
Enochs 70 Generation Prophecy, 1896,and the Historic Spring Equinox of 2020Is a message being sent to us by the fallen angels? Let’s see… Quoting from the book of Enoch 10:11-13: “And the Lord said to Michael `Go bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to defile themselves with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth until the day of their judgment and their consummation, till the judgment that is forever and ever is consummated. In these days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire and to the torment and to the prison in which they shall be confined forever.” Genesis 6:1-4: “And it came to be, when men began to increase on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men, that they were good. And they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And ???? said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever in his going astray, for he is also flesh, and his days shall be one hundred and twenty years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of Elohim came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.” Those of this original incursion of 200 fallen angels who mated with human women and produced giants, Nephilim, nearly killed themselves off before the Flood. The earth was filled with such violence because of them, and all were mixed with some angelic DNA, except Noah and his family, that Yahuwah had to destroy all. Messiah says of our day that if He does not cut the time of tribulation short, no flesh would remain alive. Before the Flood, the fallen angels and their Nephilim/Rephaim offspring had been mixing the DNA of humans with animals, fish, reptiles, birds, insects, plants, and most non-organic things like robots. This mixing is going on today. Today mankind wants Nephilim DNA from the fallen giants. They want to give man the ability to destroy in all ways. Their goal is to destroy the image of Yahuwah from the earth. Yahuwah bound this original group and sent to Tartaros, the lowest hell (II Peter 2:4). After the 70 generations, the 4,900 years beginning 100 years before the Flood, Yahuwah gave His angles permission to release them to begin their 120 years allotted by Yahuwah’s Spirit. During this time, the Spirit was striving with them, holding them back from what they wanted to do in its fulness. At the end of the 120, the Spirit stopped “striving,” and began to withdraw from earth (2016) in order to let their plans go forth. In January of 2016, I wrote a trilogy beginning with “Withdrawal”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. I give more details in that as to why the withdrawal. Yet, He remains in the re-born spirits of those whom Yahuwah and Yahushua have known to be Their children. He began preparing His Daniel 11:32 remnant also. In April of 1896, the Nephilim began returning and giving man what they gave man before the flood – very high technology of warfare, transportation, and of DNA splicing, leading to the explosion of technology on the earth and the end of peace. Enoch prophesied of the return of the Nephilim. 70 generations: A Scriptural generation is 70 years. In 1896, radio waves began to be used, today these waves are weapons of destruction in the hands of powerful militaries. Henry Ford invented the first car, and the first Olympics honoring the god Apollo was held in April of 1896. From this point, mankind began making weapons of war. Working on plans for airplane flight. All types of technology of destruction began to be given to mankind. In Germany in 1922, while the Vril maidens were conducting seances, they were given plans for flying saucers, which were used by the Nazis in the 1940s. Women were taught to paint their faces, and spiritism arose along with seances, and an unnatural obsession with the supernatural. What was given to mankind before the Flood began to be given again. Up to 1900, knowledge doubled every 100 years. In 2016, knowledge was doubling every two months, and now it is every few weeks. Mankind has had help with all of this technology! It has been reported, by not just America’s top Brass in the Pentagon but also Israel’s top military personnel, that they are being trained in high-tech warfare and mind control by giant reptilians with IQs as high as 9,000. There are many underground tunnels and whole cities where these fallen ones work with humans for the destruction of mankind, under the guise of the return of the Golden Age before the flood. Today the earth is being taken over as it was before the Flood. Elite leaders of mankind want to restore “the Golden Age” of world rule under the fallen angel giants. Many Nephilim are being bred once again, “as it was in the days of Noah.” Please refer to the article and podcast: “Noah Days are Nowadays”/Heart of Elohim. The earth is being taken over by the fallen kingdom of darkness, terrifying mankind into compliance with whatever they are told. That’s what this coronavirus is all about. The virus is not the problem. The reaction to it is what is desired by the fallen ones. People are falling into such fear, they are being mind-controlled by the fallen angels and their offspring. The Spring Equinox on Thursday may bear a message we need to heed and take to prayer, causing us to prepare more, and help others to build their faith in our soon-coming Savior. Here is a report on the historic Spring Equinox of March 19, 2020:“First Day of