MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALLAMUCHY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL HELD JULY 24, 2019 AT 7:00 P.M.Mayor Lomonaco:Everybody, would please stand for the pledge of allegiance? Mr. Patterson, would you lead us please?Group:I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.Mayor Lomonaco:If you just remain standing for a second. Just take a second to say a prayer for anybody that needs it at this time. We do have two-Unknown:Can't hear you.Unknown:Moment of silence.Mayor Lomonaco:We have two children in Allamuchy that are fighting cancer, and there was a serious accident on 517 today, where there were two people flown out. So, we want to have them in our thoughts, also.Unknown:You have to speak up.Unknown:Whatever you said.Unknown:Please we can't hear you.Mayor Lomonaco:Thank you.Mayor Lomonaco:Reprimanded already.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. This is a regular meeting of the Allamuchy Township Council held July 24, 2019, which has been posted in advance and complies with-Unknown:Can't hear you!Unknown:Can't hear a word.Mayor Lomonaco:I don't have a microphone.Bill Barney:Where's the microphone.Mayor Lomonaco:I will start again. This is the regular meeting of the Allamuchy Township Council held July 24, 2019, which has been posted in advance and complies with the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231 PL 1975, otherwise known as the Sunshine Law. Notice has been posted on the Allamuchy Township Bulletin Board, and by legal notice, published in the January 5, 2019 edition of the Express Times and the January 5, 2019 edition of the Daily Record. Roll call please.Municipal Clerk:Councilpersons Cote.Councilman Cote:Here.Municipal Clerk:Tuohy.Councilwoman Tuohy:Present.Municipal Clerk:Quinoa .Councilman Quinoa:Here.Municipal Clerk:Ochwat.Councilman Ochwat:Present.Municipal Clerk:Mayor Lomonaco.Mayor Lomonaco:Present. Can I have-Councilman Cote:Mayor, before you start, I'd like to offer an apology to the public.Mayor Lomonaco:Oh whatever you'd like.Councilman Cote:Ladies and gentlemen, you know, I feel I owe all the members of the public, and the residents of Allamuchy, an apology for my actions two weeks ago when I walked out temporarily during the workshop meeting to gain composure. This was a result of the intolerable and unprofessional way Mr. DeTombeur, our former Mayor, addressed a member of this council with name calling and inferences. I do not come to this meeting for any other reason than to get work done. That's why we're elected. It's an honor for me to sit on this dais when we work together and accomplish what we are trusted to do. It's a disgrace when this honor is stepped on by personal vendettas. Some of these words may sound familiar. This is something that's happened in the past. Our current Mayor walked out of a meeting two years ago when Mr. DeTombeur became toxic.Councilman Cote:I'd also like to make a motion at this time because at the last meeting I noticed that a lot of people were texting and frankly it was hard to concentrate while seeing this going on. So I'm making a motion that all cell phones are to be turned off upon entry into the meeting hall when an active council or workshop meeting is taking place of the Allamuchy Council. The said cell phones are to be stowed out of sight. An example would be in your purse or pocket. Do I have a second?Bill Barney:No.Councilman Ochwat:I'll second that.Mayor Lomonaco:Any discussion? Roll call.Councilman Ochwat:I just want to clarify something. I assume as I second that motion that if anybody needs to make a call, or their cell phone is vibrating or whatever it might be, they're free to do so, just not in the chamber.Attorney Beilin:Well that's, yeah, that's a concern. I would want to look into this before you guys go and tell people that their cell phones have to be turned off. I understand not wanting to see texting going on. Obviously in courts, you know courts have the right to do that. I'd like to be able to advise you on what you can and can't do and that before you put it into play.Councilman Cote:Can we take a vote on it pending your review?Attorney Beilin:I'm not sure exactly what you'd be taking a vote on to tell you the truth because it may very well be that I come back with something that's not exactly what you're looking for.Councilman Ochwat:Yeah. Jim, I just would like to ask you a question and I'm sure this is going to be pending our attorneys looking into it, but can I assume as I second that motion, assuming it comes back again after his review, that it will only pertain to the inside of this room itself.Councilman Cote:Exactly.Councilman Ochwat:If you want to make a call, received a call, or whatever. All you got to do is walk out of this room.Councilman Cote:Exactly.Councilman Ochwat:Thank you.Councilwoman Tuohy:I not sure if we can stop them from recording. That's something the attorneys can look into.Attorney Beilin:Well that's another, well we're recording meetings is a whole other issue and you know, I can advise you on that. That's a whole thing. But telling people they can't have their cell phones on, you know, somebody might be waiting for a call from somebody that's very important. But they also wanted to attend the meeting. I mean you can see why there would be legitimate reasons why someone would have their phone on, but you can also see how it's, I can tell you, cause I was distracted by at the last meeting as well, seeing people texting during the course of the meeting. So there's got to be some middle ground there.Councilwoman Tuohy:Right?Councilman Ochwat:Yeah. The last meeting there were a handful of people or less were who were doing that because it was noticed by everyone up here. So that's the reason we need to look at that.Mayor Lomonaco:Are you done with your statement?Councilman Cote:I'm done yes.Mayor Lomonaco:Can you withdraw your motion then?Councilman Cote:I'll withdraw the motion for now yes. Thank you.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Attorney Beilin:And I'll report back to you.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Can I ask you to repeat the section about me walking out? If you don't mind.Councilman Cote:Yeah, in fact I have the original email if you want me to read it.Mayor Lomonaco:No, I just asked you to repeat what you said.Councilman Cote:I said it was approximately two years ago, that Councilman Rick Lomonaco walked out of a meeting because Mr. DeTombeur became toxic.Mayor Lomonaco:I'd like to clarify on that. Can you hear me in the back so that I only have to say this once.Group:Yeah. Yes.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. During the meeting it got heated between Mr. DeTombeur and Mr. Quinoa. As a result, I asked for a recess. Mr. Koppel, who was here at the time seconded the recess and we took a break. I did not walk out of the meeting as Mr. Cote did last meeting, so I didn't excuse myself from the dais. I just asked for a recess so that things would cool down. Okay. That's just clarification. You can check the minutes if you want, but I just wanted to address that issue. Anybody else want to make an apology?Councilwoman Tuohy:Nope.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Can I have approval for the regular meeting minutes of June 26, 2019?Councilman Ochwat:I'll make... No I can't make that motion.Councilwoman Tuohy:I'll make a motion.Mayor Lomonaco:Second?Councilman Quinoa:I'll second.Mayor Lomonaco:Any discussion? Roll call.Municipal Clerk:Councilpersons Cote.Councilman Cote:We're approving the minutes from June 19 or June 26?Municipal Clerk:June 26.Councilman Cote:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Tuohy.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Quinoa.Councilman Quinoa:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Ochwat.Councilman Ochwat:“Absent.”Municipal Clerk:Absent or Abstain?Attorney Beilin:You weren't at the meeting?Municipal Clerk:He was not at the meeting.Councilman Ochwat:Yeah.Attorney Wacks:Then you can abstain.Councilman Ochwat:Abstain.Municipal Clerk:Mayor Lomonaco.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes. And then the Workshop Meeting of July 10th, 2019.Councilwoman Tuohy:I don't think the minutes are complete.Municipal Clerk:The hearing is not for cable.Councilwoman Tuohy:Right but did we adjourn?Municipal Clerk:Yeah, it's on the last page.Councilwoman Tuohy:But when we adjourned at the end we never-Attorney Beilin:No that's in there, that is in there.Councilman Ochwat:What's in there?Municipal Clerk:Because that was three separate transcripts that I sent over. There was workshop. The hearing on the cable-Councilwoman Tuohy:I just went through them quick because I'm we didn't get them until late.Councilman Ochwat:I would like to suggest we not vote on that tonight because they just came in yesterday.Municipal Clerk:That's what I said we don't have to. We can carry them, because I just said, there were three separate sections that went through the transcripts you can go through them.Councilman Ochwat:Well I didn't see the second section and I wasn't even able to finish reading the first section.Municipal Clerk:It's fine it can carry on to the workshop meeting in August.Councilman Ochwat:So I would suggest we put them off until the next meeting.Mayor Lomonaco:Is everybody okay with that?Councilwoman Tuohy:Yeah.Councilman Quinoa:Yup.Councilman Cote:Yes.Mayor Lomonaco:Do I need a motion? We're just okay with just pushing?Councilwoman Tuohy:That's fine yeah.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, that's fine. Okay. Can I get approval of board and Commission reports for DPW and the water and sort?Councilman Quinoa:I'll make that motion.Councilman Ochwat:What are you moving in?Municipal Clerk:Both of them.Municipal Clerk:Acceptance of reports.Councilman Ochwat:Not the approval, just the acceptance of them?Mayor Lomonaco:It's the acceptance of them then yes.Councilman Ochwat:Okay. Is that approval on the agenda?Mayor Lomonaco:Yes it is.Councilman Ochwat:I'll second.Mayor Lomonaco:Any discussion? Just for the audience, what we do is we ask any of the organizations in town if they like, they can send us their minutes and or anything that they want to be able to, for their monthly reports. We attach it to ours and then when we approve ours, we put it on the town website so that anybody can see them. So there's organizations in town that are doing that. So we just, I just want to make sure that every is aware of that.Councilman Ochwat:Rick there are people indicating they can't hear you.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. I thought you wanted to speak. I'm sorry. Okay. Okay. Can I get a motion to open to the public please?Councilwoman Tuohy:I'll make that motion.Councilman Quinoa:I'll make that motion.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. All in favor?All:Aye. Yes.Mayor Lomonaco:Would anybody from the public like to come up and speak?Charlie Fineran:Charlie Fineran, 25 Kestrel Lane, Director of Open Space. Last year I'd ask guests to council if they would be willing to donate $100 toward the 50th anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Recreational River Program. And that was a success that was held over at Centenary. And we're going to have another... We're going to make that an annual... Looks like it's going to be an annual affair to help inform the public of the upper, middle, lower Delaware along with the Musconetcong rivers, which are all nationally designated as wild and scenic and cultural and recreational. And Allamuchy is one of the 21 towns that is long the river and as the chairman of the Musconetcong River Management Council that was set up by that along with the, the Musconetcong Watershed Association, which is a part of that council but is running that. We are asking the partner Townships along with the county and other groups if they would be a sponsor for $100 so -Councilman Ochwat:Charlie just a couple of questions.Charlie Fineran:Sure.Councilman Ochwat:Last year I know the town donated. Do you get a good percentage of, out of curiosity, the 21 towns?Charlie Fineran:We didn't get as good as I would hope. As I said, Allamuchy is, as far as the Musconetcong river management council's concerned and the other organizations, we are in the forefront and that…Councilman Ochwat:Did you get some other?Charlie Fineran:We did get some others. I would have hoped we would have had 21 and that was not the case. However, just for the public's information the other organizations that I belong with, it's still a matter of educating the public to what's out there and, they are looking for money. The different county parks association, what have you. So it's an ongoing effort to inform the public just what is out there. And as I said, Allamuchy is in the forefront. We have our info table out here, it's open to the public all the time telling them about the different, whether it's a National Parks, State Parks, county parks, municipal parks. So I commend publicly the Mayor and Council for their ongoing support over the years.Charlie Fineran:So in answer to your question, it's not as nearly as good as I'd like it. So I would hope that we would stay the course and just keep setting the example. It's over at Centenary this year. We're actually gonna charge. We did have a good turnout except I think it's important to have it at the college because that gets down to the... The professors are kind of, I don't say forcing, but encouraging these students-Councilman Ochwat:Charlie, not to cut you off, but I make a motion. We repeat last year's donation of $100.Charlie Fineran:I thank you very much.Councilwoman Tuohy:I'll second that.Mayor Lomonaco:Any discussion? Roll Call.Municipal Clerk:Councilpersons Cote.Councilman Cote:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Tuohy.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Quinoa.Councilman Quinoa:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Ochwat.Councilman Ochwat:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Mayor Lomonaco.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes. Anything else, Charlie?Charlie Fineran:No. Thank you for making my sales pitch successful. And keep up the good work with your Open Space. Mayor Lomonaco:Thank you. Would somebody else like to come up to address Council?Cheryl Marciano:Hi Cheryl Marciano, 19 Rainier Court.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes Ma'am.Cheryl Marciano:I just have a question. Since open session, is a occurring pretty early in the meeting. Is there more information that's going to be discussed regarding what happened at the workshop meeting last week and the personnel issue and issues that were raised as a result of that?Mayor Lomonaco:It's possible under a committee, or Councilmen report. I'm not sure.Attorney Beilin:Did you see my report?Mayor Lomonaco:Pardon?Attorney Wacks:The report that I asked you to read. It was okay to [inaudible 00:14:32].Councilman Cote:Oh, I haven't, I haven't.Councilman Ochwat:I don't know if this answers your question, but it is somewhat undetermined. We have to see who from public comes up and it could easily come up later in the meeting as well.Cheryl Marciano:And that's my question. If it comes up later in the meeting, will there'll be an opportunity for the public to ask additional questions?Councilman Ochwat:You'd have to ask the mayor that, but I'd be surprised if we couldn't.Councilman Quinoa:We should be.Councilman Ochwat:I would think so.Cheryl Marciano:Okay. I just want to make sure in case -Councilwoman Tuohy:You see we only have one public session so I have no problem having the second one.Cheryl Marciano:Okay. Thank you. That was my question.Mayor Lomonaco:Seems to be the general consensus.Cheryl Marciano:I appreciate it. Thank you.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, sure.Maryann Gibbs:Maryann Gibbs, 134 Long Bridge Road. Since I'm unaware if there's going to be another opportunity to speak publicly and address the council, I'd like to take this time to do that. Unfortunately, I was not at the July 10th meeting, but as any 21st century citizen I read social media. And what I read on social media was quite disheartening. The character assassinations from members of the public. For those of you who like to hide behind your computer, I would encourage you to get up tonight and face your Council Members and share your opinions with them face to face. And I would also encourage you to learn about the history that is Allamuchy township.Maryann Gibbs:I can tell you, as many people who've lived here for upwards of 30 years, that the person that there have been some, on social media, inaccuracies that the person being recommended for the position. The reason I believe, I don't know that there was some discussion from the Council Members is because of a simple policy, an ethical mandate of nepotism. That you have someone who already has a relative working for the Township. And the reason why someone may tout 40 years of experience is because his father was the supervisor.Maryann Gibbs:And so it would be very easy for... So I as a resident of Allamuchy, whose family has been here for decades, can tell you we would like to see the nepotism end. And you as residents should also seek to want to have an ethical Council that supports ethical decisions, where the best people for the job are being hired. And not just someone who has worked because his father was the supervisor. And who also runs a business here in the town. And I would question as to who is accounting for, is he doing public works or is he working on his farm? Because I can tell you, if you talk to people who live outside the gates, the Gibbs , the Erveys, the Semanchiks. The people that have been here for decades, they will tell you.Maryann Gibbs:And so I support the Council and you should too. And shame on you if we're not finding out the facts. Shame on you for not finding out and knowing the history. And believing one person because I can tell you there are a couple of people up there that I have known for decades.Unknown:[inaudible 00:18:23].Maryann Gibbs:I believe if you want to address me. You can come up after. So I would encourage again as I have stood before you prior months to find a common ground to do what is best for the Township to make ethical decisions. Thank you.Mayor Lomonaco:Thank you Ma'am.Bill Barney:Gentlemen you remember me. I'm Bill Barney, 51 indigo Road. And I just want to commend you and Mr. Ochwat for the beautiful signs that had been put up along the roadway, introducing the town of Allamuchy. Could you refresh our memory how much those signs cost?Mr. Quinoa:I couldn't tell you the total cost of the-Bill Barney:You couldn't. Can you tell me Mr. Quinoa?Mr. Quinoa:Excuse me. Before you go on to someone else.Bill Barney:You said you couldn't tell me.Mr. Ochwat:I said I couldn't tell you the total cost of the signs.Bill Barney:Okay,Mr. Ochwat:But I wasn't finished talking.Bill Barney:I'm sorry.Mr. Ochwat:Do you know the history of the signs?Bill Barney:Yes.Mr. Ochwat:You do?Bill Barney:Yes.Mr. Ochwat:Okay then tell me how they started.Bill Barney:I'm not asking you about the history. I'm asking you about the cost of the signs.Mr. Ochwat:You just want to know the-Bill Barney:Yes I do-Mr. Ochwat:You don't want to know the history?Bill Barney:Yes I do. I want