
Mrs. Hilliard 710 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Jan 14 – Jan 18 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Jan 14 |Jan 15 |Jan 16 |Jan 17 |Jan 18 |

|Object|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: Do well on the|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |develop activities appropriate for |Complete the written essay part of the |Test!! |Do well on the Test!! |Do well on the Test!! |

| |school-age children such as moderate to |test! | | | |

| |vigorous physical exercise, reading | | | | |

| |development, communication, listening | | | | |

| |skills, independence, conflict | | | | |

| |resolution, stress management, and | | | | |

| |self-discipline.[6E] | | | | |

|Launch|Warm Up: Get your review out!! |Warm Up: Get yourself ready for the |Warm Up: Get yourself ready for the test! |Warm Up: Get yourself ready for the test! |Warm Up: Get yourself ready for the test!|

| | |test! Pencil out. |Pencil out. |Pencil out. |Pencil out. |

|Explor|Semester Exam Review |Semester Exams (1st & 2nd Periods) |Semester Exams (7th & 8th Periods) |Semester Exams (Early Release) (3rd & 4th |Semester Exams (Early Release) (5th & 6th |

|e | | | |Periods) |Periods) |

| |Answer any questions students may have. | | | | |

| |Test is multiple choice and true or false | | | | |

| |answers. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Go over answers for the review last half of| | | | |

| |class. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Summar|Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |

|y |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |

| |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. | |questions and clarification. | |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 710 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Jan 7 - 11 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Jan 7 |Jan 8 |Jan 9 |Jan 10 |Jan 11 |

|Object|The student will be able to: work |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: use complex |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |independently or collaboratively to create |use complex inferences from text to |inferences from text to support conclusions|develop activities appropriate for |develop activities appropriate for |

| |nutritious snacks or meals appropriate for |support conclusions about care and |about care and protection of preschool |school-age children such as moderate to |school-age children such as moderate to |

| |school-age children to prepare, including |protection of preschool children such as |children such as child care, family |vigorous physical exercise, reading |vigorous physical exercise, reading |

| |considerations such as caloric |child care, family violence and abuse, |violence and abuse, guidance, services |development, communication, listening |development, communication, listening |

| |requirements, proteins, lipids, |guidance, services and agencies, and |and agencies, and appropriate health |skills, independence, conflict |skills, independence, conflict |

| |carbohydrates, and portion control.[6F] |appropriate health care.[5D] |care.[5D] |resolution, stress management, and |resolution, stress management, and |

| | | | |self-discipline.[6E] |self-discipline.[6E] |

|Launch|Warm Up: What do you think is a favorite |Warm Up: What do you think it means to |Warm Up: What is the most important thing |Warm Up: Get netbook out to be ready to |Warm Up: Get your review out!! |

| |snack for preschoolers? |give positive guidance? |you learned this year? |work on Semester Essay | |

|Explor|Snacks for school Age |Daycare License Info |Work on Review for Semester Exam. |Semester Exam Essay | Semester Exam Review |

|e | |Preschool - protection of childcare, | | | |

| |We will discuss what some appropriate |abuse Guidance | |Everyone has to take the Essay Exam – |Answer any questions students may have. |

| |snacks are for preschool children and we | | |Prompt is on Net school. You will stay |Test is multiple choice and true or false |

| |will practice putting some snacks together.|Positive Child Guidance Handout | |quiet the entire class period. |answers. |

| | |Confused Cathy Handout on Netschool | | | |

| | | | | |Go over answers for the review last half |

| | | | | |of class. |

| | |Developmental Activities for School Age | | | |

| | |Children | | | |

|Summar|Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |

|y |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |

| |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. | |questions and clarification. | |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 710 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Dec 31 – Jan 4 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Dec 31 |Jan 1 |Jan 2 |Jan 3 |Jan 4 |

|Object|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |No School |No School |No school for students - In-service |work independently or collaboratively to |investigate care and protection of |

| | | | |prepare snacks or meals that meet |school-age children such as child care, |

| | | | |nutritional guidelines for toddlers such as|abuse, guidance, services and agencies, |

| | | | |caloric, proteins, lipids, |immunizations, and appropriate health |

| | | | |carbohydrates, and portion control.[4E] |care.[6D] |

|Launch|Warm Up: |Warm Up: |Warm Up: |Warm Up: What do you think is a favorite |Warm Up: Why do you think people sometimes|

| | | | |snack for toddlers? |are at fault for shaken baby? |

|Explor| | | |Snacks for Toddlers |Child Abuse – Power Point |

|e | | | | | |

| | | | |We will discuss what appropriate snacks are|Crying - Shaken Baby Power Point |

