
|[pic] |

|Employee Success Factors |

|Employees at UnitedHealth Group are expected to achieve the mission and deliver exceptional performance for our customers and the business, with energy, |

|focus, flexibility, and personal character. The Employee Success Factors define the behaviors that contribute to achieving those expectations. |

|Focus on Customers |Act as a Team Player |

|Identify and Exceed Customer Expectations |Collaborate with Others |

|Responds in a timely, professional manner to customer requests and concerns.|Develops and maintains productive working relationships with others. |

|Strives to exceed customer expectations and metrics. |Shows commitment to team success over personal success. |

|Consistently meets commitments to customers. |Actively shares information and expertise with others who need it. |

|Improve the Customer Experience |Demonstrate Diversity Awareness |

|Identifies or develops new processes to enhance customer outcomes. |Treats all people in the work environment with respect. |

|Escalates customer feedback as appropriate. |Seeks input from people with different perspectives and backgrounds. |

|Builds strong relationships with customers. |Works collaboratively with people who have perspectives, backgrounds, |

| |styles, and opinions different from one's own. |

| |Learn and Develop |

| |Proactively works to develop new knowledge and skills. |

| |Readily seeks new work challenges and opportunities. |

| |Adapts behavior in response to feedback and experience. |

|Make Fact-based Decisions |Support Change and Innovation |

|Use Sound Judgment |Work Effectively in a Changing Environment |

|Makes logical, fact-based decisions. |Quickly adapts to change, refocusing efforts as needed. |

|Analyzes problems and situations to uncover root causes. |Maintains a positive attitude in response to change and uncertainty. |

|Takes decisive action in the face of ambiguous or incomplete information. |Effectively handles shifting demands and multiple priorities. |

|Apply Business Knowledge |Contribute Innovative Ideas |

|Demonstrates understanding of the organization’s mission and values. |Continually looks for ways to streamline processes, reduce costs and |

|Demonstrates understanding of how own work contributes to the achievement of|accomplish goals. |

|organizational and departmental goals. |Takes appropriate, well-reasoned risks. |

|Considers the impact of decisions on other parts of the business. |Seeks innovative solutions and communicates ideas as appropriate. |

|Deliver Quality Results |Communicate Effectively |

|Drive for Results |Speak and Write Clearly |

|Demonstrates urgency in pursuing goals. |Speaks clearly and expresses self well in groups and in one-to-one |

|Puts in extra effort to accomplish critical or difficult tasks. |conversations. |

|Stays focused, overcoming distractions and obstacles to achieve goals. |Conveys written information clearly and effectively in both formal and |

|Manage Time Effectively |informal documents. |

|Prioritizes work to meet demands and achieve expected outcomes. |Presents a logical and compelling case for proposals or arguments. |

|Manages workload wisely, putting effort and time where it is needed most. |Listen Actively |

|Uses available resources to complete work on time and within budget. |Listens carefully and attentively to others, and conveys genuine interest. |

|Produce High-Quality Work |Paraphrases or summarizes to ensure understanding. |

|Carries out assignments with thoroughness, accuracy and attention to detail.|Asks clarifying questions to check for understanding. |

|Monitors own work to ensure quality. |Influence Others |

|Proactively identifies opportunities to improve quality. |Presents a logical and persuasive case when offering ideas and opinions. |

| |Tactfully and sensitively handles disagreements and opposing viewpoints to |

| |arrive at win-win solutions. |

| |Positions ideas and recommendations to address the needs and concerns of |

| |others. |

|Act Ethically |[pic] |

|Demonstrate Integrity | |

|Shows consistency between words and actions. | |

|Makes ethical business decisions. | |

|Reports misconduct as appropriate. | |

|Comply with Applicable Laws, Regulations and Policies | |

|Complies with applicable local, state and federal laws and other regulations| |

|(e.g., HIPAA). | |

|Follows UnitedHealth Group's Principles of Ethics and Integrity. | |

|Completes Ethics and Integrity education programs as required. | |

Focus on Customers

• Identify and Exceed Customer Expectations

o Understands who one’s customers are, and how to best serve their needs.

o Responds in a timely, professional manner to customer requests and concerns.

o Strives to exceed customer expectations and metrics.

o Seeks customer feedback and changes behavior as needed.

o Consistently meets commitments to customers.

