
Project Design Template

Project Title: What will the Future Bring?

Project Idea: Students will investigate the population changes of a particular region of the U.S. and decide the appropriate business or businesses that should be developed in similar areas

Entry Event: You have been invited to be a member of an economic planning committee for your county. A presentation by area businesspeople, city representatives, and the county commission concerning their need for revitalization of the community will outline the needs of the community.

Content Standards:

|Standards Directly Taught or Learned Through |Identified Learning Targets |Evidence of Success in Achieving Identified |

|Discovery | |Learning Target |

|SS.USC.15 Determine the most appropriate maps|In a group but with individual responsibilities, students will |Evaluate using a Map Rubric |

|and graphics in an atlas for analyzing |research important geographic issues regarding the growth and | |

|geographic issues regarding the growth and |development of Boone County, West Virginia and will create maps | |

|development of the United States (e.g., |with overlays to show the topography, transportation routes, | |

|topography, movement of people, |settlement patterns, growth and development of Boone County from | |

|transportation routes, settlement patterns, |four distinct time periods in US history. | |

|growth of population and cities, etc.). |  | |

| |In a group but with individual responsibilities, students will | |

|DSS.9-12.1 Understand Self and Others |select another area similar in historical, cultural, and economic | |

|Analyze how thoughts, feelings, attitudes, |characteristics to compare and contrast against Boone County | |

|values, and beliefs affect decision making |statistics. Create maps with overlays of the topography, | |

|and behavior. |transportation routes, settlement patterns, growth and development | |

|Use active listening to identify and |of this area from the same four time periods in US history. | |

|understand the feelings and perspectives of |  | |

|others. |Title Map(s): According to category | |

|Use mistakes as learning opportunities to | | |

|grow personally and socially. |From four specific time periods, each student will create a chart | |

| |comparing and contrasting the different socioeconomic changes from | |

|DSS.9-12.4 Decision Making and Personal |the chosen regions. | |

|Responsibility |  | |

|Analyze the relationship between behaviors, |Chart: Socioeconomic Issues | |

|choices, and consequences and apply a | | |

|decision making model to achieve desired | | |

|goals. | |From four specific time periods, each student |

|Develop and implement action plans to attain | |will create a chart comparing and contrasting |

|personal, school, and civic goals. | |the different socioeconomic changes from the |

|Utilize problem solving techniques to | |chosen regions. |

|generate alternatives and address changes to | | |

|attain goals. | |Chart: Socioeconomic Issues |

|Identify possible long term consequences of | | |

|decisions and take responsibility to achieve | | |

|desired goals. | | |

| | | |

|DSS.9-12.7 Develop Learning Skills | | |

|Refine executive function skills. | | |

|Identify personal learning style(s) to | | |

|maximize learning in various environments. | | |

|Identify support systems available to advance| | |

|individual learning and seek help when | | |

|needed. | | |

|Demonstrate the ability to work independently| | |

|or collaboratively in various learning | | |

|environments. | | |

| | | |

|DSS.9-12.14 Acquire a Diverse and | | |

|Knowledgeable World View | | |

|Describe how the characteristics of diverse | | |

|world regions and individual communities | | |

|contribute to varying world views. | | |

|Investigate and explain how factors such as | | |

|ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, and | | |

|economic conditions contribute to different | | |

|social and world views. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.1 Utilize research strategies | | |

|effectively to locate appropriate digital | | |

|resources across all content areas. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.2 Practice and demonstrate the | | |

|ability to evaluate resources for accuracy, | | |

|perspective, credibility and relevance. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.3 Locate and collect resources from| | |

|a variety of sources and organize assets into| | |

|collections for a wide range of projects and | | |

|purposes. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.5 Select appropriate platforms and | | |

|tools to create, share and communicate their | | |

|work effectively. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.7 Communicate complex ideas clearly| | |

|using various digital tools to convey the | | |

|concepts textually, visually, graphically, | | |

|etc. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.8 Publish, present, and defend | | |

