
The origin of this source is the Second Presidential Debate the 2016 Presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It is a transcript of the debate which was probably prepared by an interested party, such as a news organization, educational group, or possibly a political organization which supported one of the candidates.The purpose of the source is to sway potential voters as both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump attempt to answer questions and respond to each other in a way which increases popular support for themselves and diminishes support for their opponent. The purpose of the transcript is to make the content of the debate more widely available for citizens to become more informed.The content of the source is argumentative and personal as it includes statements and retorts from both candidates. Clinton makes one factual statement that people can fact check Trump on her website, asserting that millions have already done so. Other statements by both candidates are opinions. There is also a statement from the moderator admonishing the behavior of the crowd, but aside from that the candidates speak for themselves. One value of the origin and purpose to historians studying the election of 2016 is that the source comes directly from the election process and derives almost completely from the two main candidates which is a value because of its authenticity. Since the purpose is to inform and persuade voters, it is a value because the language of each candidate can be taken as a direct representation of his or her beliefs about the other candidate at the time of the debate.One value of the content to historians studying the election of 2016 is the unvarnished nature of the language in the source. Clinton states that Trump is “impossible” to fact check and that because of this “it’s awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.” Trump retorts by implying that Hillary Clinton is a criminal that will be “in jail” if he become President. It is also valuable to hear that the moderator must try to calm the audience down, because it shows that the audience is completely engaged in a partisan manner supporting their candidates in violation of typical debate protocol.One limitation of the origin to historians studying the election of 2016 is that comes only one month prior to the election, is only an extract, and happened live in front of an audience. This limitation reflects some of the intensity of feeling which accompanies the build up to a big event like an election. As such, this limitation may influence the nature of the statements of the candidates which could be more biased, such as Clinton’s comments about Trump’s fitness for President, or Trump’s statement that Clinton will be “in jail” if he is elected. The extract from an entire debate also limits the historians ability to judge the complete context of all the possible statements in the debate.One limitation of the purpose of this source to historians studying the election of 2016 is that the purpose appears to be to persuade and influence voters on an emotional level about personal characteristics of the other candidate, thus the statements may not have the full backing of the facts. If a historian is looking to understand the policy issues relating to the election, the purpose of the content in this source will be biased, personal and not provide insight into issues related to the economy, foreign policy or social issues ................

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