Task 1: Order a single Corona and confirm order

Luan Nguyen cs160-ay

Chau Le cs160-br

Dustin Preisler cs160-bg

Ali Memarsadeghi cs160-bf

Contextual Inquiry and Task Analysis


Bars are a very successful business. Many people go to bars nightly for a few drinks to relax and interact with friends and strangers. When bars get crowded, the situation can sometimes turn from relaxing to stressful. Instead of enjoying your drinks while mingling with friends, you can find yourself annoyed and frustrated at having to wait a long time to obtain your drinks.

We hope to combat this problem by creating kiosks placed throughout the bar at tables and other stations. These kiosks then allow the customer to order his/her drinks while avoiding the inconvenience of waiting in line. Whenever the customer wants a new drink, he simply submits his order from the table that he is sitting at and has the drink delivered to him as soon as it is prepared.

Task Analysis

People using our system will be the bar’s patrons, which are usually young men and women with no distinguishing skills, habits, preferences, and physical characteristics except for the fact that they enjoy the bar environment. A high percentage of them are likely to have debit/credit cards that they use to pay for their drinks. The bar patrons currently purchase drinks by waiting in poorly formed lines/crowds around the bartenders working at the bar. A “veteran” bar patron can usually make his way through the line much more quickly than a novice. If a person is new to waiting in line at a bar, he can find himself waiting in front of the bar for a long time while people who have not waited as long get served before him. This can prove to be very frustrating.

The user should not need specific instruction to use our interface, instead he could learn how to order the drink as he is going through the process of ordering the drink. This means that the interface design should be as simple as possible and maybe mimic existing interfaces so that it is easy to learn in one attempt.

The kiosk will be used in a bar environment. That is, it will be noisy, dark, and there will be lots of drinks around. People are likely to have wet hands from the condensation of the drinks. The tables are likely to get dirty. All this means that the touch screen interface should not rely on any sound for I/O, the screen should light itself so it will be visible, and the screen should be able to bear the spilling of drinks and be very durable.

A rule of use for the kiosk is that if a customer orders from a certain table, they must remain there until they receive the drinks they ordered. The bar knows where to deliver the ordered drinks by identifying from which kiosk the order was received. The customer will always have access to his order information because he will be seated at the table from which he made his order. Nobody else will be able to access the customer’s order because only the customer will have access to the kiosk at his table. Access to order information is not restricted. If the customer wants to leave his table, he must cancel his order to be sure that it is safe.

If the customer ever changes his mind on his order or realizes that he has made a mistake, he can always cancel or modify the order up until it is actually being made. This is because the status of his order is always visible on the screen after the order is made, and there are options to view, modify, or cancel the order.

Contextual Inquiry

We went to Henry’s Bar and interviewed, observed, and followed three bar patrons throughout a Tuesday night. Henry’s is very crowded on Tuesday nights and waiting in line for drinks becomes a major consideration. We followed one female and two male Berkeley students. We followed these people around, allowing them to lead all interactions and make all bar decisions. As they would move around or decide to buy drinks we would ask them questions such as why they are buying drinks now, why they are buying the quantity of drinks they are buying, and why they position themselves at certain locations in the bar

We chose these people based on the following criteria. We wanted to follow regular bar goers. This is so that we could see how somebody who has adjusted to the current practices of the bar scene conducts his night. Specifically, we wanted to see what course of action people have decided is the best way to cope with the long lines. We wanted to see if this altered behavior is something that is detrimental to the bar experience as a whole or if it is trivial. To what extent is behavior altered due to the lines? We interviewed one more male than female because the males tend to buy more drinks than the females both because they drink more and that they buy drinks for the females.

We came to some interesting conclusions. The first characteristic of the environment that we noticed was that although the bar was very crowded, the crowd was not spread out evenly throughout the bar. Half of the bar was relatively empty, while side of the bar closest to the drinks was overly crowded. The location of drinks dictated where everybody was positioned. Another habit which we concluded was directly due to the problem of waiting in line is that people ordered more drinks than they wanted to consume at a certain time so that they have more time to interact between waiting in line for drinks. However although buying two drinks at a time for a person saved them waiting time, it also ended up limiting them. One person who we were observing was reluctant to change positions in the bar because he did not want to be seen carrying two drinks in his hand. As a result he positioned himself beside a table so that he could place one drink on the table and have the other drink in his hand. Another effect of the crowded section around the bar is that people who bought their drinks often times had a lot of trouble carrying all of them away from the crowded section.

All of these observations led us to come to the conclusion that the bar (the location of ordering drinks) and line overly dictate the behavior of the patrons, and that the use of kiosks will likely improve the atmosphere and make the overall experience more pleasant.

Analysis of New and Existing Tasks


Task 1: ordering a drink.

Specific: order a long island ice tea from the bartender or waitress

In this task a user wants to order a common drink. The user can follow one of two general scenarios: First, he can go to the bar, wait in line (if there is one) until the bartender comes over to him, then place the order by telling the bartender what he would like. Second, he decides to wait at a table for a waitperson to come by. Once the waitperson arrives he places his order.