|content designed for specific audiences and | | |

|select platforms that will effectively convey| | |

|their ideas to those audiences. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.25 Use digital tools to interact | | |

|with others to mutually develop a richer | | |

|understanding of different perspectives and | | |

|cultures. | | |

|SS.USC.16 Evaluate the impact of health and |Using your county/region and the other area as well as the time |Use Peer Review Checklist on completed |

|cultural considerations on the quality of |periods selected above, students will research how health and |individual student timeline. |

|life over different historical time periods. |cultural issues impacted the quality of people’s lives. Individual| |

| |students will create a cause and effect timeline of their findings,| |

|DSS.9-12.14 Acquire a Diverse and |combining them with other group member’s research to create one | |

|Knowledgeable World View |complete timeline. | |

|Describe how the characteristics of diverse |  | |

|world regions and individual communities |Health and Cultural Issues: Cause and Effect Timeline | |

|contribute to varying world views. |  | |

|nvestigate and explain how factors such as | | |

|ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, and | | |

|economic conditions contribute to different | | |

|social and world views. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.5 Select appropriate platforms and | | |

|tools to create, share and communicate their | | |

|work effectively. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.7 Communicate complex ideas clearly| | |

|using various digital tools to convey the | | |

|concepts textually, visually, graphically, | | |

|etc. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.26 Use collaborative technologies | | |

|to connect with others, including peers, | | |

|experts and community members, to learn about| | |

|issues and problems or to gain broader | | |

|perspective. | | |

|SS.USC.22 Demonstrate an understanding of |Study maps of the US that shows the exploration, settlement, and |Evaluate partner reports using the Report |

|westward movement and land acquisition. |expansion patterns of the two specified areas. |Rubric. |

|Examine the consequences of the expansion of |  | |

|the republic on the native population. |Working with a group partner, write a one page analytical report | |

|Summarize the United States’ relations with |describing how expansion changed these areas. Evaluate reports and| |

|foreign powers (e.g. Louisiana Purchase, War |combine to create one report. | |

|of 1812, Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny |  | |

|and the Mexican-American War.) |Title Report: Expansion | |

|Compare and contrast the social, economic, | | |

|and political development in different | | |

|regions of the country during the antebellum | | |

|period. | | |

| | | |

|DSS.9-12.4 Decision Making and Personal | | |

|Responsibility | | |

|Analyze the relationship between behaviors, | | |

|choices, and consequences and apply a | | |

|decision making model to achieve desired | | |

|goals. | | |

|Develop and implement action plans to attain | | |

|personal, school, and civic goals. | | |

|Utilize problem solving techniques to | | |

|generate alternatives and address changes to | | |

|attain goals. | | |

|Identify possible long term consequences of | | |

|decisions and take responsibility to achieve | | |

|desired goals. | | |

Performance Objectives:


How population growth changes physical and human geography of the United States

Analyze and select important issues surrounding immigration, expansion, and urbanization including the impact on the environment including natural resources, quality of life, and socioeconomic areas.

Vocabulary associated with the above.


Work cooperatively and independently

Complete peer and personal evaluations

Use and analyze maps, charts, graphs, etc.

Create reports, charts, maps, and graphs

Compile and present a business analysis presentation.

Driving Question: How can population change that has occurred in the past in a region in the U.S., similar to southern West Virginia, be used as a predictor for future change in the physical and human geography of southern West Virginia?