to know the cost of the signs.Mr. Ochwat:I'll have the cost for you next meeting.Bill Barney:You don't know. Do you know Rosemary?Councilwoman Tuohy:I believe they're around $45,000.Bill Barney:45.Councilwoman Tuohy:I'm pulling it up now it's on my computer.Bill Barney:Okay.Councilwoman Tuohy:I can tell you that it started under the Mayor-Mr. Ochwat:He doesn't want to know how it started.Councilwoman Tuohy:Well I think that the audience needs to-Mr. Ochwat:He doesn't want to know.Bill Barney:You're talking between 45 and $60,000?Councilwoman Tuohy:I don't think it went to 60.Bill Barney:So you could find that money to put up signs, but you couldn't find money to have a full time employee.Councilman Cote:No but we had $80,000 to spend on Mr. DeTombeur's mistakes.Bill Barney:I don't care about Mr. DeTombeur.Councilwoman Tuohy:Can I just finish?Councilman Cote:Go ahead sure.Councilwoman Tuohy:So I [inaudible 00:20:31]-Bill Barney:You can't answer this. Any of you can't answer this.Councilwoman Tuohy:I can answer this, just give me a second.Bill Barney:Okay.Councilwoman Tu:I am answering. The signs cost and I'll give you the exact number as soon as I pull it up. The signs cost about, I believe $45,000. Out of that $45,000 I believe we got a minimum of $10,000 in donations. I believe there was more. I don't got the final costs when the Mayor and lighting and boxes and plants, I don't know what cost.Mayor Lomonaco:That was all done in-Councilwoman Tuohy:So that was the [inaudible 00:21:04].Bill Barney:But you still found the money to put up those signs, but you couldn't make somebody a full time employee? Whether it's nepotism or not.Councilman Cote:No one has nothing to do with the other.Bill Barney:Well, you talked about the last meeting, Mr. Quinoa said-Mayor Lomonaco:The man is talking, he has the floor, when you have the floor you get the floor-Bill Barney:You said health insurance for that employee would be a burden on the town. Those are your exact words.Councilman Quinoa:Let me address that... May I? Are you done?Bill Barney:Yes for now.Councilman Quinoa:Let me address that one more time. Okay. When I said... First of all the insurance, okay. Had nothing to do whether the individual was going to be recommended for the job or not. Even the Mayor himself said at that meeting, if have you heard it, that that did not come into the decision making whether this individual was going to be recommended or not? Is that correct, Mayor?Mayor Lomonaco:As far as I was concerned, yes.Councilman Quinoa:So that decision about the insurance was never made. So I just want to make that clear to you because I know you kept bringing that up last time or, or your partner did.Bill Barney:Well, your words where it was the burden on the Township.Councilman Quinoa:I'm just clearing it up for you that the insurance portion never came into the decision making. Now, one more time. What I said about the burden, whatever you want to apply the word to it. What I said was, "That the individual that was recommended for the job is currently making roughly about $28 the second individual that we believe would have been recommended, okay"-Bill Barney:Yes, I understand all that.Councilman Quinoa:Let me finish. Okay, please. So that the first one individual is making $28 the second individual was willing to come in at anywhere between 18 and $20.Councilman Quinoa:What I meant by the burden is the difference in hourly wages. Okay. The Township can pay someone.. Because this is a labor position. Okay. The labor position, mainly goes for cutting the grass and things of that nature. Not a high technical job like the inner city.Bill Barney:Yeah.Councilman Quinoa:Let me finish please. I didn't interrupt you. So what I said was, "That is the burden, the burden is that we were going to be paying an additional $10, $18 an hour." Okay. What do you want to take the burden that is going to be a hardship on the town? No, you want me to use a different word? I can use a different word, but that's what I mean about the burden, the difference in pay that the Township will be incurring an additional cost if we hired the first individual. I hope that's clear.Bill Barney:Yes it's clear.Councilman Quinoa:Okay.Bill Barney:Rosemary did you find that figures yet?Councilwoman Tuohy:I'm looking it up.Councilman Cote:I don't know, if it was explained to you that there's a difference between ongoing expense and a capital cost. When the town does a project like that and it's a capital cost. And it comes out of bond money, so it's paid out over time. When you have an ongoing expense that that's something that you live with forever. It's just like buying a fire truck. It's like-Bill Barney:That's a capital expense of course.Councilman Cote:Capital expense.Bill Barney:Yeah.Councilwoman Tuohy:I stated in the last meeting because I did research on what the position pays and if you go to the surrounding towns, it's around $18 an hour.Bill Barney:Yeah you told me that when you cornered me at the dog park.Councilwoman Tuohy:I didn't corner at the dog park.Bill Barney:Okay. All right, I just want to say, you know, you can find the money to do things like signs that you can't find the money to keep an employee. Thank you.Mr. Ochwat:I'd like to make a comment to that before you leave-Councilwoman Tuohy:We're keeping him. He is staying on. He does the snow plowing for our town.Mr. Ochwat:The signs and the employee. In fact, I have several comments, have nothing to do with one another. The sign project started along six or six and a half years ago and I can give you the entire history of the signs. How they grew from where they started, but you don't want to know it, to where they ended up. And every vote we ever took on the signs was unanimous by this Council. Even different council members at the time. Different Mayors. It was 100%. And most of the people are real pleased about the signs.Bill Barney:Just like the vote you took two weeks ago to ignore the Mayor? It shut him out.Mr. Ochwat:Excuse me.Bill Barney:Yeah. You heard me.Mr. Ochwat:What are you saying?Bill Barney:I said it was just like the vote you took July 10th.Mr. Ochwat:Yes.Bill Barney:The four of you and shut out the Mayor.Mr. Ochwat:No, I just got through telling you that every vote for the signs as unanimous. Not four out of five, five out of five. Every single one over the course of six or seven years.Bill Barney:For the signs?Mr. Ochwat:Correct. It started out as a very short term-Bill Barney:You know what? I don't want to hear anymore. I'm finished. The three of you should be out.Unknown:You can go with them.Councilman Cote:You know the whole purpose of a government body is to review what the town's people tell us they want, we think the town needs and then we vote on it. There's no unilateral decisions. And sometimes people don't get what they want, whether it's the mayor, whether it's me as a councilman, whether it's one or the other councilmen. When it's a four to one vote that means that the majority has ruled and that's the way our government works.Councilwoman Tuohy:Let me give you an example. I didn't take a tantrum. I didn't take a fit. When I brought up about up about our municipal court. We were losing $68,000 a year. Because we're subsidizing Independence. They don't pay us a cent until two months ago. 20 plus years they haven't paid us a cent. They use our court, they use our supplies, they use our building, they use our employees. Why aren't the residents angry about that? $68,000 last year. And I was the only one that voted to kick them out. I didn't get angry. I didn't become vindictive. Something we're going to bring up in probably in next month's meeting again. We should be angry about that. $68,000 a year.Mayor Lomonaco:To make a comment to that if you don't mind. When she brought that to our attention. We did take a look at it. And numbers were presented to Councilwoman Tuohy. She's reviewing them now both on Knowlton, Allamuchy, and then also Independence. You have to remember Independence has its own police department. They pay over a million dollars in addition to their courts to be able to have their own police. We're also looking to compare ourselves to Knowlton, which also has State Police. Apples to apples, apples to oranges. All right, but we're open to the discussion.Mayor Lomonaco:When we found out that Independence was using our court here and not paying anything, I went down to the Mayor. We came up with a temporary agreement which lasts through 12/31 of this year. Where they're paying us $300 a month. Okay. Which covers supplies, which covers the little bit of time that the one person is sitting up on the desk. And then we moved the court time so it's not duplicate. So their court now starts after our court time. So at this point it's still being looked at. We're going to address Independence as a different issue toward the end of the year, but I don't believe, and we'll find out later that any of the $68,000 had anything to do with Independence. That's just my opinion. Others have their own opinion, but once the research is complete we will share that with you.Councilwoman Tuohy:Alright, let me follow up on that. Mayor. You just stated that you don't feel that Independence being here affects the bottom line. It affects the bottom line in many ways.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Councilwoman Tuohy:We have an employee here that works for our town. She works for our court and she works for Independence Court. On our time.Mayor Lomonaco:That's not true.Councilwoman Tuohy:That is true.Mayor Lomonaco:I said we corrected that.Councilwoman Tuohy:It hasn't been corrected. It has not been corrected.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Councilwoman Tuohy:That's not true. So not only are we losing money, we're losing an employee here when residents want to come down and need something and they're told, "She's not available she's in court today." Where's the outrage with that? And that's all I have to say in the matter. I'm going to put it on the agenda for the August workshop. The municipal court please.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Would anybody else like to come up and speak?Councilman Quinoa:Yeah I just want to make comment on the gentleman that came up before you keep saying that, I don't know if you meant by this or not, that we're not hiring him. The individual is a part time employee. If he would been recommended for the position, he would have been elevated to a full time employee. That individual. Okay.Councilman Quinoa:Related to a full-time employee. That individual, okay, is going back to his part-time status when needed snowplowing or whatever. So that individual was never eliminate- that position was never eliminated from him or not. Okay. So I just want to make that clear. If he was going to be recommended, he would've been promoted or elevated to a full-time employee. But he's remaining-Bill Barney:Are you saying he wasn't recommended?Councilman Quinoa:Excuse me.Bill Barney:You're saying he wasn't recommended?Councilman Quinoa:He was recommended by the Mayor and the Public Works Manager. But, let me give you a little history on that, and let me address the other lady also. The last question that came up on the hiring process. What hiring process do we have? And I have a copy for you if you like. If you could come up and get it now. When we interviewed for the supervisor's position, okay, she asked, can I read this first? I'm sorry, I'll give to back to you. I am going to read it because it's important. Yeah, I am. And she asked what the process was when we went ahead to hire, the full-time supervisor position. Okay. This is the ... Mr. Cote, myself and the Township Engineer were involved in that interview. The reason why the Township Clerk was not involved in the interview is because a relative was applying for that position and we felt, and she also felt, that she should not partake in the interview process. So this is the interview process that we took. Okay. The Committee included Mr. Cote, myself and the Township Engineer.Councilman Quinoa:I told you about the Township Clerk was not participating. What we did is, we reviewed and evaluated the applicant's review, develop interview questions and selected the candidates for the interview. Based on that, we had criteria. We had, and you could share this with the audience, we had one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, roughly about 20 criteria for each candidate. When each candidate came in, we had the questions and we went to find out what their criteria were. Such a criteria were, did they have a commercial license? Where they a certified public employee? Years of experience working in DPW. Years of supervisory coordinating budgets. Knowledge and principal of public work expenditures. The whole works. Okay. At the end of that interview process, we selected five individuals. We went through the questions. After each interview ...Councilman Quinoa:Each member that participated in the interview process rated the individual. At the end of the process, we put everything together and we write the individuals that should be recommended for the job. What I did, which has never been done in this town, when you're talking about nepotism and things of that nature and how we hire people in our practice. I want to add, we prepared this and then I prepare a memorandum for the record. Okay. Exactly how we did it, why we did it and who we picked, and the reasons why we picked the individual that we picked. It's all documented. Not only that, each individual that was involved in the interview signed it. All right. So, this is the criteria that we use when we hired the supervisor. I'm going-Cheryl Marciano:Can I ask my follow up question?Councilman Quinoa:Let me just finish for a second.Councilman Quinoa:In the interview process that we did this time around, it was not like that. There was no criteria set. It was an interview process where individuals came in, individuals were selected, no question about that. Individuals came in, questions were asked. We didn't have preset questions, but questions were asked by myself, the Mayor, the Director of Public Works and the Director of the Water and Sewer. We interviewed these people. Okay. At the end, whatever, we got gathered together. The final recommendation, and oh by the way, we figured that the next step that was taken is the two managers came in and met the town council. Town Council had a chance to talk to the individual managers and ask them questions about the particular applicant that they were recommending. During that process, there were certain questions that came up and certain answers that came up that troubled the Council. Okay.Councilman Quinoa:Based on those response, and based on the answer that was given to use by the Public Works Manager, Council decided, four members of the Town Council, decided that this was not the person that they felt was the person for the job. Now, the only thing I can tell you is none of this has been recorded like that memorandum. We keep talking about, everybody keeps talking about experience, 40 years and all that. If you read my memorandum and my scale, you see that everything is very much detailed as to why we picked the person that we picked. So no one could have turned around and said, "You didn't pick this person because of this, or that, or favoritism." None of that has been recorded on this one. Other than that, he's got experience, he's got experience. Well, let me tell you, the experience that this individual that we were talking about, his experience is yes, probably working here 38 years or so. If you read the individual's application and things like that, even the individual says that his job was snowplowing ...Councilman Quinoa:If you want I'll get you the exact word, but things of basic work. Even on the bottom of it, it talks about how the individual runs a farm and he's involved in that. So the question that everybody keeps raising is experience, experience, experience. Yes. 38 years’ experience. But the experience is not what is being made out to be. It's not. A matter of fact, even our Township Engineer had an opinion during the interview process. So, and I'm kind of restricted in a way. I'm sorry to say that, as to what I can and cannot say. I think Mr. Beilin is probably gonna shoot me or he's going to cut me off any minute. But there's certain things that we're not allowed to say unfortunately about certain reasons and why. We just can't. Legally we can't. But-Cheryl Marciano:Can I ask my-Councilman Quinoa:... Yeah, sure. Absolutely.Cheryl Marciano:Do I need to say my name again? Cheryl Marciano, 19 Rainier Ct., I want to clear up a couple of things. I was very specific in my question in the workshop meeting that I was not asking about this position or this person specifically. I don't know this person. I don't know his experience. My question was simply about process. And I believe my last question was, is this the same process we follow for all new hires or recruiting moving forward? So, I'm not getting into the nitty gritty of why this particular decision was made. That was not my question.Councilman Quinoa:I agree. You-Councilwoman Tuohy:I know ... I'm on council a year and a half. Last year when we were going through some employment issues. We were reviewing personnel files. We had personnel files that were empty. Nothing in it. Reviews were not done in years. People were never written up and if they were, it wasn't in the file. They were empty. So we started a process when we started looking and going out to interview people for a position. Mr. Quinoa started a process with the list of questions, writing the ads to be published into the newspaper. And going forward, we are, we're looking at the personnel policy now. We have our attorney looking at it to change it and make sure that things are done properly and everything's documented.Cheryl Marciano:And full disclosure, my background is human resources. So I'm asking questions because they raised concerns to me. Not because I have a personal stake in any of the particular candidates. I don't know any of them.Councilwoman Tuohy:They raise concerns to me last year when I saw the personnel files with nothing in them.Cheryl Marciano:I do have a question. Are members of Town Council, including anybody on the Personnel Committee trained about how to conduct interviews or how to conduct an interview process and what questions you are, or are not legally allowed to ask?Councilman Quinoa:Well, I can tell you that a while back ago, and by the way, we have met. We've had lunch, so you do know me.Cheryl Marciano:I never said I didn't know you.Councilman Quinoa:Okay. No, I'm sorry. Just saying, we do know each other. I can tell you that, that several years ago there was a job interview that took place and I know that the individual applicant was upset at some of the questions that were asked of her. You're right, we're not, at least I'm not, I'm not a human resource person. I've done a lot of interviews in my life and I think that there are certain questions that I know that I can or can't ask. But I'm not a human resource person. But I can tell you that when it came time to do our interview, I can tell you that I did not feel comfortable. The supervisor interview, doing that interview, with just Mr. Cote and I. The reason