
Questions1. Come up with a way to apply each unit from AP Human Geography to this project.2. Where is the nearest hospital and how do you get there? (map the route)3. What famous people have come from your school and/or area?4. What demographic information can you tell me about your college enrollment? Religion, Race, Sex, ect…5. Include a map of the campus, and on it locate the following:A. LibraryB. The Computer Center or LabC. The BookstoreD. Freshmen DormsE. The tutoring or academic support centerF. Fitness CenterG. Health CenterH. Registrar OfficeI. Student CenterJ. The Career OfficeK. Public SafetyL. Dining Hall6. How is the process of washing white and dark clothes different?7. Where is the student body from at your college from? (ex. % in-state compared to % of out-of- state) 8. How many countries are represented by the student body at your college?9. What companies’ headquarters are located near your campus?10. Go to and look at the information regarding your college town. What did you learn? (give specifics)11. What activities/clubs does your school have that you would be interested in getting involved in?12. Where are the higher crime areas located in relation to your campus?13. What internships could you get through your school that relate to your possible major?14. When is the dining hall open? What other dining options are there on campus?15. What are the best local restaurants, and where are they located?16. What are you grateful for?17. Whom will you have an opportunity to help at college?18. What percentage of students live on campus?19. If you chose to study abroad where could you go?20. What will be your major? Why? And when is it necessary to declare a major?21. What are the required courses for your intended major? (give a list of course titles)22. What type of person inspires you? (Surround yourself with them)23. What festivals, fairs, concerts… does the local community offer?24. How much does campus housing cost compared to renting in the local area?25. What percentage of the student body belongs to the Greek system?26. How much did tuition and room and board go up in the past year?27. What kind of job placement programs are offered at my college?28. What are you proud of in your life so far?29. Find three websites that give good advice for college and read them. (list sites here) 30. Why did you choose this school?31. If you had to get home only using public transportation how would you do it?32. Does your college have blue-light phones? Where are they located?33. What do you want your life to be like in ten years?34. Is there a school shuttle and where can it take you?35. Is there a campus radio station and where is it located? How do you get involved?36. What are the (2) biggest things you have learned in life to date?37. By the end of college other than graduating what is it that you hoped that you accomplished? ................

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