
Social Media Plan for Prime Energy DrinkIntroduction In our world today, the use of social media has increased rapidly, with this growing trend, companies are avail the opportunity to reach out to a larger audience via social media marketing. Social media marketing is an efficient way of promoting and advertising a product over the web. Hence, social media platforms such as twitter, Facebook, YouTube and their likes, are constantly implementing that technologies that helped increase the number of users. Consequently, social media is now part of the most individual and corporate organization. In recent times, the question is no longer “do we need social media for marketing” rather individuals and organizations tend to ask how effective our social marketing plan is? In order to answer the question, a research was carried out within two weeks, across several social media platforms. An analysis was carried out and certain observations were made. Furthermore, recommendations were given to improve area were certain flaws existed. Bearing this research, analysis and recommendations in mind, a social media plan was developed for Prime Energy Drink. Aims At the moment, Prime Energy Drink main project is to publicize its product and brand name, the priority here is to attract more customers. The strategy will be the effective use of several social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google Plus to attract this customers. Prime Energy Drink has chosen social media as the means to achieve its project objectives because:Social media provides organizations the option of cutting out the middleman and directly communicate with their customers (Render, 2009).With the use of social media, organization can seamlessly build a network of customers by simply sharing an update to customers, who in turn shares this update among their friends. This process is repeated and so the company will reach a wider audience from the act of one simple post (Dewing, Nevertheless, a very important aspect of creating a successful product promotion via social media, relies on applying the right strategy. For this reason, Prime Energy Drink social media plan will contain the following:Target AudiencestrategySocial Media ToolsBudget and ResourcesEvaluationTarget AudienceOur product is a consumable designed for people above the age of twelve, therefore, for this campaign, our targeted audience is divided in to three segments. The first two are individuals while the third is a corporate body.Adults: This group of consumers encompasses both men and women of which some are married with families and have a place of work. The goal of advertising to this group is to get them to share our product with their families at home or with their colleagues at work. Young people (Teenagers): This group comprises of a youthful set of individuals that either students or young entrepreneurs. They spent more time on social media, Prime Energy Drink will provide them with products that captivating, educating and entertaining.Athletes and Sporting Bodies: It is known that people into sport require certain amount boost to keep up with their demanding routines. Prime Energy Drink will promote its benefits to this group who will eventually share our product with friends and fans. Corporate Bodies: This refers to people who own stores, hotels, restaurants and bars where food and beverages are sold. The aim is to get them to see the qualities of our product, they as retailers will advertise our products to their own customers. Strategy To promote our product via social media, Prime Energy Drink will make use of three social media platform to interact with customers by posting images, text and videos update. The process involve in the strategy is outline in the social media tools below Social Media ToolsSocial media tools refers to internet applications that are built to support the creation and exchange of user-generated content (White et al, 2011). Prime Energy Drink will make use of the following social media platforms and their tools to promote its product.Facebook: Possibly the most used and famous social media site, with over 1 billion active users and an unprecedented growth rate of over 30% annually (Coles, 2011). Prime Energy Drink will use Facebook to build a network of customers and promote our product simultaneously. By making post with text, photos and videos on Facebook, Prime Energy Drink will engage its customers. The customers will contribute in promoting the product by their “likes, comments and shares”. Prime Energy Drink will make use of Facebook because of its unrivalled number of users, user friendly applications and can provide real-time customer relationship. We will make use of post that supports competition among customers. This strategy tends to build interaction on our page and increase the time spent by customers on our page. Finally, we will also build partnership with other Facebook pages in other to attract user from those pages.Twitter: This is a popular social network and micro-blogging site that allow user interact via messaging, uploading video, images and the so famous “tweets”. Twitter is widely used by celebrities and public figures to send updates to their fans and other billions of users on twitter. Prime Energy Drink will use twitter in the following ways. Update our customers on current product status via tweets. We will also use the images and video features to promote our products by regularly uploading pictures of our products. Interaction is key, so we will ensure our post can engage users, by asking questions and awarding prices to winners. In order to attract more customers will make use of the hashtag feature. By attaching the hashtag (#) to a word we will be able to reach user that are not following us. Example, a