Assessment Plan:

| |Report (includes: maps, graphs, charts, etc.) |

|Major Group Products |Presentation |

| |Timelines |

| |Charts |

| |Graphs |

| |Maps with overlays |

|Major Individual Products |Charts |

| |Graphs |

| |Timelines |

Assessment and Reflection:

|Rubric(s) I will use: (Check all that apply.) |Collaboration |X |Written Communication |X |

| |Daily Participation Checklist | | | |

| |Critical Thinking & Problem Solving |X |Content Knowledge |X |

| |Daily Participation Checklist | |Presentation/Final Project Rubric | |

| |Oral Communication | |Other |X |

| | | |Presentation/Final Project Rubric | |

|Other classroom assessments for learning: (Check all |Quizzes/ tests | |Practice presentations | |

|that apply) | | | | |

| |Self-evaluation |X |Notes | |

| |Peer evaluation |X |Checklists/observations |X |

| |Online tests and exams | |Concept maps |X |

|Reflections: |Survey | |Focus Group | |

| |Discussion |X |Task Management Chart | |

| |Journal Writing/ Learning Log | |Other | |

Map the Product:


|Knowledge and Skills Needed |Already Have Learned |Taught Before the Project |Taught During the Project |

|1.Analysis of maps/graphics | | |X |

|2. Selecting appropriate maps/graphics | | |X |

|3. Analyzing data | | |X |

|4.Making maps (handmade) | | |X |

|5.Making map overlays | | |X |

|6.Creating a graph |X | | |

|7. Utilize Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet type software program |X | | |

|8. Create analytical reports (deciding what data to include and weighing its | | |X |

|importance) | | | |

|9. Review of oral presentation skills |X | | |

|10. Create a portfolio or business proposal | | |X |


School-based Individuals:

Library Media Specialist

Business Computer Teachers


Computers with Internet access

Presentation/multimedia software

Digital cameras


County Commission

Economic and Community Development Office

Local community and business people (i.e. bankers, city councils, civic organizations, etc)


  (WV Business and Economic Development)

(or another city comparison index)


(great site for with a on evaluating Internet sources)

  (great site for APA style format information)

Manage the Process:

See the Timeline/Storyboard for the Project.

Project Reflection and Evaluation: Map Rubric, adherence to contracts, lists of data collection, Report Rubrics, Final Proposal and Presentation Rubric, Self-Evaluation, and Peer Reviews.

Timeline/Story Map for the Project

| | | |Comments |

| |Activities |Product | |

|Step | | | |

| | | |Students could be placed in groups of 3 or 4 students depending on |

| |Introduction of Unit | |class size and student ability. Group size may be up to the |

| | |Assessment of Driving Question due—check as|teacher. If this is completed in an advanced class smaller groups |

|1 |Introduce Driving Question |completed |may be reasonable while in a diverse classroom larger groups would |

| | | |be more plausible. |

| |Field any questions/concerns | | |

| |TEACH: How to use Factfinder website, US| |Students will compare and contrast economic, population cultural |

| |Census: |Maps due at the end of Step 2—Use Map |changes of one region in the United States (this unit uses Boone |

| | |Rubric |County, WV but it can be adjusted for other cities and/or regions) |

| |TEACH: How to convert data into charts | |to another city/region similar to the development of that region of|

|2 |and onto maps | |the United States. Each group will create maps, graphs, and |

| |Students create maps of 2000 data for | |reports reflecting their synthesis of the data and its comparison |

| |Boone County—settlement patterns, | |to the two places. Time will vary as to how much time is required |

| |topography, transportation routes, growth| |for each of the steps according to the availability of resources |

| |and development | |and student ability |

| |Form groups/Create contracts |Student-made contracts-check | |

| | | | |

| |Boone County information collected, |Student created lists of information | |

| |researched, and assessed |collected/researched—check | |

| | | |See above comments in Step 2 |

|3 |Log resources used and data collected |List of resources used/data collected | |

| | | | |

| |Choose “sister” city/region |Student created lists of information | |

|4 |Collect information and research |collected/researched (should be comparable | |

| |Assess information |to Boone County information)—check |See above comments in Step 2 |

| |Prepare reports |Map Rubric |Students will prepare relevant maps and reports that will aid the |

| | | |compilation of the final project. |

|5 |Prepare maps |Report Rubric | |

|6 |Prepare graphs |Graph Checklist |Students will prepare charts, graphs, and timelines. |

