Internet Research Help Sheet -

Internet Research Help Sheet

Directions: go to . Find “Nazi Germany/World War II”. Research Hitler Youth. Find one interesting fact about each time period.

Web address and date visited Interesting fact Why is it interesting? What did you learn?

|Beginnings to | | | |

|1923 | | | |

|Road to Power | | | |

|Prelude to War | | | |

|Hitler’s Boy Soldiers | | | |

|Aftermath | | | |

Internet Research Help Sheet

Directions: go to . Find “Nazi Germany/World War II”. Research Hitler Youth, Timeline and Organization. Reflect on six different quotes (why are they so powerful, what do they mean, how would this influence people).

Web address and date visited Events Elaboration

| |Hitler’s Youth Facts: | |

| |Hitler as a leader | |

| |Hitler as a person: Characteristics | |

| |Steps he took to delineate Jews | |

| |Berlin Olympics | |

| |The Fall of Hitler | |


You will visit several websites in order to gain a sense of the history and evolution of Nazi Germany. You are going to fit the pieces together looking for clues as a researcher on the people involved. You will create a quilt to display your new knowledge and demonstrate your understanding.


You may work with classmates when gathering information, however your reflections are your own and each student in responsible for handing in:

1) working notes sheet (attached), and

2) a paper or media quilt.

Working Notes: You will visit only the websites listed. You must cite (quote) the site from which you obtained your information and the date that you visited the site. All notes must be neatly handwritten on the packets provided. Do not lose your packets! You will be given sufficient computer time in school to visit these websites, however feel free to do some of this work at home

Quilt: Each quilt will have 8 pieces or shapes and a frame enclosing the entire piece. The size of the quilt is up to you, but it needs to be big enough to show from a distance. One piece needs to be devoted to each of the following:

1) Definition of Holocaust and Genocide(you can use a dictionary) and two other examples of genocides other than the Holocaust with a brief summary

2) One event in Hitler’s life with a picture symbolizing that event.(NO swastika signs please)

3) A reflection of that event.

4) Another event (so 2) with a picture symbolizing that event.

5) A reflection of your second event.

6) A reflection of how the youth were influenced (six sentences minimum).

7) Write one paragraph about Hitler’s character. (Minimum of 6 sentences).

8) Reflect what this project meant to you? What can be done to prevent any future genocides?( (4 sentences minimum)

Frame: Around your entire quilt should be a frame. In your frame create a timeline where you write down anything that you found important on the timeline. Also add the numbers in the “Hitler’s Youth” organization.


Hopefully you have learned a little history and a sense of what the people went through in Nazi Germany. Additionally, it is hoped that you have reflected on the importance of tolerance and diversity and the dangers of not tolerating differences and diversity. George Bernard Shaw said, “We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future, “and I for one hope that you will be wonderful future leaders. Our future generations are relying on it.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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