LESSON: Individual Rights - Freedom of Speech at School

LESSON: Individual Rights - Freedom of Speech at School


TIME: 50 Minutes

I. GOALS: Understand Free Speech concepts

A. Understand Free speech in school and criteria for evaluating it

B. Understand how to apply and applications in a school setting


A. Knowledge Objectives – As a result of this class, student will:

1. Know the most common categories of expression

2. Know the basic reasoning for certain limits on speech

B. Skills Objective – As a result of this class, students will be better able to:

1. Evaluate the protection for a given example of speech

C. Attitude Objectives – Students will be better able to feel:

1. the importance of free speech

2. that speech, which makes you uncomfortable, is still protected

3. that limit put on speech are appropriate


A. Homework was to read abridged versions of Tinker v. Des Moines and Bethel School District v. Fraser

B. Show Powerpoint slide of text of 1st Amendment Read out loud,

Ask class? What does the 1st Amendment Protect (written word, spoken word and expressive conduct)

What is expressive conduct? - Write answers on the board.

C. Tinker v. Des Moines

1. Ask class – What are the facts/background of the case?

(Took place in 1965, US involved in Vietnam War, three students wore black armbands to school in protest of war, students were suspended from school – show picture of the Tinkers in Powerpoint)

2. What is the issue addressed by the case?

(Whether students had a right to wear armbands to school to protest the war)

3. What did the Supreme Court say?

• Students do not surrender their constitutional rights simply by entering a public school

• Symbolic dress worn for political reasons is expression protected by the First Amendment

• Student expression can only be curtailed or censored where the school can show it threatens a “material and substantial interference” with the school’s effective operation

D. Bethel School District v. Fraser – full class participation

1. What are the facts of the case? (1983, High School student Matthew Fraser gave a speech to 600 other students nominating another student, was suspended for three days)

(Show Powerpoint of the speech, ask a student to read it out loud)

2. What is the issue addressed by the case? (whether or not a spoken word speech in school was protected or unprotected under the 1st Amendment)

3. What did the Supreme Court say?

- Schools can censor and punish students for “lewd, indecent or offensive” speech.

- Student’s first amendment rights are not equal to adult rights

E. Read Seattle School district policy? Does it define student free speech like the Supreme Court does?

F. Introduce Guiles v. Marineau case, read description of T-shirt while showing slides of the back and front of it.

1. Go through additional slides with the whole class. Then hand out the same facts we just read.

2. Students get into groups of five. Each group represents a different circuit court.

3. Each group will discuss the facts, the issue and apply to Tinker and Bethel standards. The majority of each court will choose one person to report and the dissenters in each group will choose one person to report. 10 minutes

4. Go around the class to each group to hear their responses. Keep tally on the board of how many people decide that the speech is protected and how many decide that it isn’t.

5. Show holding on the powerpoint and read it out loud. Ask for student responses.


A. Student participation in activities

B. Answers to homework


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