2019–20 Completing the FAFSA® Form - Federal Student Aid

2019?20 Completing the FAFSA? Form

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 7 WHAT IS THE FAFSA? FORM?.................................................................................................................7 HOW DO I COMPLETE THE FAFSA? FORM?........................................................................................7 WHEN DO I SUBMIT MY FAFSA? FORM?..............................................................................................7 IF YOU PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED A FAFSA? FORM .........................................................................7 USING YOUR FSA ID TO SIGN YOUR FAFSA? FORM..........................................................................7 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................8 INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH QUESTION .................................................................................................9 OVERVIEW FOR QUESTIONS 1?31 (ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE) ..............................9

Question 1: Your last name........................................................................................................................................ 9 Question 2: Your first name ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Question 3: Your middle initial .................................................................................................................................. 9 Question 4: Your permanent mailing address............................................................................................................ 9 Question 5: Your city ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Question 6: Your state ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Question 7: Your ZIP code........................................................................................................................................ 10 Question 8: Your Social Security Number ................................................................................................................ 10 Question 9: Your date of birth ................................................................................................................................. 10 Question 10: Your telephone number...................................................................................................................... 11 Question 11: Your driver's license number .............................................................................................................. 11 Question 12: Your driver's license state................................................................................................................... 11 Question 13: Your e-mail address ............................................................................................................................ 11 Question 14: Are you a U.S. citizen? ........................................................................................................................ 11


Question 15: Your Alien Registration Number ......................................................................................................... 12 Question 16: What is your marital status? ............................................................................................................... 12 Question 17: Month and year you were married, separated, divorced, or widowed ............................................... 13 Question 18: What is your state of legal residence? ................................................................................................ 13 Question 19: Did you become a legal resident of your state before January 1, 2014?.............................................. 13 Question 20: Month and year you became a legal resident ..................................................................................... 13 Question 21: Are you male or female?..................................................................................................................... 14 Question 22: Do you want us to register you with the Selective Service System? .................................................... 14 Question 23: Have you been convicted for the possession or sale of illegal drugs for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid (grants, work-study, and/or loans)? ........................................................... 14 Questions 24 and 25: Highest school your parent completed ................................................................................. 15 Question 26: What will your high school completion status be when you begin college in the 2019?2020 school year? ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Question 27: Student's High School Name, City, and State ...................................................................................... 15 Question 28: Will you have your first bachelor's degree before you begin the 2019?2020 school year? ................. 16 Question 29: What will your college grade level be when you begin the 2019?2020 school year? .......................... 16 Question 30: What degree or certificate will you be working on when you begin the 2019?2020 school year?....... 16 Question 31: Are you interested in being considered for work- study?.................................................................... 17


Question 32: Have you completed a 2017 income tax return?................................................................................. 17 Question 33: What income tax return did you file or will you file for 2017? ............................................................ 18 Question 34: For 2017, what is or will be your tax filing status according to your tax return? ................................. 18 Question 35: Were you eligible to file a 1040A or 1040EZ?...................................................................................... 19 Question 36: What was your adjusted gross income for 2017?................................................................................ 19 Question 37: What was your income tax for 2017? .................................................................................................. 21 Question 38: How many exemptions did you claim? ............................................................................................... 23 Question 39: How much did you earn from working in 2017? ................................................................................. 23 Question 40: How much did your spouse earn from working in 2017? .................................................................... 24


Question 41: What is the total current balance of your cash, savings, and checking accounts? ............................... 25 Question 42: What is the net worth of your investments?....................................................................................... 26 Question 43: What is the net worth of your current businesses and/or investment farms? .................................... 27 Question 44a: What were your total education credits?......................................................................................... 28 Question 44b: How much total child support did you pay? ...................................................................................... 29 Question 44c: What were your taxable earnings from need-based employment programs? .................................. 29 Question 44d: How much taxable college grant or scholarship aid did you report to the IRS as income? ............... 29 Question 44e: How much combat pay or special combat pay did you report in your AGI? ...................................... 30 Question 44f: What were your earnings from work under a Cooperative Education Program offered by a college? ................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 Question 45a: What were your total tax-deferred pension payments? ................................................................... 30 Question 45b: How much did you pay to your IRA or Keogh? .................................................................................. 31 Question 45c: How much total child support did you receive? ................................................................................ 31 Question 45d: What was your total tax-exempt interest income? ........................................................................... 31 Question 45e: What were your total untaxed portions of IRA distributions?........................................................... 32 Question 45f: What were your total untaxed portions of pensions?........................................................................ 33 Question 45g: What were your total allowances received? ..................................................................................... 33 Question 45h: What were your total veterans noneducation benefits?................................................................... 34 Question 45i: What was the total of your other untaxed income or benefits?......................................................... 34 Question 45j: What other money has been paid on your behalf? ............................................................................ 34

