
ROOM # 12 WEEKLY PLANNING FORMWEEK OF: June 8-12 TEACHER’S NAME: Jacob B.Day of the WeekDAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- lesson)Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUSSkill Building Activity(Small group centers:Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library) Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers)]MondayDate: June 8 Continuing on from our new unit of transformation, this week we will focus on changes and transformations in nature.-What can we see that changes in nature. -Teach the word “nature”-One thing that changes in nature is the trees and plants around us-Plants grow and die depending on what type of tree or flower they are-What colors do we see around us outside?Read Aloud: All Year Round , watch this video to learn more nature and look for some things that might change:, go outside and take some pictures of the trees and plants around you. Try to draw or paint one of them that you see. Make sure to label it. Then, look for a picture of a plant during the winter. Are your picture and the one during the winter the same or different?MATH-Number of the week: Number 7 (seven). Find 7 leaves outside and sort them by size or color. Math concept of the month: Review Patterns: practice making simple ABAB patterns to strengthen your pattern skillsLITERACY-Letters of the week: O and H. Review O and H sound. Find pictures/words that begin with the letters in magazines or books. Find some examples here: phonics on: and take a book and try to copy or trace three words. Then use handwriting resources based on skill. MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITEOutdoor Play: Go on a nature walk. Pick up sticks and leaves and other items you find outside. Sort them by size, shape, or color.Blocks/Building: use blocks or Legos to build a forest full of trees and plantsScience: Look at plants and trees up close. Use a magnifying glass if you have one. Draw what you see.Writing: Look through books and magazines for pictures of nature. Try to find words linked to our unit and write them down TuesdayDate: June 9 Yesterday we began to explore changes in nature.-Trees and plants change because of the change in season.-What are the four seasons?-Why are there four seasons?-Does every place in the world have four seasons?-Seasons are effected by weather, which we will be digging deeper into over the next couple of days. Read Aloud: Our Seasons by Lin Grace First, watch this video to learn a song about the four seasons:, take a piece of paper and fold in half and then in half again. You should have four boxes. In each box, write the words, Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Then try to draw a picture of a tree in each box. For example, in the Spring, the tree should be full of bright green leaves and maybe even some flowers. In the winter, the tree should not have any leaves. MATH-Number of the week: Number 7 (seven). Try to find the number 7 on a label or box of food in your pantry. Practice writing and counting the number. Math concept of the month: Review Patterns: practice making AABB patterns today by either drawing items or using toys. LITERACY- Letters of the week: O and H. Review O and H sound. Look through books for letters of the week. Each time you find the letter, try to trace or write it. Then, make the sound of each letter. Find some examples here: phonics on: and Try to trace or write your name using a blue marker or crayon. Then write or trace your name using a green marker or crayon. Then use handwriting resources based on skill. MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITEMath: Use shoes or clothes to make simple ABAB or AABB patterns.Sensory: Use your hands and dig through the dirt. See what you find and try to label it.Music/Movement: Sing a weather song and move around, jumping in place or up and downDramatic Play: pretend to be a plant/tree and grow out of the ground. Stretch your arms and legs outWednesdayDate: June 10 Now that we know that many things change in nature, we also know that weather plays a big role in the lives of plants and trees.-Also, the weather changes based on what season it is.-What is temperature?-Teach the word “temperature”-Temperature can be high (hot) or low (cold) based on your location and the season.Read Aloud: The Rain Came Down by David Shannon First, watch this video to learn more about what temperature is: Then, turn on the news and see if you can find the temperature of the day. Try to write it down. We will compare our findings in the afternoon. MATH- Number of the week: Number 7 (seven). Use toys around the house and build a tower only seven blocks or Legos tall. Count the pieces. Math concept of the month: ReviewPatterns: Today, make ABCABC patterns with blocks or Legos.LITERACY- Letters of the week: O and H. Review O and H sound. Make a list of words/items that begin with the letters of the week. For example, O is for octopus and Oreo. Find some examples here: phonics on: and Trace or draw items using a yellow crayon or marker. Then use handwriting resources based on skill. MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITEOutdoor Play: go outside and check out the temperature. Based on what you are wearing, is it hot or cold?Art: draw or paint a picture of warm or cold weather. What activities would you be doing?Writing: look around the house and in pictures and write down different words and letters.Blocks/Building: Use blocks or Legos to build a beach and ocean for warm weather/temperature ThursdayDate: June 11Yesterday we began to discuss the weather and the changes in temperature.Did you know that there is a special person whose job it is to study and tell us the weather of the day?-This person is called a meteorologist.-Teach the word “meteorologist” -Meteorologists work at a weather center and look at different information, like maps and charts to tell us the weatherRead Aloud: Freddy the Frogcaster and the Huge Hurricane First, watch this video to learn more about what a meteorologist does: , try and act out being a meteorologist. Stand in front of a wall and tell someone in your family what the weather is today and will be tomorrow. You can even put on a fancy jacket and hold a stick to point at a pretend map. MATH-Number of the week: Number 7 (seven). Look through books and magazines and try to find the number 7. Each time you find it write it down and count. Math concept of the month: ReviewPatterns: Pick a pattern game here to practice your skills: Letters of the week: O and H. Review O and H sound. Based on the list of words you made yesterday, try to draw or paint one of the items. Find some examples here: phonics on: and Look around the house. Find different letters and words. Take a paper and try to write some down. Then use handwriting resources based on skill. MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE Dramatic Play: Pretend to dress up like a meteorologistBlocks/Building: build a weather station that you can go to report fromArt: Paint or draw a picture of a rainy day. Make sure to label your pictureMusic/Movement: Sing and dance to the song “The Ants Go Marching”FridayDate: June 12Now that we know about some changes in nature, such as the seasons, weather, and plants, we can discover how all of these changes affect animals.-For example, some animals need to migrate, or move away, when the weather changes-Other animals hibernate, or sleep, during the colder months-Today, we will brainstorm how and why weather affects animals and their lives. Read Aloud: Animals in Winter by Henrietta Bancroft First, watch this video to learn more about hibernation: Then, based on the read aloud, pick one animal and draw what they do during the winter. For example, if I choose a bear, I will draw a cave and a bear sleeping inside with snow around. Also, remember to label your picture with words. MATH-Number of the week: Number 7 (seven). Trace or draw the number 7. Dot paint the number and try to label it. Math concept of the month: ReviewPatterns: play another pattern game here: Letters of the week: O and H. Review O and H sound. Review your activities from the week. Practice the sounds of each letter. Play a letter game here: some examples here: phonics on: and Practice making straight, curved, and jagged lines of all sizes. Then use handwriting resources based on skill. MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE Dramatic Play: Pretend to be an animal hibernating during the winterMath: use items around the house to continue to work on patterns (ABAB, AABB, ABCABC)Science: Look through books or magazines for animals and see what activities they are doing based on the weatherArt: draw or paint a picture of changes in natureWriting: practice writing or tracing your name and numbers, letters, and shapes Social/ Emotional- Week to Review #7- HYPERLINK "" core standards:PK.CLL.10: With prompting and support, actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. PK.SED.7: Adapts to change.PK.CKW.4: Develops an understanding of how people and things change over time and how to relate past events to their present and future activities. PK.CKW.2 (Geometry): Create and build shapes from components (e.g. sticks and clay balls). ................

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