• Improve the Customer Experience

o Identifies or develops new processes to enhance customer outcomes.

o Escalates customer feedback as appropriate.

o Builds strong relationships with customers.

o Anticipates emerging customer trends.


|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Identify and Exceed Customer Expectations |Identify and Exceed Customer Expectations |Identify and Exceed Customer Expectations |

|Is sometimes unresponsive or slow to respond to |Understands one’s customers and their needs |Understands who one’s customers are and how to|

|customer requests and concerns. |and concerns. |best serve their needs. |

|Does not seek customer feedback. |Responds in a timely, professional manner to |Proactively solicits customer feedback and |

|Often fails to meet commitments to customers. |customer requests and concerns. |changes behavior as needed. |

|Improve the Customer Experience |Readily accepts customer feedback and changes |Consistently exceeds customer commitments, |

|Builds few strong working relationships with |behavior as needed. |expectations and metrics. |

|customers. |Consistently meets customer commitments, |Improve the Customer Experience |

|Does not recognize or attend to emerging customer |expectations and metrics. |Builds strong, lasting working relationships |

|needs, trends or opportunities to improve customer|Improve the Customer Experience |with many customers. |

|outcomes. |Builds strong working relationships with |Anticipates and addresses emerging customer |

| |customers. |trends. |

| |Escalates customer feedback as appropriate. |Identifies or develops new processes to |

| |Recognizes the need or opportunity for new |enhance customer outcomes. |

| |processes to enhance customer outcomes. | |

Make Fact-based Decisions

• Use Sound Judgment

o Makes logical, fact-based decisions.

o Analyzes problems and situations to uncover root causes.

o Takes decisive action in the face of ambiguous or incomplete information.

• Apply Business Knowledge

o Demonstrates understanding of the organization’s mission and values.

o Demonstrates understanding of how own work contributes to the achievement of organizational and departmental goals.

o Considers the impact of decisions on other parts of the business.


|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Use Sound Judgment |Use Sound Judgment |Use Sound Judgment |

|Analyzes problems in a superficial manner. |Gathers and analyzes information to understand|Digs deeply and critically evaluates |

|Makes decisions that are not supported by logic or |problems and situations. |information to uncover root causes. |

|facts. |Makes logical, fact-based decisions. |Takes decisive action in the face of |

|Makes snap judgments |Apply Business Knowledge |ambiguous or incomplete information |

|Apply Business Knowledge |Demonstrates understanding of the |Apply Business Knowledge |

|Does not understand the organization’s mission and |organization’s mission and values. |Helps others understand the |

|values. |Demonstrates understanding of how own work |organization’s mission and values, and |

|Does not see how own work contributes to the |contributes to the achievement of |how their work contributes to the |

|achievement of organizational and departmental |organizational and departmental goals. |achievement of organizational and |

|goals. |Recognizes the impact of decisions on other |departmental goals. |

|Does not recognize the impact of decisions on other|parts of the business. |Makes decisions and takes action that |

|parts of the business. | |clearly support the organization’s |

| | |mission and values. |

| | |Anticipates the impact of decisions on |

| | |other parts of the business. |

Deliver Quality Results

• Drive for Results

o Takes personal accountability for achieving goals.

o Demonstrates urgency in pursuing goals.

o Puts in extra effort to accomplish critical or difficult tasks

o Stays focused, overcoming distractions and obstacles to achieve goals

o Follows through on commitments, and communicates early when commitments are at risk.

• Manage Time Effectively

o Prioritizes work to meet demands and achieve expected outcomes.

o Manages workload wisely, putting effort and time where it is needed most.

o Uses available resources to complete work on time and within budget.

• Produce High-Quality Work

o Carries out assignments with thoroughness, accuracy and attention to detail.

o Acknowledges own mistakes and works quickly to correct them.

o Monitors own work to ensure quality.

o Consistently achieves quality metrics, where applicable.

o Proactively identifies opportunities to improve quality.


