

One of the mysteries in the world of nature hibernation, by what process, with the of autumn, do some animal go into deep sleep the sees them through the unfavorable environment of winter? The question has baffled mankind for centuries.

The little brown bat selects a cave or the hollow of a tree which to sleep throughout the winter, hanging by its feet. The woodchuck waddles along the dark tunnels of its underground home to find the highest and largest chamber, there to snuggle down and sleep on a bed of dried grasses. The badger holes up in his tunnel below the frost line to go into a deep sleep.

Scientist describes hibernation as a state of being that borders between simple sleep and death. Ordinary sleep, the 8 hours you get each night, is a temporary and brief period of relaxation during which only some of the body processes slow down. Hibernation, on the other hand, is a kind of sleep in which nearly all the body processes slow down for a long period of time.

Hibernation thus enables some animals to survive months during which the food is scarce and the weather inhospitable. If these animals had to maintain their body at a normal rate of activity such periods, they would soon dies of starvation. During hibernation, almost all body movement is suspended. The life processes function at a very slow pace, barely enough to maintain life. The blood temperature lowers, as the chemical activity of the animal's body becomes geared its available energy.

The true hibernation are warm-blooded mammals such as woodchucks and ground squirrels, cold-blooded reptiles, and amphibians such as frogs and toads. The more adaptive animals do not hibernate. They either migrates to another location to obtain food, store food, or "live by their wits."

1. Which of the following is a characteristic of hibernation as discussed in the third paragraph?

A. It involves a brief period of relaxation.

B. It is not a kind of sleep.

C. It slows down most body processes.

D. It is not a normal state of being.

2. Which of the following statements is supported by the second paragraph?

A. A majority of mammals hibernate.

B. Mammals hibernate in a variety of ways.

C. Small mammals are more likely to hibernate than larger animals.

D. Most mammals that hibernate do so for the same duration during winter months.

3. Which of the following is the author’s purpose for writing this passage?

A. To entertain readers with a story about hibernation

B. To inform readers about the purpose of hibernation

C. To persuade readers to research more about hibernation

D. To describe the effect of hibernation on the environment

4. Which of the following text structures is used in the second paragraph?

A. Sequence

B. Problem-solution

C. Description

D. Cause-effect

5. This passage is an example of which of the following writing styles?

A Narrative

B. Expository

C. Persuasive

D. Editorial

6. Which of the following is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A. Identify one of the mysteries of the world.

 B. Describe the effect of autumn on hibernation.

C. Provide a definition of hibernation.

D. Encourage the reader’s interest in hibernation.

7 . Which of the following sentences from the passage expresses an opinion?

 A. One of the mysteries in the world of nature is hibernation.

B. The life processes function at a very slow pace, barely enough to maintain life.

C. Scientists describe hibernation as a state of being which borders between simple sleep and death.

D. If these animals had to maintain their body at a normal rate of activity during such periods, they would soon die of starvation.

United Nations, 310, 314, 362

  charter of, 311

  Declaration of, 309

United States, 225, 238, 275, 289

  in Big Four, 322, 325-7

  in League of Nations, 299

  Lend-Lease policy of, 307

  Neutrality of, 305

  as United Nations sponsor, 313

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 316

“The essence of the declaration achieved a central goal of the United States, binding the three great nations as well as the smaller powers – to fight together until the Axis was defeated.”

Using the index, which of the following pages would likely contain the sentence above?

A.    305

B.     309

C.     311

D.    316


Geographic Terms …. ….. 102

Latin Abbreviations …… .. 1 01

Mathematical Terms … … 1 04

Metric Abbreviations … … 1 06

Names & Titles ………….. 100

Based on the index, which of the following pages is most likely to contain the abbreviation for a centimeter?

A. 100

B. 101

C. 104

D. 106

2. Pandas

Eating Habits………………………………….. 1-15

Reproduction……………… .. ………………… 16-20

Geographic Areas …………… …………….. .. 21-22

Endangered Species ……………………….. 23-24

Growth and Development …………………. 25-30

Relationships with Humans………………. 31-34

In Captivity ……………………………………… 35-37

Relationships with Other Species .. …….. 38-40

Response to Changes in Habitat ……….. 41-45

Which of the following page ranges will most likely provide information on how pandas learn to climb trees?

A. 41-45

B. 38-40

c. 25-30

D. 21-22

3. Fish Oil Capsules

Brand A

Small sucrose-coated capsules that do not cause aftertaste. Slow release of fish oil allows the body to absorb the oil over a 24-hour period.

Brand B

Fish oil harvested from fish living in remote sea water. The dried oils become active as they interact with stomach acids.

Brand C

Fiber-coated capsules release immediately so the body may absorb the oil quickly. No yeast, lactose, sugar, or gluten.

