Getting to Know Your Classmate Exemplar 2

Breaking down a paragraph!

Step 1: Organize your sentences using the template below.

Introductory Sentence: (Make your point here)

Earlier tonight I had the chance to interview a student named Sally in my English class; a student whom I met for the first time tonight, and during this interview, I learned many interesting facts about her.

|Supporting reason #1: |

|First, I learned that Sally’s favorite TV show is “The Walking Dead” because her favourite genre to read or watch on T.V. is horror and the |

|popular T.V. show has tons of gore, terrifying scenes, and hordes of relentless zombies! |

|Supporting reason #2: |

|I also learned that Sally is taking this English class so that one day she will be able to finish high school, go to college, and become a |

|police officer; this is something she has been dreaming about since she was a little girl. |

|Supporting reason #3: |

|The most surprising fact that I learned about Sally this evening is that she is terribly afraid of spiders, so much so in fact, that when she|

|sees one, she screams, runs away in complete terror, and refuses to return to the scene of the encounter! |

Concluding Sentence: (Wrap up your ideas here!)

Not only did I get a chance to meet a really interesting classmate, but as Sally and I shared many personal facts about ourselves with each other. I realized that we had a lot in common. I also realized that just because you love horror stories and you want to put the bad guys behind bars one day doesn’t mean that you can’t be frightened by things that don’t seem that menacing at all to others. In conclusion, meeting Sally tonight was a great experience.

Step 2: Time to write a good copy! Make sure your final draft includes the following:

• Topic sentence introduces the main idea

• A minimum of three well-developed details support the topic

• A concluding statement has been included to wrap up all of the information

• Creativity has been shown through unique comparisons and vivid word choices

• Spelling, grammar, and mechanics have been edited.

A Sample paragraph

Jane Smith

Ms. Tonkovic


February 11, 2016

Getting to Know Sally

Earlier tonight I had the chance to interview a student named Sally in my English class; a student whom I met for the first time tonight, and during this interview, I learned many interesting facts about her. First, I learned that Sally’s favorite TV show is “The Walking Dead” because her favourite genre to read or watch on T.V. is horror and the popular T.V. show has tons of gore, terrifying scenes, and hordes of relentless zombies! I also learned that Sally is taking this English class so that one day she will be able to finish high school, go to college, and become a police officer; this is something she has been dreaming about since she was a little girl. The most surprising fact that I learned about Sally this evening is that she is terribly afraid of spiders, so much so in fact, that when she sees one, she screams, runs away in complete terror, and refuses to return to the scene of the encounter! Not only did I get a chance to meet a really interesting classmate, but as Sally and I shared many personal facts about ourselves with each other, I realized that we had a lot in common. I also realized that just because you love horror stories and you want to put the bad guys behind bars one day doesn’t mean that you can’t be frightened by things that don’t seem that menacing at all to others. In conclusion, meeting Sally tonight was a great experience.


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