From the Desk of DEO Andy Nugent


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From the Desk of DEO Andy Nugent

"What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom to use the power wisely." -Christopher Reeve

Super Triage received a huge boost this month. UIHC has finally accepted that we can't possible transfer every patient for which we receive a request. Beginning September 1st, we have instituted a "priority system" for determining which patients get transferred and how long that process should take. While it is not a perfect system, it is the beginning of a needed renaissance in this area. If nothing else, it provides a means of regulating the transfer traffic to the ED and the inpatient areas. You may hear random voices suggesting that a patient should be a "2, not a 3," but don't be concerned when this happens. The more conversations we have about patient transfers, the more likely we are to get the process right, defined as "the right patient in the right place at the right time." The trick, of course, is for those of us doing Super Triage to use the power appropriately. More to come on this in the future, but just know for now that this is a much-needed step forward in the Super Triage protocols. While it won't solve all of our problems (or even the majority!), it is a positive development.

Speaking of positive developments, Dr Spragg has taken on the role of Super Triage Medical Director for the department. This will not be a walk in the park, but I firmly believe that Matt has the temperament and the tenacity to excel in this role, please feel free to congratulate or console him as you see fit!

Finally, I just want to take a moment and thank everyone involved in the transfer process itself. The longer I have been involved with it, the more complicated I realize that it has become. UIHC accepts patients from all over Iowa and beyond, many of them in the most dire states imaginable. Hundreds of these transfers occur each month, and our aptly named ATC must somehow land all of these patients safely on a runway that is as crowded as Chicago at rush hour. Our nurses and clerks in the ATC work long hours without a lot of kudos, so when you have chance, please thank them for all they do!


In July, the summer medical students that were in the department working on a research project were given a tour of the Air Care.

As part of the capstone to the summer medical student research projects, students get to present at the Carver College of Medicine (CCOM) Medical Student Research Conference on September 18-20 and Society of Academic Emergency Medicine-Great Plains Regional Conference on September 20-21. The following members of Emergency Medicine team will be traveling to Springfield, IL to present their work at SAEMGP.

Resident/Student Kelsey Anderson

Shaila Coffey, MD

Rachel Dahl

Conor Dass Haley Egan

AnnaMarie Fjeld Mitchell Hooyer

Sarah Oest

Nicholas Stange Nathan Walton Cole Wymore Pete Georgakakos, DO (presented by Morgan Bobb Swanson)

Departmental Mentor Sangil Lee, MD, MS

Azeemuddin Ahmed, MD, MBA Josh Radke

Sangil Lee, MD, MS Azeemuddin Ahmed, MD, MBA Charles Jennissen, MD Charles Jennissen, MD

Nicholas Mohr, MD, MS Charles Jennissen, MD Nicholas Mohr, MD, MS Charles Jennissen, MD Azeemuddin Ahmed, MD, MBA

Title The Model Development, Validation and Refinement to Identify Anaphylaxis in Pediatric Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department Dextrose 10% is Safe and Effective Alternative to Dextrose 50% in Prehospital Hypoglycemia Treatment Investigating Healthcare Provider Bias Toward Patients Who Use Drugs Using a Survey-Based Implicit Association Test Angioedema Care in the ED: Retrospective Review of Staging Criteria as Predictor of Patient Identification of High Efficiency Practices of Residents in an Academic Emergency Department: A Mixed Methods Study The Dangers of Off-Road Vehicles to Youths: Not Something to Kid Around About How to Increase ATV Safe Riding Behaviors in Youth: FFA Members from Across the Country Respond Perceptions and Perceived Utility of Rural Emergency Department Telemedicine Services: A Needs Assessment The Dark Side of Nighttime Off-Road Vehicle Use Regionalization in Emergency Time-Critical Care: Classifications, Comparisons, and Considerations The All-Terrain Vehicle Exposure and Crash Experiences of Iowa FFA Members Rural Stroke Patients Have Higher Mortality: An Opportunity for Rural Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop" - Confucius


Fun Facts: The first date of autumn, the autumnal equinox, has 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. The term equinox comes from the Latin words aequus, meaning equal and nox, meaning night.

