanMay 2017June 2017Improve our outdoor provision, how much the children have access to the outdoor area and the equipment and experiences they have.This month we have purchased a number of new outdoor resources such as den making kits, binoculars, magnifying glasses, clip boards, whiteboards and a tray for various nature finding. We have purchased a storage cage for outdoor equipment to allow us to access our resources freely, and purchase more outdoor resources. We have also bought an outdoor literacy hanging bag for pens, paper, notebooks, books and stationary.Introduce more technology within the setting, working with service users to recognise what we can do to improve our resources.Directors still to look into wifi options. Directors still to look into wifi options.Implement new policies and use up to date legislation to support this, ensuring all staff review policies and make they available to service users every day.Sandra has been reviewing and updating some of the old policies.Involve staff in planning for improvement, and introduce team building activities. Delegate leadership roles and build relationships between the new manager and all service users.Becci O’Connor and Elaine Ritchie attended child protection awareness training and Lisa Williamson and Sandra Smith Completed food hygiene courses.Becci O’Connor, Suzy McDonald and Suzanna Hamilton completed a first aid course. We now have meetings to plan, discuss, and audit as a team on the first Monday of every month. We have also introduced senior planning meetings. Encourage children to become more confident and independent in daily tasks and play. Have staff that assess and support children to do so.This month we have been encouraging children to pour their own juice, collect their own napkin and apply their own sun cream to build independence. We have bought the children a tool kit so encourage them to manage their own risk. We have also bought goggles and gloves as a safety precaution. Action PlanJuly 2017August 2017Improve our outdoor provision, how much the children have access to the outdoor area and the equipment and experiences they have.During summer holiday club the children have been to various parks and they have had the opportunity to plant/garden at the club.During summer holiday club the children have been to various parks and they have had the opportunity to plant/garden at the club.We have bought 12 waterproof suits in preparation for Autumn/Winter weather.Introduce more technology within the setting, working with service users to recognise what we can do to improve our resources.Implement new policies and use up to date legislation to support this, ensuring all staff review policies and make they available to service users every day.We have updated our child protection policy and we will be making staff aware of these changes.Involve staff in planning for improvement, and introduce team building activities. Delegate leadership roles and build relationships between the new manager and all service users.Staff now have more responsibilities, we have rotas in place for monitoring the door, filling in the daily dairy and cleaning the dishes/kitchen. Encourage children to become more confident and independent in daily tasks and play. Have staff that assess and support children to do so.The older children have been given roles to monitor children washing their hands and monitoring the noise at the lunch tables. All children have also been helping to weed the school planters.The older children (P6/P7) have been asked to help to settle the new (P1) children. Action PlanSeptember 2017October 2017Improve our outdoor provision, how much the children have access to the outdoor area and the equipment and experiences they have.This month we have been encouraging children to explore the outdoors in all weathers, they have been using waterproofs and they’ve developed the planter. We have also teamed up with ‘Highballs Low’ to deliver physical activity sessions once a week.We have introduced an outings form for senior staff to take small groups of children out into the local community.Introduce more technology within the setting, working with service users to recognise what we can do to improve our resources.We have purchased a weather proof music box for the children to use indoors and outdoors. We have also purchased a karaoke microphone, both of these sync using Bluetooth. We have purchased a tablet for the staff to use for planning, the IConnect app and music to link with the music box for the children. Implement new policies and use up to date legislation to support this, ensuring all staff review policies and make they available to service users every day.Sandra has been working on an ‘Internet Safety Policy’ this month, she has been researching ahead of the wifi being brought into the club. Management reviewed ‘Space to Grow’, ‘Health and Social Care Standards’ and ‘My World Outdoors’. These overviews have been passed onto staff to enhance their knowledge and practice. Involve staff in planning for improvement, and introduce team building activities. Delegate leadership roles and build relationships between the new manager and all service users.This month the staff have arranged an afternoon tea to celebrate Lisa’s pregnancy before she goes on maternity leave. This month the staff received Epipen training to assist a child who carries one at the club