
Mayor and CouncilMeeting MinutesFebruary 17, 2021Mayor Ralph Salvagno announced a one minutes recess @ 6:59pm after Closed SessionCall for a Quorum@ 7:01pmCouncilmen Boyer, Smith, Lanehart, Murray and Town Manager Joe Gilbert present.ELECTION UPDATEMayor Salvagno stated that the deadline for candidacy is looming. He also stated that further discussion of how the voting will be conducted as far as social distancing, absentee ballots, and in-person voting will be discussed in the upcoming month. Mayor Salvagno wants to be sure there are no violations of the Town Charter or any other regulations handed down from the state regarding COVID-19. Mayor Salvagno stated there will be further discussion on the questionable inaccuracy of voter rolls from the state.NEW BUSINESS:Mayor stated Council would look at appraisals for 11 and 35 South Street.Mayor Salvagno stated that the Town Manager contract would be discussed in the Closed Session after the regular session.Mayor ask for the Councils approval to continue negotiations with Harvest.Discussion of Town Investment Policy.Mayor informed that the Town Investment Policy mirrors the state policy. Mayor wants to make sure there are no potential conflicts and/ or limits on the Town investments.Mayor discussed options with non-tax generated income. Options such as to spend it, put it in a bank account, or invest to potentially generate more income.Mayor Salvagno stated depending on the decision of what to do with the non-taxed income, the Town investment policy may need to be revised. Mayor has contacted the Town auditor to inquire about compliance with the policy. According to the auditor, if the town followed policy and legality, there should be no issues.Mayor opened discussion regarding the creation of a Harvest Investment Advisory Board. Mayor Salvagno stated that this topic is presented for discussion, not a vote. The suggested “Harvest DCP Advisory Commission,” would work like any other town committee. The Commission would not be able to spend money, only the Council and Mayor can make that decision. This would be an advisory commission only. Mayor Salvagno suggested the Commission consist of three members, such as former Town mayors. Councilman Lanehart commented that is what the Mayor, Council, and Town Manager does.Councilman Boyer inquired of the Mayor regarding ideas for the Hancock Middle Senior High School possible closure. Mayor Salvagno felt that there should be personnel and funds committed to the campaign. He suggested using a non-profit organization such as Main Street Hancock, and possibly getting other communities involved. Amy Gillespie suggested determining numbers, talking on the street, and involving politicians. The Mayor stated a theme was brought up by Councilman Boyer to be “SOS,” Save Our School. Councilman Boyer also informed that there was a meeting regarding the school on February 18, 2021 online. Councilman stated that the school board was set to make a decision in April. Councilman Boyer also informed that he has created a Facebook page for the school campaign. Mayor Salvagno inquired from the Council as to what the Towns financial commitment should be. Councilman Boyer suggested a $10,000 grant to Main Street Hancock for the Save Our School campaign for advertising, etc. Councilman Smith inquired about an online link for donations. Amy Gillespie stated that could be discussed. Councilman Boyer inquired about the separation of funds when donating online. Amy Gillespie said that too could be discussed. Councilman Smith suggested looking into a Charter School as an option for a backup plan. Mayor stated that was a good idea. Councilman Boyer made a motion for approval, Councilman Lanehart seconded the motion. All in favor, no opposed. Motion to move to Closed Session @ 7:41 by Councilman Murray. Meeting adjourned @ 7:41 pm ................

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