October 2019


The other day I participated in a Webinar entitled "Should we be saving souls or seals? What Christianity says about biodiversity" where I learned the term "eco-anxiety." Ecoanxiety is used to describe the impending fear over environmental issues. A fear which more and more young people in particular are naming. Though you may not identify with this feeling, the science is clear that the earth is hurting and the changes in climate are already affecting people in lots of places. Sooner or later it will affect us all. Celia Deane-Drummond, professor of theology and the University of Notre Dame spoke about the Christian response to this eco-anxiety.

The trouble with anxiety is that it can lead to despair and hopelessness about the future of our planet which can paralyze us to inaction. If there's no hope, then we think there's nothing we can do and therefore do nothing. We as Christians have something to say about hopelessness. The tomb is empty! Christ is risen! Hope lives! The gospel is a message of hope in the face of hopelessness. Because Christ lives, there is no situation that is beyond hope. That's the story in which we put our trust.

As you start to learn about the science of climate change, it can feel big and overwhelming. In addition, when we see our policy makers unable to stop arguing and get anything done, it's tempting to slip into despair. But our hope is not in human beings. Our hope is in God's redemptive work. God is at work renewing the world God made and loves. And we have a role to play. True, some irreversible damage may have already been done to the earth that God has given us to care for, but there is much we can do. It's God's renewing work that will save us and that gives us the hope we need to break free from the paralyzing anxiety. It's not too late to make an impact and make this world a little bit better. Now is our chance as Christians to witness to the hope we have in Christ by demonstrating with our actions the hope we have for the renewal of all creation that God is working right now to bring about.

The Christ hymn in Colossians 1: 15-20 tells us that "all things have been created through Christ and for Christ ...and in him all things hold together." God has not and will never abandon the world that God made because it was ultimately created by and for Christ.

Spend some time in God's creation. Pay attention. Connect. Listen for how you are being called to act in response to the climate crisis. And be not afraid, God is at work reconciling all things, all of creation, to God.

In Christ, Pastor Maggie


Mission Statement: Bethlehem Lutheran church is a body of broken people connecte through faith in Jesus Christ who seek to share God's love.

The Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council was called to order in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit on Sept 11, 2019 by President Al Leenderts. Attendance: Pastor Maggie, Al Leenderts, Dan Ellingson, Nancy Sandager, Brenda Beyer, Lucas Sandager, Brandon Boeve, Jan Solberg, Becca Spykerboer, Kari Kueter, Brianna Leuthold.

We continued exploring John 9 with "I notice, I wonder" for devotions.

The Secretary's Report was approved.

The Treasurer's Report was approved subject to audit.

Income to date: $ 76,433.31

Expenses to date: 95,389.37

Net (Loss):


Pastor's Report: July and August were relatively quiet months of preparation for the start of the program year along with the usual weekly pastoral duties of preaching, bible study, worship planning, and visitation. Here are a few highlights of note: 7/31 - Our Youth Group Volunteer Team is assembled and ready to go. Thank you to Brenda Plimpton for organizing the group and to all who have volunteered to lead a Youth Night. I provided a brief training about how to use the Lutheran Lens when leading a devotion/faith conversation with the youth at our organizational meeting on 7/31. 7/31 ? Led the community in prayer for Ethan Erickson at the Rez. 8/1 ? Commended Larry Carlson into the arms of our blessed redeemer. 8/3 - Confirmation Retreat at Shetek Bible Camp in Slayton, MN. Thank you to Alan BerndtDreyer for coming along to help out. The Confirmation Class of 2019 spent the day exploring the Apostle's Creed and how what we say relates to our daily life. The day ended with worship at the camp chapel at which I preached and presided. 8/21 ?Summit on Summit, a Leadership Development Day for Youth and Pastors/Youth Ministers at Augustana University in Sioux Falls. I attended with Michaela Abels. Upcoming Continuing Ed/Training: September 16: Should we be saving souls or seals? What Christianity Says about Biodiversity, Webinar September 20-21: Southwest Minnesota Synod Council Retreat, Green Lake Bible Camp, Spicer, MN September 24-25, The Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College, Climate Changed: facing our future (watching the live-stream) as part of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod EcoFaith Network. October 6-8: Fall Theological Conference: Everyday Spirituality: going deeper and wider, St. Joseph, MN Thank you for the ministry you do in your daily lives. In Christ, Pastor Maggie