Nathalie Orozco

New Faces in Nursing

Matthew Dickerson

Kerri Berndt

Kate Pace

Molly Thumma

Emily Martin

Aaron Wood

Mandi Miller

Mark Schmidt, Jr.

Kasey Palmer

Courtney Cochran

Jonathan Welter

Natalie Bianchi

Congratulations to Carly Theiler for being named Family Medicine Residents' Teacher of the Year!

Best wishes to Barb Schuessler who will be leaving the department after almost 30 years! We wish her the best of luck and will miss her!

"Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little" ? Edmund Burke



Chris Buresh started school this month at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Medical Student Research Conference Awards ? September 20, 2019

Research Excellence in Emergency Medicine

Nathan Walton, M2

"Regionalization for Time-Critical Conditions: Classifications, Comparisons, and Consideration" Mentor: Nick Mohr, MD ? Emergency Medicine

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough" ? Oprah Winfrey

5 Fun Facts: Although this is a popular game that kids and adults play at Halloween, it actually started as a British courting ritual. Every male was assigned an apple and then the young eligible ladies would bob for them, hoping to grab the apple of their beloved.

New Patient Financial Services Reps

Maddie Greer

Kelsey Skinner

Michael Wood

Fun Facts: The largest pumpkin pie ever made was in New Bremen, Ohio ? it was 20 feet in diameter and weighed 3,699 pounds. It took days to bake, but was cut into 5,000 slices when it was finished!

Congratulations to Sarah Miller on her promotion to Clinical Associate Professor!

Dr. Runde gave the commencement address at the College of Medicine's 2019 Commencement ceremony

Congratulations to Jon Van Heukelom on his recent promotion to Clinical Professor

This cute little guy is Nolan, a former preemie who was flown by AirCare 1 to The University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital Level IV Neonatal ICU from Genesis East in Davenport on March 8, 2018.

He came back to visit us as a happy, healthy 17 month old with his mom and dad. We didn't want to miss this photo opportunity! He is pictured with his Neo/Peds Flight Nurse Jodi Ellerman. Story and pictures published with written permission from Nolan's family.

Fun Facts: When leaves change color in the fall, they are actually becoming their true color. In the summer, the chlorophyll (which is how the leaves receive nourishment from the sun) takes over and causes them to turn green and hide their color.

From the Desk of Tim Orris: Plug it in, plug it in. No, this isn't the beginning of an air freshener commercial..... well it is, but not here. What I am going to talk about is the hospital beds we have (and get) in the ED. As you know all too well, to operate properly these have to be charged. If they don't stay charged two things happen, you have to say nasty words when you go to move them and we could get charged several hundred dollars to replace batteries that were allowed to run down to a point they are ruined. Now I don't know about you, but this guy doesn't have the arms to wrestle those beds around without a charge AND I could find better use of this money than to put it into a bed when it could have been avoided. I do try to check these beds when I am in the ED delivering supplies or information. I have found a few that were not plugged in. But as you all know my time in the ED is limited to those few visits so if you would help me out and if you see a bed unplugged (with an outlet nearby) please do like the commercial says and plug it in, plug it in.

Welcome Mr. Hudson Oliver Cordova. Hudson was born on August 22nd weighing in at 7lbs 2oz and 19 ? inches long.


Our 6th Annual Emergency Medicine Residency Retreat was held September 18th-19th, 2019. As in previous years, our physician and APP residents gathered at Camp Wapsie in Coggon, Iowa to examine how we might make improvements in the realms of patient care, resident education, medical student education, and outreach. In both our small group sessions, as well as the large group discussion with department and educational leadership, many new solutions/initiatives were generated. Thank you to the residents for their positive attitudes and hard work, and thank you to departmental/educational leadership for engaging in a very productive discussion! - Brooks Obr

Welcome Brycen William Black!! Danielle and Aaron welcomed Brycen on August 3rd at 1548 weighing in at 5lbs 7.5 oz. Brycen is welcomed home by big brothers Kyler and Grady

Introducing the newest members of the Harmon household! Elizabeth (Izzy) Mae and Victoria (Rory) Alice. 5 lbs 4 oz 19 ? inches and 4 lbs 4 oz 18 ? inches. Born on September 17! Congrats Ali & Nate!!