|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Drive for Results |Drive for Results |Drive for Results |

|Conveys little urgency in achieving objectives and|Demonstrates urgency in pursuing goals. |Demonstrates strong urgency, acting quickly to|

|results. |Puts in extra effort to accomplish critical or |address problems and opportunities. |

|Does not look for or easily accept ownership and |difficult tasks and follow through on commitments. |Stays focused, overcoming distractions and |

|accountability for objectives and results. |Takes personal accountability for achieving goals. |obstacles to achieve goals. |

|Fails to follow through and achieve objectives and|Manage Time Effectively |Follows through on commitments, and |

|results. |Prioritizes work to meet demands and achieve expected |communicates early when commitments are at |

|Manage Time Effectively |outcomes. |risk. |

|Does not adhere to clear priorities, spending too |Manages workload wisely, putting effort and time where|Holds self accountable for the highest levels |

|much time on lower-priorities and not enough on |it is needed most. |of performance. |

|higher-priorities. |Uses available resources to complete work on time and |Manage Time Effectively |

|Is easily distracted, often allowing day-to-day |within budget. |Establishes, communicates and stays focused on|

|issues to monopolize his/her time and attention. |Produce High-Quality Work |clear priorities for achieving objectives and |

|Does not complete work on-time or within budget. |Carries out assignments with thoroughness, accuracy |outcomes. |

|Produce High-Quality Work |and attention to detail. |Identifies and implements changes that save |

|Lacks attention to details and accuracy (i.e., |Monitors own work to ensure quality. |time or otherwise improve efficiency. |

|work often requires correction). |Acknowledges own mistakes and works quickly to correct|Manages workload very effectively, getting a |

|Does not monitor own work quality or take action |them. |great deal accomplished in the time available.|

|quickly to address mistakes. |Consistently achieves quality metrics, where |Completes work on time and within budget. |

|Does not achieve organizational quality |applicable. |Produce High-Quality Work |

|requirements or metrics. | |Completes all work with great thoroughness, |

| | |accuracy and attention to detail. |

| | |Completes assignments ahead of schedule and/or|

| | |under budget while maintaining quality. |

| | |Consistently exceeds quality metrics, where |

| | |applicable. |

| | |Proactively identifies opportunities to |

| | |improve quality. |

Act Ethically

• Demonstrate Integrity

o Shows consistency between words and actions.

o Makes ethical business decisions.

o Reports misconduct as appropriate.

o Does what is right, despite personal risk or discomfort.

o Uses company resources appropriately (e.g., technology, supplies)

• Comply with Applicable Laws, Regulations and Policies

o Complies with applicable local, state and federal laws and other regulations (e.g., HIPAA).

o Acts in accordance with UnitedHealth Group's values.

o Follows UnitedHealth Group's Principles of Ethics and Integrity.

o Complies with UnitedHealth Group's Information Security Policies and Standards.

o Safeguards company resources and property.

o Completes Ethics and Integrity education programs as required.


|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Demonstrate Integrity |Demonstrate Integrity |Demonstrate Integrity |

|Behaves in ways that are inconsistent with company|Shows consistency between words and actions. |Advocates or promotes ethical behavior to |

|values. |Makes ethical business decisions. |others. |

|Acts in ethically questionable ways. |Reports misconduct as appropriate. |Anticipates and proactively addresses ethical |

|Does not confront, remedy or stop misconduct or |Uses company resources appropriately (e.g., |issues. |

|unethical behavior. |technology, supplies). |Does what is right, despite personal risk or |

|Abuses company resources and/or tolerates others’ |Comply with Applicable Laws, Regulations and |discomfort. |

|abuse. |Policies |Encourages others to address misconduct or |

|Comply with Applicable Laws, Regulations and |Complies with applicable local, state and |unethical behavior. |

|Policies |federal laws and other regulations (e.g., |Comply with Applicable Laws, Regulations and |

|Fails to comply with applicable local, state and |HIPAA). |Policies |

|federal laws and other regulations (e.g., HIPAA). |Acts in accordance with UnitedHealth Group’s |Helps others to comply with applicable local, |

|Does not act in accordance with UnitedHealth |values and Principles of Ethics and Integrity.|state and federal laws and other regulations |

|Group’s values and Principles of Ethics and |Complies with UnitedHealth Group's Information|(e.g., HIPAA). |

|Integrity. |Security Policies and Standards. |Advocates or promotes the importance of acting|

|Does not comply with UnitedHealth Group's |Safeguards company resources and property. |in accordance with UnitedHealth Group’s values|

|Information Security Policies and Standards.. |Completes Ethics and Integrity education |and Principles of Ethics and Integrity. |

|Does not complete required Ethics and Integrity |programs as required. |Ensures that others safeguard company |

|education programs. | |resources and property. |

Act as a Team Player

• Collaborate with Others

o Develops and maintains productive working relationships with others.

o Considers other points of view, and seeks to find common ground.

o Constructively manages conflict to arrive at win-win solutions.

o Leverages the talents and expertise of co-workers to arrive at the best solution.

o Shows commitment to team success over personal success.

o Actively shares information and expertise with others who need it.

o Consistently focuses on outcomes, without assigning blame.