Deacons Report: Submitted by Jan Solberg Set October Schedule: Oct. 06: Lori ? T, Marie -BLC; Oct. 13: Diana ? T, Lori - BLC; Oct. 20: Jan ? both; Oct. 27: Diana ? T, Alan - BLC We planned our bread visits, deciding to visit the families with children now, giving them a newsletter, invitation and bread so they would know about Rally Day. We will visit the other families in October.

Game nights will be the last Thursday of each month when no holiday conflicts. Games nights are Sept. 26, Oct. 24 and Dec. 12 at 7:00 with Alan hosting in September. Everyone coming should bring a snack/dessert/something to share. (If you have games you would like to share, bring them along.)

The next Deacon meeting is Oct. 2 at 6:00 with bread visits to follow. The next church council meeting is CHANGED TO: NOV 7 @ 7:30 pm

Trustees Report: Submitted by Lucas Sandager Met Sept 4th @7pm Approved bills Set offering schedule Ironing out details for fix it day and rally Sunday meal on Sept 8 Youth group is going to be meeting Sunday evenings starting on the 8th Discussed alternative giving methods We appreciate everyone's giving, and even though our expenses have been less than budgeted, so far for the year we are negative approximately $19,000. Next trustee meeting is Oct 9th @ 7pm

Education Report:

Had 24 students at SS Kickoff (32 on full roster) w 3 new families/4 new kids.

New SS format with youth divided into 2 age groups (somewhat similar to VBS format);

when getting the curriculum, we heard that many churches are using that format this


Selected a Christmas program; Brianna agreed to lead with help from others!

9 are being confirmed this Sunday

Still searching for someone to lead SS music

Kari is resigning as SS superinten-

dent at end of year, so someone new needs to

be found by the annual meeting.

Old Business: Have established several couples to lead Youth Group until the end of the year. The first meeting was this past Sunday. Discussed Groundskeeper position & separating duties into lawn mowing and snow removal. Continuing discussions on possible Wed Eve &/or outdoor services for next summer &/or holiday weekends.

New Business: Discussed negative budget balance; brainstormed ideas to increase giving, stewardship campaigns, catch-up appeals, online giving options, etc.

Announcements/Correspondence: Fall Festival is Nov 13. Correspondence was read from Bishop Jon Anderson. Next Council meeting is CHANGED TO THURSDAY NOV. 7 at 7:30 pm.

The meeting adjourned with the Lord's Prayer. Nancy Sandager, Secretary

Rally Sunday, Sunday, Sept. 8 Recognized ........... Briar Marjorie Hoogendoorn Emery Lea Sandager Entering Sunday school. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9th-12th grade YOUTH NIGHT SUNDAY NIGHTS--6:30 - 8:00 pm. Confirmation Schedule for October: Wednesday, October 2- 6:30-8:00 pm. Confirmation students & mentors (8th-9th) Wednesday, October 23 -6:30-8:00 pm. 8th-9th Grade confirmation meet


Pastor Maggie Berndt ?Dreyer Confirmation Class 2019: Front row: Danette Leenderts, Tess VanMaanen, Tara Paulsen Back row: Donavan Leenderts, Ty Bundesen, Casey Kueter, Andrew Harris,

Drew Leenderts, Dallas Page

01? Courtney Page

02- Audrey Rentschler

04- Dawn Sandager Andrew Harris

05- Jack Paulsen Mike Rogness

07? Derek Warner

10- Braden Ellingson

12? Kyle Kueter Talon Steensma

14- Mark Nelson Brittany (Sandager) Steensma

19 - Greg Larson

22 - Dean Goettsch

24 - Grant Hoogendoorn

26? Stuart Plimpton Lee Westphal

27 - Staci Bundesen Rochelle Rentschler

28? Alan Leenderts Jake Nelson

29? Heather Steensma Simon Berndt-Dreyer

30 - Sharon Rossow

31 - Dan Fick

Cami's Corner

October already!!! Hope everyone's school year is going well. I still need a few college addresses. You can email me at ...... bethlehemluth@ .