in the case of an emergency. Encourage children to become more confident and independent in daily tasks and play. Have staff that assess and support children to do so.This month we have implemented ‘door monitors’ to help the children use the appropriate changing room to store their belongings. We have recently teamed up with the school to divide the children based on their gender whilst multisports is running. Action PlanNovember 2017December 2017Improve our outdoor provision, how much the children have access to the outdoor area and the equipment and experiences they have.Management have purchased hats and gloves to ensure that staff have appropriate clothing for all weathers. Introduce more technology within the setting, working with service users to recognise what we can do to improve our resources.We have introduced a website for parents to use containing all the clubs up to date information. We have also been merging children’s accounts on Connect so that we can introduce an app for service users. Implement new policies and use up to date legislation to support this, ensuring all staff review policies and make they available to service users every day.Involve staff in planning for improvement, and introduce team building activities. Delegate leadership roles and build relationships between the new manager and all service users.The staff took part in annual appraisals this month, they had chance to highlight strengths, weaknesses and ways they would like to develop over the next year. We have purchased two new work phones to enhance communication between staff and parents/carers. One phone will remain in the club and the other will stay between management. Staff also continued to build relationships at the Christmas night out. Encourage children to become more confident and independent in daily tasks and play. Have staff that assess and support children to do so.The children have been asked to participate in the Christmas toy appeal to help other children less fortunate. They have been responsible for choosing appropriate toys to donate. Action PlanJanuary 2018February 2018Improve our outdoor provision, how much the children have access to the outdoor area and the equipment and experiences they have.The children have been given the opportunity to go outdoors in adverse weather with staff, they have had the opportunity to explore the rain and snow. Introduce more technology within the setting, working with service users to recognise what we can do to improve our resources.The children have been provided with MP3 players and headphones to use in the library as part of their quiet area. Implement new policies and use up to date legislation to support this, ensuring all staff review policies and make they available to service users every day.Elaine began to update and review the club’s policies. Involve staff in planning for improvement, and introduce team building activities. Delegate leadership roles and build relationships between the new manager and all service users.Sandra attended a conference to deliver information on Health and Social Care Standards and Room to Grow. We also had a meeting with Tracey from CAHMS regarding mental health training. Elaine, Val and Adele attended autism training with a local nursery, they brought back information to share with other staff.Encourage children to become more confident and independent in daily tasks and play. Have staff that assess and support children to do so.We having been encouraging older children to take charge of the art and craft table to deliver to other children. We have begun to discuss the introduction of a P7 table, the children have expressed a need for their own freedom in regards to planning. Consultations begun on 26th February. 7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: AprilTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:New outdoor toys- scooters, stilts, hulahoops and balls.End of MarchYesYesThe staff have found that the toys need to be replaced on a regular basis.Staff involvement with improvement planning24th AprilYesYesMeetings have been set for the 1st Monday of every month. Children pouring their own juice at snack time. Mid AprilYesYesThe older children have been supporting the younger children to pour their juice. Staff still need to remind some of the children. 7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: MayTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:Staff 1-1 meetings Beginning of MayN/AN/ANotes to be kept in staff files.Senior staff planning meetingsCarried over to JuneYesYesPlanning for indoor and outdoor experiences is now to be split between the two seniors. Elaine is planning for outdoor and physical experiences, and Val will continue to plan for indoor experiences. Outdoor resources: Den making kitsLiteracy resourcesMid MayYesYesEncourage children to be more independent at snackBeginning of MayYesYesChildren are now setting the tables for themselves.Directors to source wifi for the club. Carried over to JuneN/AN/ABrought to next directors meeting.7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: JuneTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:Storage for outdoor resourcesBeginning of JuneYesYesWe now have space for more resourcesChildren’s toolkitBeginning of JuneYesYesStaff to supervise but allow children to manage their own risk.Staff training15th May25th May8th JuneYesYesFood