why the Township Engineer was involved, because the township engineer knows about roads and stuff. So that's my, you know, there was no human resource person there and you're probably right, we're not-Councilman Cote:Well we don't have a human resource person-Unknown:Right, but we do have an employment attorney.Councilman Cote:... but, I can tell you my experience. In my work experience, I at one time was the a manager for over a thousand people globally. With four operating facilities. So I did a lot of hiring. I worked for National Semiconductor at the time. I was well trained and well versed in HR policies and the interview processes and what's legal and what's not legal. I then built my own business, and in a small business like I had, you become familiar with the interview process. But I also went to state training for HR purposes to make sure that we were legal. So, when I was on a personnel committee, I had a background. When Mr. Lomonaco became Mayor, he wanted to insert himself into the Personnel Committee. So I wasn't involved in the second interview process.Cheryl Marciano:And I can tell you that my question arose out of the fact that, I know you're saying it was not part of the decision making process, but you did say one candidate needed insurance and one didn't. Why do we know that?Councilman Quinoa:No. What that came about, just so that your clear, just like before. After the recommendation and all that, that was one of my topics of Council and the Mayor. It says, "Look," and I believe I may have written an email on it to the Mayor. I says, "Look. We are placing the Township if this individual was hired, okay, that for the experience and stuff, we are adding extra costs to the township. The second individual, does not need the medical insurance." So that's, that was the only conversation was cost savings. That's all it was. They had nothing to do with this individual is going to be offered a job or not. The-Cheryl Marciano:I go back to, why do we know that the second individual doesn't need insurance?Mayor Lomonaco:... It shouldn't have.Cheryl Marciano:That's my point.Mayor Lomonaco:And the reason that I say that, is because I worked for a company, if you look at my history, Modern Facility Services. My title is Vice President of Finance and Human Resources. So, I've been doing human resources for 30 years. All right. I'm very familiar with the hiring process. The hiring process that was done, was done very well for this one. The question that I have for Mr. Quinoa though is, I wasn't here for the last one when he and Mr. Cote went through this extensive process with 20 criteria. If Mr. Quin was on the Personnel Committee for the second hiring, why didn't you present that as an opportunity to continue what you created, and incorporate that into this second hiring process?Mayor Lomonaco:So I find that, now, I find that a little disturbing. And secondly, as far as the department heads were there, they came with questions. Everybody was asked the same questions. We had a list of the questions. So when Mr. Quinoa just referred to the fact that there were no questions written down for anybody, that's incorrect. Okay. I'm just wanting to clarify that part also.Mayor Lomonaco:I'm very aware of hiring processes. I understand there were comments that were made last meeting which were disturbing to me as a Human Resource person, and as a result I had removed Mr. Quinoa from Personnel. Because I do not feel that they were appropriate. Now what I did first of all was, before I did that, I went and I took my concerns to the law firm of Wacks. Mr. Wacks reviewed the information, I sent him a copy of the tape. He came back and said, "No. I don't think that that's appropriate." Meaning my concerns. He's saying, "No. What he said is completely fine." I honestly, my experience, don't believe that. I, as the Mayor, have the ability to appoint committees and to un-appointed committees. So at this point, I gave Mr. Quinoa notice, along with the rest of the Council, that I was removing him from Personnel. That I didn't want him to be blindsided tonight when I announced it. But comments, have been made are concerning to me. As a human resource professional, and the fact that that information got out, I have removed him.Cheryl Marciano:I appreciate that. And it's nothing personal. My concern is again, for the liability to the town, because asking questions about insurance and whether or not somebody needs it, could lead to concerns about whether or not disabilities and the cost of a disability would be taken into consideration-Mayor Lomonaco:No. I want to be clear-Cheryl Marciano:... or age. And I'm not saying it was-Mayor Lomonaco:No. No.Cheryl Marciano:... but that's where my concern lies about liability.Mayor Lomonaco:No, to defend Mr. Quinoa. That question was never asked. We did not ask anybody if you need insurance or not.Cheryl Marciano:So how did we know?Mayor Lomonaco:That was-Councilman Quinoa:Again. And again, I'm not human resource person. I understand what the Mayor says. I'm fine with that, but I can tell you that the question of insurance never came up on any of the applicants. That question came up later on when I was making an argument of which individual we should hire.Cheryl Marciano:Right but-Councilman Quinoa:It was never asked of the applicants.Cheryl Marciano:... How did you know that one person did need it and one person didn't? How could you make the argument if you didn't know that information?Councilman Quinoa:Oh. Talking to the second individual, that finally now-Cheryl Marciano:So it did come up.Councilman Quinoa... Well, Between the individual and I. Yeah.Councilman Quinoa:When he offered, that he wanted to work here, because again, see, I don't know how far I can go with this, but you can stop me. [inaudible 00:47:24] There was a possibility that this individual was going to take another position with another Township. And during that conversation is when it came up that, you know, these are the benefits that I'm offering the other Township. That's how I learned about his not needing-Cheryl Marciano:And my concern was that, that part of the conversation happened. So again, it was not specific to a position. It's just making sure that the town is doing what we need to-Councilman Quinoa:... That's fine.Cheryl Marciano:... under State and Federal law to make sure that we have a compliant recruiting process.Councilman Quinoa:That's fine. I understand.Cheryl Marciano:And interview process.Mayor Lomonaco:I liked also addressed the nepotism issue, if you don't mind. I know it wasn't yours, but it was others. When I came on, what I did was I accepted the public works supervisor that was referred to me by present council. I appointed him at the workshop meeting on January 2nd. At that point, the nepotism stopped because that person, now the public works supervisor, was responsible for the person that is related to somebody else. Okay? So, nepotism in my understanding, is someone working directly for somebody else and being controlled by somebody else.Audience:No. No that's incorrect.Mayor Lomonaco:The fact that you have in town, two different people-Audience:That's not nepotism.Mayor Lomonaco:... two different people working in different departments, that to me is not an issue. Because you can have that in a small town for anything. It's direct supervision. Now what happened before this is completely out of my hands, but effective once the public works supervisor came on, he was responsible for timecards, responsible for warnings. He was responsible for everything.Cheryl Marciano:Does the town have a nepotism policy since you brought it up?Councilman Quinoa:One of the issues that is going to be addressed in the personnel-Mayor Lomonaco:We are reviewing the personnel policy and I can get you that answer.Cheryl Marciano:Okay. Thank you. Those are all my-Councilwoman Tuohy:I just want to just something too. The question about, I don't know if you brought it up or, Mr. Quinoa brought it up, about an interview that was done prior that wasn't handled properly.Cheryl Marciano:I didn't bring it up. I didn't know about it.Councilwoman Tuohy:I guess Mr. Quinoa brought it up. And you know what we're talking about because she's a friend of yours.Cheryl Marciano:I don't-Audience:Whoa.Councilwoman Tuohy:... And she was a friend of mine.Cheryl Marciano:About an interview related to her? I don't know anything about that.Councilwoman Tuohy:An interview that was done here. That interview actually was done by the current Mayor and a Council person that stepped down. There were inappropriate questions asked at that meeting.Cheryl Marciano:I'm not familiar with-Councilwoman Tuohy:I'm familiar with it.Cheryl Marciano:... Okay. I just, I don't know what you're talking about. This, I don't know the specifics of it. So I don't have any comment [crosstalk 00:50:11] or question about somebody interviewing for a position?Councilwoman Tuohy:... Here. Yes.Cheryl Marciano:With the town.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes. About two years ago.Cheryl Marciano:I don't think I knew you two years ago.Councilwoman Tuohy:No, but it was discussed after. But it doesn't matter, just so it's clear. I know what interview they were talking about, and the Mayor is saying that he had experience with it, but they were questions in that interview, when I was friends with this girl at the time, and I wasn't on Council at the time. I was a resident and the questions that were asked of her, personally, were deplorable questions.Mayor Lomonaco:Were you in the meeting?Councilwoman Tuohy:I know what I was told.Mayor Lomonaco:So your information is second hand.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yeah. It's coming ... Yeah, it's second hand-Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. I just want to be clear-Councilwoman Tuohy:... but [inaudible 00:50:52].Cheryl Marciano:But again, this isn't about any particular Council Member-Mayor Lomonaco:It hasn't anything to do with anything now. It's an attack on the Mayor.Cheryl Marciano:... Or any particular interview.Mayor Lomonaco:That's all right.Councilwoman Tuohy:No, it's not.Cheryl Marciano:My concern is about our processes as a town and any liability as a town. Not about any specific person. So I want to be clear about that. I don't know exactly what interview Ms. Tuohy is referring to, it's-Councilman Quinoa:Your point is well taken. We will ...Cheryl Marciano:Thank you.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay thank you.Bill Barney:I just have one more quick question.Mayor Lomonaco:I need your name and address again for the transcripts sir.Bill Barney:Bill Barney, 51 Indigo Road.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Bill Barney:Councilman Ochwat, you just mentioned several times that this person also managed a farm. Is that correct?Councilman Quinoa:Yes sir.Bill Barney:Okay. Isn't it true that up until just recently, you also had a second job?Councilman Ochwat:Yeah.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yeah. We all do.Councilman Ochwat:We all do.Councilwoman Tuohy:[inaudible 00:20:44].Bill Barney:That's all I wanted to know. Thank you.Councilwoman Tuohy:We all do, but we don't-Audience:[crosstalk 00:20:48].Councilman Ochwat:No, you can come up, but if you don't mind waiting a second because, I don't like to interrupt other people. I've been trying to say something, but I didn't want to interrupt anyone else.Councilman Ochwat:We've talked about the hiring process of an individual. One of the things that have come up, obviously, about nepotism. They've come up about insurance, they've come up about dollars. I will tell you, everybody on this Council votes the way they want to vote, or at least, I vote the way I want to vote. I can tell you that when I cast my vote for the very thing we've been talking about, the things that have just been mentioned tonight were the least of my considerations. My considerations where we had a personnel committee, and then we had a new personnel committee, and I listened to all those. I'm not part of the personnel committee. But what I did here, was the ranking of the people after that for the first job, and then the ranking of the people for the second job. In no case did this individual, aside from all of those things, meaning insurance, salary and all of those things, did they factor into a decision? Yes, but they were secondary.Councilman Ochwat:What I wanted to see is how do you get the best individual for the job? Sometimes you have to pay a little more to get the best individual for the job. I understand that. I also worked for a major corporation for many, many years. Two major corporations. And had a lot to do in personnel, even though I wasn't a personnel specialist. I realized that if you get a really good employee, you can't pay them enough. And if you get a real lousy employee, you're always paying them too much. That's just the way it is. That's the way life is.Councilman Ochwat:Salary was part of the consideration, but a very, very, very minor part, because like you pointed out to me, the day is not too long ago, you said, "If you've got the money for signs, don't you have the money for this?" Yes, we have the money for that. Because the decision isn't about money. At least for this guy. The decision is finding the best individual for the job. From everything I heard, everything I saw, all the input that I received, the best individual for the first job is the individual we picked. And the best individual for the second job is yet again, somebody else, but it had to do mainly with the interviews and the input I got back.Councilman Ochwat:I'll just leave it at that. Thank you. Sorry for interrupting.Cris Gibbs:That's okay. Cris Gibbs, 164 Johnsonburg Road.Cris Gibbs:The question was asked, but I'm sorry I didn't clearly hear the answer. Is there a nepotism policy in this Township?Mayor Lomonaco:We're checking that.Cris Gibbs:You're checking it.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes. I don't know the-Cris Gibbs:I would suggest it be a priority. [crosstalk 00:55:29] It should have been a priority a long time ago. I worked for municipality for almost 35 years. We have a clear and defined nepotism rule and as a long-term taxpayer of this township, we are just bleeding money. I'm sure our attorney makes a nice salary. I mean this horse is dead. I mean why do we keep having this argument? This should be a priority. Sorry, I don't know your names. [crosstalk 00:55:59] I know you're not Mr. Wacks, but I think you can attest to the fact that most municipalities have a clear defined nepotism policy.Attorney Beilin:I can tell you-Cris Gibbs:Yes.Attorney Beilin:... that other municipalities I represent do.Cris Gibbs:Yes they do.Mayor Lomonaco:I'm not saying we don't, I'm just saying-Cris Gibbs:But we need one and that should be a priority.Mayor Lomonaco:... I'm not saying we don't. If we don't, we'll look. I agree.Cris Gibbs:So, I mean there's a lot of examples of municipalities that have them. I would challenge you all to seek them out as, as examples. We're all going to be challenged to pay our taxes next week, and I challenge you to start spending our money responsibly. Because this discussion is a waste of money, this nepotism issue, and it needs to be solved.Councilman Cote:I agree with you 100%.Cris Gibbs:Thank you.Rich Peter:Rich Peter, 26 Rutherfurd Rd.-Councilman Quinoa:Real quick before we proceed. Hi. I just went through the personal policy, I'm not 100% guaranteed there is no nepotism policy.Councilwoman Tuohy:There isn't. I researched it.Councilman Quinoa:I just went through it real quick. We don't have to-Councilwoman Tuohy:... I was going to put it on the workshop agenda for August.Rich Peter:All right, [crosstalk 00:57:06] real quick-Councilman Ochwat:Can someone send over the last however many years-Attorney Beilin:There wasn't one.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, so we'll work on correcting that.Rich Peter:So, you said you didn't see the nepotism because it's three or four persons removed. I don't care who the person is, if it was my son, I'd say, "No, you don't do that." If I was in control. So you're the mayor.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes sir.Rich Peter:It's your obligation to say, "We're going to err on the side of caution. We're not going to take that chance if we think it could even occur." Instead, you go to the attorney for some ruling and then you don't like what the attorney says. [You can 00:00:57:36] the personnel committee. You can't ... What I see in this town is a power struggle. Everybody that gets in that thing, thinks they are a dictator. Okay. You said before we have money, we don't have money. We're millions of dollars in the hole. "Yeah, we have it for this sign, but we have her for this. We had it for the brass pole in the firehouse." We don't have money.Councilman Ochwat:You're taking that out of context.Rich Peter:Well, no. No. That's the line your [inaudible 00:57:57] in this town. You always have money for stuff-Mayor Lomonaco:Excuse me, Mr. Ochwat, he has the floor. You'll get your chance.Rich Peter:... I had the floor and I'd like to ... Okay. You had the money for the site proper meeting.Mayor Lomonaco:I've been accused of not running a proper meeting. I'm trying to correct that.Rich Peter:You had the money for the signs. Well, you really didn't. Okay. You should have Montville, I worked in Montville. Okay. They are very rich town. You know what they did? They went and got donations for the towns for a whole sign, and the contractor puts up his sign and they paid nothing. If you were really fiscally conservative, you'd say, "You know what, that's a lot of money for signs. We don't need it." And then you went and exacerbated that problem by paying your employees to make up a flower box to the ugly signs. The sign is not even square with the road. Okay?Audience:[crosstalk 00:27:35].Rich Peter:And as far as spending money, it's your obligation to be as fiscally conservative, whether it's an employee and benefits, it shouldn't matter who the person is. You're looking for the best person for the job at the best chance you can get, and you manage that person to the maximum to get the most efficiency out of them. That's how an efficient town is run. That's why this town is in the situation that it is. Millions of dollars in the hole, because we have the money for the brass pole. We have the money for the fire truck. We have the money for the signs. Every time you turn around, you have the money, but you don't. Two plus two is four. My father said a long time ago, "You'll watch the pennies and the dollars fall into place." I think you should start.Mayor Lomonaco:Can I ask a question? Do you mind?Rich Peter:Yes.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. I came on in January 1st, all right. At that point, both employees that are being addressed for nepotism work here. How could I have done that better? What should I have done?Rich Peter:No, you take it like you said, you had the four people on the board, the panel, that said, "Okay, we're going to hire him." Let the cards fall where they fall. If he's not the best person, I don't care who it is. You got to let him go.Mayor Lomonaco:Let him go?Rich Peter:Let him go. Don't hire him back or whatever.Mayor Lomonaco:He's a part timer that's going to continue working as-Rich Peter:He's a part time.Mayor Lomonaco:... Mr. Quinoa said.Rich Peter:He's a part time. But he's not a full time.Mayor Lomonaco:What's the difference? He's still an employee.Rich Peter:You can let a part time employee go. If you have somebody who's going to be full time to do the job better.