Spring 2020: The Spring Equinox Celebrate an Early Vernal Equinox and the Start of Spring!”By Catherine Boeckmann - March 4, 2020 Old Farmer’s Almanac “In 2020, the?spring equinox (also called the March equinox or vernal equinox) falls on Thursday, March 19, which is earlier than it’s been in over a century!?This event marks the astronomical first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The Earliest Spring in More Than 100?Years If you’re as calendar-obsessed as we are, you may have noticed something odd about this year’s spring equinox date. That’s right—it’s earlier than usual! But that’s a bit of?an?understatement. For much of the last century, the spring equinox has occurred on March 20 or 21. This year, however, the equinox happens on the 19th in?all U.S. time zones, making it the earliest spring we’ll have seen?in our lives (so far). The last time spring arrived?this early was in?1896—a whopping 124 years?ago!?… Year 2020Spring Equinox (Northern Hemisphere)Thursday, March 19, at 11:50 P.M. EDT This is the first early Spring Equinox since 1896. I do not believe this is coincidental. Please refer to: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy Revisited”/Mikvah of Preparation. I have been following the 7-year cycles, especially from 2007. I began learning from September 13, 1993, but without the knowledge I have now. Read also the original “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” along with the Forty-Eight Hour Transition/Mikvah of Preparation. Your might also want to read “Noah Days are Nowadays”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. It gives more information on timing. I podcasted this – it was a teaching I did in Canada around 2015. Four hundred years ago, Jewish sages carefully counted the 7-year cycles from the time Joshua entered the Land with the Israelites, a Shmittah Year. The next year was a Jubilee. The sages’ report ended with three final cycles beginning September 13, 1993. They described each of these three last cycles in detail with prophetic signs to watch for. 1) September 13, 1993, a Yom Teruah going into 1994, was when the 7-year Oslo Accord was signed on the White House lawn hosted by President Bill Clinton, signed by Yassar Arafat and Yitzak Rabin. I watched the whole ceremony on my mother’s TV in North Carolina. This cycle ended on Yom Teruah September 23, 2000, going into 2001. 2) 2000/2001 to 2007/2008, and 3) the third prophesied cycle began September 13, 2007/going into 2008, ending 2015/2016. 2016 ended the 120 years of the Spirit’s striving. Everything came to pass during those 3 cycles exactly as the sages described, even to the stock market upsurges aligning to Genesis 41. Yes, these three cycles align to Genesis 41 – the plentiful years and lean years in Egypt. One more cycle began in 2016/2017, with 2017 matching the Jubilee years, beginning Yom Kippur. In Genesis 41:51-57, we see that the famine was worldwide. My pastor in Fort Worth gave me tapes from Billie Brim about the events that would come in the Shmittah year of 2007. All of Israel was buzzing about it from the previous March. I was in Jerusalem that March and heard the Ephraimite believers, Christians and Messianics from Europe and everywhere saying that they did not understand why, but they had to get back to Jerusalem for the Fall Festivals. I went back to the U.S. that summer, and heard the thing out of American Messianics everywhere I went. On Yom Teruah, September 13, 2007/2008, the Old City of Jerusalem was flooded with tourists. I was staying at Christ Church Guest House at the Jaffa Gate. Abba told me to go to the Wall that night and proclaim 18 different things, chief of which was the end of the 2,730 years of Ephraim’s punishment. I did not know that the religious Jews knew it was the end of Ephraim’s punishment. But, the math is there in Ezekiel 4 and Leviticus 26. Ephraim, the 10 northern tribes of Israel/Ya’cob, the House of Ephraim, the House of Joseph, were exiled into the nations among the gentiles in 722 BCE. That Sukkot was the most dynamic time I’ve ever seen in Jerusalem. The Orthodox were saying that now that Ephraim’s punishment is over, the messiah can come. Indeed, it began the time for all of His children to join together, the House of Judah and the House of Ephraim/Joseph to prepare for the coming of Messiah. I began asking Abba questions as the months went on, saying “if this is true, then this will happen,” and it always happened. Based on the parallels with Genesis 41 and Joseph, I said to Abba: “If this is really so, then I will hear of worldwide famine very soon.” In November, public news for days was full of one story – famine. The main country mentioned as beginning the famine was EGYPT. In this current cycle we’re in, beginning 2016/2017, the half-way point is Passover 2020, April 8th or 9th depending on the sighting of the new moon for Aviv one at the end of March. By knowing the ancient paths of the Hebrew culture, we can pin point His timing more accurately. Messiah told us exactly when He’d be coming using Hebrew understand. Yom Teruah is known as “the day and hour no man knows.” As we crossed into the early hours of the morning of January 1st Iraqi time, events began happening at such a rapid pace that it is hard to keep up with them daily. Yahuwah does use man’s timing for His purposes, thus January 2020. Messiah has broken the first