Teacher: Pre-k Teacher Week of: 10/21 – 10/25 Topic: Fall/Apples Georgia’s Pre-K Program

Weekly Lesson Plan Template #1

|Time |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Book #1: Apple Picking Day (discuss |Book #1: Amazing Apples |Book #1: One Little, Two Little, |Book #1: Ten Red Apples (practice |Book #1: Johnny Appleseed (make |

| |characters) |(recall apple facts) |Three Little Apples |counting) |predictions by using cover of book) |

| | | |(focus on counting one-to one) | |GELDS: CLL5.4a |

| |GELDS: CLL5.4c, CD-SS4.4b |GELDS: CLL4.4c, CLL8.4a |GELDS: CC-MA2.4b |GELDS: CC-MA2.4b | |

| |Music with Movement: The Way We Do It |Music with Movement : Can You Leap |Music with Movement: Tootie Ta |Music with Movement: Can’t Sit |Music with Movement: Beanie Bag |

| |(reach, bend, jump, spin, jumping |Like a Frog (leap, hop, crawl, swim, |(moving thumbs, arms, knees, elbows, |Still (moving fingers, shoulders, |Dance (place bean bag on body part |

| |jacks) |swing |bottom, turn around) |nose, knees, chin) |as called) |

| | | |GELDS: CD-CR3.4a, CD-CR1.4a | | |

| |GELDS: CD-CR3.4a, CD-CR1.4a |GELDS: CD-CR3.4a, CD-CR1.4a | |GELDS: CD-CR3.4a, CD-CR1.4a |GELDS: CD-CR3.4a, CD-CR1.4a, CLL1.4b|

|9:00-9:30 |Activity: read The Little Red House. |Activity: Apple Tasting—taste slices |Activity: Children wear apple |Activity: Make apple juice (divide |Activity: Color and Shape BINGO |

| |Cut a red apple and show students the |of red, green, and yellow apples. |headbands. Follow instructions such |into two groups) |(divide into two groups) |

| |star and seeds inside |Graph favorite by placing construction|as: jump once, raise your hands high,| | |

| | |paper apple of their favorite color on|touch your foot, etc. | | |

| | |the graph | | | |

| |GELDS: CD-SC1.4a, CLL5.4d |GELDS: CD-SC1.4a, CD-MA2.4d |GELDS: CLL1.4b, PDM5.4b | |GELDS: CD-MA5.4a, CLL1.4b, APL5.4a |

| | | | |GELDS: CD-MA3.4a, | |

| | | | |CD-SC1.4b | |

|12:00-12:10 |Large Group Literacy: Students will |Large Group Literacy: List words |Large Group Literacy: Share class |Large Group Literacy: Write apple |Large Group Literacy: Little Red |

| |help re-tell Three Little Bears with |students name to describe the apples |made book—Apples Up On Top—students |juice recipe on chart paper |Riding Hood flannel board story |

| |mask props |tasted earlier (apple shaped chart |will help read the story | | |

| | |paper) |GELDS: CLL2.4b, CLL5.4d |GELDS: CLL2.4b, CLL5.4d CD-SC1.4c |GELDS: CLL2.4b, CLL5.4d. CD-CR4.4a |

| |GELDS: CLL5.4b, CD-CR4.4a, CD-CR4.4b, |GELDS: CLL2.4a, CLL2.4b, CLL7.4a, | | | |

| |CD-CR4.4c |CLL8.4b, CD-SC1.4c | | | |

|10:30-10:40 |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |

| |Listen and Move |Guess The Sound |Five Juicy Apples |Listening Voice Game |Guess The Sound |

| | | | | | |

| |GELDS: CLL6.4a |GELDS: CLL6.4a |GELDS: CLL6.4b |GELDS: CLL6.4a |GELDS: CLL6.4a |

|12:10-12:20 |Book #2: I Am An Apple (recall apple |Book #2: How Do Apples Grow (Life |Book #2: Up, Up, Up It’s Apple |Book #2: Autumn’s First Leaf |Book #2: Leaf Season |