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. You answered my question. Thank you.Rich Peter:It's about accountability, Rick. It's not about power. Now, the gentleman said that these three people sit down - leave the board. Here's my interpretation. Manny, I've known Manny for years. Okay? He came here. He doesn't have an agenda. He's not trying to get something for himself to make himself look good. Rosemary came here. Same thing. They want to do the best with the town, for the town. Yeah, sometimes you're not popular doing what's best for the town. But the bottom line is to run a fiscally conservative, unbiased machine here so everybody's taxes aren't going to skyrocket. We're not gonna be scrambling for bucks. If not, we're going to be in a world of crap in a few years.Mayor Lomonaco:One more thing.Rich Peter:Yes.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Were you here the last meeting?Rich Peter:No, I wasn't.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, then let me just clarify. All right. What happened was, that position, labor one was eliminated. Okay. At that point, my power as appointment without council was eliminated it. All right. They created position two, which I need to be able to get consent from Council.Rich Peter:Right.Mayor Lomonaco:The issue is done then. The only people that are bringing it up are either social media or people in the audience. It's over. I don't understand-Rich Peter:But I'm hearing-Mayor Lomonaco:... They talk about "dead horse." That horse is dead two weeks ago.Rich Peter:... No, it's not really dead. Because what you said before, leave the question then if somebody is removed, it might not be. No, you can't even take that chance. You say you don't, and here's the other side of the courts, what I'm going to do that. It doesn't matter if they're the Kings son. It doesn't matter.Rich Peter:We've got to play it straight and in dealing with these other people, you can't, like I watch and there's been a few going on from the last Mayor between the people, and the prior mayor between the people. You guys got to work together to get it done right. You're all here for the same thing. Now, I don't like the fact that people are trashing people and they don't know. We don't do things because we like people. As far as the thing with the Independence, I'm going to leave with this, I heard that and I almost popped a gasket. Okay. As the Mayor, you should be saying, "Okay, what can I do? We need money."Rich Peter:As the Mayor he should be saying, "Okay, what can I do? We need money. What can I do?" I don't care if I charge them $300. You can't rent a good garage for $300.Councilman Quinoa:Let me just say this. All right? Let me just say this. When the court thing came up and Councilman Tuohy was the one that addressed it, and she worked out all the figures and everything. When it was brought to the Mayor's attention, for good or bad, the Mayor acted on it.Councilman Quinoa:Now, obviously people think that him and I are really at odds, but there are times when the Mayor has done things where I applaud him for it. And on this particular issue, even though he met with the Mayor of Independence alone, which was fine, Mayor to Mayor, he did take the issue at hand. And we did have meetings on it, and we did make certain recommendations and stuff like that. I'm not here to protect him, or anything. He did take it upon himself. You got to give us time on the court thing.Councilman Quinoa:Now, was this issue going back, like Councilman Tuohy will tell you at the next meeting? I'm not going to take her thunder. But this issue was going back years. I think about two or three years ago, the issue was brought up where we were going to merge, or were attempting to merge, with another town, and somehow that deal didn't go anywhere.Councilman Quinoa:The point is [inaudible 00:01:46]. You know what? It was a thing that we were living with for a long time. I disagree with the Mayor. We are losing $68,000 because I did look at the figures. We are losing $68,000. Not all 68,000 are Allamuchy alone. That is a contribution of employees and things of that nature. I'm going to take Miss Tuohy's thunder. But, in all right, you've got to give him a chance to address the court. [crosstalk 00:01:04:17] to you too. Thank you, sir. I owe you.Rich Peter:Was the issue for the court, was that discussed with all entire Council? Did they all agree on it?Councilman Quinoa:Yes, unfortunately, and let me address that again. Unfortunately, yes, we did. But I can tell you this, that night, and the Mayor will tell you, that night when I went home, I really thought about the decision that, at least, I had made, that it was going to be acceptable to take $300 from them a month. When I got home I started thinking about that, and the very next morning I wrote to the Mayor, correct?Mayor Lomonaco:Yes, sir.Councilman Quinoa:And I said, "Please don't negotiate anything, because I don't think we've made the right decision, or at least I didn't make the right decision." Now, unfortunately the Mayor didn't get to see that email until later on during the day, and he already had met with the Mayor from Independence.Mayor Lomonaco:Spoke to him on the phone, yes.Councilman Quinoa:Spoke to him on the phone, and they agreed on that figure that we voted-Rich Peter:They'd be crazy not to.Councilman Quinoa:Pardon me?Rich Peter:They'd be crazy not to.Councilman Quinoa:Excuse me?Rich Peter:They'd be crazy not to.Councilman Quinoa:Oh, I know that.Rich Peter:Well, how are you guys going to go now, "Okay, so now, let's see. We gave it to him for $300. Now we want $68,000?"Councilman Quinoa:No, no, no. Because, he made it clear that this is just a temporary issue until the end of the year, and then the whole thing was going to be... And that's what Mrs. Tuohy is going to present to Council. What plans do we have going forward? Do we want to merge with them? Do we want to merge with somebody else? I don't know what her plans are. But she's going to make that recommendation, and then at that time... The $300 is going to be out of the question. Yes, it will be.Mayor Lomonaco:I know, but, listen. I do business every day with people. You're paying such a low rate, and then you want to go back and get the going rate, what are they going to say? No?Councilman Quinoa:Well, they're going to have to go-Rich Peter:They've got you guys played for suckers.Councilman Quinoa:No, they didn't [crosstalk 01:06:05].Rich Peter:And quite honestly, they got you played for suckers. So they're going to say, "We'll split maybe half the distance."Councilman Cote:They're going to have to go somewhere else then.Councilman Quinoa:They're going to have to go somewhere else. Build their own court.Rich Peter:I bet you they don’t.Councilman Quinoa:They're going to go somewhere else, and build their own court.Rich Peter:I bet you they don't.Mayor Lomonaco:This is a discussion, if you don't mind. After we [crosstalk 01:06:15].Rich Peter:I bet you guys don't walk.Councilman Cote:They will need to go somewhere else.Rich Peter:I bet you guys don't walk. [crosstalk 01:06:20]Councilman Quinoa:Okay, all right.Rich Peter:I leave it at that.Mayor Lomonaco:Thank you, sir.Councilman Ochwat:Excuse me.Councilman Cote:Wait and see.Councilman Ochwat:Excuse me.Councilman Cote:I know where my vote is.Councilman Ochwat:Could you come back up, please?Mayor Lomonaco:So you have a vote already without hearing the decision. I just want to be clear what you just said.Councilman Cote:I'm leaning in that direction.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. We haven't even addressed the information yet and you're already leaning.Councilman Cote:I've seen the numbers.Mayor Lomonaco:Just being sure.Councilman Cote:Yeah, you got it. The numbers don't lie.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. My thing is saying how much of that is actually Independence. That's what my question is.Councilwoman Tuohy:But they bring in more revenue than us.Mayor Lomonaco:My question is how much of our loss is due to Independence? That's all that I need to know [crosstalk 01:06:59] That'll help us.Councilman Quinoa:Let me explain. The $68,000 loss, that is in Allamuchy. But, what you don't take into consideration is, that out of $68,000, there are certain expenses, employees' expenses, building expenses, equipment expenses, lighting expense-Councilwoman Tuohy:Social security tax.Councilman Quinoa:All those things that out of that $68... If we didn't have those expenses maybe our loss would be less. The other part of it is that, what we don't look at, is that Independence, by us running their court for them...Councilwoman Tuohy:Is making money.Councilman Quin:They only lost, for example, in 2016 they lost $6,000. 2017 they lost $2,000. 2018 they lost $2,600.Councilwoman Tuohy:No, they were positive.Councilman Quinoa:Oh, they made $2,600.Councilwoman Tuohy:They made money.Councilman Quinoa:We lost $31, $41, and $68.Mayor Lomonaco:I understand that. All I'm saying is, what part of their gain is our loss? And once that information is given to me, I'll agree with that. That's fine. The $68,000 happened last year.Rich Peter:I know that. But it's continuing at $300, though.Mayor Lomonaco:And the $46 before that happened then.Unknown:41.Unknown:We're still bleeding.Mayor Lomonaco:When we see the actual numbers this year-Rich Peter:You have a valuable space there.Mayor Lomonaco:.. we will then take a look at it. That's all that I'm saying.Rich Peter:I know, but now you're still going to take the hit until December and it irks me as a taxpayer. My taxes don't go down because they're, you know... My taxes are going up. I'm looking at it from dollars and cents. You'll get cut. I wouldn't have gotten anywhere near that break. I would assume like maybe half until we renegotiate. But now they're not going to come back to the table, now thinking full boar, when they can say, "We paid $300. Why should we pay you that?"Mayor Lomonaco:I appreciate your pain.Rich Peter:You wanted to say something to me, sir?Councilman Ochwat:Yes. You brought up the signs. My question to you is, do you know, the other gentleman didn't want to know, he just wanted the number of what they got. Do you know the history of the signs?Rich Peter:Well, I understood that... I was at a couple of meetings where they were discussed. I thought it was in the $40 some thousand range.Councilman Ochwat:No, I didn't ask about the dollars. Do you know the history of the signs?Rich Peter:No. [inaudible 01:09:09].Councilman Ochwat:Okay. The only reason I'm bringing it to your attention is I'm going to let you know how the sign started out. The other gentleman didn't care. The way the sign started out is there were going to be two signs. They were going to cost the town nothing. And the reason was, that our engineering firm had agreed to pay for one of them, and our attorney firm had agreed to pay for the second sign.Councilman Ochwat:The plan was to do exactly what you're suggesting. And then other people got involved in the plan. I'm talking about on console, the former Mayor, etc. And said we had to brand the town, we had to do this... Just giving you history. And it still wasn't going to cost a lot of money relative to the number that's mentioned earlier. At the outside, half that, but not even that was the estimate.Councilman Ochwat:One thing led to another, and then the Engineer had to get involved in it, because of we wanted to do. Could we have tried to go out for more donations and everything? Yeah, in hindsight, maybe we should've done some of that. But I don't know. I mean that's easy in hindsight. But I'm telling you where the project started out.Councilman Ochwat:It started out to have a Welcome sign at either end of 517 at Green Township and at Independence just to have a Welcome to Allamuchy, because the only thing we had at the time was a little green sign about the size-Rich Peter:Right. I remember.Councilman Ochwat:I'm pointing out that we're probably 30 years old. And I thought having some Welcome sign. The original idea was my idea, but it was also going to be literally dollars neutral to the town. Didn't work out that way.Rich Peter:I hear you. Well the Mayor's branded now in a different way. But it is what it is. Not this Mayor.Councilman Ochwat:I just wanted to give you that history.Rich Peter:It's just got... the pennies. The pennies, the pennies. And everything. It's just one thing after another. When I saw that go, I wanted to go get in there, cut it down and sell it for scrap and give it to the town. It's ridiculous.Maryann Gibbs:I just want, Maryann Gibbs, 134 Long Bridge, I just wanted to share, as a former English teacher, the definition of nepotism, the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. It has nothing to do with supervising. That would be something that we'd put in your policy.Maryann Gibbs:I would request that the town attorney... I know when working in education, oftentimes we have a company [inaudible 01:12:08] that we seek policies for. Could you potentially bring some policies from neighboring towns that address nepotism to share so that our town council doesn't have to draft it from draft version one?Attorney Beilin:I've done personnel manuals for municipalities. Soup to nuts.Maryann Gibbs:So let me ask then, do we have a personnel manual?Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes. Yes.Maryann Gibbs:Okay. And in that...Councilwoman Tu:It's being reviewed now by Council.Maryann Gibbs:Okay. One of the additions then would be the personnel, would be the nepotism policy?Attorney Beilin:Yeah, and, as I'm sure anybody knows whether you're personnel or not, the laws are constantly changing. I mean literally at the beginning of this month, because of the new marijuana law, there was anti-discrimination law based on the use of medical marijuana. So that's something else that we have to add to personnel manual. It's a constantly evolving thing.Maryann Gibbs:So, a question for the Mayor would be, I heard you say just a little bit earlier, that you were removing Mr. Quinoa from the Personnel Committee.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes.Maryann Gibbs:Who would you appoint in his place?Mayor Lomonaco:I haven't decided yet.Maryann Gibbs:Who's already on the personnel...Mayor Lomonaco:It's not mandatory that I need to have more than one anyway. [crosstalk 01:13:20] However, I decide to do the personnel could be the way that I decide to do it. The recommendation comes to Council, and then they get to decide. I used the department heads to help me with doing the hiring process.Maryann Gibbs:So, may I-Mayor Lomonaco:Should we be looking to hire a department head, I would need to know the council person, because there would be another layer.Maryann Gibbs:May I ask, if you are removing him from the personnel committee who's currently on the personnel committee with you?Mayor Lomonaco:Myself.Maryann Gibbs:Just you?Mayor Lomonaco:Yes.Maryann Gibbs:And you don't see a problem with that?Mayor Lomonaco:I do not.Maryann Gibbs:So one person... I can tell you from working in years of education, when we hire someone, we have a committee of varied stakeholders. It's a little concerning to me that one person would be on the personnel committee.Mayor Lomonaco:As I just said, I use the department heads to go with me, just like we did in the last hiring process. The department heads were with us in the interviewing process. In every interview. They were the ones that came back and make their recommendations to us. I am only passing on the recommendation given to me by the department head. I didn't choose somebody. All I did was say, from the beginning, starting January, somebody recommend somebody to me for a commission on the dog park, a commission on rec, a commission on anybody else. I'm going to take that recommendation, because they have to work with them.Mayor Lomonaco:So when I got the recommendation from the public works person, that's who I was recommending. I gave the opportunity for Counsel that wasn't in the interview process, which wasn't part of last year's process, to ask questions.Mayor Lomonaco:After that meeting, I spoke again with the person and said, "Do you want to change your recommendation?" He said, "No". So, the concerning questions that Council has, which they have a right to have those concerns. I made the recommendation given to me by the department head. That's my policy. That's the way I did it. That's the way I'm going to do it. They said no, it was four to one. The issue is done. I don't understand this.Maryann Gibbs:Okay. Are there any other committees that you're going to be removing Mr. Quinoa from?Mayor Lomonaco:I removed him also from budget and from finance.Councilman Cote:No, I'd just liked to read something that was sent out to Council. You know the Mayor earlier stated his reasons for it. but I want to read what he sent the Council, it says, "Councilman Quinoa, on or about April 12th, I received the attached letter. I consulted with Mr. Wacks and decided at that time that since the letter was not signed," so it's an anonymous letter, "we would not address it. This was for your protection, and in the best interest of the Township.Councilman Cote:"Similar allegations have arisen from the residents and in the media." I'm assuming this is social media, but I'd asked the Mayor to qualify that. "In personnel and budget, it is in the town's best interest to remove you from the personnel and budget/finance committees effective immediately. I do not want you to be blindsided when I announce it Wednesday."Councilman Cote:I read this as the reason for his removal is an anonymous letter and what's being said on social media.Councilwoman Tuohy:Second hand information.Maryann Gibbs:May I ask is that his perspective? Any truth to that?Mayor Lomonaco:Without reading the letter it would be very hard to judge it. I attached the letter that I received.Maryann Gibbs:An anonymous one, that could have been written by anyone.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes, it could have.Maryann Gibbs:People not even in this town.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes, it could have.Maryann Gibbs:Someone could write an anonymous letter about you.Mayor Lomonaco:I'm sure they have.Maryann Gibbs:I don't think that council members have received any, but maybe they will.Mayor Lomonaco:I wouldn't think so.Maryann Gibbs:An anonymous letter.Mayor Lomonaco:That had similar allegations in the New Jersey Herald. There was information in there regarding our last meeting, and the comments that were underneath had issues that specifically addressed what was in the letter. That's how I am referring to this. Was it social media attached to an article in The Herald? Yes. Where are the allegations similar? Yes. So, based on the allegations, they've never been denied. If they were denied, I would defend the person.Councilwoman Tuohy:They were denied.Mayor Lomonaco:No, they were not. They were never-Councilman Cote:Are you denying the allegations, Mr. Quinoa?Councilman Quinoa:I definitely am denying the allegations.