
lefttopFriends of Aberdare Town Church Primary SchoolThe ‘Friends Association’ is an organisation of parents/carers and staff. Our role is to encourage closer links between home and school. We are best known for our fundraising work, but we have a useful social function too! Fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together. How is the Friends Committee organised?Our Friends Association usually meet on a monthly basis. We are currently organising virtual meetings Via ‘Zoom’. Keep an eye out on our Twitter/Facebook pages for meeting dates and updates. On occasions, smaller working groups are set up to organise individual events. An AGM is usually held around April. At this meeting, a committee is elected to run the Friends – usually consisting of a chair, a treasurer, a secretary and a Community Champion. Official Committee Members Chairperson – Maria MorrisTreasurer – Zoe Lummis Secretary – Angela PageCommunity Champion – Laura BaintonIn addition, school staff/School Senedd/Friends volunteers.How are funds raised?The Friends Association raises money through events such as after school Sales, movie nights, discos, a Summer Fair as well as adult social events such as Christmas shopping trips, Curry and Quiz nights and many more. During the current climate, some of our fundraising events and activities are on hold but we are always looking for new innovative fundraising ideas!How are funds spent?Funds raised by the Friends Association are intended to provide ‘extras’ that are not already provided by the school's main budget – often 'fun things' that make learning more interesting and exciting. However, in the current climate, funds can be used to support school necessities such as educational subscriptions and ICT equipment. The Friends Committee and the Headteacher agree on how to spend the funds. ‘Wish lists’ are obtained from the School Senedd (pupils), individual classes, staff as well as a whole school requests. This is then agreed by the Friends Committee and becomes our fundraising aim(s) for the term/year.How can I be involved in the Friends of Town Church Committee?There are many different ways you can help with the Friends Association, whether you have lots of time to offer or not. Some of the roles are time-consuming, although also rewarding. If you can’t commit to a big job, look out for things you can do less frequently (e.g. running a stall at the summer fair, baking for a cake sale, selling raffle tickets). And you can always support the Friends of Town Church events by simply turning up at events and/or purchasing event tickets. For more information and updates:Facebook - Friends of Aberdare Town ChurchTwitter @FriendsofATCPWe are hoping to continue to raise much needed funds, even in the current climate! There are various ways you can help:The Dragon Bin (please see side of the bin for acceptable items) is situated at the entrance to the juniors yard. Fill your bags with unwanted clothes and shoes and raise money for your school! Dragon Bags is a free fundraising scheme that helps schools across Wales raise funds through textile recycling.Join Our School LotteryHow does Your School Lottery work? Your children will benefit directly regardless of who wins. Every penny of school profit raised goes straight back to your school.Tickets for the lottery cost just ?1 per week. There is a guaranteed cash winner for your school every week and the chance to win the ?25,000 jackpot.The draw takes place every Saturday, we notify the winners via email. Match all 6 numbers and you win the JACKPOT!Join your school community today and raise money the fun way. For every ticket you play 76% goes to your school and prizes.To join go to yourschoollottery.co.uk and select Aberdare Town Church Primary SchoolEasyfundraisingHow does it work?Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for your favourite cause. How? Just start your online shopping first at Easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Our retailers will then make a small donation to say “thank you”.There are 4,063 retailers to choose from and so far the scheme has raised over ?31 million for thousands of community groups, schools, sports clubs, small and large charities across the UK. Easy!1. Get started go to easyfundraising.co.uk1. Choose to support Friends of Aberdare Town Church Primary School then join for free2. Start shoppingVisit retailers and then shop online as normal3. Raise donations for our schoolAs always, we really appreciate your continued support. Many Thanks from The Friends! ................

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