
Letter to Sellers


Hello [GROUP NAME] fundraiser sellers!

Thank you for participating in the [GROUP NAME] annual Holiday Evergreens fundraiser. We look forward to a successful sale this year and we need your help! We are raising funds for [YOUR FUNDRAISING GOAL] and our dollar goal is [GOAL AMOUNT $].

Here is the essential information about the sale;

• Sale start date is [INSERT START DATE]

• Sale end date is [INSERT END DATE]

• Please turn in orders by [INSERT ORDER DEADLINE]

• Please turn your order in to [CONTACT NAME]

• Delivery time frame for items coming to the group will be [CHOOSE BEFORE OR AFTER THANKSGIVING]

• We will announce delivery of the evergreens via [PHONE TREE, EMAIL ANNOUNCEMENT, POST OUR ONLINE GROUP, OR FACEBOOK EVENT, ETC.]

• The individual sales goal for each participant is [INSERT SALES GOAL]

• Enclosed is a phone tree for when the evergreens are delivered

• Remember the Gift Items are delivered directly to recipients

• Please be sure to collect payment at the time of sale and have checks made out to [GROUP NAME]

• If you participated in the sale last year, please take a look at the enclosed list of your previous customers and contact them for a repeat sale this year.

Thank you again for your effort and participation. Please don’t hesitate to contact [LEADER NAME] at [LEADER CONTACT INFORMATION] if you have any questions at all!






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