| | | | |for toddlers. | |

| | | | | |Potluck of toddler/pre-school appropriate |

| | | | |This Friday we will do a potluck of |snacks and share |

| | | | |toddler/pre-school appropriate snacks and | |

| | | | |share | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Cooking with Kids Power Point | |

|Summar|Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |

|y |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |

| |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. | |questions and clarification. | |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 710 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Dec 15 – Dec 19 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Dec 15 |Dec 16 |Dec 17 |Dec 18 |Dec 19 |

|Objecti|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ve |identify community resources relevant to |develop activities appropriate for |analyze how individual and group identities|explain factors that contribute to |create play activities for a toddler's |

| |the care and protection of toddlers, |school-age children such as moderate to |are established and change over time to |literacy.[1F] |growth and development such as |

| |including child care services, health care|vigorous physical exercise, reading |identify typical growth and development of | |mathematics, science, physical movement,|

| |services, and organizations such as the |development, communication, listening |the school-age child such as brain | |outdoor play, art, and music.[4B] |

| |National Association for the Education of |skills, independence, conflict resolution,|development and social, emotional, and | | |

| |Young Children.[4D] |stress management, and |physical development.[6C] | | |

| | |self-discipline.[6E] | | | |

|Launch |Warm Up: Can you name agencies or |Warm Up: So how old do you think is a |Warm Up: Do you think children change more|Warm Up: Write your name with the opposite|Warm Up: When playing with an infant and |

| |services that are resources for parents of |good age to become a parent? Why? |in the first year or second year? |hands that they usually use. Do you think |then a Toddler, what do you think is an |

| |toddlers? | | |this is how a toddler might feel when first|age appropriate game? |

| | | | |learning to write? | |

|Explore|Std will research what Child Protective |Daddy Day Care – | |Std will become aware of literacy training |Std will explore what activities are age |

| |Services and the National Assoc for the |Continue working on Baby Quilt while | |and how it can be done in different ways. |appropriate for an infant and then a |

| |Education of Young Children can do for |watching. |Ages and Stages Power Point on Net School. | |toddler.  We will view part of "Child’s |

| |parents of young children or the children | | |We will go through a literacy ABC/Writing |Play" |

| |themselves. | |Use the Power Point to answer the Activity |and Storytelling power point. |We will do quiz on net school after video |

| | | |sheet on Net School. | |about “Child’s play”. |

| |Baby Quilt Activity –it’s on Netschool Due | | |Students will fill out notes on Net School | |

| |no later than Thur. Dec. 20th | |Upload for a formative grade. |to be turned in. | |

|Summary|Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |

| |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |

| |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. | |questions and clarification. | |

|Homewor|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|k |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 710 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Dec 8 – Dec 12 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Dec 8 |Dec 9 |Dec 10 |Dec 11 |Dec 12 |

|Objecti|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to : |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ve |understand the importance of learning about|understand the importance of learning |understand the importance of learning about|understand the importance of learning about|understand the importance of learning |

| |safety, first aid procedures, and CPR for |about safety, first aid procedures, and |safety, first aid procedures, and CPR for |safety, first aid procedures, and CPR for |about safety, first aid procedures, and |

| |children.1d, 1e |CPR for children.1d, 1e |children.1d, 1e |children.1d, 1e |CPR for children.1d, 1e |

|Launch |Warm Up: Have you ever had to do first aid|Warm Up: What are signs of a heart |Warm Up: What do I mean when I say please |Warm Up: What do you do is a child is |Warm Up: If a person has an allergic |

| |on someone? If so what did you do? |attack? |put a tourniquet on it? |suffering from frost bite? |reaction to something what should you do? |

|Explore|Teacher introduces first aid, child safety |Teacher introduces first aid, child safety|Teacher introduces first aid, child safety |Teacher introduces first aid, child safety |Teacher introduces first aid, child safety|

| |and CPR |and CPR |and CPR |and CPR |and CPR |

| |Students signs in on attendance sheets |Students signs in on attendance sheets |Students signs in on attendance sheets |Students signs in on attendance sheets |Students signs in on attendance sheets |

| |daily. Teacher takes up attendance sheets. |daily. Teacher takes up attendance sheets.|daily. Teacher takes up attendance sheets. |daily. Teacher takes up attendance sheets. |daily. Teacher takes up attendance sheets.|

| |Teacher discusses video sections – first |Teacher discusses video sections – first |Teacher discusses video sections – first |Teacher discusses video sections – first |Teacher discusses video sections – first |