Congrats Chris & Catherine Solie on the birth of their son, Benjamin Luke on September 6!

Congrats Nick & Brittany Philpot on the birth of their daughter, Eleanor Jane on July 24!

"You may have heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. There's another day you might want to know about: Giving Tuesday. The idea is pretty straightforward. On the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, shoppers take a break from their gift-

buying and donate what they can to charity" ? Bill Gates


Fun Facts: Did you know that candy corn has its very own day every year? Candy Corn Day is October 30.



OCTOBER 1 International Coffee Day 2 Name Your Car Day 3 National Boyfriends Day 4 National Frappe Day 5 Do Something Nice Day 6 Physician Assistant Day 7 Bald and Free Day 8 American Touch Tag Day 9 Fire Prevention Day 10 National Angel Food Cake Day 11 It's My Party Day 12 Old Farmer's Day 13 International Skeptics Day 14 National Dessert Day 15 White Cane Safety Day 16 Bosses Day 17 National Pasta Day 18 No Beard Day 19 Sweetest Day 20 Brandied Fruit Day 21 National Pumpkin Cheesecake 22 National Nut Day 23 TV Talk Show Host Day 24 National Bologna Day 25 World Pasta Day 26 Make a Difference Day 27 Navy Day 28 Plush Animal Lover's Day 29 Hermit Day 30 National Candy Corn Day 31 Halloween

NOVEMBER 1 All Saint's Day 2 Book Lovers Day 3 Sandwich Day 4 Check Your Blood Pressure 5 Gunpowder Day 6 Saxophone Day 7 Men Make Dinner Day 8 Dunce Day 9 Chaos Never Dies Day 10 Forget-Me-Not Day 11 Veteran's Day 12 Chicken Soup for the Soul 13 World Kindness Day 14 World Diabetes Day 15 Clean Your Refrigerator Day 16 National Fast Food Day 17 Homemade Bread Day 18 Occult Day 19 Have a Bad Day Day 20 Absurdity Day 21 World Hello Day 22 Go For a Ride Day 23 National Espresso Day 24 Evolution Day 25 National Parfait Day 26 Shopping Reminder Day 27 National Tie One On Day 28 Thanksgiving 29 Square Dance Day 30 Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day

DECEMBER 1 Eat a Red Apple Day 2 National Fritters Day 3 National Roof over Your Head Day 4 Wear Brown Shoes Day 5 Bathtub Party Day 6 Mitten Tree Day 7 Pearl Harbor Day 8 National Brownie Day 9 National Pastry Day 10 Human Rights Day 11 National Noodle Ring Day 12 National Ding-a-Ling Day 13 Ice Cream Day 14 International Monkey Day 15 National Lemon Cupcake Day 16 National Chocolate Covered 17 National Maple Syrup Day 18 Bake Cookies Day 19 Oatmeal Muffin Day 20 Go Caroling Day 21 Humbug Day 22 National Date Nut Bread Day 23 Roots Day 24 National Chocolate Day 25 Christmas Day 26 Boxing Day 27 Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day 28 Card Playing Day 29 Pepper Pot Day 30 Bacon Day 31 New Year's Eve

Fun Facts: Pumpkins grow on every continent except Antarctica.

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics and MercyOne jointly operated air transport services through contracts in Waterloo and Dubuque. Over the last few months, the hospitals reviewed their air transport partnership. After discussing several options, the parties were not been able to come to a mutually beneficial agreement. The contracts in both locations ended September 15, 2019.

Despite the decision to end the contract, UI Hospitals & Clinics remained committed to meeting the care needs of the region. UI Hospitals & Clinics continued to provide AirCare services to the Waterloo, Dubuque and surrounding communities after Sept. 15.

UI Hospitals & Clinics has established new bases of operation for AirCare at the airports in Waterloo and Dubuque. AirCare is fully prepared to meet the needs of patients across the region just as it has for more than 40 years. Our expertise, medical protocols and quality of care remain the same and continue uninterrupted ? Levi Kannedy

"I'm thankful for every moment" ? Al Green


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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