| | | | |

| |Prepare charts |Chart Checklist | |

| | | | |

| |Prepare timeline |Peer Checklist-Timeline | |

| | |Rough draft of proposal—Final Rubric |The final assignment is culmination of the students’ research in an|

| | | |oral presentation and report. The final project can be handwritten |

|7 |Prepare final proposal and oral |Rough draft of presentation— Final Rubric |or electronic depending upon the level of the students |

| |presentation | | |

| |Review any missing elements to proposal |Student created checklist |Students need to evaluate what should be included in their |

| | | |presentations and what still needs to be completed. Groups will |

|8 |Practice presentations with teacher/class|Peer editing—check |evaluate group members’ work and suggest any changes or |

| | | |improvements. |

| |Final proposal (oral and written) |Final Rubric |The final proposal can be completed in front of a panel of experts |

|9 | | |(teachers, administrators, community/business leaders) and |

| | |Peer evaluations |evaluated by those individuals as well as the teacher. Peer |

| | | |evaluations by individual students should be completed during the |

| | | |presentations. |

| |Debrief |Self-evaluations |Debriefing should involve group/class discussions about what |

|10 | |Group and class discussions |worked, what didn’t, what students learned, what still needs to |

| | | |explained. |

Project Plan

| | | |

|Activities |Product |Check |

| | | |

|Introduction of Unit | | |

| | | |

|Introduce Driving Question |Assessment of Driving Question due—check as completed | |

| | | |

|Field any questions/concerns | | |

| | | |

|TEACH: How to use Factfinder website, US Census: |Maps due at the end of Day 3—Use Map Rubric | |

| | | |

|TEACH: How to convert data into charts and onto maps | | |

| | | |

|Students create maps of 2000 data for Boone County—settlement patterns, topography, | | |

|transportation routes, growth and development | | |

| | | |

| |Quiz on maps and converting data to maps | |

| | | |

|From groups/Create contracts |Student contracts-check | |

| | | |

|Boone County information collected, researched, and assessed |Student created lists of information | |

| |collected/researched—check | |

|Log resources used and data collected | | |

| |List of resources used/data collected | |

| | | |

|Choose “sister” city/region |Student created lists of information | |

|Collect information and research |collected/researched (should be comparable to Boone | |

|Assess information |County information)—check | |

| | | |

|Prepare reports |Map Rubric | |

| | | |

|Prepare maps |Report Rubric | |

| | | |

| |Rough draft of proposal--Rubric | |

|Prepare final proposal and oral presentation | | |

| |Rough draft of presentation—Rubric | |

| | | |

|Review any missing elements to proposal |Student created checklist | |

| | | |

|Practice presentations with teacher/class |Peer editing—check | |

| | | |

|Final proposal (oral and written) |Final Rubric | |

| | | |

|Debrief | | |

Peer Checklist—Graph

|Item |Yes |No |Comments |

| | | | |

|Graph is easily understood | | | |

| | | | |

|Has a title | | | |

| | | | |

|Has labels for x and y axis | | | |

| | | | |

|Correct form of graph is chosen to represent | | | |

|information | | | |

| | | | |

|Color is used to enhanced the presentation of | | | |

|the graph | | | |

| | | | |

|Presents information from at least three | | | |

|different time periods | | | |

| | | | |

|Presents valid information (documentation is | | | |

|present of research information) | | | |

Group Contract

Project: What will the future bring?

Outcome: Oral and written proposal to the County Commission concerning the potential for economic development of the area.

Conduct of Conduct:

As a group, we will:

1. provide the opportunity for all members to participate.




Job Responsibilities:

Individually, students will be responsible for completing certain parts of the PBL as designated by the teacher. As a group, individual group members will be responsible for the following parts of the final presentation and proposal.

|Group Member(s) |Tasks |Date to be Completed |

| |1. | |

| | | |

| |2. | |

| | | |

| |3. | |

| |1. | |

| | | |

| |2. | |

| | | |

| |3. | |

| |1. | |

| | | |

| |2. | |

| | | |

| |3. | |

Decision Making:

We will make project decisions by:




Conflict Resolution:

Whenever there is conflict in the group or someone is not fulfilling his/her responsibilities, we will:




| | |

|Signatures of individual group members |Date of signature |

| | |

|1. | |

| | |

|2. | |

| | |

|3. | |

Each group member should receive a copy of this contract.

