Facelift Surgery: What to Expect

Facelift Surgery: What to Expect

Before Your Surgery

? One week before your surgery, please stop taking the following medications: o NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Naproxen, etc. as these can increase your risk of bleeding during and after surgery o Aspirin and any Aspirin containing medications o Cold medications that contain Aspirin or NSAIDs o Multivitamins and any over the counter supplements

? Please notify your surgeon's office if you currently take any blood thinning medications such as Warfarin, Plavix, Lovenox or Fragmin

? Please call your surgeon's office if you have any questions regarding medications that you should/should not take before surgery

? Please do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. You may take any necessary medications the morning of surgery with a small sip of water

Hospital Stay

? If you remain in the hospital following surgery you will likely be discharged the following morning

? After surgery you will have a head dressing and drains in place. This dressing will be changed and the drains removed prior to discharge

? Before you are discharged from the hospital your pain will be adequately controlled with oral pain medication

Activity Following Surgery

? No heavy lifting (greater than 10 pounds) or bending over or strenuous activity for a period of 6-8 weeks. This may increase pressure and pain in your head

? In order to prevent blood clots, it is important for you to walk around once home ? Please avoid any activity that raises your heart rate or causes you break a sweat until you

have been cleared to resume your normal activities ? You may not drive for until and have been cleared to do so and have stopped taking pain

medication ? Rest and take naps as needed throughout the day. You may feel tired the first few weeks

after surgery ? Please keep head elevated when lying down to prevent swelling for four to five days

following surgery.


? You were likely prescribed pain medications. Take them as needed for pain. As your pain decreases, you will be able to decrease the use of the narcotic pain medication and control pain with Tylenol only. Do not exceed 4 grams of Tylenol daily

? Please avoid taking NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, etc. for a minimum of two weeks after surgery. These medications can increase your risk of bleeding


? If you were prescribed a narcotic pain medication, it can cause constipation. In order to avoid constipation, increase your fluid intake you may also need to take a stool softener such as Colace or any of the other over the counter stool softeners

? Do not drive or drink alcohol while taking pain medication as it can make you drowsy and impair your judgment

Diet/Appetite ? You may resume your pre-hospital diet ? Drink plenty of fluids, at least eight glasses of eight ounces each day to help prevent constipation associated with pain medication ? Following surgery please eat soft foods and avoid excess chewing. When eating, do not suck or use straws. This will allow your face to rest and heal properly

Caring for Your Wound ? It is normal to have some bruising and swelling for a few days and even weeks after surgery ? You may place cool compresses over eyes for up to 48 hours and as needed after your operation to help prevent swelling. Do not place ice directly on skin ? Please keep head elevated when lying down to prevent swelling for four to five days following surgery ? You may sponge bathe but keep your dressing dry at all times, unless cleared by your surgeon ? You may shower and remove dressings when advised by your surgeon to do so

Medications Following Surgery ? Resume your pre-hospital medications. Follow-up with your primary care physician regarding new prescriptions or refills of your home medications ? If you were given a prescription for oral antibiotics, please complete the entire course that was prescribed. Do not stop taking the antibiotic just because you feel better

Follow-Up Appointment ? If you are not given a follow up appointment when you leave the hospital, call your surgeon's office and make an appointment to be seen within one week after your surgery ? At this appointment, we will check your incisions and remove any dressing/or stitches. Your surgeon will also discuss the results of the surgery and your treatment plan

When to Call Your Surgeon's Office ? If you have a fever greater than 101?F, chills, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, leg pain, increased incisional pain not relieved with pain medication ? If you notice signs of wound infection (redness/tenderness at or purulent discharge from your incision) ? If you have other concerns ? Please call 911 or go to the closest Emergency Department for any life threatening emergencies



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