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. You're denying the fact that you are under investigation at this point? That's my allegation.Councilman Quinoa:That's is correct. I had no reason to believe that I am under any kind of investigation, nor was I terminated or fired, as Mr. DeTombeur is saying.Councilman Quinoa:Now, Mr. DeTombeur has a lot more information than I do. Let him come up and say whatever information he has.Mayor Lomonaco:You're also going to present a letter to us about your being let go.Councilman Quinoa:Yeah.Mayor Lomonaco:Do you have that with you?Councilman Quinoa:I had that letter and I showed you that letter. You read that letter.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes. You said you were going to bring it to this meeting.Councilman Quinoa:You read that letter, and on the advice of Counsel, no, we're not going to issue that letter. Because, some of the statements that Mr. DeTombeur made, such as calling me a fat F-U-C-K, calling me an idiot, and saying, "We're you indicted yet?"Councilman Quinoa:We're looking into those things, so no, I am not going to give you that letter. You read the letter-Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. That's your choice.Councilman Quinoa:... and that letter clearly stated that I was not fired.Maryann Gibbs:So, rather than doing any kind of investigation into the validity and the reliability of an anonymous letter, you just made that decision to remove him.Mayor Lomonaco:Let me read you what the appointment-Maryann Gibbs:No, I-Mayor Lomonaco:I could be glad to do that.Maryann Gibbs:It's a rhetorical question.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, well then I didn't need to answer it.Maryann Gibbs:Right. Very good.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Rich Peter:You know, you're really making me crazy now, because you're the Mayor. You get rid of the one guy, and now you're saying I'm the only guy, the authority. You can't do that. You can't do that. You got to say, okay, now we're going to appoint two other people, because you want to take yourself out of the mix, because how do we know it wasn't the guy that's trashing him that wrote the false letter to the people? So, if you want to quarantine him, that's fine.Mayor Lomonaco:What I did in April, was I tried to protect Mr. Quinoa, and I went to Counsel and I said, it's not done. When the same information in the letter came out again, then at that point I had concerns. That's why I removed him.Rich Peter:Here's the best way to make it look good for the town. Don't take it on yourself. Do the right thing, and appoint two other people, whether it be two citizens, somebody, so there is no such thing as Alexa Hentes making all decisions.Mayor Lomonaco:You know what I'll do? I will appoint a personnel committee [crosstalk 00:18:01].Rich Peter:That's fine.Mayor Lomonaco:I will take three people from the town-Rich Peter:I think it's the fair thing to do.Mayor Lomonaco:I'll take two, because then it'd be myself and two. And then I will work with them.Rich Peter:That's a good idea.Mayor Lomonaco:Obviously-Councilman Cote:So, you can't work with anybody on the council.Mayor Lomonaco:Obviously not.Councilman Cote:Obviously not.Mayor Lomonaco:Obviously not.Rich Peter:Well, you know what?Mayor Lomonaco:Based on that, this should be a win.Speaker 12:That might not be a bad thing.Mayor Lomonaco:No, it's not.Speaker 12:Because then it takes you guys out in the mix of somebody taking jabs at you.Mayor Lomonaco:Exactly. And they still get to have the judge the right way.Speaker 12:And everybody's logical thinking.Mayor Lomonaco:Exactly. We have a [inaudible 01:20:30] advisory committee. I will create an advisory committee. I'll ask people to present to me with their experience they feel is the best thing. I will then pick two. At that point, that will be the advisory committee.Mayor Lomonaco:I like your idea. I really do. I think it involves the citizens ,and I think everybody will have a say in this, and then at that point, however council votes, which is just like they did last time, if it's still four to one, it's still four to one. This thing is dead, let it go.Rich Peter:That also relieves some of the friction.Mayor Lomonaco:I agree.Unknown:There's a lot of [crosstalk 01:21:03].Mayor Lomonaco:Listen, the only thing that we really disagreed on in seven months has been this. We all have said that, we've all agreed to that, and once this thing goes, we're past this, I feel that everything will be better.Mayor Lomonaco:There's nothing personal. We just disagree on different things.Rich Peter:Well, I just don't like when people are trashing people on the Internet. It's just not good. It doesn't look good for the town.Mayor Lomonaco:I understand.Rich Peter:All right. Thank you.Councilman Quinoa:Mayor, can I address something real quick?Mayor Lomonaco:Sure.Councilman Quinoa:Because there's a lot of mudslinging that's going around, and one of the things that just shows you that we should listen to what some of these people are saying. Mr. DeTombeur, at the last meeting, said that Mr. Ochwat had given himself a $1000 raise. That's what he said. Mr. Ochwat had given himself $1,000 raise.Councilman Quinoa:I have with me notes from a May, 20 2016 meeting that I had with the ex-Mayor. I was not on town council then. At that time, Mr. DeTombeur said, "I'd like you to help me out on finance. I can put you on the financial committee."Councilman Quinoa:I met him in his office on May 20th, 2016. At that time, Mr. DeTombeur, in his own handwriting, it's here from his KAD computer and everything. Presents me with a salary recommendation. In that salary recommendation, mind you, he's only been in office five months. Five months, he's been in office. He shows me a document where he wants to give himself a 25.4% raise. I'm sure Mr. DeTombeur doesn't remember the conversation. I said to him, "What are you nuts? 25% on a small town like this?" His reply to me was, and it's all documented, "I have no problem with that. I'm going to give Mr. Ochwat a $1,000 and I'm going to give the rest of the Council $500. I'll get my salary."Councilman Quinoa:Well, guess what? Mr. DeTombeur was right. The Council then that sat there, did give him a 25.4% raise. The point that I'm trying to make here is that, when he gets up and he throws stuff around, he only tells you what's convenient and misleading.Councilman Quinoa:Mr. Ochwat never asked for the $1000, he proposed that. Here it is in his own handwriting. He proposed that, and you went ahead and did it anyway, and Council approved it. It was rejected by a certain member of the Town Council, and it was rejected by a citizen who sits on the Town Council now, who at that time his response was, "I'm not going to take that." Well guess what? He did take it.Councilman Quinoa:These are small items, and I have other stuff here of things that he did. The personal vendetta he got against me, it's personal. Why? Because, I questioned some of the decisions that he was making.Councilman Quinoa:I've been involved in this town for 30 years as a recreation individual, coaching and being involved in baseball and all that. I had zero interest in politics. Zero. I wish I never got involved in the politics, but the reason why I did get involved is because of the actions that were being done at that time. And I was asked to get involved.Councilman Quinoa:So you know what? If I come up with all kinds of financial stuff that he was doing, and Council was doing, yeah, I'd probably be really mad at him, and we stopped him on a lot of things. So this is a personal thing, but you know what? That's fine. I can live with that. Do whatever you have to do. I got to live with myself. I got to live with my family. That's fine. But here's the thing, I don't get it up in an audience and go wild and call me names.Councilman Quinoa:How would any one of you like it if I address you lady, the way I was addressed, as a fat F-U-C-K in front of people and stuff. [crosstalk 01:25:51] wise guy. Or made those comments.Councilman Quinoa:I sat there. The only thing I said was, "What did you say?" And he had the audacity to say, "Duck." It's in the minutes, and it's being transcribed professionally. Not by this, but by my friend, by my attorney's friend.Councilman Quinoa:I never responded to him, but people should be asking, why such hatred? Why such hatred? Because, I brought out things that you did, cashing a check for a employee from your personal account. [crosstalk 01:26:37] Things like that is what got him so angry at me. Those are challenges. Those are the things that he's done to make this whole thing of fiasco. And I tell you, I was disappointed because the Mayor and nobody else defended... Mr. Cote got up and walked away. I think that was wrong. He apologized for it, but he was fed up with that professionalism.Councilman Quinoa:Tonight, you saw people coming up, nobody carried on the way he carried on. It was done professionally. You could make whatever accusations you want, do whatever you want, whatever information you have, that's fine, but don't be a sneak about it and use other people's names and stuff.Councilman Quinoa:Matter of fact, if Kathy Gogel is here, Gogel. Are you here, Kathy? Well, Kathy, I'd like to meet with you. Talk to me and ask me questions about it, but don't just follow or put stuff in social media that was repeated from a meeting or take information from an individual like that.Councilman Cote:She lives on your street. [crosstalk 01:27:56].Councilman Quin:What? You know what? I will address this.Mayor Lomonaco:I don't know this, is that a problem?Councilman Quinoa:With my former employee, I will address this. Counsel probably won't want me to, but I will address this. In my former job, yes, I was called in and my position was eliminated. I was not given a reason why. Did not know the reason. They don't have to give me a reason. I was an unclassified employee. The Mayor read the letter. Right, Mayor?Mayor Lomonaco:I started to. I didn't read the whole thing.Councilman Quinoa:Oh, okay.Mayor Lomonaco:But I'd be willing to look at it again, because you had it on your phone.Councilman Quinoa:Absolutely.Unknown:Mr. Quinoa, I don't think that you should have to sit here and tell us your personal business.Mayor Lomonaco:Excuse me, there's no ... If you want to come up, please feel free. Only for the transcript.Lisa Strutin:Lisa Strutin, 119 Dogwood Way. Mr. Quinoa, I do not feel that you need to sit here and explain your personal life to the audience. [crosstalk 01:28:59] That's all I have to say.Mayor Lomonaco:Thank you.Maryann Gibbs:I agree.Councilwoman Tuohy:I agree.Councilman Quinoa:That's fine. Listen, I've been here for ... Whatever.Maryann Gibbs:Maryann Gibbs, 134 Long Bridge. Manny, I've known you for those 30 years as nothing but an upstanding, ethical, do what's best for kids, do what's best for our school, do what's best for our town. You are ethical. You are transparent. I support you 100%, and Lisa's right, what has occurred in your workplace, it's none of our business. What is our business, is how you conduct yourself as a council member. That's all.Councilman Ochwat:You can stand right there, but if you would just [crosstalk 00:27:57]. Please.Unknown:If I do what?Councilman Ochwat:Thank you.Unknown:Oh, you're kidding me. [crosstalk 01:30:04]Councilman Ochwat:There's a lot of people here who weren't here at the last meeting, and I totally agree. Councilman to my right here, your left, does not need to defend himself.Councilman Ochwat:But the former Mayor was up here at the last meeting and for those who weren't here, he told him and I wrote it down when it was set. So, this isn't even from minutes. I wrote it down. He told him he didn't have the brains to do it, whatever he was talking about, exact words. He then called him a fat, what Manny mentioned, and then later around said it was duck, the same way is when he was the Mayor.Councilman Ochwat:I was sitting right here and he was sitting right there, and he asked me when it came time for my report, "Do you have any nonsense to report?" Some of you may have been here at that meeting, and I said, "What did you say?" And he said, "Do you have anything to report?" I said, "That's not what you said." And he absolutely denied it, except it was on the tape. And everybody who was here in the audience heard it. He denied what he said, the second after he said it, the same as he did with with Manny. And then the third thing that I wrote down, and there was more said, is "Have you been indicted yet?"Councilman Ochwat:Those were the questions and they weren't said the way I'm saying them, believe me. He asked myself a couple of questions. One Manny's already addressed. And that's that I give myself $1,000 raise.Councilman Ochwat:A - I can't give myself a raise. It's impossible. But the person who suggested those raises, and made up the whole thing, was the man who was suggesting that I did it. So, I just wanted to clarify those two things, because we're going to go on to other things, go off on a tangent, and talk about other discussions. I just wanted to get that in. And I also wanted to ask you, Mayor, before we go any further, I heard what you said about appointing the committee. When you find the members for that committee, will you take a vote on it?Mayor Lomonaco:No.Councilman Ochwat:You just appoint them.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes.Councilman Ochwat:Okay.Mayor Lomonaco:[crosstalk 01:32:55] I will show you why, but I will not ask for approval.Councilman Ochwat:I just wanted to clarify.Mayor Lomonaco:And it's clear.Councilman Ochwat:Okay. I'm very sorry I ...Doug:To clarify-Speaker 15:Left click.Doug:Okay. I'm very sorry.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Doug:I apologize to you.Harriett Gaddy:Harriett Gaddy, 58 no, no - back to my other place. Okay. 83 Goldfinch Way. We seem to be rehashing the same things over and over. I just want to know, are we going to continue? We're going to get to the rest of the meeting?Mayor Lomonaco:When the public session is done. Yes. [Crosstalk 01:33:21]Mayor Lomonaco:Is there anybody else from the public?Matt Begley:Thank you. I'm telling you, I won't discuss personnel. Matt Bagley from Panther Valley. Two weeks ago we had a public hearing on the franchise and there were some very good suggestions and I just want to know what is the next step for the council? Will they be doing an update to the ordinance and will that be available? Will any of the things that came out in the meeting be part of the review of the upcoming ordinance?Mayor Lomonaco:I defer to council because the information was given to Council.Mayor Lomonaco:The council was going to address it, be part of the negotiations, nothing has happened yet.Matt Begley:Okay.Mayor Lomonaco:But that's all going to be part of the process.Matt Begley:Because that affects 2,000 homeowners, maybe more, outside of the gates and everything [crosstalk 01:34:10]-Mayor Lomonaco:Exactly. Which is why we don't want to it quickly. We just want to make sure we do it [crosstalk 01:34:12]-Matt Begley:With regards to... and there's not any rush to get this done.Mayor Lomonaco:That's not true.Matt Begley:No, there isn't right?Mayor Lomonaco:No, I didn't... that's not true.Matt Begley:There isn't a rush.Mayor Lomonaco:I didn't say that.Matt Begley:No, there is a rush, then?Mayor Lomonaco:We are working diligently to get it done.Matt Begley:Okay. Okay.Mayor Lomonaco:It's done once every 10 years.Matt Begley:Right.Mayor Lomonaco:So we're making sure it's done right for the next 10 years.Matt Begley:Okay. Perfect.Mayor Lomonaco:But we're doing in under guidance of Counsel.Matt Begley:Okay. Thank you.Mayor Lomonaco:Thank you. Anybody else from the public? Seeing none.Lori Nagy:Yeah, right Lori Nagy. Mayor Lomonaco:Oh, I'm sorry.Lori Nagy:My name is Lori [Nagy 00:01:34:51] and I live in The Crest.Mayor Lomonaco:Can I have your actual address ma'am?Lori Nagy:11, you asked for it, Pileated Woodpecker.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay thank you.Lori Nagy:It's in the directory.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. We need if for the record, that's all.Lori Nagy:P-I-Mayor Lomonaco:No. No. No.Lori Nagy:Oh, okay.Mayor Lomonaco:No. That's okay.Lori Nagy:So, I am a resident since 1988 and I moved here to The Crest at that time, and that's when I met Manny, who also lived in The Crest at the time, and worked in the office at The Crest. So I've known Manny for a long time and when I saw this stuff on Nextdoor... I said, no, this isn't him. He wrote an SOP for The Crest. I've been just very impressed with him all of these years and he moved to Panther Valley. So I just wanted to, I just felt like I had to say something positive about this man who I've known all these years, and I just wanted to get it on record.Mayor Lomonaco:Appreciate that, ma'am.Lori Nagy:Okay?Mayor Lomonaco:Thank you.Lori Nagy:Thank you.Mayor Lomonaco:Anyone else? Betty, you can just announce... you don't have to get up.Betty Schultheis:Okay. Betty Schultheis, 25 Sandpiper Drive. I don't think we can ever, ever, ever know the damage that Keith DeTombeur did to this town. Because I can tell you as a person, a victim of his vitriol on social media and Hackettstown Live, and all of the lies, and horrible things he said about me. [Crosstalk 01:36:37]. Even when I re-applied to be on Council, to take his council seat [crosstalk 01:36:44] -Councilman Ochwat:I can't see [inaudible 01:36:48].Betty Schultheis:He actually told the person who was going to do the interviewing that he hoped only new people would be talked to. She informed him, you had to apply for the job. When I applied, I was, in fact, accepted and he refused to vote yes for me. When they went down the line for the Council approval, he screamed at the top of his lungs, "no." He was hateful and horrible to me for... and I kept him out of trouble so many times because he would say, as Doug's favorite expression of his, the no-Councilman Ochwat:Your favorite word, nonsense.Betty Schultheis:Nonsense. He'd say "nonsense," and I'd say, well, you better care about the nonsense I refer to you. Because if you don't take care of it, you're going to go to jail because the signature is on that paper and we have to abide by it. So he has seen himself always as above the rules and above the laws, and that he will do whatever, and to think that he tries to tear down all the people at that dais is just sickening. I hope we as a town do not accept that.Mayor Lomonaco:Thank you, Ma'am. Anybody else before we close public session? Hearing none, motion to close?Councilwoman Tuohy:I make the motion.Mayor Lomonaco:Second?Councilman Cote:Second.Mayor Lomonaco:All in favor?Councilman Cote:Ay.Councilman Ochwat:Ay.