Map Rubric

Student/Group: ____________________________________________________________________

|Category |Excellent |Good |Average |Poor |

|  |Title tells the purpose/content of the map, is |Title tells the purpose/content of the map, |Title tells the purpose/content of the map, but |Purpose/content of the map is not clear from |

|Title |clearly distinguishable as the title (eg. larger |and is printed at the top of the map. |is location is inappropriate |the title. |

| |letters, underlined, etc.) | | | |

|Labels- |All items are labeled and located correctly |Most of the items are labeled and located |Some of the items are labeled and located |Few or none of the items are labeled and |

|Accuracy and Neatness | |correctly. |correctly. |located correctly. |

|Map- |Legend is easy-to-find and contains a complete |Legend contains almost complete set of |Legend contains an some of the symbols, including|Legend is absent or lacks several symbols. |

|Legend/key |set of symbols, including a compass rose. |symbols, including a compass rose. |a compass rose. | |

|Scale |All features on map are drawn to scale and the |Most features on map are drawn to scale and |Many features on map are NOT drawn to scale and |Many features of the map are drawn NOT to |

| |scale used is clearly indicated on the map. |the scale used is clearly indicated on the |the scale may or may not be clearly indicated on |scale AND/OR there is no scale marker on the |

| | |map. |the map. |map. |

|Spelling/ |All words on the map are spelled and capitalized |Most of the words on the map are spelled and |Some of the words on the map are spelled and |Few of the words on the map are spelled |

|Capitalization |correctly. |capitalized correctly. |capitalized correctly. |and/or capitalized correctly or wording is |

| | | | |absent |

|Color Choices |Student always uses color appropriate for |Student usually uses color appropriate for |Student sometimes uses color appropriate for |Student does not use color appropriately or |

| |features(e.g. blue for water; black for labels, |features(e.g. blue for water; black for |features(e.g. blue for water; black for labels, |color is absent from the map |

| |etc.) on map. |labels, etc.) on map. |etc.) on map. | |

|Documentation |Map includes properly document sources. |Map includes some sources but may not be |Map includes few sources and may or may not be |Map may or may not include sources that are |

| | |properly documented. |properly documented |inaccurately documented. |


Daily Participation Checklist

Student: ________________________________________________________________________

Group Members: _________________________________________________________________

|Day of the Week |Attitude— |Cooperation |Time on Task |

| |Behavior | | |

| | | | |

|Appropriate chart titles | | | |

| | | | |

|Labeled appropriately | | | |

| | | | |

|Data is verifiable | | | |

| | | | |

|Covers appropriate time period | | | |

| | | | |

|Covers appropriate topic(s) | | | |

| | | | |

|Compares and contrasts data | | | |

Peer Review Checklist-Chart

|Item |Yes |No |Comments |

| | | | |

|Appropriate chart titles | | | |

| | | | |

|Labeled appropriately | | | |

| | | | |

|Data is verifiable | | | |

| | | | |

|Covers appropriate time period | | | |

| | | | |

|Covers appropriate topic(s) | | | |

| | | | |

|Compares and contrasts data | | | |

Presentation Proposal Rubric

Student/Group: ____________________________________________________________________

|Criteria |Poor |Average |Good |Excellent |Score |

|Quality of Information |limited information on topic with lack |some aspects of proposal is researched |proposal is well researched with accurate|proposal is exceptionally researched, extremely| |

|and/or evidence-oral and |of research, details or historically |with some accurate evidence from limited |& critical evidence from a variety of |detailed and historically accurate with | |

|written |accurate evidence |sources |sources |critical evidence from a wide variety of | |