post will state “drink Prime Energy Drink today #Worldcup”. This post will be visible to users who search for #Worldcup on twitter. Finally, Prime Energy will follow other users who are into food and beverages productions. This strategy will expose Prime Energy Drink to the customers of this established companies.YouTube: With over 4 billion video views every day, YouTube is by no doubt a reliable means of marketing. It is free tool that allows user to upload and share videos. As part of our social media strategy, Prime Energy Drink will upload promotional videos on YouTube to inform and encourage user to participate on current promos either by sharing or liking the video. YouTube also support interactivity, so will ensure that our videos contain interactive links on it. These links will connect our Facebook and Twitter pages.Social media toolContentFrequencyDuration FacebookCreate Facebook pageBrand design (prime Energy).Images and text.Status updateProduct imagesLikes and commentsHighBefore launchlaunchAfter launchTwitterCreate pageImages of productProduct messagesTrivia questions MediumBefore launchlaunchAfter launchYouTubeCreate YouTube channelAdvert videoPromotional videoMediumBefore launchlaunchAfter launchGoogle+Brand posterImagesProduct updateMediumBefore launchlaunchAfter launchGoogle Plus: This is a social media platform owned by Google Inc. it is basically used for charting and posting, with over 700 million users. It is more than just a social network because it offers it user full ownership of contents. Besides creating circles of customers, Prime Energy Drink will make use of Google Plus to associate all it web contents like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter pages to the brand’s name. Below is a tabular representation of the social media tools and usage.Budget and Resources:In order to successfully implement this social media plan, the table below shows the budget and resources needed.PlatformDetailsCosting (MUR)Promotional Video4 ActorsFree Camera and Tri-pod Rentals250RsLocation (school field)FreeProps (football)200RsPost Production200RsPosterDesign500RsSOCIAL MEDIAFacebook AdsAds ImpressionFree Twitter TweetTweetsFree YouTubePromotional videoFree Google+Regular PostFree BlogRegular commentFree WEBSITE DEVELOPMENTWebsite DevelopmentFree Domain NameFree HostingFree Total 1,150RsEvaluation For a social media plan like ours to work, certain measures and tools have been put in place to monitor how effective the plan is. This measures and tools will help Prime Energy Drink identify flaws in the plan and improve on them.Facebook: This social media Platform provides users with a tool called “Facebook insights”, this tool provides general information about a page. These information includes detail page activities such has number of visitors, number of likes, comments and shares (Coles, 2011). In addition, it provides demographical data about customers. Prime Energy Drink will use this tool to monitor customer activities and location.Twitter: This platform, provides users with a tool called CoTweets, this tool will help Prime Energy track and analyze follower’s activities on our page. It also counts the number of new subscribers on weekly basis.GOOGLE TRENDS:?we will use Google Trends?to measure the impact of bloggers or a campaign on Prime Energy Drink. The tool measures the level of interest in specific topics based on searches people conduct over a period of time.All tools listed above will be used to ensure details on a page are accurate and not inflated. Results from these tools will be evaluated against the budget on the table below:Social media toolBudget Estimated Number of likes per monthValue of likes ( cost of one prime energy drink)Total Facebook -50076.1Rs38,500RsTwitter -35076.1Rs26,625RsYouTube-24576.1Rs18,644RsGoogle+-12076.1Rs9,132RsPromotional video1,150RsTotal 1,150Rs92,451RsAccording to Powell, Grooves and Dimos, (2011) the formula for calculating return on investment is: 171449920002400Return on investment (ROI) = Return – Investment X 100 Investment 1942465212725 ROI = 92, 451 – 1,150 X 100 1,150210502518541900 ROI = 7,939RsBy promoting Prime Energy Drink through the different social media network that has been discussed, we aim to achieve the following:Bring awareness of the company existence to the world and showcase our services. Grow the company presence on the social networking websites.Attract people of different diversity to the company.Generate interest for and creating desire to make prospective customers contact the company.Also interact with potential customers and respond to their queries in real-time via live chart.The company would move rapidly with the presence of these social networks. The social network promotion does not only intend on attracting those that have interest in the company, but also it would aim at making those who are not interested in the services the company offers interested. This change of interest would be achieved by posting, sharing and advertising different attractive works and offers the company has which would be desired by almost everybody seeing it.ConclusionReferences Dewing, M. (2010).?Social media. 1st ed. Ottawa: Library of Parliament.Funk, T. (2013).?Advanced social media marketing. 1st ed. [New York]: Apress.Li, E. (2013).?Organizations and social networking. 1st ed. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA).White, B., King, I. and Tsang, P. (2011).?Social media tools and platforms in learning environments. 1st ed. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.Coles, L. (2011). Learn Marketing with Social Media in 7 Days: Master Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for Business. John Wiley & Sons. ................

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