hygieneChild protectionFirst aidSources wifi for the clubCarried over to AugustN/AN/ATo be raised at August meeting 7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: JulyTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:Creating more opportunities for outdoor play All monthYesYesWe have been taking planned activities outside. Updating the child protection policyEnd of monthN/AYesStaff are to be made aware of updated policies.Children’s independence- introducing snack helpersAll monthYesYesOlder children are to assist younger children when washing their hands. They have also been monitoring the snack tables and feeding back to staff. Sourcing wifi for the clubCarried over to AugustN/AN/ATo be brought up at directors meeting.7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: AugustTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:Purchase waterproofs for children to use outdoors17th AugustYesYesNot had the opportunity to use them, hoping to use these in appropriate weather.Give staff more responsibilities within the clubNew school term (17th August)N/AYesStaff now have rotas for monitoring the door, completing the daily diary and washing dishes/cleaning kitchen.Implement new planning systemNew school term (17th August)YesYesSeniors now to feedback to staff about planning and put it in place.P6/P7 encouraged to support the new P1 children starting the club New school term (17th August)YesYesSome are more willing to help than others, some of the younger children are turning to siblings for support.Sourcing wifi for in the clubOngoingAccountant looking into prices to feedback to directors.7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: SeptemberTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:Sourcing wifi in the club Issues with the database have caused us to postpone the wifi in the club, we are also working on our internet safety policy.Music dock First week in SeptemberYesYesWe have purchased a Bluetooth, weather proof speaker for the children to use. Visitors to the clubFirst week in SeptemberYesYesWe have organised for Highballs to visit the club once a week for 12 weeks, we have also organised for Strathaven Ceramics to visit on the 23rd, 25th and 26th of October to do Halloween ceramics with the children. Epi pen trainingPostponed until next month. Child involvement – re-introducing the ‘wishing well’ to gage what changes the children would like to happen within the clubFirst week of SeptemberYes – this will give staff more of an understanding of what the children would like from the clubYes – put out each termFeedback sheet to be written up.7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: OctoberTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:Epi pen training30th OctoberChild would requires Epipen in regards to a nut allergyYesStaff who took part: Becci, Sandra, Elaine, Val, Ann, Mary, Clare and Suzy.Sourcing wifi in the club27th OctoberYesYesWifi to support use of kindles, microphone, staff tablet and music box.Purchasing a tablet for staff to use. This will supply music for the dock and microphone, and will also work with connect software.Beginning of OctoberYesYesReviewing government policies: Space to Grow, Health and Social Care Standards & My World OutdoorsMid OctoberYesYesManagement reviewed the policies and provided brief descriptions of each policy for staff to read in order to support high-quality practice.Installing IConnect and Parentzone (trial)Mid OctoberN/AYesIConnect is for staff to observe children, record accidents, check registers, and see what staff are present each day. Parentzone is for parents to see the information staff record on their child’s profile, they can also check bills and request extra sessions. 7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: NovemberTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:Staff appraisalsEnd of the monthN/AYesProvide training to staff regarding internet safety policy.Carried over to the next monthN/AYesWifi resource hasn’t been delivered.Construct a website for the public and service users to access2nd NovemberN/AYesParent’s have begun to make enquires through the website and have been checking the blog which is linked to the facebook site.Merging parent’s accounts to clear up confusion of bills and prepare for the Parentzone app 20th NovemberNoYesReceived positive feedback regarding the bills.Ask children to get involved in a toy appeal for Barnardos South Ayrshire1st DecemberYesN/A1 month appeal for children to donate new resources for less fortunate families. 7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: DecemberTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:Provide training to staff regarding internet safety policy.Carried over to the next monthN/AYesWifi resource hasn’t been delivered.Purchasing two new work phones to enhance communication between staff and service usersBeginning of DecemberYes – for parents/carersYesAll contacts need to be manually transferred from the previous phone, we will also be using the phones as a ‘hot spot’ for wifi in the club. We have purchased hats and gloves for staff to encourage them to go outdoors in all elements. Beginning of DecemberYesyesSome staff have not been equip and dressed appropriately for the weather so this will provide them with the correct clothing. Staff attended their annual Christmas night out 8th DecemberN/AN/AStaff continued to build relationships in a relaxing environment whilst attending their Christmas night out, this was a great opportunity for the new members of staff to get to know the existing members of staff. 