
Works Cited"Women Who Have Had Abortions." . N.p., 1997. Web. 21 Feb. 2013."Women???s Suicide Rates Highest After Abortion: New Study." After Abortion. N.p., 29 Nov. 2005. Web. 21 Feb. 2013."Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics." Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics. N.p., 13 Dec. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2013."." Abortion Facts. N.p., 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2013Andrea McConnellMrs. Brenda StephensEnglish 10226 February, 13Pro-LifeAbortion is thought to be a way out of a hard situation, possibly a secret to keep away from mom and dad, or even just because the person doesn’t feel ready, either way it is looked at, abortion is murder. Choosing to abort a child is the same choice a murderer makes right before he goes in for the kill. Abortions are considered an easy procedure, but that has been mistaken, abortions are very gory and horrific. Not only does the baby die but also the mother faces trauma and also risk of bad health and difficulties with future pregnancies. Although, abortion seems like the easy way out, there are many physical and psychological consequences that must be faced. Abortion is presented as a fresh start and a new beginning for a mother with an unwanted child. This new beginning, however, has so many more consequences than just the abolition of an unborn child. Every action produces a result, some are positive and others are negative. Each day individuals makes thousands of decisions, some large and others small, but every one has an effect on at least one person. Just because we have the freedom of choice doesn’t mean that our decisions will automatically relieve us of our responsibilities. The myth that a detrimental choice can be avoided is a lie. This lie is prevalent in the cause of abortion. Some may argue that every woman has the right to choose what happens to her own body, however, each woman originally makes the choice to partake in intimate activities designed by our very nature to result in reproduction. In most cases, was that not her choice? Less than 1% of abortions are performed to save the life of the mother or rape(abortion facts.) In the rest of the 99% of cases, a child is the result of a decision, the choice has already been made. The consequences of this are simply the responsibility that came along with these actions. It is estimated that one third of women in the United States will have an abortion before they are 45 years old. (abort73). This is one third of each generation missing, lost because people believed that their responsibility could simply disappear. Often people pass off abortion because they believe that it only affects the life of the mother. Individuals argue that life is not life until it is apart from the mother. The only way to determine the morality is to determine whether it is truly a person that you are destroying. If a pregnant woman were to get in a car accident that would take the life of her and her unborn child, it would be considered a double homicide. () In a similar scenario, if someone were to murder a pregnant woman, which also resulted in the death of her unborn child; that criminal would be charged with the murder of two people instead of one. 92% of all abortions happen within the first trimester, a time where the law would still consider it murder for a person other than the mother to choose to end that unborn child’s life. ( abort73). What exactly culture is stating, then, is that an unborn baby has rights to life, except when it doesn’t. “ I have noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born” Ronald Reagan (goodreads) Babies can feel pain within 20 weeks gestation; abortions are performed during this time and far beyond it. The exception of their right to life has to do with convenience. By the standards of rights to life, life ceases to be life when it is inconvenient to the mother or those closely affected by the birth. Responsibilities do not cease to be responsibilities when they become inconvenient. Mother Teresa stated “ It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.” (goodreads) The unborn life is not the only life radically altered by abortion. The emotional and physical health of the mother is also deeply affected through the process. Suicide rates in mothers soon after an abortion increase by 48%, not including mothers who have had other traumas attached to the abortion. Psychologically, abortions can destroy women from the inside out. Carrie Camillari, a woman who aborted her child had this to say about the aftermath. “ I was an emotional wreck. The following day I was empty, sad, and numb. I knew that day I made a huge mistake. I wish with all my heart I had done things differently.” (Lovematters) In addition, abortion is the leading supposed cause for suicide in women. (afterabortion) Abortion has also been proven to be more dangerous and harmful to the mother than childbirth. (abortion facts) The consequence out ways the benefits. In conclusion, abortion is a choice that demolishes a creation that is not humanities to destroy. It is an act that is not only illogical, insensitive, and against moral nature thereby destroying not only the life of the unborn child, but also the life of the other human beings involved. Every life is a miracle far beyond human comprehension. It is beyond anyone’s rights to determine whether another person deserves their own life. Abortion is not the easy way out. ................

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