four seals, and the 5th one is nearly opened – at its beginning. The seals have joined into one great lump of world events leading to the desired goal of Satan and his forces – world government, the depopulation of earth’s people and the enslavement of the one’s left. The watchmen are in agreement--we are at the “beginning of sorrows,” the great push to the end and Messiah’s return. We are at the beginning of “great tribulation.” There is no “the” before great in the Greek. We have gone from a building up of tribulation to now entering great tribulation. There is no 7-year tribulation in the Word, but there is a midpoint in the last cycle, during which Yahuwah allows events to compound that will divide out His people from those who are pretenders or haters of Him. Please refer to my recent article “Beware of Fundamental Christian Eschatology…”/Mikvah of Preparation, because many people are watching for things that will not happen, and not watching things that will happen. Be wise! Be Spirit-taught! Let Him guide you through the whole Word to show you Truth (John 16). The 223 prophetic events around Messiah’s return are all in operation right now.Talk about quarantine, read Isaiah 26: There will be a time when His children will hide out, as in Revelation 12:17 “until the indignation be over-past.” There will be multi-millions of martyrs for their faith in Yahushua/Jesus/Yeshua.This is the time of faith strengthening for those who know Their Father and His Son personally. It is the time of great falling away from faith by those who do not know Them but only a head full of theology of man. Our Prayer Center leader had a dream a few days ago. She saw a highway, a narrow one, reaching out like a bridge into the ocean. At the end was a great golden City. Its gates were shut. She knew that many on that road were not ready to enter the City. Yahuwah spoke to her: “My people are not ready to enter. They have an outside knowledge of Me in their mind, but they do not know Me on the inside from their Spirit. They will not be allowed to enter the City. They press forward out of fear, but the gates will not open to them.” Then Messiah said, “I am coming very soon.” She said that most believers did not know Father and Son personally from their spirit - they are too busy to hear Them and know Them. She said “we’re in a window of time now,” “a small window.” She said “we’re in the eye of the storm.” It is the calm before the release of the real purpose behind the programming of earth’s people into fear because of the coronavirus. The reactions of nations are playing along, making it look so much worse than it is. Yes, people are dying from the virus, but most all of those infected are surviving it. The over-reaction of the nations has been planned for a long time to bring about takeover by a world government, its military, its economic system, and its religion. All mankind is expected to melt into one mind-set and submit to whatever they’re told. The Beast system is rising and taking over earth (Revelation 13:1-3), in preparation for the “man of perdition” to come and rule (Revelation 9:11). What is the message of this historic equinox happening near Passover 2020, after 124 years from 1896 -- the year the fallen angles of the pre-flood world were allowed to return for their 120 years of getting things in place for the coming of a reincarnated Nimrod empowered by Satan? The fallen world knows that their loyal worshippers will be celebrating them all over the world at the eve and sunrise of the Spring Equinox, in places like Stonehenge, England. It is a center of modern Druid rituals, especially on the Spring Equinox. This year, they will be celebrating 124 years of the return of the fallen angels and the Nephilim! They will be calling for the rising of “Apollyon” “Abaddon” -- the spirit of Nimrod, Osiris, Horus, and Apollo himself, the Destroyer. Just as in 1896, the first Olympics began in modern times honoring the god Apollo, the one who originated the Olympics in Delphi. Thus today, the Olympics are honored worldwide. Pastor McQueen said that a few days ago, she woke up feeling dread, something big is coming down. I feel that too. Do you? Things are moving so fast because Yahuwah is a good Abba/Daddy. He is not a sadist. He does not want to judge the earth. The days will be few, cut short, for the sake of the “elect,” the “chosen,” the ones of Ephesians 1:1-7 and I Peter 1:1-4, the ones whose names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Refer to: “The Day Yahuwah Will Stop the Praise” and “The Day Yahuwah Opened What He Closed”/Heart of Elohim, also Podcasted. Abba’s heart is broken over having to allow such destruction in order to end the reign of the fallen ones. But, in eternity we will not remember them anymore. This Thursday, March 19th, hooks us up with the Spring Equinox of 1896. The message is that the Nephilim are going to take their final shot at destroying all that Yahuwah loves and created by His Son, the “Word.” They know “their time is short.” Be strong and bold in faith! The fallen ones have no right to you, unless you give it to them. Close your mind to fear by praise! Remain in His peace and joy! Proclaim your victory by the blood of the Lamb! “Lift up your head, for your Redemption draws near!”In His love, shalom, YedidahMarch 17, 2020 ................

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