7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: JanuaryTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:CALM training for staffWe contacted one of the training staff regarding training and she suggested that management choose a specific area of training before arranging a session. Older children are now given the opportunity to take charge of one of the craft tables. 11th January 2018Yes YesSome of the older children have shown an interest in ‘running’ a simple art activity in the afternoon, some have also asked if they can come up with their own activities and they will run these past management. Review of ‘7 Golden Rules for Participation’, and ‘Play Strategy Scotland’ 12th January 2018 YesYesReviews of these documents will be handed to staff to read so that they have an over view of each policy. Autism training 18th January 2018YesYesSandra, Elaine, Val and Adele will be attending autism training with a local nursery to enhance their knowledge. Purchased MP3 player8th January 2018YesYes Management have purchased 4 MP3 players which allow up to 8 children to listen to music. Children are asked to listen to these in the library as it is a quiet area for them to relax and will reduce the risk of injuries. 7467600-371475Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Improvement task auditMonth: FebruaryTask/ResourceDate achieved:Does it improve children experiences at club?Is it attainable?Any other comments:Team building event for staffPostponed due to Manager’s absence. Annual policy reviewOngoing YesYesElaine begun the annual review of our policies, Becci has also created a draft E-Safety policy. Autism awareness training1st FebruaryYesYesElaine, Val and Adele attended training with a local nursery, they have provided feedback at the team meeting. P7’s independence OngoingYesYesThe P7 children have come together and asked to have a small area that they can be responsible for. We have arranged a meeting with all the P7 children in March. Strathaven After School Club Review of Improvement Plan 2017/2018Completed by Becci O’Brien – March 2018 Reference to National Care Standards 2015Our Improvement Plan for 2017/2018 stated that as a priority we wished to ensure: Care Standard 5‘Each child or young person can experience and choose from a balanced range of activities.’ We aim to develop our outdoor area and the experiences that are available to the children using our service. We would like to involve the children’s council to purchase new outdoor equipment and also get them more involved in gardening.As a staff team, our aim was: Update resources Obtain outdoor container for resources Begin to use outdoor area in all weathers – purchase waterproofsPurchase head torches for autumn/winterProvide staff with training on outdoor playMarch 2017: As a staff team we began our audit of our provision through discussion and agreed to hold a monthly planning meeting on the first Monday of every month to allow us to evaluate the previous month and plan for the following month. We identified that the change in season allowed the children to stay outdoors for longer, as we had just begun our planning we asked the children’s council to provide the staff with a list of resources for the outdoor area. The children asked for balls, paddles, tennis balls, stilts, quoits and skipping ropes.April 2017:The children continued to spend more time outdoors; we discussed the possibility of buying water proofs to aid children to go out in all weathers. Some of the children were put off going outdoors when it was raining or cold, we have also asked parents to support our plans by ensuring children have appropriate clothing. We decided to buy a selection of water proofs for the children and the senior staff took them around the school in small groups to explore. May 2017: We continued to buy outdoor resources to encourage the children to use the outdoor provision, we purchased den making kits, binoculars, magnifying glasses, clip boards, white boards and a tray to use for various nature findings. The staff found that the binoculars broke very quickly and some of the materials that were bought for the children to make dens with tore. We also decided that we would try and make a literacy area outside and allowed the children to use the tray for messy play. June 2017:We analysed our storage area as we were quickly running out of space as we continued to buy resources, so we decided to purchase a storage container that can be rolled in and out of the cupboard that we will use to store outdoor resources. We also bought a hanging storage bag and filled it with literacy resources such as pens, paper, notebooks, books and stationary for the children to attach to the fence near the benches. The school has also purchased a number of benches that we have access to.The cage proved to be very beneficial as we agreed that it has allowed us to expand our outdoor provision greatly. The children enjoyed using the literacy bag through the better weather but accessed it less through winter. July/August 2017: We were unable to hold an improvement meeting due to Summer Holiday Club, we continued to provide free play outdoors for the children and