| |aid, then CPR |aid, then CPR |aid, then CPR |aid, then CPR |aid, then CPR |

| |Teacher demonstrates the various parts of |Teacher demonstrates the various parts of |Teacher demonstrates the various parts of |Teacher demonstrates the various parts of |Teacher demonstrates the various parts of |

| |the video; checking screen for safety, |the video; checking screen for safety, |the video; checking screen for safety, |the video; checking screen for safety, |the video; checking screen for safety, |

| |first aid procedures, environmental |first aid procedures, environmental |first aid procedures, environmental |first aid procedures, environmental |first aid procedures, environmental |

| |aspects, insects, and CPR training |aspects, insects, and CPR training |aspects, insects, and CPR training |aspects, insects, and CPR training |aspects, insects, and CPR training |

| |Students discuss with their side partners |Students discuss with their side partners |Students discuss with their side partners |Students discuss with their side partners |Students discuss with their side partners |

| |during breaks of video/activities |during breaks of video/activities |during breaks of video/activities |during breaks of video/activities |during breaks of video/activities |

| | | | | | |

| |Teacher discusses with students the |Teacher discusses with students the |Teacher discusses with students the |Teacher discusses with students the |Teacher discusses with students the |

| |video/activities @ the end of class |video/activities @ the end of class |video/activities @ the end of class |video/activities @ the end of class |video/activities @ the end of class |

| | | | | | |

|Summary|Review today’s activity and check for |Discuss what you thought was the most |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |

| |learning |difficult part of today’s activity and |learning |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |

| | |why. | |questions and clarification. | |

|Homewor|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|k |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 710 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Dec 1 – Dec 5th 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Dec 1 |Dec 2 |Dec 3 |Dec 4 |Dec 5 |

|Object|The student will be able to: Students will|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |apply knowledge learned about CPR and will |Students will apply knowledge learned |Students will apply knowledge learned about|Students will apply knowledge learned about|Students will apply knowledge learned |

| |perform CPR for adults, children and |about CPR and will perform CPR for adults,|CPR and will perform CPR for adults, |CPR and will perform CPR for adults, |about CPR and will perform CPR for adults,|

| |infants.1f 5a |children and infants.1f 5a |children and infants.1f 5a |children and infants.1f 5a |children and infants.1f 5a |

|Launch|Warm Up: What is important about child |Warm Up: What does CPR stand for? |Warm Up: How many compressions to breath |Warm Up: If you find someone who is |Warm Up: What do you do for someone who is|

| |safety procedures?” | |ratio does an adult need in CPR? |unconscious what is the first thing you |choking but can still cough? |

| | | | |should do? | |

|Explor|Teacher introduces first aid, child safety |Teacher introduces first aid, child safety|Teacher introduces first aid, child safety |Teacher introduces first aid, child safety |Teacher introduces first aid, child safety|

|e |and CPR |and CPR |and CPR |and CPR |and CPR |

| |Students signs in on attendance sheets |Students signs in on attendance sheets |Students signs in on attendance sheets |Students signs in on attendance sheets |Students signs in on attendance sheets |

| |daily. Teacher takes up attendance sheets. |daily. Teacher takes up attendance sheets.|daily. Teacher takes up attendance sheets. |daily. Teacher takes up attendance sheets. |daily. Teacher takes up attendance sheets.|

| |Teacher discusses video sections – first |Teacher discusses video sections – first |Teacher discusses video sections – first |Teacher discusses video sections – first |Teacher discusses video sections – first |

| |aid, then CPR |aid, then CPR |aid, then CPR |aid, then CPR |aid, then CPR |

| |Teacher demonstrates the various parts of |Teacher demonstrates the various parts of |Teacher demonstrates the various parts of |Teacher demonstrates the various parts of |Teacher demonstrates the various parts of |

| |the video; checking screen for safety, |the video; checking screen for safety, |the video; checking screen for safety, |the video; checking screen for safety, |the video; checking screen for safety, |

| |first aid procedures, environmental |first aid procedures, environmental |first aid procedures, environmental |first aid procedures, environmental |first aid procedures, environmental |

| |aspects, insects, and CPR training |aspects, insects, and CPR training |aspects, insects, and CPR training |aspects, insects, and CPR training |aspects, insects, and CPR training |

| |Students discuss with their side partners |Students discuss with their side partners |Students discuss with their side partners |Students discuss with their side partners |Students discuss with their side partners |

| |during breaks of video/activities |during breaks of video/activities |during breaks of video/activities |during breaks of video/activities |during breaks of video/activities |

| | | | | | |

| |Teacher discusses with students the |Teacher discusses with students the |Teacher discusses with students the |Teacher discusses with students the |Teacher discusses with students the |