Brand D

Dried fish oil capsules that are half the size of normal fish oil capsules. These pills are packaged in recyclable bottles.

For a person who has trouble swallowing pills and is concerned about the environment, which of the following fish oil brands is the best choice?

A. Brand A

B. Brand B

C. Brand C

D. Brand D

4. When he went to his first day of riding instruction, Jody told the instructor he had never ridden a horse before. He also admitted that he was a little bit afraid of horses. The instructor wanted Jody to overcome his fear. She decided that he should begin his lessons on a horse named Nellie. Nellie was not wild or frisky; she was docile. From the context of this paragraph, you can tell that the word docile means

A. cheerful.       

B. content.         

C. gentle.

D. slow.

5. Jake’s friends all describe him as an affable person. He often allows others to go before him in the lunch line. He seldom says an unkind word about anyone. In fact, he seems to have a smile for everyone he meets.

From the context of the passage, determine the meaning of the word affable.

A. Courteous, good-natured      

B. Humorous, silly                          

C. Jealous, guarded

D. Spiteful, aggressive

6. Judy began reading a long story in a magazine. After reading a page and a half, she stopped reading and tried to guess what would happen next. Judy is _______ what will happen in the story.

A. judging

B. contrasting

C. predicting

D. comparing

7. Grace had something to say about everything and everyone. Some of her friends teased her, saying Grace never left a word unspoken. Then, one day, Grace’s history teacher complained to the principal, saying Grace was so garrulous that she often disrupted the class. Grace was called to the principal’s office that very day. She was told she would be required to meet with the school counselor.

Grace was required to meet with the school counselor because she was

A. opinionated.                               

B. very talkative.             

C. impolite to her friends.

D. a smart mouth.

8. (1) Many historians consider Abraham Lincoln one of the great presidents of the United States. (2) He led the nation through a great civil war and signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. (3) However, Lincoln’s critics point out that he freed the slaves only in the states that had broken away from the Union. (4) Therefore, it’s clear that Lincoln was more interested in hurting the South than in freeing the slaves. Which sentence most clearly expresses opinion rather than fact?

A. 1       

B. 2        

C. 3

D. 4

9. Due to the cold, the young man walked spryly across campus. Which of the following options is the meaning of “spryly” as used in the sentence above?

A Stiffly

B. Staunchly

C. Easily

D. Briskly

10. Either one of them __ enough experience to do the job. Twenty years __ a lot of time in the field, and that’s how long they’ve been doing this work.Which of the following options correctly completes the sentence above?

A. has, are

B. has, is

C. have, are

D. have, is

11. The team __ is wearing the red jerseys is the one I came to see. Which of the following pronouns correctly completes the sentence above?

A. who

B. whom

C. that

D. which

12. Which of the following sentences is an example of first person narrative voice?

A. You were simultaneously exhausted and exhilarated following the cross-country trip.

B. The cross-country trip was simultaneously exhausting and exhilarating for him.

C. She was simultaneously exhausted and exhilarated following the cross-country trip.

D. I was simultaneously exhausted and exhilarated following the cross-country trip.

13. Which of the following sentences is an example of second person narrative voice?

A. You became lost in a labyrinth of lies and deceptions.

B. It was a labyrinth of lies and deceptions in which she was lost.

C. He was lost in a labyrinth of lies and deceptions.

D. I became lost in a labyrinth of lies and deceptions.

The store will stay open later during the holiday season. The store will stock a variety of seasonal merchandise. The store will have many discounts available for holiday shoppers.

14. When revising the paragraph above, the writer should address which of the following?

A. Sentence fluency

B. Punctuation

C. Paragraph organization

D. Writing clarity

15. She attributed his shallowness to his luxurious upbringing, in which material comforts like fine clothes and large homes nurtured his sense of privilege.Which of the following is the meaning of “material” as used in the sentence above?

A. The substance from which something is made

B. Pertinent or essential

C. The articles needed for a specific task

D. Concerning physical rather than spiritual aspects

16. Which of the following options best demonstrates sentence fluency?

A. The city looked beautiful in that it was lit by the sun while I was walking down the street.

B. Walking down the street in the sunshine, the city looked beautiful.

C. The city looked beautiful as I was walking, lit by the sun, down the street.

D. Walking down the street, I noticed how beautiful the city looked in the sunshine.

17. The terms ac, al, ary, and ic are all

a. adjective suffixes meaning “pertaining to.”

b. noun suffixes indicating procedures.

c. prefixes that function as prepositions.

d. The reasons for the relatively late development of African nationalism included

18. 12345 6789

Copy the number string above on a piece of paper and perform the following actions:

Reverse the positions of the first and third numbers.