Feeling the in and outs of aging. First of all, I think my knees are giving out. Got down on my knees to wash the floor and couldn't get back up. So....Do I need a help button already? Next, I can't see as well as I use to. Bought a pair of reading glasses and they seem to be working pretty good for now. Eye doctor here I come! Lastly, my hearing!! I do have hearing aids but I seem to have a hard time getting use to them. I do need to wear them more often, the reason..... We recently had a funeral at Bethlehem. The funeral director came up to me and asked me for ice water. I replied, "Yes, I think we have some in the refrigerator downstairs." He looked at me again and said "Cami, do you have ice water." I again replied, "There's a water fountain in the narthex". He looked at me one more time and talked very slowly. "Cami, I need a FLY SWATTER!" Oh, my goodness!!

** Tuff Memorial Home will be collecting Halloween candy for the residents to pass out to Trick or Treaters on Halloween night. Oct. 31, 6:00 pm. Treats can be dropped off in the Activity Room. Questions call Joselyn @962-3275

Keeping you posted

THANK YOU to all the volunteers that came to help with Bethlehem Project/Clean Up Day on Saturday, Sept. 7

** GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH, Sioux Falls, SD. Soup & Pie Supper, Sunday, October 6 @4:00 pm.

** 38th ANNUAL BAZAAR - HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH, Sioux Falls, SD. Saturday, October 12th; 8:30 am.-2:00 pm. Crafts, Christmas items, baked good, lefse, grandma's attic Roll, coffee & Lunch served. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Proceeds support Missions.

** BRANDON LUTHERAN CHURCH - Brandon, SD. Fall Heritage Festival Dinner & Bake/Craft Sale -Sunday, October 13th Dinner served 11:00 am.-1:00 pm. Bake/Craft Sale 9:30 am. - 1:00 pm. Featuring our famous homemade lefse!! Dinner menu: Turkey & Homemade Swedish Meatballs; Glazed carrots/cranberries/cole slaw; mashed potatoes & gravy; homemade lefse & rolls. Apple & Pumpkin desserts. Dinner price: Adult $12.00; Children 6-12 $6.00; children 5 & under Free! Adult carry outs available & we are handicapped accessible.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHURCH, Hills, MN. FALL FESTIVAL Wednesday, November 13, 2019 5:00 pm.--7:00 pm. Menu: Ham & Bean soup, Chicken noodle soup, BBQ, lettuce salad, and fresh off the grill lefse, along with 12 different kinds of pies. Baked Items, frozen lefse, holiday candy/cookie trays, and frozen meals will be available for sale. Watch for sign up sheets in the narthex at Bethlehem. (Watch for Sign up sheets in the narthex).

WREATHS FOR SALE Bethlehem - Flowerfield Cemetery Board are selling Christmas Wreaths, for both Bethlehem & Flowerfield Cemeteries or use for your front door. Orders can be made by calling Wanda Hoyme @507-962-3464. Last day to place an order is Thursday, October 31st. Cost $40.00 This is a fundraiser to help pay for cemetery maintenance.

HELP WANTED: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Hills, MN. is still looking for a groundskeeper opening effectively on January 1, 2020. This position includes lawn care and winter ice and snow removal. If interested contact Lucas Sandager at 605-212-6306 or you may also call the church office 507-962-3270.

BLCW SCHOOL SUPPLY KITS: They are in need of crayons (box 24), rulers, pencil sharpeners and ink pens.

GAME NIGHT Thursday, October 24th @ 7:00 pm. held in Bethlehem church basement. Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend and a dessert or appetizer to share. Members & non members, all ages are invited, encouraged and welcome to come.


Hills, MN. 56138-0576 Address Service Requested Web Page: E-Mail: bethlehemluth@ Pastor Maggie Berndt-Dreyer

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