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Before the Mayor's report, what I'd like to do is to have the intern report. Okay, Gareth Patterson has been working diligently in town and I want to make sure that everybody's aware of all the hard work he's doing. So Gareth, if you would be so kind.Gareth Patterson:So, just yesterday I joined the Allamuchy 150 committee, which is a committee to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Allamuchy, which is coming up in 2023?Unknown:Yeah.Gareth Patterson:So, my job so far is to reach out to former mayors and long-term citizens of Allamuchy. I've already set up a few interviews and I have about 15 contacts that I'm expanding every day. Today I alone, I already have gotten 10 more member's contact numbers. I will also be reaching out to local schools such as Blair Academy, Hackettstown High School and local libraries and even Weird NJ to get some fact checking and information about Shades of Death Road, which has a lot of heritage and culture to the town. So, interviews should start as soon as this week and that's been going pretty well so far. Next, I've been working very closely with Mr. Fineran, who I don't believe is here anymore.Municipal Clerk:He's down there. He's down the hallway.Gareth Patterson:Oh, okay. So, I've been going to meetings such as the Friends of the Delaware Water Gap, which is an out of state meeting that takes place in Pennsylvania. So, it's learning about just how the park conducts itself and things like that. I've also been to a county meeting on open space and historic preservation with them. I'm also learning how the county itself works and the government works as a whole and the importance of interconnectedness between the Townships and stuff like that. Also, the TV display out front. I've been working with a graphic designer who will do it for free; present a slide show of 60 of Mr. Fineran’s photos to bring awareness to the beauty of Allamuchy and the beauty of the area that surrounds Allamuchy.Gareth Patterson:Then, I'm also going to be asking permission from the council to look into redoing a World War II monument, a memorial, that's currently on Allamuchy Township property. The school's property, sorry, that was once our property back about 60 years ago. All the names have faded off of the memorial and so I'd like to look into getting engravings done on that and maybe repainting it and potentially bringing it to the town hall as well... before the 50th anniversary. And that's pretty much everything.Unknown:Okay.Mayor Lomonaco:Could we have a motion to allow him to look at pricing?Councilman Quinoa:I'll make that motion.Councilman Ochwat:I'll second.Gareth Patterson:I can explain more about the memorial if you...Mayor Lomonaco:Discussion?Councilwoman Tuohy:Yeah, so it's on the school property?Gareth Patterson:It is currently on the school property, but it used to be Allamuchy Township property.Councilwoman Tuohy:Who owns it?Mayor Lomonaco:How did you find it?Gareth Patterson:How did I find it?Mayor Lomonaco:Yeah, tell them how you found it.Gareth Patterson:I was weeding. [crosstalk 01:41:49] Yeah, so I work for the school as well, so I was weeding out doors and it was just right there. [crosstalk 01:41:56] It has no names on it. I was talking to Charlie Zukoski about it...Councilwoman Tuohy:Uh-huh.Gareth Patterson:...and he says it was originally the township's property. Then the Township let go of it and didn't really care for it as much, so the names have faded because they used to be painted on, they were never engraved.Councilwoman Tuohy:Now, it's the Board of Ed. property?Gareth Patterson:Now, it's the Board of Ed's. So, I would also like to talk to Mr. Joe Flynn.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yeah.Gareth Patterson:Talk to him about that. I've mentioned it to him about two hours ago and he said he'd be willing...Councilwoman Tuohy::We have a Board of Ed. member here now.Gareth Patterson:Oh, do we?Councilwoman Tuohy:Lisa Strutin.Gareth Patterson:Oh, okay. So... [crosstalk 01:42:33]Councilwoman Tuohy:He'll speak to you after the meeting.Gareth Patterson:If you'd like, I can speak to you after the meeting about this?Councilwoman Tuohy:She wasn't here for it. [crosstalk 01:42:41]Gareth Patterson:I'll talk to you after. But, it's a very old memorial that I think is pretty important to the heritage of the town and it's important to recognize our veterans and really put the respect that they deserve.Councilwoman Tuohy:Good job. Thank you.Unknown:Good job.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, for the Mayor's report. (Applause) [crosstalk 01:43:08] Oh, okay. We do have the two motions. Can I have any [crosstalk 01:43:11] did you finish your discussion?Councilwoman Tuohy:Yeah.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Councilwoman Tuohy:The motion was for?Councilman Cote:Can we hear the last one again?Mayor Lomonaco:The motion was to allow him to create a proposal to restore the artifact, and then come back with us what the price will be. [crosstalk 01:43:25] I just want to make sure council agrees to it.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yeah, that's fine.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, roll call.Municipal Clerk:We should do it for insurance purposes too. Councilpersons Cote.Councilman Cote:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Tuohy.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Quinoa.Councilman Quinoa:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Ochwat.Councilman Ochwat:Yes.Municipal Clerk:And Mayor Lomonaco?Mayor Lomonaco:Yes. There's been a growing concern of trucks parking across from Panther Valley now that we've taken away the free parking lot across from Lone Pine. So, we have contacted the state, since it is the state's property and they are going to be putting no parking signs there. So...Municipal Clerk:County or state?Mayor Lomonaco:County or state? That's 517 it's a county road, but we're looking at to make sure that signs are going up there. So, when you're looking out from Panther valley, you don't see trucks lined up down there.Mayor Lomonaco:We had a meeting this last week with the people running the Shades of Death run, the marathon that's run here, just to discuss the possibility of gaining some of the funds for the school. As to this point, the only thing the school benefits from is the rental of the buses. The town's contribution last year was $900 which I believe we just received now from the October run. So all I did was got a group together when we asked if they would consider taking part of the proceeds and donating it to the school. They're covering their expenses through the janitor and some of the other stuff, but as part of the profit at the end, we're just asking them to consider to give it either to the PTO or to the board of Ed.Mayor Lomonaco:I got a report from the OEM that we will be receiving, the Township, a check for $40,717.50 for the solar panel revenue. There's two parts to it. The Water and Sewer generated $30,927.50 and the firehouse created $9,790. So, there was no cash in last year. So, it's kind of hard to say if this is a one year thing or not, but a check should be arriving shortly from extra money that was generated.Mayor Lomonaco:Work has begun again on 1 Oak Crest. If you're not familiar with that, June 1st of last year there was a fire and nothing happened for a while. They started working again and removing things. They are now taking out the pavers back by the pool and supposedly cleaning out the house on the inside. A letter has been sent to the owners because the grass has not been cut. We do have an ordinance that requires that you keep your property in a sightly manner. It is not at this time and should he not react to it, fines will be imposed.Mayor Lomonaco:And then Rutherfurd Hall had their kickoff for their Capital Campaign this last week. It was a wonderful event. They're looking to do some renovations and I got to meet the Rutherfurds for the first time, which was really a terrific thing. Those people are very, very special and there's a very dedicated group of people looking to raise funds to first of all, put air conditioning on the first floor, second of all, make their bathrooms ADA compliant and then also adding a second bathroom, a men's and a woman's, and then also to upgrade the kitchen so that David's Country Inn who would be the main provider of the food, will have better opportunities to be able to cook and prepare food for weddings and maybe more people will want to have weddings there. Okay, that's all I have for the Mayor's report. We'll start with Council reports. Mr. Cote...Councilman Cote:I think we covered most of what I was going to cover during the public session, but what I do have is a summary that I put together along with the help of Councilwoman Tuohy and then that independent meeting with Councilman Quinoa and then another independent meeting with Councilman Ochwat, that details the history of what's transpired with Water and Sewer department. The DPW and how we got to where we are and finally the final meetings with the supervisors and the hiring process to pay issues. So if everybody wants me to read this, it's about eight or nine pages.Group:No. [crosstalk 01:48:10]Councilman Cote:Otherwise, I'd be more than happy to meet individually after the meeting or privately anytime anybody wants to go through the detail.Mayor Lomonaco:Since I wasn't part of the process, would you mind if I got a copy of it?Councilman Cote:I'll be more than happy to give you a copy.Mayor Lomonaco:I would appreciate that. Thank you. Your report complete?Councilman Cote:My report is complete.Mayor Lomonaco:Ms. Tuohy.Councilwoman Tuohy:Ah, yes. So municipal court, I'm going to be putting that on the agenda for the workshop meeting in August. We covered that some part of it tonight. The DPW position - I understand that the full-time employee we hired for the Water and Sewer Department is now temporarily over at the roads department full time.Mayor Lomonaco:That's not correct.Daniel Thiede:We're splitting time,Councilwoman Tuohy:Okay, huh. Well...Daniel Thiede:I'm trying to help everybody out.Councilwoman Tuohy:No I understand that, but when I spoke with Kevin the other day, he said he had him full time. Unless that changed since I've last spoke to him.Daniel Thiede:No, I've had him for the first hour and a half of the day and then Kevin gets him the rest.Councilwoman Tuohy:The rest? Okay.Daniel Thiede:Yes.Councilwoman Tuohy:That's pretty much all day. I know you need help over there so...Daniel Thiede:Well we're getting by. We'll get him back, it's okay.Councilwoman Tuohy:Okay, so my suggestion, I don't know where the hiring process is going for a second person in the [inaudible 01:49:34] department, but I've been doing some research and I spoke with Kevin who was our DPW supervisor and a lot of the towns use seasonal workers from May through October, and I think at this point maybe we need to get some seasonal workers in here so that the roads and everything caught up to date and then maybe that will give us time to figure out exactly what the department needs. [crosstalk 01:50:00]Mayor Lomonaco:Since that's an operational issue, not a legislative one, I will be more than glad to speak with the plant operator and also the DPW to investigate that.Councilwoman Tuohy:It's a suggestion.Mayor Lomonaco:I appreciate that.Councilwoman Tuohy:Will you be speaking with them soon? Will you be speaking with them soon?Mayor Lomonaco:I don't have a timeframe at this moment, but I will before the next meeting.Councilwoman Tuohy:Okay because he really needs help down at the roads department.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. He hasn't contacted me about it, but I will address it.Councilwoman Tuohy:Okay. Another thing when I went down this...but the main purpose was to see the new trailer we got and I'm just gonna make one suggestion that maybe we get a cover for it. Only because it's not being garaged. You don't want it to rust out in the winter time with all the snow. You don't want the wood rotting out. And I also noticed that the tag expired on it. Is there a reason why we didn't get permanent plates yet?Municipal Clerk:He's got a plate on it.Councilwoman Tu:Oh, when was that? It wasn't there the other day.Municipal Clerk:Yesterday morning.Councilwoman Tuohy:Oh yes. Okay, I was there the other day. Okay, good.Mayor Lomonaco:Anything else?Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes. Just one more thing, Mayor.Mayor Lomonaco:Sure.Councilwoman Tuohy:Before you said that you don't except second hand information, but your decision to remove Councilman Quinoa from the committees is all based with the second hand information.Mayor Lomonaco:You don't know what my decision is based on.Councilwoman Tuohy:Well you so...Mayor Lomonaco:You're assuming...Councilwoman Tuohy:I'm not assuming, I read the email you sent us.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Councilwoman Tuohy:It was off of social media, an anonymous letter and you know, we're in a political campaign right now, an upcoming election and for all we know, the few people that are commenting on social media, and the anonymous letter, are doing it for a political purpose and you're allowing our Township to fall into that trap.Unknown:Oh my god. [crosstalk 01:51:59]Councilwoman Tuohy:How can you all- [crosstalk 01:51:59] can I finish please?Mayor Lomonaco:Sure.Councilwoman Tuohy:How do we know this is not a political strategy approach to take the candidates in the upcoming election? How does a Councilman Quinoa get his untainted reputation back now? I'm going to ask you to reconsider your decision. One disagreement over an appointment, should not divide the Council. You said it yourself. This is really our only disagreement that we've had in the seven months. And just one more thing. If you allow your decision to stand, any social media posting, rumor, innuendo on any employee, or volunteer, will have to be removed. I do not think you want to go down that path. You cannot pick and choose who you try to humiliate because Council does not agree with your actions and let me make it very clear, I know Manny maybe probably four years now. I have a lot of respect for him. I've seen him with the children in our town. I've seen him with children that went off to college and came back home. I've seen him with the parents. He's loved. He is admired. He is respectful. My husband and I have the utmost respect for this gentleman and to have his name tarnished by a Mayor who was not only unethical but did verbal attacks not only on this Council but on residents. He's played with an absence of a conscience then and has historically engaged in false narratives on this town with unfounded accusations, reckless speculation, all while disregarding crucial facts, details in order to carry out his character assassination. He's done it with our former mayor Betty. He's done it with a former Councilperson, Diane Cook. He's done it to Manny. He's done it to Doug. He's done it to Jim. He's done it to me. You talk about discrimination. He stood up on this dais and discriminated against me because of my age and because I did not have children. Read it in the minutes, they're there. So, I'm asking you, Mayor, to reconsider your decision of removing Councilman Quinoa from the committees because Kathy Gogel is not here. She's the one that started this on social media. So if anybody knows her, she said a lot of things about me. I would love to speak with her. She knows nothing about me.Unknown:She said she was going to be here.Councilwoman Tuohy:She said she was.Councilman Cote:Oh, you know it's amazing how she disappeared.Councilwoman Tuohy:But I'll tell you this, let me finish [crosstalk 01:54:42]Speaker 15:Because we know who she is.Councilwoman Tu:I looked into this woman. She's on next door. She said she lives on Cornerstone. She just moved in with her fiancé, who lives on Cornerstone. She knows so much about our town. She mentioned the Gibbs.Speaker 15:Really?Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes. She mentioned the Tracys.Betty:I asked her on next door, I asked her...Mayor Lomonaco:Ma'am please, you can't speak right now.Betty :Sorry.Councilwoman Tu:So, I don't think she exists, I'm going to say it. I've done research on her. I can tell you I traced her back to Florida. I'll make that connection soon, at the next meeting. [crosstalk 01:55:23] But she doesn't exist. And if she does exist, tell her to come to the next meeting and I will apologize. But she doesn't exist. You're letting one person hiding behind social media, tarnish this guy's, this gentleman, this man, my buddy, his reputation. It's not acceptable. Not Acceptable, because you wouldn't like it, if it was done to you or your wife or somebody in your family. You could easily call the prosecutor's office and ask them. Is Mr. Quinoa under indictment? You didn't do that.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes I did.Councilwoman Tuohy:Oh, and he's under indictment?Mayor Lomonaco:They would not confirm or deny.Councilwoman Tuohy:That's not true. It's public record.Mayor Lomonaco:The answer that I got from them was "I cannot confirm or deny."Councilwoman Tuohy:If somebody's...Mayor Lomonaco:Are you calling me a liar? Because...Councilwoman Tuohy:If somebody's indicted, it's public information.Mayor Lomonaco:I called them and that's the answer that they gave me.Councilwoman Tuohy:Mm-hmm.Mayor Lomonaco:So, make sure that it's clear on the tape that they cannot confirm or deny, which still left a doubt in my mind. Now that Mr. Quinoa has said no, I stand behind Mr. Quinoa a hundred percent, but I'm not changing my decision.Councilwoman Tuohy:No you're not, no.Mayor Lomonaco:No, because I've worked with Mr. Quinoa now for seven months on personnel and I do not feel that he is the best person for the job. That's why I'm making my decision.Councilwoman Tuohy:Just make sure you [crosstalk 01:56:40] Can I finish?Mayor Lomonaco:No, you don't have the right to.Councilwoman Tuohy:Just make sure that in the future, the same standards you're applying to Mr. Quinoa, you're going to all employees, to all volunteers. Anybody associated with the town, same standards.Mayor Lomonaco:Give me a standard that I'm violating.Councilman Cote:We're developing a fiefdom here, is what we're doing.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yeah, you told me before it was secondhand information. Everything you're getting is secondhand information.Mayor Lomonaco:I told you what I, when I call the prosecutor's office, what I got. If it would have been no, there is no investigation, then fine. All right. Until I heard him now tonight say "there is no investigation," I stand behind them 100%, but that has nothing to do with taking him off a personnel. I've been working with him for seven months...Councilwoman Tuohy:That's not what you said in your letter to us. [crosstalk 01:57:31]Mayor Lomonaco:I was trying to be nice in my letter to you.Councilwoman Tuohy:There was nothing nice though.Mayor Lomonaco:Out of respect to Mr. Quinoa.Councilman Cote:I don't believe it.Councilwoman Tuohy:You tarnished his name in the letter.Councilman Cote:I don't believe it.Councilwoman Tuohy:You tarnished his name.Mayor Lomonaco:And that is your opinion.Councilman Cote:That is my opinion.Councilwoman Tuohy:You tarnished his name.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay and you're entitled to it. I did not tarnish his name. I didn't bring up the email. I didn't read the email. You read the email.Councilman Cote:I read the email.Mayor Lomonaco:That was your choice.Councilman Cote:And I also know you lied to me one time before, so I don't believe it.Councilwoman Tuohy:Really?Mayor Lomonaco:And when did I lie to you?Councilman Cote:We had a meeting four weeks ago.