Replace all even numbers with “1 .”

Cross out every third number.

Reverse the positions of the first and last numbers.

Which of the following number strings corresponds with the directions?

A. 111571

B. 111573

c. 311531

D. 311571

19. Brand W   Brand X     Brand Y    Brand Z

Sodium                              265 mg    260 mg      255 mg    300 mg

Fat                                       9g           7g              15g           6g

Dietary Fiber       less than    1g           5g                3g           1g

Amount per serving size (2 oz)

Which of the following brands of potato chips is the best choice to purchase for a high-fiber, low-fat, low-sodium diet?

A. Brand W

B. Brand X

C. BrandY

D. Brand Z

20. A B C D E F G H I

Using the letter string above, replace all vowels with the number 1, then replace the third and sixth characters with the letter Z. Replace the second and seventh characters with the number 0, then replace the fourth and eighth characters with the letter Y. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the last three characters?

A. OY1

B. 10Z

C. 101


21. Which of the following provides information about symbols used on a specific map?

A. Table of contents

B. Legend

C. Glossary

D. Index

22. An appropriate rationale for using bold text is to indicate

A. a title of a work of art.

B. foreign words or phrases.

C. verbatim speech.

D. points of emphasis.

23. A student is researching women’s roles in literature. To access a list of sources related to this topic, the student should consult which of the following?

A. A bibliography

B. A thesaurus

C. A biography

D. An atlas

24. The quarterback, along with his teammates, __ congratulated following a dramatic victory.

Which of the following options correctly completes the sentence above?

A. was

B. were

C. have been

D. were being

25. Arthropoda


Merostomata (horseshoe crabs)

Arachnida (spiders, mites, scorpions)

Pycnogonida (sea spiders)


Copepoda (small crustaceans)

Cirripedia (barnacles)

Malacostraca (crabs, lobsters, shrimp)


Insecta (insects)

Chilopoda (centipedes)

Diplopoda (millipedes)

Which of the following statements is correct based on the outline above?

A. Uniramia is a subset of Crustacea.

B. Diplopoda is a subset of Chilopoda.

C. Chelicerata is more closely related to Crustacea than to Uniramia.

D. Pycnogonida is more closely related to Merostomata than to Copepoda.

Setting Up Your Universal Remote Control Searching For Your Device Codes

For example, to search for a code for your TV:

1. Turn on your TV.

2. On the remote control, press TV once; the button will blink once. Then press and hold SETUP until the TV key blinks twice, then release SETUP.

3. Enter 9-9-1. The TV key will blink twice.

4. Aim the remote control at the TV and slowly alternate between pressing PWR and TV. Stop when the TV turns off. NOTE: The remote control will send IR codes from its library to the selected device, starting with the most popular code.

5. Press SETUP once to lock in the code. The TV key will blink twice.

6. To search for the codes of your other devices, repeat steps 1 through 5, but substitute the appropriate key (e.g., AUX, DVD, AUD, or CBL) for the device you are searching for.

1. The following questions are based on the directions.

Which of the following is correct based on the directions above?

A. The code for operating a TV using this remote control is 991.

B. The code obtained for a TV will work for other devices as well.

C. When the TV turns off during step 4, the remote control has found the code.

D. During step 5, the user must press the SETUP button twice to lock in the code.

2. Which of the following correctly describes the use of a text feature in the directions?

A. Bold text is used to indicate the text on the buttons of the remote control.

B. Bold text is used to emphasize headings within the directions.

C. Italics are used to indicate an exception to the normal function of the remote control.

D. Italics are used to emphasize an important step for the user to take.

3. Take Brainizer for a great mind that can help you to concentrate on your lessons and take tests. This once-a-day supplement contains special herbs from ancient recipes for increasing brain cells.

Biofreezer is the supplement that will make you feel and look healthy, thanks to natural oils that add luster to your skin and hair. This product has been on the market for years and helps prevent dryness to all parts of your body.

Take Sparkenizer today for great energy that can make you perform everyday tasks with energy and gusto. You will be a new, healthier person after you have been on this supplement for only 3 weeks.

Boost your immunity with lmmunizer. You won’t need to worry about viral intruders. This product contains vitamin C and echinacea. Protect yourself the natural way.

The following questions are based on these advertisements.

4. Which of the following supplements must be built up in a person’s system to achieve the desired effect?

A. Brainizer

B. Biofreezer

C. Sparkenizer

D. lmmunizer

5. In the winter, a student is preparing to take her college entrance examination. Knowing that it is the season for colds, the student wants to stay healthy and looks for supplements to take. Which of the following is the best choice?