• Demonstrate Diversity Awareness

o Treats all people in the work environment with respect.

o Seeks input from people with different perspectives and backgrounds.

o Works collaboratively with people who have perspectives, backgrounds, styles, and opinions different from one's own.

o Encourages others to respect everyone's contributions, regardless of differences in culture or background.

o Leverages the diverse talents of others to accomplish objectives.

• Learn and Develop

o Builds self-awareness to understand own strengths and development needs.

o Proactively works to develop new knowledge and skills.

o Readily seeks new work challenges and opportunities.

o Invites feedback to improve own performance.

o Accepts feedback openly and non-defensively.

o Adapts behavior in response to feedback and experience.

o Admits mistakes and learns from experience.


|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Collaborate with Others |Collaborate with Others |Collaborate with Others |

|Develops few productive working relationships.|Develops and maintains productive working |Builds strong networks and working relationships |

|Ignores or discounts others’ views. |relationships with others. |within and across organizational lines. |

|Creates tension or conflict by putting own |Considers other points of view, and seeks to find|Leverages the talents and expertise of others to |

|needs and success ahead of others’ or the |common ground. |arrive at the best solution. |

|team’s. |Demonstrates commitment to team and personal |Places the team’s interests ahead of personal |

|Does not share relevant information or |success. |interests. |

|expertise with others. |Actively shares information and expertise with |Initiates open discussion and debate to surface |

|Tends to focus on assigning blame more than |others who need it. |essential issues. |

|finding the best solution. |Consistently focuses on outcomes, without |Focuses on finding the best solution and discourages |

|Demonstrate Diversity Awareness |assigning blame. |finger-pointing. |

|Shows inconsistent respect and sensitivity to |Constructively manages conflict (e.g., engages in|Constructively manages conflict and arrives at |

|others. |open discussion and debate). |win-win solutions. |

|Discounts the input from people with different|Demonstrate Diversity Awareness |Demonstrate Diversity Awareness |

|perspectives and backgrounds. |Treats all people in the work environment with |Treats all people with respect and encourages others |

|Works well with only a select few people or |respect. |to do so as well. |

|groups (often those who are most similar to |Readily accepts input from people with different |Actively seeks the input of people with different |

|him/herself). |perspectives and backgrounds. |perspectives and backgrounds. |

|Learn and Develop |Works collaboratively with people who have |Encourages others to respect everyone's |

|Overestimates own knowledge, skills and |differing perspectives, backgrounds, styles, and |contributions. |

|abilities. |opinions. |Leverages the diverse talents of others to accomplish|

|Reacts defensively or otherwise discounts |Learn and Develop |objectives. |

|feedback from others. |Readily seeks new work challenges and |Learn and Develop |

|Does not change in response to feedback or |opportunities. |Demonstrates strong awareness of own strengths and |

|experience. |Accepts feedback openly and non-defensively. |limitations. |

| |Admits mistakes and learns from experience. |Invites feedback to improve own performance. |

| |Adapts behavior and works hard to develop new |Actively seeks specific work experiences and |

| |knowledge and skills. |challenges to enhance readiness for future work |

| | |demands and opportunities. |

Support Change and Innovation

• Work Effectively in a Changing Environment

o Conveys openness to change, and a willingness to try new things.

o Quickly adapts to change, refocusing efforts as needed.

o Maintains a positive attitude in response to change and uncertainty.

o Effectively handles shifting demands and multiple priorities.