Task 2: canceling an order.

Specific: cancel your order of a screwdriver by talking to the waitress or bartender

In this task a user wants to cancel an order that she has already made. There are also two options, depending on who she placed the order with. First, if she ordered from the bartender, she must somehow get the bartenders attention before the bartender completes making the drink. Once the bartender's attention has been caught, she says that she would like to cancel the order. Second, if she ordered from the waitperson, she can either try to track down the waitperson, or go straight to the bartender. Logistically the problem with going straight to the bartender is that she does not know which drink order was placed on her behalf. So, it seems more likely that she would try to track down the waitperson. Once she has tracked down the waitperson, she would inform them of the cancellation.


Task 1: switching an order

Specific: change your order of a rum and coke to a screwdriver by talking to the waitress or bartender

Like the canceling of an order, this task requires that the subject seek out the bartender or waitperson in order to make a change in their current order. Once the bartender or waitperson has been found, subject would notify them of the change.

Task 2: ordering multiple items

Specific: order 4 drinks for your table, 2 long island ice teas, 1 cosmopolitan, and 1 sex on the beach

This is like ordering one drink, except the subject would recite a list of drinks to the bartender or waitress, who would then be responsible for either recording on a paper tablet or remembering the order.


Task 1: ordering a specific drink with specific types of ingredients or styles of creation

Specific: order a martini with two olives, dry, and shaken not stirred

In this case, the subject wants to order a drink with specific options. The bartender and the waitperson should have the ability to record these options. Therefore the subject either speaks to the waitperson, or goes to the bar to order the drink. They then specifically recite the list of options they want with their drink to the waitperson or bartender.

Task 2: speaking to the waitress/waiter/bartender to get information about a drink which you don't know about, but have an idea about

Specific: you know you want a vodka drink, that is similar to a cosmopolitan, get information from your bartender or waitress to better understand these types of drinks and what your options are

In this task the subject needs to gather information in one of two ways. Either they will ask someone (the bartender or waitperson) or they will look at a menu (if one is available). For option one, the subject would ask the bartender or waitperson about a drink with vodka in it that is like a cosmopolitan and ask the bartender or waitperson to describe any drinks which fit the category. In the other option, the subject would look through the menu at the list of drinks and what they are made out of, searching for ones with vodka and cranberry juice like a cosmopolitan.


This interface is designed for touch screen.

• To make an order, the application takes users through about five different menus with just a click on the choice.

• From the main menu, users can choose the type of drink that they want to order.

• In the main menu, there is a “Restart” button which allows a customer to make a new order.

• “My Order” button lists the current status of your order, including what it is, how much it costs, and what spot you are in line.

• In most of the menus, there is a “Waiting Line” status to indicate the number of orders that are currently ahead of your order.

• Once the ordering process is finished, the last menu would show the approximated time that the drink would arrive.

• The “Finished” menu also provides a “Modify Order” and “Cancel Order” if the drinks haven’t been made yet.


Task 1: Order a single Corona and confirm order

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Step 1: From the “Main” menu users would |Step 2: At the “Beer” menu, hit the |Step 3: Set the “Quantity” to one for one |

|hit the “Beer” button. |“Corona” button. |Corona. Once the quantity is set, hit the |

| | |“Add to Order” button. |

|[pic] |[pic] | |

|Step 4: Press the “Finish” button to send |Step 5: The drink would be delivered in 12 | |

|the order to the waiter / bartender. |minutes. | |

Task 2: Modify a Current Order - add two Guinesses to it

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Step 1: From the “Finish” menu, hit “Modify|Step 2: The user is brought back to the “My|Step 3: At the “Beer” menu, hit the |

|Order” to change the order that is made. |Order” menu. Hit the “More Drinks” button |“Guinness” button to order Guinness. |

| |to add more drinks. | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Step 4: To make 2 orders of Guinness, hit |Step 5: The quantity and the subtitle is |Step 6: Hit “Finish” button to update the |

|the “+” button to increase the quantity by |updated. Hit “Add to Order” button to |order with the waiter. |

|1. |continue. | |

|[pic] | | |

|Step 7: The added drinks are sent to the | | |

|waiter. | | |

Third Task: Place a special order for a "dry" Martini with "olives" and "shaken"

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Step 1: From “Main” menu, hit the “Mixed |Step 2: At “Liquor” menu, hit on the |Step 3: Click on “Dry”, “Olives”, and |

|Drink” button. |“Martini” button. |“Shaken” to instruct the waiter to mix |

| | |Martini with those options. |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Step 4: Once the options are selected, the |Step 5: Martini is added to the list, hit |Step 6: The order is sent to the waiter. |

|subtotal is updated from $3.00 to $3.15. |“Finish” button to send to the waiter. | |

|There is extra charge for more options. | | |

|Hit the “Add to Order” button to continue. | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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