A. Brainizer

B. Biofreezer

C. Sparkenizer

D. lmmunizer

6. Which of the following sentences is written correctly?

A. When properly designed, an automobile can achieve great fuel efficiency.

B. When properly designed an automobile can achieve great fuel efficiency.

C. When properly designed, great fuel efficiency can be achieved by an automobile.

D. When properly designed great fuel efficiency can be achieved by an automobile.

7. The gist of the saying went something like this: If a person wants to get ahead in life, you have to be willing to work for it.

Which of the following language conventions is violated in the sentence above?

A. Use of a colon

B. Verb tense

C. Pronoun-antecedent agreement

D. Punctuation of an introductory clause

8. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. A carpenter must use certain tools, hammers, saws, chisels, to finish a job.

B. A carpenter must use certain tools hammers, saws, chisels -to finish a job.

C. A carpenter must use certain tools – hammers, saws, chisels to finish a job.

D. A carpenter must use certain tools- hammers, saws, chisels- to finish a job.

9. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. After you sign the agreement it is too late of course, to change your mind.

B. After you sign the agreement, it is too late of course to change your mind.

C. After you sign the agreement, it is too late, of course, to change your mind.

D. After you sign the agreement, it is too late, of course to change your mind.

10. Extending her arms over the left-field wall, the baseball plummeted toward the fan, and she caught it cleanly on the fly before displaying the home run ball for all to see.

Which of the following phrases is misplaced in the sentence above?

A. Extending her arms over the left-field wall

B. toward the fan

C. on the fly

D. before displaying the home run ball for all to see

11. Which of the words means the same as “confidence” as used in the sentences

She told me in confidence what her plans were, and I refused to divulge them to anyone else.

A. Secret

b. Reliable

C. Assurance

d. Certainty

3. Jimmy you must leave the room shut the door and be quiet.

Which of the following options correctly punctuates the sentence above?

A. Jimmy, you must leave the room, shut the door, and be quiet.

B. Jimmy; you must leave the room, shut the door and be quiet.

C. Jimmy you must leave the room, shut the door and be quiet.

D. Jimmy you must leave the room, shut the door, and be quiet.

12. The doctor who was late for an appointment dropped the x-rays into the puddle hurrying to the hospital.

Which of the following is misplaced.

a. into the puddle

b. hurrying to the hospital

c. who was late

d. for an appointment

Student Council Election

Day: Monday

To: Nominees

From: Your Principal

Concerning: Rules of Election

13. a. Everyone running for office must prepare a 3-minute speech that will be recorded for presentation to the entire school. You need to “Dress for Success” as you would for a job interview. Your speech should be polished and professional.

a. You will need to report to the media room ready to present, promptly at 10:00 on Friday morning.

c. Your speech should highlight your background and why you would make a good officer for student council. It should include which offices you have held previously, etc.

d. When you are finished being recorded, you need to go back to class immediately.

Which of the following students correctly follows the directions?

A. A student who quietly watches the other students finish their speeches after giving his own

B. A student who arrives at the media room at 10 a.m. ready to change into her presentation attire

C. A student who delivers a speech describing his previous experience as class treasurer

D. A student who brings her 3-minute campaign video to the media room to present to the school

14. Which of the following is a complete sentence?

A. When I was young and ambitious and loved going for walks in the park.

B. Running through the park and around the school before breakfast.

C. Walking with a limp as a result of the wreck.

D. I went walking.

15. Everyone who met her remarked on her lively personality.

Following parts of speech is “lively” in the sentences ?

a. Adjective

b. Adverb

c. Verb

d. Noun

16. The movie star caused a kerfuffle at the mall as shoppers quickly gathered around to get a better look and take pictures.

Which of the following is the meaning of “kerfuffle” as used in the sentence above?

A. A misunderstanding

B. A commotion

C. A withdrawal

D. A review

17. In the race for student body government, both students were coequal. Their speeches each pointed to their records of service and academic excellence.

Which of the following options is the meaning of “coequal” as used in the sentence above?

A. The students gave speeches that were the same length.

B. The students shared the same opinion on the issues.

C. The students were running for the same office.

D. The students had similar accomplishments.

18. Which of the following options best demonstrates sentence fluency?

A. The two boys went to the store to buy some milk with their mother and her boyfriend, who had a broken foot after supper.

B. The two boys went to the store to buy some milk after supper with their mother’s boyfriend and her, even though he had a broken foot

C. Their mother went with the two boys to the store to buy some milk, and they took along her boyfriend, who had a broken foot, after supper.

D. After supper, the two boys took their mother and her boyfriend, who had a broken foot, to the store to buy some milk.

19. Which of the following sentences contains a possessive pronoun?

A. The beautiful red sweater was hers.

B. She and I went to the beach.

C. She’s the one to do the job correctly.

D. It is only right that the trophy belongs to her.


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