Homework for the Week of March 4-8

Homework for the Week of March 4-8

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|-Math |-Math |-Math |-Math | |

|-Practice multiplication |-Practice multiplication |-Practice multiplication |-Practice multiplication | |

|facts |facts |facts |facts | |

| |-Grammar | |-Grammar |*spelling test |

| |circle the adjectives on | |Circle the pronouns on |*vocab test |

| |the fluency page | |the fluency page |*writing strategies test |

| |(due Friday) | |(due Friday) |*comp test |

|-Write a detailed paper | | | |Due today… |

|about a pet. If you don’t| | | |-math |

|have a pet, describe one | | | |-grammar from fluency |

|you would want. Use the | | | |page |

|5 senses, tell me only | | | |-reading minutes |

|the facts, and use lots | | | |-story |

|of adjectives!!!! Due | | | |-whisper the 5 senses to |

|Friday. | | | |me sometime this week and|

| | | | |get $10!!! |

| | | | |-homework sheet signed |

|-Reading |-Reading |-Reading |-Reading |-Friday Folders go home. |

| | | | |Please sign and return |

|_____min |_____min |_____min |_____min |weekly reports and return|

| | | | |them in the Friday |

| | | | |Folder. |

Parent Information:

➢ Dr. Seuss Carnival will be Friday, March 15th.

➢ Thank you to all who donated towards our art basket. It looks great.

Thank you for your help,

Mrs. Hartley Parent Signature ____________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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