allowed them to access the resources that we have purchased. We also visited a number of outdoor venues such as 5 Sisters Zoo, Calder Glen Country Park, and we took part in a forest school activity at Muddy Adventures. We also tidied up the flower beds on the school grounds.Due to the extensive planning that goes into Holiday Club, we found it difficult to allow free flow play that extended outdoors every day. Some days we weren’t at the club for a long period of time, we plan to allow more flexibility for free play outdoors in future holiday clubs. September 2017:We continued to encourage children to explore all weathers and re-introduced the waterproofs for the children. Following on from clearing the planters we decided to use one as a mud kitchen, we purchased pots, pans, spoons, sieves and cups for the children to use. We also teamed up with Highballs Low to deliver physical activities once a week. October 2017: This month we decided to introduce a local outing form to allow the children to access the local community. The Senior members of staff have been using this to take smalls of children around the school and over to the Strathaven Hotel to collect leaves and greenery for the outdoor planning. November 2017: The children have had access to the newly refurbished MUGA pitch that the school have instated outside. The majority of the children use this area to play football. December 2017: We have purchased hats and gloves for the staff to use whilst they continue to support outdoor play in the worsened weather. The staff have been taking the children out for shorter intervals and not all of the children have been willing to go outdoors.January 2017: This month the children have continued to explore the outdoors in all weathers, they have been playing outside in the rain and the snow. February 2017:We have been encouraging the children to access the different resources we have such as the den building kits, the badminton net and rackets, and role play resources. Summary Overall, the outdoor provision has been improved greatly. We have purchased clothing for both children and staff and we continue to promote outdoor learning. We have purchases a number of new resources for the children to use and we have introduced planned learning activities on a daily basis. The children have had the opportunity to use a larger area of the school grounds and they can now access the local community in small groups, we have also purchased more storage space for the outdoor area which will allow us to continue to expand the resources we have. We have different supplies that are stored in the cage to allow children to explore all areas of their learning, we aim to continue to bring the indoors, outside. We had set out to update resources on a monthly basis, we complied with this and audited the resources we had at our staff meetings. We had set a target to buy our outdoor cage in June which we completed on time, and we are yet to find appropriate outdoor training for staff.Care Standard 11‘Each child or young person has access to a sufficient and suitable range or resources.’We aim to Introduce more technology within the setting, working with service users to recognise what we can do to improve our resources.As a staff team, our aim was: Introduce WIFI into the club for the kindles which is to be monitored by staff Purchase more technology resources eg kindles, electronic cars, DS games Introduce MP3 playersMarch 2017:At the beginning of the year we identified the need to develop the technology area that we have within the club. The children had access to a limited number of Nintendo DS’s and two kindles which weren’t updated on a regular basis and quickly became inoperative. The first step we decided to take was to purchase two new kindles and look into options to provide wifi in the club. April 2017:We discussed the practicalities of providing wifi within the club at a directors meeting, having access to the internet would allow the children to research information for their homework, look up characters that they would like to draw and update apps on the kindles. We agreed to look into getting data on the club mobile or get an internet dongle. May-August 2017:We have purchased walkie talkies for the children to use outdoors and throughout the Summer holiday club.September 2017: This month we purchased a weather proof music box as we continued to promote the outdoor provision and improve our technology resources. The music box connects to the phone using Bluetooth, we also purchased a karaoke microphone which also connects to the phone using Bluetooth. The children often ask to use the music box and it is a popular resource both indoors and outdoors, the introduction of Wi-Fi within the club was further postponed. October 2017: We decided to develop our online system for parents to use and access their child’s accounts. This would also allow staff to post observations on individual children’s profiles, parent’s to request extra bookings, parents to access bills and see outstanding payments and to also post their own observations. As a result, we have purchased a tablet for staff to utilise this system and also to play music through the music box and to research activities for weekly planning. November/December 2017: Through November and December we didn’t purchase any new technology resources as we merged children’s accounts ready