| | | | |sources | |

|Support of Ideas and/or |lacks analysis or support of evidence |some connections made between evidence |consistent connections made between |exceptionally critical, relevant and consistent| |

|analysis—oral and written | |and analysis |evidence and analysis |connections made showing evidence and analysis | |

|Organization and/or |Proposal lacks clear and logical |somewhat clear and logical development of|clear and logical development of ideas |exceptionally clear, logical, and thorough | |

|Development of Ideas—oral |development of ideas |ideas | |development of ideas | |

|and written | | | | | |

|Mechanics—proposal |inconsistent grammar, spelling, and |proposal has some errors in grammar, |proposal is clear, with mostly proper |proposal is very concise, clear, with | |

| |punctuation |spelling and punctuation |grammar, spelling and punctuation |consistently proper grammar, spelling and | |

| | | | |punctuation. | |

|Persuasiveness |Argument or presentation is not |Argument or presentation has some |Offers a good argument in support of main|Makes a dramatic and compelling argument | |

| |persuasive |elements of persuasiveness |idea | | |

|Teamwork |Does not work together to complete the |Works together to make a sufficient |Works as a group to make an efficient |Works as a cohesive unit to make an excellent | |

| |presentation or the presentation lacks |presentation but lacks cohesiveness as an|presentation |presentation | |

| |unity |unit | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |

|Total |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

Presentation Proposal Rubric (Peer Evaluation)

Student/Group: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

|Criteria |Poor (1) |Oral |Written |Average (2) |Oral |

|Introduction—development of|weak introduction; thesis is weak and |adequate introduction that states topic; |proficient introduction that states |exceptional introduction that grabs interest of| |

|thesis |lacks an arguable position |thesis is somewhat clear and arguable |background information; thesis is a clear|reader and states background information and | |

| | | |and somewhat developed |thesis is exceptionally clear and well | |

| | | | |developed | |

|Quality of Information |limited information on topic with lack |some aspects of paper is researched with |paper is well researched with accurate & |paper is exceptionally researched, extremely | |

|and/or evidence |of research, details or historically |some accurate evidence from limited |critical evidence from a variety of |detailed and historically accurate with | |

| |accurate evidence |sources with some citations |sources that is properly cited |critical evidence from a wide variety of | |

| | | | |sources that is all properly cited | |

|Support of Ideas and/or |limited connections made between |some connections made between evidence |consistent connections made between |exceptionally critical, relevant and consistent| |

|analysis |evidence and thesis; lacks analysis |and thesis; shows some analysis |evidence and thesis; shows good analysis |connections made between evidence and thesis; | |

| | | | |excellent analysis | |

|Organization and/or |paper lacks clear and logical |somewhat clear and logical development of|clear and logical development of ideas |exceptionally clear, logical, and thorough | |

|Development of Ideas |development of ideas with weak |ideas with adequate transitions |that supports thesis good transitions |development of ideas that support thesis with | |

| |transition between ideas | | |excellent transition | |

|Conclusion |lack of summary thesis with weak |adequate summary of thesis with some |good summary of thesis with clear |excellent summary of thesis with concluding | |

| |concluding ideas |final concluding ideas |concluding ideas |ideas | |

|Mechanics |inconsistent grammar, spelling, and |paper has some errors in grammar, |paper is clear, with mostly proper |paper is very concise, clear, with consistently| |

| |punctuation |spelling and punctuation |grammar, spelling and punctuation |proper grammar, spelling and punctuation | |

|Citations |Inconsistent or no use of citations |sometimes inconsistent use of citations |consistent and correct format of |detailed and proper citation format used | |

| |with limited or no details and format |with limited details |citations used to validate evidence |consistently & correctly to validate evidence | |

| |

|Total |

| |

Resource List

Student/Group: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

| Type | | |

|of Resource (website, book, periodical, etc.) |Citation |Data |

| |(APA style) |(if more space is needed, attached extra paper but label well) |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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