OVERVIEW FOR QUESTIONS 46?58 (DEPENDENCY QUESTIONS: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE) ............................................................................................................................................... 35

Question 46: Were you born before January 1, 1996? ............................................................................................. 35 Question 47: Are you married?................................................................................................................................ 35 Question 48: At the beginning of the 2019?2020 school year, will you be working on a master's or doctorate program (such as an MA, MBA, MD, JD, PhD, EdD, or graduate certificate, etc.?) ................................................... 35 Question 49: Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training? 35 Question 50: Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces?...................................................................................... 36 Question 51: Do you now have or will you have children who will receive more than half of their support from you


between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020? ................................................................................................................ 36

Question 52: Do you have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you and who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through June 30, 2020? ........................................................... 36

Question 53: At any time since you turned age 13, were both your parents deceased, were you in foster care or were you a dependent or ward of the court? .......................................................................................................... 37

Question 54: As determined by a court in your state of legal residence, are you or were you an emancipated minor? ................................................................................................................................................................................ 37

Question 55: Does someone other than your parent or stepparent have legal guardianship of you, as determined by a court in your state of legal residence?.............................................................................................................. 37

Question 56: At any time on or after July 1, 2018, did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? ................................................................................................................................................................................ 38

Question 57: At any time on or after July 1, 2018, did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? ........................ 38

Question 58: At any time on or after July 1, 2018, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were selfsupporting and at risk of being homeless?............................................................................................................... 39

OVERVIEW FOR QUESTIONS 59?94 (DEPENDENT APPLICANTS ONLY)................................ 39

Question 59: As of today, what is the marital status of your parents?..................................................................... 39

Question 60: Month and year your parents were married, separated, divorced, or widowed ................................. 40

Questions 61 (Parent 1) and 65 (Parent 2): Parent's Social Security Number ........................................................... 40

Questions 62 (Parent 1) and 66 (Parent 2): Parent's last name ................................................................................ 40

Questions 63 (parent 1 and 67 (parent 2): Parent's first initial ................................................................................ 41

Questions 64 (Parent 1) and 68 (Parent 2): Parent's date of birth ........................................................................... 41

Question 69: Your parent's e-mail address .............................................................................................................. 41

Question 70: What is your parents' state of legal residence? .................................................................................. 41

Question 71: Did your parents become legal residents of their state before January 1, 2014? ................................ 42

Question 72: Month and year your parents became legal residents ........................................................................ 42

Question 73: Your parents' number of family members in 2019?2020 (household size) .......................................... 42

Question 74: How many people in your parents' household will be college students in 2019?2020? ...................... 43

Questions 75?79: Parents Received Medicaid/Supplemental Security Income/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/Free or Reduced Price School Lunch/Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/Special


Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children?...................................................................... 43 Question 80: Have your parents completed a 2017 income tax return?................................................................... 43 Question 81: What type of income tax return did your parents file or will they file for 2017?................................. 44 Question 82: For 2017, what is or will be your parents' tax filing status according to their tax return? ................... 44 Question 83: Were your parents eligible to file a 1040A or 1040EZ?........................................................................ 45 Question 84: Is either of your parents a dislocated worker?.................................................................................... 45 Question 85: What was your parents' adjusted gross income for 2017? .................................................................. 46 Question 86: What was your parents' total income tax for 2017? ........................................................................... 48 Question 87: How many exemptions did your parents claim? ................................................................................. 49 Questions 88 and 89: How much did your parent earn from working in 2017? ........................................................ 49 Question 90: What is the total current balance of your parents' cash, savings, and checking accounts? ................. 50 Question 91: What is the net worth of your parents' investments?......................................................................... 51 Question 92: What is the net worth of your parents' current businesses and/or investment farms? ...................... 52 Question 93a: What were your parents' total education credits? ............................................................................ 53 Question 93b: How much total child support did your parents pay? ....................................................................... 54 Question 93c: What were your parents' taxable earnings from need-based employment programs? ..................... 54 Question 93d: How much taxable college grant or scholarship aid did your parents report to the IRS as Income? .. 54 Question 93e: How much combat pay or special combat pay did your parents report in their AGI? ........................ 55 Question 93f: What were your parents' earnings from work under a Cooperative Education Program offered by a college? ................................................................................................................................................................... 55 Question 94a: What were your parents' total tax-deferred pension payments? ..................................................... 55 Question 94b: How much did your parents pay to their IRA or Keogh? ................................................................... 55 Question 94c: How much total child support did your parents receive? .................................................................. 56 Question 94d: What was your parents' total tax-exempt interest income? ............................................................. 56 Question 94e: What were your parents' total untaxed portions of IRA distributions?............................................. 56 Question 94f: What were your parents' total untaxed portions of pensions?.......................................................... 57 Question 94g: What were your parents' total allowances received? ....................................................................... 58 Question 94h: What were your parents' total veterans noneducation benefits? ..................................................... 58


