
December 3, 2020 History Test Name _____________________________ ____1. Colonists thought that taxes levied on them by Parliament were illegal because A. they were used to punish colonists for smuggling B. they were used to pay the costs of the French and Indian War C. they were used to protect pioneer farmers from Indian attacks D. colonists had no representation in the English Parliament ____2. Why did England issue the Proclamation of 1763? A. to attempt to avoid frontier war with Indians who lived west of the mountains B. to avoid war with France since land west of the mountains was French territory C. to punish the colonists for refusing to pay their fair share of taxes____3. The colonists’ immediate response to tariffs passed by Parliament was to A. stop trading with the English C. smuggle goods into the colonies B. convene a Continental Congress D. ask Spain and France for assistance____4. The Townsend Acts did all of the following EXCEPT A. create peace with the Indians C. suspend the legislatures of VA, Mass, and NY B. permit only English citizens to work in customs houses D. place tariffs on all imports____5. The Quebec Act ceded the Ohio River Valley to Quebec causing colonists to think that A. they would be required to learn French C. Canadians would fight for England in the Revolution B. their religious freedom would be lost D. this would cause a new round of attacks by Indians____6. What were the colonists seeking when they sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George? A. military aid B. lower taxes C. peace D. new markets for American products____7. What statement about the Boston Tea Party is NOT true? A. The tea party was an angry reaction to England’s unfair trade practices involving tea. B. Sons of Liberty disguised as Indians dumped $18,000 worth of English tea into Boston harbor. C. The Daughters of Liberty organized boycotts of tea and other English products D. As a result of the Tea Party, England repealed tariffs on all colonial products.____8. The Intolerable Acts were ‘intolerable’ because they A. caused a famine in the city of Boston C. resulted in the arrest of Boston’s elected officials B. ceded the colony of Massachusetts to Quebec D. called for execution of tea party participants ____9. In his book Common Sense, Thomas Paine told Americans that A. they should support King George and Parliament and pay all taxes levied against them B. they needed a completely new government because the government of England was corrupt C. they could defeat England militarily and should immediately prepare for war ____10. Which fact about the Boston Massacre would be omitted by someone wanting to use this horrific event as a tool of ‘propaganda’ to convince people to support independence? A. English soldiers killed 5 unarmed Americans B. Colonists taunted the soldiers and threw rock filled snowballs at them before the shooting began C. The tariffs they were protesting were unfair because they were levied without colonial consent____11. Which statement about the “SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD” is NOT true? A. It inspired people from other countries to fight their own wars for independence. B. It was fired by an English soldier at a group of Minutemen in Lexington, Massachusetts. C. It was the final shot of the war and brought victory to Americans over the English.TRUE-FALSE: Put a T in the blank for completely true statements and an F for false statements.____1. Basically all Americans hated King George and wanted to be free from English government.____2. The purpose of revolutionary ‘propaganda’ was to convince colonists to support independence.____3. England’s failure to include colonists in making government decisions was a major cause of war.____4. Each side tended to over-react to just about every unpopular act taken by the opposite side.____5. Although unsuccessful, colonists tried to peacefully resolve their differences with England. ____6. The Continental Congress was the result of the 13 colonies uniting in their efforts to solve their problems with England.MATCHING PEOPLE/VOCABULARY____1. Samuel AdamsA. The “Great Propagandist” of the Revolution____2. Paul RevereB. This black man was the first American to die in the Revolution____3. Crispus Attucks C. Leader of the Sons of Liberty who organized Boston Tea Party____4. George Washington D. He warned Minutemen the British were marching to Concord____5. Thomas PaineE. Named Commander of the patriot army by the Cont. Congress____1. MercenariesA. Colonists who remained loyal to England____2. HessiansB. Men selected to represent their colonies at the Continental Congress ____3. ToriesC. Male colonists who pledged to fight the English on very short notice____4. PatriotsD. Paid professional soldiers from a foreign country ____5. DelegatesE. Colonists who supported independence from England____6. MinutemenF. German soldiers who were hired by England to serve in the coloniesGO ON TO THE NEXT PAGEBonus: (1 pt. for each correct answer) ______________________ Economic system that allows one to profit from his/ her hard work______________________ Oldest English settlement in the New World______________________ First elected representative legislature in America______________________ The Puritans’ “City Upon a Hill”______________________ Colony originally settled by the DutchTHE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED—IT IS NOT FOR BONUS POINTS DISCUSSION: List 3 actions taken by the English government that caused Americans to support going to war in order to win their independence. Write a sentence about each action explaining its importance. (Write your answer below. Use the back of this page if you need more space.) ................

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