| |facts) |Cycles) |Picking Time (predict events during |(talk about seasonal changes) |(demonstrate tracking left to |

| | | |the story) | |right) |

| |GELDS: CLL1.4a, CLL4.4c, CLL5.4b, |GELDS: APL2.4b, CLL1.4a, CLL2.4b, |GELDS: CLL1.4c, CLL5.4a, |GELDS: CLL1.4a, APL2.4a |GELDS: CLL8.4c |

| |CLL5.4d, APL2.4a |CLL5.4d, CLL8.4a, CD-SC3.4a | | | |

|3:00-3:15 |Closing Activity: Students can name |Closing Activity: Play apple match: |Closing Activity: Beanie Bag Dance |Closing Activity: Read The Apple |Closing Activity: Discuss the week’s|

| |one thing they know about apples. |Children move around and find their |Helper chooses favorite book for |Pie Tree |apple activities and things we |

| |Helper chooses favorite book for |partner |closing reading | |learned/brainstorm what we want to |

| |closing reading | | | |learn about next |

| | | | | | |

| |GELDS: CLL1.4c, CLL4.4a, SED2.4a | |GELDS: CD-CR1.4a, PDM5.4b, CLL1.4b, | |GELDS: CLL1.4a. CLL1.4c, CLL4.4c |

| | |GELDS: APL5.4a, CD-MA4.4b | |GELDS: CLL2.4b | |

|Materials and or activity choices for outdoor play: Reading and writing materials, science exploration box, sand toys, hula hoops, sidewalk chalk |

|Planning for Additional Instructional Activities (story times, music/movement, transitions, large group meetings, etc) |

|This space is provided for optional use to document additional instructional activities planned throughout the week. |

|Time |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Transition to lunch |Activity: 1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little|Activity: 1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little|Activity: 1 Little, 2 Little, 3 |Activity: 1 Little, 2 Little, 3 |Activity: 1 Little, 2 Little, 3 |

|line-up |Apples |Apples |Little Apples |Little Apples |Little Apples |

| |GELDS: CD-MA1.4f |GELDS: CD-MA1.4f |GELDS: CD-MA1.4f |GELDS: CD-MA1.4f |GELDS: CD-MA1.4f |

|Transition from wake |Activity: Bubbleland/Did You Feed My |Activity: Bubbleland/Did You Feed My |Activity: Bubbleland/Did You Feed My |Activity: Bubbleland/Did You Feed |Activity: Bubbleland/Did You Feed My |

|up to closing activity|Cow |Cow |Cow |My Cow |Cow |

| |GELDS: SED3.4d |GELDS: SED3.4d |GELDS: SED3.4d |GELDS: SED3.4d |GELDS: SED3.4d |

|Beginning of Nap |Activity: De’Asia, Stacy, Tommy, Beth,|Activity: Gracie, ShaMari, Kaley, |Activity: Mike, Sam, Susan, Ann, |Activity: Kris, Naomi, Devon, |Activity: Abby, Mary, Prince, Julian,|

| |will make Apple Hats |Trey, Emma will make Apple Hats |George will make Apple Hats |Jalen, will make Apple Hats |will make Apple Hats |

| | |GELDS: PDM6.4a, PDM6.4b, CLL1.4b |GELDS: PDM6.4a, PDM6.4b, CLL1.4b | | |

| |GELDS: PDM6.4a, PDM6.4b, CLL1.4b | | |GELDS: PDM6.4a, PDM6.4b, CLL1.4b |GELDS: PDM6.4a, PDM6.4b, CLL1.4b |

|*Refer to daily schedule for center time, clean up time, breakfast, lunch, snack, rest time, outdoor play times and activities such as art, music and PE. |

*Small Group Instruction: See small group lesson plan page for the current week.

*Documentation of plans for collection of assessment will be reflected on lesson plan or optional Planning for Assessment Template.


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