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Councilman Cote:But the last meeting in June, we had a meeting when we're talking about hiring a person.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes.Councilman Cote: And I told you the reasons why I would not hire that guy and I'll make it public again because I stated it at the last meeting and I'm going to state it again and council had no problem with it. During the interview with the supervisor, Mrs. Tuohy went out and got the work records, the time clock records for the recommended person.Mayor Lomonaco:I actually provided them.Councilman Cote:OK. And that...Mayor Lomonaco:Because I'm not hiding anything.Councilman Cote:That person had not clocked in or clocked out. When the supervisor was asked, and this isn't one day, this is weeks. When the supervisor was asked about it, he said, "I've asked him several times, he refuses to do it." The mayor said, "Dennis, your problem," and the response to the supervisor was "then I have to give him a warning." And I said, "we're gonna hire a guy that were giving a warning that if he doesn't comply with punching in and out, comply with with what he's got to do, that we're going to fire him and then we're going to hire him." Does that make any sense at all? And you're saying no, it's over, it's done. I'm not going to hire him. And then the very next meeting we find out two hours before the meeting because you find out it was a level one, a position that you had the authority to hire him. You were going to hire him.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes.Councilman Cote:And so you have lied to me.Mayor Lomonaco:I did not lie to you.Councilman Cote:You absolutely did. You said it's over...Mayor Lomonaco:I did not. What I said was the responsibility of that employee is that of the supervisor. I could've very easily written up the supervisor for not doing his job in making sure, don't interrupt me, in making sure that his employee was doing their cards.Councilman Cote:You lied. You said to me...Mayor Lomonaco:I did not lie. You're twisting my words.Councilman Cote:No I am not.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes you are.Councilman Cote:Councilman Quinoa, did you hear that? Did you hear what he said that it was over and done with, that that was not going to be the hire.Councilwoman Tuohy:It was a dead issue.Councilman Cote:Councilman Ochwat, did you hear it?Mayor Lomonaco:Was this a private session, or was this in public?Councilman Cote:It was in private session.Mayor Lomonaco:I thought we're not supposed to talk about private sessions, but now you're going to bring this up.Councilman Cote:I've got...Mayor Lomonaco:This is ridiculous.Councilman Cote:I've got Counsel authority to talk about that, as long as I don't mention names.Mayor Lomonaco:Well, they should've counseled with me too. They didn't consult with me.Councilman Cote:Well, you lied to me.Mayor Lomonaco:I did not lie. [crosstalk 02:00:36]Councilman Cote:... turned around and were going to hire him anyway.Mayor Lomonaco:I already made my point when I said whoever the public works person would recommend, I would recommend.Councilman Cote:Yeah, you said that.Mayor Lomonaco:I did not change...Councilman Cote:You said that.Mayor Lomonaco:And I still do that, [crosstalk 02:00:51]Councilman Cote:So, if you were going to hire a guy that won't comply with...Mayor Lomonaco:No, what I said is I will address it with the DPW supervisor who's responsible for him.Councilman Ochwat:Right, right, right.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes. You have so many years in personnel and 2000 people, you would know that you don't deal with the guy that's cleaning the toilets. You talk to his boss.Councilman Ochwat:I know this.Mayor Lomonaco:And that's all that I did.Councilman Ochwat:I know this, with all my years in hiring and firing people. I wouldn't hire a guy that refused to do what he's supposed to do.Mayor Lomonaco:Again, I referred to the fact that it's the responsibility of the DPW supervisor to maintain his work.Councilman Ochwat:I agree.Mayor Lomonaco:This is a guy that you guys all hired at $75,000 because he's qualified for it. He's certified. I went along with that and I'm fine.Councilman Cote:I agree 100%.Mayor Lomonaco:But don't turn the words on me now because he's not doing his job.Councilman Cote:But you've got the hiring responsibility, not him. Your responsibility is to make the hire.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes.Councilman Cote:And you were going to hire a guy that wouldn't comply.Mayor Lomonaco:I was going to hire a guy that was recommended to me before and after council interviewed him. So don't twist my words.Councilman Cote:No, I'm not twisting your words.Mayor Lomonaco:You are. You called me a liar. [crosstalk 02:02:07]Councilman Cote:You are.Mayor Lomonaco:I'm not a liar. [crosstalk 02:02:11]Councilman Cote:Would you like to complete your...Unknown:This is getting worse.Councilwoman Tuohy:I'm done, I think. [crosstalk 02:02:19]Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, Councilman Quinoa? [crosstalk 02:02:23] Councilman Quinoa? Councilman Ochwat.Councilman Ochwat:Hmm? [crosstalk 02:02:33] Yes, several things. First, I would also ask you, mayor, to reconsider and I won't go through all the reasons, they would be mostly the same as other people have stayed, reinstating Manny on that committee. Secondly, I want to say that I don't, and I don't care what anyone else does, it's their business, but I don't participate in antisocial media. I know a lot of people do. I'm not one of them. But having said that, I've heard enough from many other people about that I should get on here and look at this and look at that. I don't want to do it, but I've heard enough that, this is just a comment, that I think it's a real shame that whoever is posting all these things, on anti-social media, and by the way, I got an invitation in the mail from someone.Councilman Ochwat:... invitation in the mail from someone who runs the website for buying and selling things here in Allamuchy Township. Then I found out when I asked someone else about it, because I thought this sounds like a good thing. You can buy stuff, sell stuff, find out who might be a good repair person for this or that. I found out that it's the exact same website where all this stuff is being posted. So I threw it in the garbage.Councilman Ochwat:I thought it was what it said it is, but it obviously is a lot more than that. But I think it's a real shame that whoever is posting all of this is not here, or the person doesn't exist, and they are here, but they're not going to face up to what they posted. Either way, I think that's a real shame, and that's one of the reasons, maybe the biggest one, why I don't participate in it. You can say anything you want about anybody and it's like an anonymous letter that should always be thrown in the garbage because an anonymous letter means nothing.Councilman Ochwat:Okay. I had some things that I asked to be put on the agenda, and for the first time in my entire time on the Council, they weren't put on because I was told I wasn't within the 48 hour time frame. I've never asked for things to be put on an agenda within the 48 hour time frame. What I've always done is waited to be asked for any additions to the agenda, or do you have anything you want posted on the agenda? And then if I had anything, most of the time I don't, I would send them in via email.Councilman Ochwat:This time I wasn't asked, and then when I did want to put a few things on, I told I was was not within the time frame. I'm trying to not do what others are doing in terms of playing this game, and that's what I will call it, is I am going to leave most of those things that I was going to put on the agenda until the workshop, somewhat against my other nature, but I'm going to. No problem in letting them lie for two weeks.Councilman Ochwat:But there are a couple things that I think I do need to bring up. One of them, the Mayor already brought up and I'm glad he did, and that I was trying to get posted was the, I call it the new truck stop and I'm glad we're already doing something about it. Because we've put probably 10 years into getting rid of a vacated trailer and an eyesore, and a parking area for trucks and everything else. And now we've got the trucks parking across from Allamuchy Mall, Panther Valley Mall, I'm sorry. And the only other thing I have right now at this second is I know our tax bills have been delayed, and I know they're always delayed because of the state. And I just want to ask, does anybody know when they'll be going out?Municipal Clerk:Well, I think Kim spoke to Donna, and she advised that she's not going to give us a name or date yet, because of the tax rate not being struck yet. So as soon as we get the tax rate, then she can do it. She could do the authorization to extend the grace period 25 days.Councilman Ochwat:Okay. So we don't know when they're going to go out?Municipal Clerk:No. We don't even know the rate yet.Councilman Ochwat:Understood. And when the tax bills do go out, they're gonna go out with it?Municipal Clerk:They'll go out with it written on the tax bill itself of when they'll be due.Councilman Ochwat:But we need a, like we did last year or the year before..Municipal Clerk:Well, I'm sure Donna will take care of that.Councilman Ochwat:Okay. Could you please mention it to her?Municipal Clerk:I will.Councilman Ochwat:To have an insert in there, because otherwise it can be very confusing.Municipal Clerk:Yup. I'll mention that.Councilman Ochwat:Thank you. And that's all I have, Mr. Mayor. I'll save my other stuff for the workshop.Councilman Quinoa:Mayor, if I can.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes sir.Councilman Quinoa:its five after nine, is there a possibility that, I know that the rest of the stuff on the agenda is the Engineer's report, Attorney's report and some of your resolutions and things of that nature. Do you think you could take a five minute break?Mayor Lomonaco:Yeah sure. Can I have a motion?Councilman Quinoa:I don't know if the audience wants to stay for the regular business stuff.Mayor Lomonaco:Well, we also opened up for a second public session, so-Councilman Quinoa:Maybe we could do that now then before we...Councilman Ochwat:Well, why don't we take a quick break, but make it real quick?Councilwoman Tuohy:Yeah, five minutes.Mayor Lomonaco:Are you done with your report, Mr. Ochwat?Councilman Ochwat:Yeah..Municipal Clerk:Do we have to make a motion for the [crosstalk 02:09:36]Councilman Cote:I'll make a motion.Mayor Lomonaco:All in favor? Okay. Five minute break.Mayor Lomonaco:[Crosstalk 02:09:41]Mayor Lomonaco:Motion to come back on the record.Municipal Clerk:Back on the record.Municipal Clerk:[crosstalk 02:09:49]Mayor Lomonaco:All in favor?All: Aye. Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Ask everybody to settle down. We're starting again if you don't mind. Any board and commission reports?Councilman Ochwat:None.Mayor Lomonaco:Hearing none. Municipal courts report.Municipal Clerk:The only thing I have in your binders, under reports are the two quotes for the PA system.Councilwoman Tuohy:Let's put them here, right Anne Marie?Municipal Clerk:Yep, mmm-hmm.Councilwoman Tuohy:Nowhere else. Just to-Municipal Clerk:Here PA system, microphone system.Councilman Cote:Did we get these prior to the meeting [inaudible 02:10:22].Municipal Clerk:It's in your binders. Do you need copies?Councilman Cote:Yeah, that was my question, Anne Marie is-Municipal Clerk:Yeah.Mayor Lomonaco:Would you like to push it to the workshop and we can discuss it then.Municipal Clerk:Yeah, I mean we can.Mayor Lomonaco:I'm asking ask Mr. Cote.Councilwoman Tuohy:I would like to.Councilman Cote:I'd like to get more time to review it. Yeah.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Then would you mind pushing it to the workshop?Municipal Clerk:We'll re-list it.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Anything else?Municipal Clerk:And I am looking at…Mayor Lomonaco:Anything from the Engineer's report?Unknown:Can we make a motion?Councilman Cote:Does anybody want to second the motion?Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Attorney's report.Attorney Beilin:Okay. A couple of things, I will be fast. First off, I had a a back and forth with the website contractor at Express, you know, just a couple of concerns. They were very good about getting back to me and agreeing to the changes. So as far as we're concerned, that the contracts good to sign.Councilwoman Tuohy:Can you just tell me what the changes were?Attorney Beilin:Oh sure. I was worried about two things in particular. One was that even if you thought that they were breaching the contract and acting inappropriately, if you tried to terminate the contract, you would still have to pay for every single year of it in full.Councilwoman Tuohy:Right.Attorney Beilin:Which, you know, was nonsense. So now if you terminate for cause you don't have to do that.Attorney Beilin:The other thing was it was originally drafted so that it was automatically renewed for another three years if, unless you said otherwise.Councilwoman Tuohy:Good, good.Attorney Beilin:So that was taken out.Councilwoman Tuohy:Good negotiation, 'cause that's how we got that price.Attorney Beilin:I try.Mayor Lomonaco:So Councilwomen Tuohy, you're okay with me signing with that?Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes, I am.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, thank you.Attorney Beilin:Okay.Councilwoman Tuohy:I don't know about other Council, but I am.Mayor Lomonaco:We already approved it, but you're on the Committee. That's why I'm asking.Attorney Beilin:Okay. So just the one I emailed up today is the one that should be signed, just to make sure that, because it does have, it's the one with the changes in it.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Attorney Beilin:Is there a motion to, you want a motion? Okay.Councilwoman Tuohy:Do we need a motion?Municipal Clerk:I just need a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign.Councilwoman Tuohy:I'll make a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for the new website, that's been already approved.Municipal Clerk:And that's Gov Office.Councilwoman Tuohy:Gov office dot.Mayor Lomonaco:Yeah, Gov offices, right.Mayor Lomonaco:Any discussion?Councilman Cote:No.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Roll call?Municipal Clerk:Council persons Cote.Councilman Cote:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Tuohy.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Quinoa.Councilman Quinoa:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Ochwat.Councilman Ochwat:Yes.Municipal Clerk:And Mayor Lomonaco?Mayor Lomonaco:Yes. Okay.Attorney Beilin:And then the only, the only other thing, last time I reported on the soil importation ordinances and Congressman Gottheimer suggestions on that. I sent the multiple drafts and also the letter over to Paul Sterbenz. He took a quick look, he's actually on his way out for vacation. But initially he's not 100% sure that it's something you want to do, but if it is something you want to do, he's going to have some comments on it, but it'll be another couple of weeks.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. He will be at the next workshop meeting so we can discuss it then.Attorney Beilin:Okay. Oh yeah, if I actually, I do want to, I might as well mention this now as well. Also the ordinance that's on for tonight, the LOSAP ordinance. First reading tonight, I'm going to at least float the suggestion of you're having a special meeting to for the second reading of that. And the reason being, because right now you would be adopting it on the 14th, it has to be the county to make it on the ballot by the 16th and you want to get it published first.Attorney Beilin:So if you, if you move that meeting, if you just have a special meeting a little earlier than that, that'll give you Anne Marie time to do what she has to do.Municipal Clerk:16th or the 30th?Attorney Beilin:It's the 16th the 30th is for something else.Councilwoman Tuohy:16th of what?Municipal Clerk:August.Councilwoman Tuohy:August?Attorney Beilin:The 16th of August is when you have to have it to the county, to get it included on the ballot.Municipal Clerk:Well, so like... hold on.Mayor Lomonaco:Our next meeting is on the-Municipal Clerk:If we could do on the 14th.Mayor Lomonaco:Would that give you enough time?Mayor Lomonaco:I'm just concerned.Attorney Beilin:I'm just thinking.Municipal Clerk:Well, I'm looking at publication.Attorney Wacks:Yeah, that's what I'm saying too. Yeah.Municipal Clerk:So if I get it in tomorrow, let’s see Wednesday, Thursday. It won't go in 'til Saturday. Saturday. If I get it in by 10 tomorrow. So that'll give us time. That'd be the 27th 10 days to do. Yeah, I mean 10 days’ notice.Councilwoman Tu:So when would the meeting be?Municipal Clerk:14th.Councilwoman Tuohy:I will not be…Municipal Clerk:But you've got to submit the question.Councilwoman Tuohy:I will not be available.Municipal Clerk:You're not, you won't be at that meeting?Councilwoman Tuohy:I'll be at, the 14th, I'll be... No, I think I'm out of town.Municipal Clerk:As long as I have a quorum.Councilwoman Tuohy:Is this the special meeting?Municipal Clerk:No, it's the workshop.Councilwoman Tu:It's the workshop.Attorney Beilin:No, I was suggesting if there was a way to have a special meeting a little bit sooner than that, there may not be time do it.Councilwoman Tuohy:Do we really want a third meeting?Mayor Lomonaco:He said it would be a five minute meeting.Municipal Clerk:Yeah, just the [inaudible 02:15:05] .Attorney Wacks:Only for that, only you know, it's up to you guys, you know.Councilwoman Tuohy:It's up to them. I'm not gonna, it's up to them.Councilman Cote:Pick a date.Mayor Lomonaco:We would need three people to commit.Councilwoman Tuohy:I'm going to change my plans up, I'll be there.Councilman Cote:What day, the seventh?Municipal Clerk:The 14th.Councilwoman Tuohy:The 14th.Councilman Cote:But we have a meeting that day anyway.Councilwoman Tuohy:But are gonna get them in time.Municipal Clerk:If I can get it in that. Yeah, I'm shooting for Saturday, but with the length of it, they may kick it back to me and tell me I can't do 'til Monday.Councilwoman Tuohy:Can't we do it on 14th Rich?Municipal Clerk:So that would be the 29th.Councilwoman Tuohy:I just think cause it's due the 16th right?Attorney Beilin:Well if you do it on the 14th... Well actually Anne Marie, this is if we just do it on the 14th and the regular course-Municipal Clerk:That's what I'm saying.Attorney Beilin:Are you okay with making... Is that going to be an issue getting that over to the county by the-Municipal Clerk:No.Attorney Beilin:Okay. All right. So then we don't need to do it.