for the IConnect/Parentzone system and we also set up and introduced a website for parents to access information about the club. January/February 2018:We purchased 4 MP3 players with headphones that allow up to eight children to use them at one time, these have proved to be very popular with the children and we have purchased more headphones as a result. We also set up Wi-Fi in the club using the new mobile phones, we have made a draft E-Safety policy that will be signed off by the directors being we allow the children to access it. SummaryOver the last 12 month we have purchased a number of new technology resources to use both indoors and outdoors, the introduction of the MP3 players and music box have been particularly successful. The use of the club tablet will become very useful as we finalise the set up for the Wi-Fi usage in club. Staff will find this helpful when planning and observing children, the children can also use updated apps on the kindles now. The E-Safety policy will be finalised in May 2018, and we have also purchased two new Nintendo DS’s and 10 new games for these. Care Standard 2‘The needs of each child or young person are met by the service in a safe environment, in line with all relevant legislation.’We aim to Implement new policies and use up to date legislation to support this, ensuring all staff review policies and make they available to service users every day.As a staff team, we aim to:Ensure all staff are familiar with all policies and relevant legislation. Ensure that all policies are up to date and legislation is current and relevant. Make all new staff members aware of the policies and procedures in place within Strathaven After School Club.March-May 2017:For the first few month Sandra worked through the current policies and updated them appropriately. September 2017:We began to research the relevant information that we would need to produce an E-Safety policy, we found guidance on the NSPCC website and the care inspectorate hub. October 2017:This month management reviewed the ‘Space to Grow’, ‘New Health and Social Care Standards’ and ‘My World Outdoors’ documents. Overviews were created for each of these and passed on for each staff member to read. February 2018:Elaine begun to review and update the club policies, Becci has also created a draft E-Policy for directors to review. Summary: This year we made little changes to the policies within the club, all policies are reviewed annually and updated with current information and guidance. We have drafted an E-Safety policy to be introduced with the club’s Wi-Fi, and staff have been given overviews of new government documents. Care Standard 12‘Each child or young person receives support and care from staff who are competent and confident and who have gone through a careful selection process.’We aim to develop our staff team by involving staff in our plans, delegating leadership roles, providing training and taking part in team building activities. A new manager was appointed in February 2017 who will work on building relationships with all staff. As a staff team, we aim to:Set up team building activities outside of working hours for staffTake part in a charity event as a teamLook into staff roles and progressionInvolve staff in improvement plansMarch 2017: Staff planned to take part in the ‘Bubble Rush’ 5km run to raise money for the Prince and Princess Trust as a team. Few staff were available to attend the event so we collectively decided to postpone this and take part in the Bubble Rush the following year. April 2017: Staff have been made aware of the improvement plan, they have been made aware of their involvement going forward and the improvement meetings that will take place on the first Monday of every month. May 2017:Becci and Elaine attended Child Protection Awareness training this month, and Sandra and Lisa attended a Food Hygiene course. We have been looking for local training for staff, they have expressed that they would prefer to have in house training or for someone to visit during the weekly staff meeting. June 2017: Becci, Suzy and Suzanna completed a First Aid course, we are auditing the improvement plan as a team and we have also introduced senior meetings to discuss planning. Seniors and management identified a need to have time to meet outside of the club to speak privately regarding the roles and running of the club. We discussed delegated roles and produced a more manageable work load for the seniors. Previously senior staff shared indoor planning, monitored the door, delivered the planned activity, completed the diary and monitored the outdoor area. They now have separate planning; indoor and outdoor, they have a set day for planning, and they only carry out the planned activity, diary and door monitoring once a week. Support workers have been delegated some of these roles once a week. July/August 2017: Staff have been informed of the changes that have been made to their roles after returning from holiday club. A clear plan has been put in place and is displayed on the door. Many of the support workers expressed that they now feel like they have something meaningful to do and they previously didn’t have much clarity on what they were expected to do during the shift. September 2017:This month we arranged afternoon tea as a team to celebrate the anticipated birth of Lisa and Jamie’s baby.Lisa gave birth to Liam in