• Contribute Innovative Ideas

o Challenges the way things have always been done.

o Continually looks for ways to streamline processes, reduce costs and accomplish goals.

o Takes appropriate, well-reasoned risks.

o Seeks innovative solutions and communicates ideas as appropriate.


|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Work Effectively in a Changing Environment |Work Effectively in a Changing Environment |Work Effectively in a Changing Environment |

|Resists or does not readily adapt to change. |Conveys openness to change, and a willingness |Shows energy and enthusiasm in response to |

|Becomes ineffective or unproductive due to change,|to try new things. |change and innovation. |

|uncertainty, ambiguity, or multiple demands. |Quickly adapts to change, refocusing efforts |Proactively prepares self and others for |

|Creates or accepts barriers to improvement and |as needed. |change |

|innovation. |Maintains a positive attitude in response to |Thrives in conditions of constant change and |

|Contribute Innovative Ideas |change and uncertainty. |ambiguity. |

|Demonstrates a strong desire to do things the way |Effectively handles shifting demands and |Supports the efforts of others to drive change|

|they have always been done. |multiple priorities. |and innovation. |

|Seldom looks for new ways to streamline processes,|Contribute Innovative Ideas |Contribute Innovative Ideas |

|reduce costs or accomplish goals. |Challenges the way things have always been |Challenges the way things have always been |

|Generally avoids taking risks. |done. |dome and finds better options or approaches. |

| |Often looks for ways to streamline processes, |Continually looks for ways to streamline |

| |reduce costs and accomplish goals. |processes, reduce costs and accomplish goals. |

| |Takes appropriate, well-reasoned risks. |Creates team energy and enthusiasm to identify|

| |Seeks innovative solutions and communicates |and develop innovative solutions. |

| |ideas as appropriate. | |

Communicate Effectively

• Speak and Write Clearly

o Speaks clearly and expresses self well in groups and in one-to-one conversations.

o Conveys written information clearly and effectively in both formal and informal documents.

o Adapts communications to address the needs of the audience.

o Presents a logical and compelling case for proposals or arguments.

• Listen Actively

o Listens carefully and attentively to others, and conveys genuine interest.

o Paraphrases or summarizes to ensure understanding.

o Asks clarifying questions to check for understanding.

• Influence Others

o Presents a logical and persuasive case when offering ideas and opinions.

o Tactfully and sensitively handles disagreements and opposing viewpoints to arrive at win-win solutions.

o Positions ideas and recommendations to address the needs and concerns of others.


|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Speak and Write Clearly |Speak and Write Clearly |Speak and Write Clearly |

|Speaks in a way that makes it difficult for |Speaks clearly and expresses self well in |Speaks in a clear, well-organized and concise |

|others to grasp the main or important points |groups and in one-to-one conversations. |manner in individual and group settings. |

|(e.g., mumbles, rambles, goes on tangents). |Conveys written information clearly in both |Writes in a clear, well-organized and concise |

|Writes in a way that makes it difficult for |formal and informal documents. |manner in both formal and informal documents. |

|others to grasp the main or important points |Adapts communications in response to the needs|Anticipates audience needs and interests and |

|(e.g., disorganized, spelling or grammatical |of the audience. |tailors communications accordingly. |

|errors. |Presents a logical case for proposals or |Presents a logical and compelling case for |

|Does not adjust communications to meet |arguments. |proposals or arguments. |

|audience needs or interests. |Listen Actively |Listen Actively |

|Listen Actively |Listens carefully and attentively to others |Listens carefully and attentively and conveys |

|Verbal and/or non-verbal behavior discourages |(e.g., establishes eye contact, nods or |genuine interest in what others are saying. |

|others’ input (e.g., does not establish eye |otherwise conveys attentiveness). |Consistently takes steps to ensure |

|contact, interrupts others). |Takes some steps to ensure understanding |understanding (e.g., asking clarifying |

|Does not take action to ensure understanding |(e.g., asking clarifying questions or |questions or paraphrasing to check for |

|(e.g., ask questions or paraphrase). |paraphrasing to check for understanding). |understanding). |

|Influence Others |Influence Others |Influence Others |

|Offers ideas, opinions or arguments that are |Presents a logical case when offering ideas |Presents a logical and persuasive case when |

|not logical or are otherwise not persuasive. |and opinions. |offering ideas and opinions. |

|Does not constructively address disagreement |Tactfully and sensitively handles |Tactfully and sensitively handles |

|or opposing viewpoints (e.g., gives up or |disagreements and opposing viewpoints (e.g., |disagreements and opposing viewpoints and |

|presses own position too forcefully). |engages in open discussion). |arrives at win-win solutions. |

|Does not take others’ needs or interests into |Positions ideas and recommendations in |Anticipates others’ needs and interests and |

|account when presenting ideas and |response to the needs and concerns of others. |positions ideas and recommendations to address|

|recommendations. | |them. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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