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yeah.Mayor Lomonaco:See what you started?Municipal Clerk:Cause it's due at the, by the 16th. The question is.Attorney Beilin:Yeah.Municipal Clerk:The ballot question is due the 16th. Okay.Attorney Beilin:And that's included in the ordinance, the ballot questions is in the ordinance.Councilman Ochwat:Can I move the ordinance at this one?Attorney Beilin:Well, it's on the, it's coming up.Councilman Ochwat:Oh, I thought it was up, I thought that's why we were discussing.Attorney Beilin:Well I'll conclude my report and then and will be up.Councilman Ochwat:Oh I'm sorry.Mayor Lomonaco:Well, actually if you don't mind, we did promise the audience a second chance for public session. So can I get a motion to open to the public?Councilman Ochwat:So movedMayor Lomonaco:All in favor?Councilman Ochwat:Sure.Councilman Cote:Aye.Mayor Lomonaco:Anybody like to come up?Cheryl Marciano:Since you're the one that asked for it.Cheryl Marciano:Since I'm the one that asked for it.Cheryl Marciano:Cheryl Marciano, 19 Rainier Court. I have another question since we were discussing policies, is there a Code of Conduct for Town Council members and the Mayor?Municipal Clerk:I do believe we have a Code of Conduct.Councilman Quinoa:I think it might have something in there about it. Yes.Cheryl Marciano:'Cause I have concerns. There were a lot of comments made about disparaging people without proof. And then we have Council Members who are doing just that, with a resident questioning whether or not she's real, or if there was some political connection without any proof. And from where I sit, that's pretty hypocritical. So I think that's something, if we don't have one that should be taken into consideration. And if we do then perhaps it needs to be revisited.Mayor Lomonaco:Appreciate that.Cheryl Marciano:Thank you.Mayor Lomonaco:Anybody else? Seeing none? Motion to close the public session.Councilwoman Tuohy:I'll make that motion.Councilman Cote:Second.Mayor Lomonaco:All in favor?All : Aye. Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, let's move on to ordinances, first reading please.Municipal Clerk:Okay. We have the... Do you want to give a brief intro on this Mr. Attorney.Attorney Beilin:To which? To the [crosstalk 02:17:45].Municipal Clerk:A quick briefing information.Attorney Beilin:On the LOSAP.Mayor Lomonaco:No, the deer park.Municipal Clerk:The deer park.Mayor Lomonaco:Actually, the Deer Park one was being handled by Mr. Ursin.Attorney Beilin:Yeah.Municipal Clerk:Okay.Mayor Lomonaco:From Schenck something and something.Municipal Clerk:So do you just want to introduce it then? And have a second reading, then we can ask…Mayor Lomonaco:And then we can do the discussion. ORDINANCES – FIRST READING:Municipal Clerk:That's fine. Okay. This is ORDINANCE 2019-13, Deer Park Road. This is an “Ordinance of the Township Allamuchy, County of Warren, and State of New Jersey authorizing the sale of municipal property no longer needed for public use.”Mayor Lomonaco:Motion to move.Councilman Quinoa:I'll make that motion.Mayor Lomonaco:Second.Councilman Cote :I'll second it.Mayor Lomonaco:Any discussion?Councilman Quinoa:Yeah, just a clarification. Did I hear a few minutes ago, something about this Ordinance concerning, Paul Sterbenz having concerns about it?Attorney Beilin:No. That had to do with the Congressman Gottheimer, suggested the soil importation ordinance.Councilman Ochwat:Okay, good. Okay.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, can we have the roll call please?Municipal Clerk:Councilpersons Cote?Councilman Cote:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Tuohy.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Quinoa.Councilman Quinoa:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Ochwat.Councilman Ochwat:Yes.Municipal Clerk:And Mayor Lomonaco.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Second reading is going to be August, Is there an urgency to move this ordinance faster?Mayor Lomonaco:No.Municipal Clerk:August 28.Mayor Lomonaco:And the LOSAP one please.Municipal Clerk:LOSAP ... Okay, this is an ordinance, established... 2019-14 this is an ordinance establishing a length of service award program, LOSAP, for members of the Allamuchy-Green First Aid Squad. And there's a schedule attached. And this will be referendum non-binding?Attorney Beilin:Right.Municipal Clerk:Non-binding referendum question on the November ballot.Mayor Lomonaco:Motion to move.Councilman Quinoa:I'll move that.Mayor Lomonaco:Second.Councilwoman Tuohy:I'll second.Mayor Lomonaco:Any discussion? Roll call?Councilwoman Tuohy:I have one question, there was a blank with it, I think a date on the ordinance, do we have to put a date in there Rich?Attorney Beilin:Are you talking about on the-Councilwoman Tuohy:Second page I think it was.Attorney Beilin:Oh, that's the day for the second reading.Councilwoman Tuohy:Okay.Attorney Beilin:Yeah, Anne Marie can fill that in when she sends it to be published.Councilwoman Tuohy:Thank you.Mayor Lomonaco:Roll call?Municipal Clerk:Councilpersons Cote.Councilman Cote:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Tuohy.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Quinoa.Councilman Quinoa:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Ochwat.Councilman Ochwat:Yes.Municipal Clerk:And Mayor Lomonaco.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes - Ordinances for a second reading. ORDINANCES – SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING:Municipal Clerk:Okay. This is Capital - this is basically allowing us to expend grant monies that Rutherfurd Hall receives for their rehabilitation and preservation. This is Ordinance # 2019-12 – “An Ordinance for the Township of Allamuchy, providing for the appropriation of $147,473 for improvements to Rutherfurd Hall from the Warren County Historic Preservation Trust.”Councilman Ochwat:This is simply the pass through money, correct?Municipal Clerk:Correct. As a grant, yeah.Councilman Ochwat:I'll make that motion.Mayor Lomonaco:Second.Councilman Cote:Second it.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. We're going to open it up to the public, since it's a second reading. Can I have a motion to open to the public.Councilwoman Tuohy:I'll make that motion.Councilman Quinoa:Just for the purpose of the ordinance I hope, right?Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes.Mayor Lomonaco:You second right? Yes. This is the only for Ordinance # 2019-12.Councilwoman Tuohy:Second it.Mayor Lomonaco:Could we get a second?Municipal Clerk:I need a second on that.Councilman Quinoa:I'll second it.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. All in favor?Mayor Lomonaco:Ms. Schultheis.Ms. Schultheis:Is that the Historic Trust or the MCCTF?Municipal Clerk:MCCTF.Ms. Schultheis:Okay.Municipal Clerk:Money coming from that.Ms. Schultheis:Yeah, I know, but you said historic.Municipal Clerk:For historic preservation.Ms. Schultheis:Okay, I just wanted to make sure we had the MCCTF in there.Municipal Clerk:Yes For historic preservation.Mayor Lomonaco:Good. Any other questions? Okay. Seeing none, motion the close to the public?Councilwoman Tuohy:I'll make that motion.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Second.Councilman Cote:Seconded.Mayor Lomonaco:All in favor. Roll call.Municipal Clerk:Just as a…. Just as a clarification to Ms. Schultheis’s comments. Yes. This historic preservation trust from the MCCTF, the Municipal Charitable Conservation Trust Funds, just so we all know where that money's coming from.Municipal Clerk:Council persons Cote?Councilman Cote:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Tuohy.Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Quinoa.Councilman Quinoa:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Ochwat.Councilman Ochwat:Yes.Municipal Clerk:And Mayor Lomonaco?Mayor Lomonaco:Yes. Resolutions? RESOLUTIONS: Municipal Clerk:Okay, A. the municipal liens for 195 and 205 Alphano Road are going to be carried until the August meeting, August workshop. Those resolutions are not ready to go.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Municipal Clerk:Everybody received the 12 B. to amend the salary resolutions previously adopted.Councilman Quinoa:We didn't get that. I didn't get it.Municipal Clerk:It's in your notebooks. I think you were sent... I think Mr. Kozimor did send it to the... I know he sent it. [inaudible 02:23:01]Mayor Lomonaco:What it did was, it took the four that were missed with the 2% raise, and it actually gave that back to them, and that was the only change made to it because that was left out in error. So we wanted to correct that, so that we could do retro.Municipal Clerk:It was provided to me. For the record, it was provided to me, I redacted the names that was discussed at the last meeting by the Attorney. I did take those names off, so you have a final version.Councilwoman Tuohy:Did we ever find out how that document was released to Keith DeTombeur?Municipal Clerk:Mr. Kozimor and I both agreed that it wasn't through our offices.Mayor Lomonaco:Or mine.Municipal Clerk:Or yours.Councilman Quinoa:Well this could have only been... the only people that have control of that document. You know what, let's get on with this meeting.Mayor Lomonaco:Motion to move the resolution?Councilman Cote:I'll make the motion.Mayor Lomonaco:Second.Councilwoman Tuohy:I'll second it.Mayor Lomonaco:Any discussion? Roll call.Municipal Clerk:Councilpersons Cote?Councilman Cote:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Tuohy.Councilwoman Tu:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Quinoa.Councilman Quinoa:Yes.Councilman Ochwat:Ochwat.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes.Municipal Clerk:And Mayor Lomonaco.Mayor Lomonaco:Yes. And I want to formally apologize to the four people that were left off. So this hopefully will satisfy their displeasure. Any other new business?Councilman Quinoa:I'm sorry Rick, what was that?Mayor Lomonaco:I was apologizing that we missed those four people in the resolution.Municipal Clerk:The only thing I have and it's up to Council if they want to approve it, is I have a raffle application for the Allamuchy PTO, to do a 50/50 at their Carnival. It's up to them, I think it can wait.Councilman Quinoa:I'll make that motion.Mayor Lomonaco:Can we get a second?Councilwoman Tuohy:Was it on the agenda?Municipal Clerk:It was not. It just came in, and I'm leaving it up to Town Council if they want to do it. I'm just saying, I’m throwing it out there.Councilman Ochwat:I don't understand why it's being brought up if it's not 48 hours.Municipal Clerk:Exactly. It just came in. It's for the PTO.Councilman Ochwat:Well then why bring it up if it's not 48 hours.Municipal Clerk:And that's why I left it up to the Town Council to decide if they wanted to take action on it.Councilman Ochwat:I tried bringing up stuff in 36 hours.Mayor Lomonaco:But there were also changes made at the last meeting, that weren't on the agenda either.Municipal Clerk:We can carry it.Mayor Lomonaco:We can let it go.Municipal Clerk:Carry it to August.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Alright. Approval of the bills and add-ons?Councilman Ochwat:I'll make that motion, but I have to... I don't know of any add -ons, are there add-ons?Municipal Clerk:No, the only thing, which you've already approved was the Rutherfurd Hall fireworks donation money? It didn't, we just got the paperwork back on that and we did not get the signed paperwork. That would be the only thing I'd ask to get added on.Councilman Ochwat:Yeah, I'll include that in the-Municipal Clerk:$2000.Councilman Ochwat:As an-add on in my motion. But before we take a vote on anything, I have to bring up that we have... The only invoice I didn't sign tonight, was the one from the Attorney firm of Schenck, Price, Smith and King, because I thought there were some questions on it with regard to whether they were our Personnel. There was a question that there was no contract for them to be our personnel, and I didn't want to include that until we had some kind of discussion on it.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Councilman Ochwat:Clarification.Mayor Lomonaco:What's your discussion?Councilman Ochwat:Well, the question is simply-Councilman Cote:My recollection is that January 2nd during the Reorg. Meeting, we assigned Mr. Wacks Law Firm to be our representative and that Schenck was going to be retained for the sole purpose of handling the Deer Park issue, and the sale and closure of the units down at Old Farm and that was the only thing that Council approves that they're being retained for.Councilwoman Tuohy:I think there was one more thing.Mayor Lomonaco:Well there was-Councilwoman Tuohy:I think they were doing a tax thing.Councilwoman Tuohy:[crosstalk 02:27:21] Tax appeals.Mayor Lomonaco:And that's to the best of your recollection?Councilman Cote:That was the only thing Council approved.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. I defer to the resolution, that was part of the minutes for that, in which the municipal auditor, the health officer, the planner, municipal defender, public attorney, Mr. Wacks, Personnel Attorney and Conflict Attorney Robert McBriar from Schenck and then also John Ursin to continue doing the Old Farm closing, since they were the ones doing it, I also allowed them to both continue their tax appeals that they had in process, any new ones would go to Mr. Wacks.Mayor Lomonaco:So if you'd like to take the next two weeks to research that a little bit better, feel free, I can provide you with a copy. They are our Personnel Attorney.Councilwoman Tuohy:Do we have a signed contract with them?Mayor Lomonaco:There was no-Councilman Cote:Where's the ... the way I recall - for a copy of latest contract.Mayor Lomonaco:First thing, Schenck carry over.Councilman Cote:And the last one we got was from 2016.Mayor Lomonaco:Exactly. They are a carry over, and we are now working to correct that and get the contract from them. But their carry over.Mayor Lomonaco:Mr. Wacks was not a carry over, cause they started over fresh. There was no issue with them, when we use them for a personnel issue. But now that it comes up to this issue, and the fact that I used them as a second opinion, to the law firm of Wacks, now it becomes an issue.Mayor Lomonaco:So I proved here now that they are our Personnel Attorney. You approved it, you approved it, you approved it, and you approved it.Councilman Cote:I'd like to review it before move on.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. And then feel free to research it and then come back in two weeks and then we can discuss.Councilwoman Tuohy:But do we have a contract with them?Mayor Lomonaco:We are working on getting a contract signed with them. They are a carryover from last year because they've been our Attorney for the last two years.Mayor Lomonaco:Does that answer your question sir?Councilman Cote:No, it doesn't.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, we'll, we'll discuss it again in two weeks.Councilman Ochwat:Okay. Rick. What would you like me to do with the bill, I'm not going sign it based on the discussion the two of you had.Councilman Cote:Maybe hold over for two weeks until it's discussed.Mayor Lomonaco:Can you approve the bills, so that once it is proved-Councilman Ochwat:Well again-Mayor Lomonaco:Mr. Cote's not going to need two weeks in order to look at the minutes from Jan... Since they're posted on the website.Councilman Ochwat:So what would you like me to do?Mayor Lomonaco:I would like you to sign it and then I'll sign it. But not that the check be sent out until Mr. Cote confirms that he's okay with it.Councilman Ochwat:Okay.Mayor Lomonaco:Or anybody else on Council has that right too.Councilman Ochwat:I have no problem with that.Councilman Ochwat:I will be passing it over to momentarily, and so my motion is to approve all the bills, with the exception of the one to the other Attorney until that clarification takes place.Councilman Ochwat:And the add-on to, the add-on you asked for Anne Marie was what?Municipal Clerk:Rutherfurd Hall.Councilman Ochwat:Rutherfurd Hall. That's my motion.Municipal Clerk:Board of Education, $2000.Councilman Ochwat:Right. That's my motion.Mayor Lomonaco:Can I get a second?Councilman Cote:Second.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay.Mayor Lomonaco:Any discussion? Roll call.Municipal Clerk:Councilpersons Cote.Councilman Cote:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Tuohy.Councilwoman Tuohy:Abstain.Municipal Clerk:Quinoa.Councilman Quinoa:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Ochwat.Councilman Ochwat:Yes.Municipal Clerk:And Mayor Lomonaco.Councilman Ochwat:Yes.Municipal Clerk:Are you abstaining from the whole list or just that one?Councilwoman Tuohy:Yes on the bills, abstaining on….Municipal Clerk:Schenck and Price?Councilwoman Tuohy:Schenck and Price because I was part of a matter that incurred legal expenses.Councilman Cote:Anne Marie, would you send me a copy of this signed document, please.Municipal Clerk:Of the contract?Councilman Cote:When the Mayor says that we've come to terms with Schenck and Price to represent us on matters of personnel.Mayor Lomonaco:What I said was that you all approved and appointed them and we're working on a contract. When it's signed you'll get it.Councilman Cote:I don't remember approving and appointing them. The only thing I recall approving and appointing was for Deer Park, the taxes and the sale of-Mayor Lomonaco:Well we'll refresh your memory and Anne Marie will send us the minutes so that we can all review them.Municipal Clerk:And that was with the attachments that went out.Councilwoman Tuohy:Was that done at the re-org?Mayor Lomonaco:Yes.Municipal Clerk:It was done January 2nd.Councilman Ochwat:And the bill can't be paid until we get that clarification made.Mayor Lomonaco:Exactly. Okay. Is there a need for an executive session?Councilman Quinoa:Yes there is.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay, and the reason for it?Councilman Quinoa:Get our act together.Mayor Lomonaco:Does that qualify as personnel?Attorney Beilin:Personnel does yes.Mayor Lomonaco:No. We need to clarify why we're doing executive-Councilman Quinoa:Personnel.Mayor Lomonaco:Okay. Motion to go into executive session? (9:51 P.M.)Councilman Cote:I'll make the motion.Mayor Lomonaco:Second?Councilman Ochwat:I'll second.Mayor Lomonaco:All in favor? We're going to have to ask everybody to step out, if you would be so kind. We do not anticipate any additional business after, but you can feel free to hang around if you'd like.Councilwoman Tuohy:Do I make a motion to go back and to... make a motion to go back into public session. (10:50 P.M.)Councilman Quinoa:Second.Mayor Lomonaco:All in favor.Councilman Ochwat:Aye.Councilwoman Tuohy:Aye.Councilman Cote:Aye.Councilman Quinoa:Aye.Attorney Wacks:Ah, okay. Everybody. We had a closed session to discuss a personnel matter. No action was taken. The minutes from that closed session will be made available to the public at such time as the, the reasons for why it was closed to have been resolved.Councilwoman Tuohy:Make a motion to... Anything else. I'll make a motion to end the meeting.Councilman Quinoa :Second.Councilwoman Tuohy:Adjourn. We'll make a motion to adjourn.Councilman Ochwat:It's too late. I like to remember words like that.Councilwoman Tuohy:Anybody second? Can I get a second?Mayor Lomonaco:I got a second.Councilwoman Tuohy:All in favor.Councilman Ochwat:Aye.Councilman Cote:Aye.Mayor Lomonaco:Aye.Mayor Lomonaco:Hi. Hi. Well, you have to be on the record.THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:55 P.M.Respectfully Submitted,Anne Marie Tracy, Municipal ClerkRick Lomonaco, Mayor ................

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