November, he has visited the club and we look forward to welcoming her back to the team.October 2017:This month all of the permanent staff received Epi-pen training from Ruth Hastings during a team meeting.A child has recently joined the club who requires an epi-pen at all times, this training will minimize risk within the club. November 2017: Staff received their annual appraisals this month, they have highlighted their own strengths and weaknesses and compared this with the opinion of the manager. We are organising training as a result of the appraisals. December 2017:We have purchased new work phones to enhance communication within the club, one will stay in the club and the other will remain with management at all times. This also allows staff to split into groups on trips and go on outing into the community. We also attended a Christmas night out where staff continued to build relationships. January 2018: Sandra attended a conference regarding the New Health and Social Care Standards, they also discussed the Space to Grow document. We have contacted Tracey from CALMS regarding mental health training.February 2018:Elaine, Val and Adele partnered up with a local nursery for Autism training, information was shared at the staff meeting. We have continued to build a relationship with the nursery to share training for our staff.SummaryOverall, We have taken part in a number of training courses, reviewed new policies and built relationships within the team. We have restructure team roles and delegated effectively; this has reduced pressure for the senior staff, created more time for effective planning, and given other staff more opportunities and responsibilities. Team meetings have become more affective and management and familiar with the New Health and Social Care standards ahead of next year’s improvement planning. Care Standard 6‘Each child or young person will be supported by staff who interact effectively and enthusiastically with him or her.’We aim to build on children’s independence and support opportunities for them to become more independent with tasks in club. We will offer them opportunities to help staff with tasks within their ability. As a staff team, we aim to:Involve children in snack Enable older children to support younger childrenCreate well risk assessed opportunities for children to develop skills outdoors.This aspect was identified in April 2017.April 2017: The children became more involved with snack and staff how place jugs of water and juice out onto the table to encourage them to pour their own drinks. Napkins are placed on the table next to the kitchen along with cups for children to take on their way in. Previously, staff would pre-pour juice for all children and lay napkins out onto the tables in each space; children were responsible for putting their napkin into the bin. May 2017:We have continued to encourage the children to build their independence during snack and we have been encouraging them to apply their own sun cream.Staff usually support children to apply their sun cream; staff still support children who need it and supervise children applying it themselves to ensure that they are applying it correctly. June 2017: We have purchased tool kits, goggles and gloves for children to wear as a safety precaution. Some of the children showed an interest in using the tool kit. July 2017: The older children have been asked throughout holiday club to take charge of the snack tables and monitor children washing hands. The table monitors control the noise at each table and feed back to staff. All children helped to weed all of the schools planters over the holidays. August 2017:The P6 and P7 have been supporting the younger children to settle in. (P1) A buddy system was set up in June but we didn’t have time to complete them, this is something we plan on implementing next year. September 2017:The older children have been supporting others to use the correct changing rooms to store their belongings; we have recently liaised with the school and split the children into two changing rooms based on gender whilst multi-sports is running. November 2017: All children attending the club were asked to support the children’s toy appeal to help less fortunate families. They have been responsible for choosing toys with their parents/carers to donate. We collected 182 toys in total for the toy appeal; these were donated to Barnardos South Ayrshire. January 2018: This month we have been encouraging the P6 and P7 children to work with staff to deliver the art and craft activities within the club. February 2018:We have begun to discuss the introduction of the P7 table, planning and meetings have been set up and we aim to introduce this in March. We now have the P7 table in place, the children are responsible for planning activities, setting up, tidying away and evaluating what takes place at the table. This is exclusive to the P7 children to build independence and provide them with some privacy and responsibility. Summary Conclusive to this, the children are now more independent during snack time, younger children are supported during the settling in period in August and P7 children have their own independent area and planning. There is still room for improvement and we will continue to find innovative ways to promote children’s independence. ................

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