WGNFC 3/99

Rev 11/2015 Name: _________________________

Date: __________________

Grade: _________________

Chief Instructor: __________________


1. The standard for instructor endorsements is found in Advisory Circular AC ______ (available on-line at ).

2. In addition to the Federal Aviation Regulations, a PRNFC Instructor must also comply with the following regulations and instructions documents:

_______________________ ________________________

3. The standardized flight training curriculum required to be followed by PRNFC Instructors is published by :


4. As a PRNFC Instructor, you are required to complete a CFI checkride with the Club Chief Instructor every:


5. Per BUPERSINST 1710.22 a student is required to have a phase check with the Chief Instructor before:



6. A student pilot may not be permitted to solo until he/she has first completed pre-solo

w___________ t_________s. (The PRNFC specific aircraft test and course rules test).

7. Student solo touch and go landings may be performed on local hard-surfaced runways which

have a minimum length of ____________ feet.

8. Student solo flights must terminate no later than official _______________.

9. Student pilots will not fly more than ______ hours solo or exceed _______ days without a dual flight with a club instructor.

10. To meet FAA requirements, a student solo endorsement is required every _____ days. The endorsement is made on: (circle correct choice)

student pilot certificate

pilot logbook

11. (TRUE/FALSE) As a Club CFI, you may endorse a student's pilot certificate for solo cross-country flight without having flown with the student, as long as the student has received the required instruction from another CFI.

12. (TRUE/FALSE) As a Club CFI, you may endorse a student's logbook for solo cross-country flight without having flown with the student, as long as you have reviewed his/her cross-country planning, the current and forecast weather, the student’s currency, and the student’s certificate for the required endorsements.

13. Prior to endorsing a student pilot certificate for solo cross country flight privileges, a student pilot must have completed at least ____ dual cross country flights with a total of at least ____ hours.

14. To be eligible for a Private Pilot Certificate, a student pilot must have completed at least _____ hours of solo cross country flights.

15. To be eligible for a Private Pilot Certificate, a student pilot must have completed ___ hours of flight training solely by reference to instruments.

16. According to FAA-H-8083-9A, “Aviation Instructor’s Handbook” (page 4-1), the demonstration performance method of the teaching process consists of 5 basic steps. These are:

a. _____________________________________

b. _____________________________________

c. _____________________________________

d. _____________________________________

e. _____________________________________

17. A well-planned lesson includes the following characteristics (FAA-H-8083-9A, pages 6-7 and 6-8:

a. __________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________

d. ____________________________

e. ____________________________

f. ____________________________

g. ____________________________

18. A PRNFC Annual Flight Review must meet the requirements of an FAA Biennial Flight Review. The Review must include at least ______ hour(s) of flight and _______ (hours) of ground instruction.

19. A check-out in the PA-28-140, Cessna 172, or T-41 requires that a Club member complete the appropriate Club written tests, complete satisfactory flight(s) with a Club Instructor and have _____ logged pilot hours in make and model before carrying passengers or leaving the local area.

20. To act as pilot in command of the T-41 a pilot must have a logbook endorsement from an FAA authorized instructor for operating __________ ____________________ airplanes, in accordance with FAR 61.31(f).

21. To complete a check-out in the PA-28R-200, a Club member must have at least ______ logged pilot hours, 25 logged pilot hours in retractable gear aircraft ( _______ hours in PA-28R-200 may be substituted for 25 hours retractable time), and _____ hours in PA-28R-200.

22. To complete a check-out in the T-34, a Club member must have at least ______ logged pilot hours, 25 logged pilot hours in retractable gear aircraft ( _______ hours in T-34 may be substituted for 25 hours retractable time), and _____ hours in the T-34.

23. (TRUE/FALSE) Club pilots checking out in the T-34 should be taught to reduce power for climb, after a safe altitude has been reached following takeoff.

24. (TRUE/FALSE) Club pilots checking out in the T-34 or PA-28R-200 should be taught to use only "squared" manifold pressure and RPM combinations for cruise.

25. Can a Club pilot receive both "high performance" and "complex" aircraft endorsements in his/her logbook on the basis of completing a PA-28R-200 checkout? YES NO


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