Question 94i: What was the total of your parents' other untaxed income or benefits?.......................................... 59

OVERVIEW FOR QUESTIONS 95?102 (INDEPENDENT APPLICANTS) .................................... 59

Question 95: Your number of family members in 2019?2020 (household size)........................................................ 59 Question 96: How many people in your household will be in college in 2019?2020?............................................... 59 Questions 97?101: Students Received Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Free or Reduced Price School Lunch, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) ................................................ 60 Question 102: Are you or your spouse a dislocated worker? .................................................................................. 60

OVERVIEW FOR QUESTION 103 (ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE)................................. 61

Questions 103a, 103c, 103e, 103g: Federal School Code .......................................................................................... 61 Questions 103b, 103d, 103f, 103h: Housing Plans .................................................................................................... 61

OVERVIEW FOR QUESTIONS 104?108.............................................................................................. 61

Question 104: Date this form was completed .......................................................................................................... 62 Question 105: Student and Parent signature ........................................................................................................... 62 Question 106: Preparer's Social Security Number.................................................................................................... 62 Question 107: Preparer's Employer Identification Number ...................................................................................... 62 Question 108: Preparer's Signature and Date .......................................................................................................... 62

NEXT STEPS ............................................................................................................................................... 62

September 2018

FAFSA? and NSLDS? are registered service marks of Federal Student Aid, U.S. Department of Education.



This document lists the help topics that are provided for each question of the 2019?20 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA?) form.

Throughout this document, "you" and "your" refer to the student. "School" refers to the college, career school, or postsecondary institution the student is attending (or applying to).

What is the FAFSA? form?

To apply for federal student aid, such as federal grants, work-study, and loans, you need to complete the FAFSA form. Completing and submitting the FAFSA form is free, and it gives you access to the largest source of financial aid to help pay for college or career school. In addition, many states and colleges use your FAFSA information to determine your eligibility for state aid and school aid, and some private financial aid providers may use your FAFSA information to determine whether you qualify for their aid.

How do I complete the FAFSA? form?

There are several ways to fill out and submit the FAFSA form:

? Log in at to apply online (recommended) or

? Use the myFAFSA component of the myStudentAid mobile app or

? Complete a FAFSA PDF (note: you must print out and mail the FAFSA PDF for processing) or

? Request a print-out of the FAFSA PDF by calling us at 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800433-3243) or 334-523-2691 (TTY for the deaf or hard of hearing 1-800-730-8913); then fill out the form and mail it for processing

When do I submit my FAFSA? form?

For the 2019?20 academic year (July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020), you can file your FAFSA form beginning Oct. 1, 2018. You will need to provide 2017 tax information.

Note: Keep in mind that while the 2019?20 FAFSA deadline for federal aid is June 30, 2020, your state and school probably have earlier financial aid deadlines for students who want to receive the state's or school's aid. To maximize your potential aid, you should submit a FAFSA form as early as possible after Oct. 1, 2018.

If You Previously Submitted a FAFSA? Form

If you filed a 2018?19 FAFSA form, you may see a "FAFSA RENEWAL" button, which will allow you to save time because it will prefill your 2019?20 FAFSA form with certain information from your 2018?19 FAFSA form.

Using Your FSA ID to Sign Your FAFSA? Form

We strongly recommend you use an FSA ID, which is a username and password combination, to sign your FAFSA form electronically. Your FSA ID also can be used to sign loan contracts and to access certain information online. While you can create your FSA ID as you're completing the FAFSA form, getting it ahead of time and using it to begin your FAFSA form on cuts down on errors and delays.


If you're a dependent student, one of your parents whose information is reported on the FAFSA form will also need an FSA ID so that he or she can sign your application electronically. It's important that you and your parent each create your own FSA ID. You should not create an FSA ID for your parent, and a parent should not create an FSA ID for you. For additional information on the FSA ID and to create your FSA ID, go to fsaid.

Additional Resources

After reviewing this document, if you have additional questions about how to complete the FAFSA form, you can contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center (FSAIC) via email at StudentAid@ or by phone at 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243), or you can contact the financial aid office at the school you are interested in attending. You can also visit Federal Student Aid's primary website--.



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