| |video/activities @ the end of class |video/activities @ the end of class |video/activities @ the end of class |video/activities @ the end of class |video/activities @ the end of class |

| | | | | | |

|Summar|Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |

|y |describe important topics discussed and |describe important topics discussed and |describe important topics discussed and |describe important topics discussed and |describe important topics discussed and |

| |demonstrated for CPR. |demonstrated for CPR. |demonstrated for CPR. |demonstrated for CPR. |demonstrated for CPR. |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 636 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Nov 24 – Nov 28 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Nov 24 |Nov 25 |Nov 26 |Nov 27 |Nov 28 |

|Object|The student will be able to: explain |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |factors that contribute to literacy by |explain factors that contribute to |NO SCHOOL |NO SCHOOL |NO SCHOOL |

| |creating a children’s emerging level |literacy by creating a children’s emerging| | | |

| |book.[1F] |level book 1F] | | | |

|Launch|Warm Up: What is your favorite childhood |Warm Up: Why did you choose the type of |Warm Up: |Warm Up: |Warm Up: |

| |book? Why? |book you are making? | | | |

|Explor|Work on Child Literacy Book |Work on Child Literacy Book Cont. |NO SCHOOL |NO SCHOOL |NO SCHOOL |

|e |Lesson directions & Rubric is on Net School|Lesson directions & Rubric is on Net | | | |

| |Possible sites to use: |School | | | |

| | |Possible sites to use: | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |cfm | | | |

| | |.cfm | | | |

|Summar|Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Review today’s activity and check for |

|y |describe important aspects of literacy and |describe important aspects of literacy and|describe important aspects of literacy and |describe important aspects of literacy and |learning |

| |the need for it with children. |the need for it with children. |the need for it with children. |the need for it with children. | |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 636 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Nov 17 – Nov 21 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Nov 17 |Nov 18 |Nov 19 |Nov 20 |Nov 21 |

|Object|The student will be able to: explain |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: explain |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |factors that contribute to literacy by |explain factors that contribute to |factors that contribute to literacy by |explain factors that contribute to literacy|explain factors that contribute to |

| |creating a children’s emerging level |literacy by creating a children’s emerging|creating a children’s emerging level book |by creating a children’s emerging level |literacy by creating a children’s emerging|

| |book.[1F] |level book 1F] |1F] |book 1F] |level book 1F] |

|Launch|Warm Up: What is your favorite childhood |Warm Up: Why did you choose the type of |Warm Up: What is your favorite type of |Warm Up: Make sure you have your questions |Warm Up: Get ready to watch episode and |

| |book? Why? |book you are making? |book to read now? Why? |answered so we can have a discussion. |take notes. |

|Explor|Work on Child Literacy Book |Work on Child Literacy Book Cont. |Work on Child Literacy Book Cont. |Work on Child Literacy Book Cont. |Present Child Literacy Book |

|e |Lesson directions & Rubric is on Net School|Lesson directions & Rubric is on Net |Lesson directions & Rubric is on Net School|Lesson directions & Rubric is on Net School|Lesson directions & Rubric is on Net |

| |Possible sites to use: |School |Possible sites to use: |Possible sites to use: |School |

| | |Possible sites to use: | | |Possible sites to use: |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |

| |cfm | |cfm |

| | |.cfm | | |.cfm |

|Summar|Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Review today’s activity and check for |

|y |describe important aspects of literacy and |describe important aspects of literacy and|describe important aspects of literacy and |describe important aspects of literacy and |learning |

| |the need for it with children. |the need for it with children. |the need for it with children. |the need for it with children. | |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 636 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Nov 10 – Nov 14 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Nov 10 |Nov 11 |Nov 12 |Nov 13 |Nov 14 |

|Object|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: apply |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |apply knowledge learned over the 2nd Six |apply knowledge learned over the 2nd Six |knowledge learned over the 2nd Six Weeks to|apply knowledge learned over the 1st Six |describe the role of play in a preschool |

| |Weeks to successfully complete the 1st Six |Weeks to successfully complete the 1st Six|successfully complete the 1st Six Weeks |Weeks to successfully complete the 2nd Six |child's growth and development. by |

| |Weeks Review. |Weeks Review and CD Jeopardy Game. |Review and CD Jeopardy Game. |weeks exam. |engaging in children’s games.[5B] |

|Launch|Warm Up: Open up review on netbook. |Warm Up: Get your review out. |Warm Up: Get your review out. |Warm Up: Get ready for your quiz. |Warm Up: What was your favorite game when |

| | | | | |you were in preschool? |

|Explor|Six Weeks Review Each student will complete|Six Weeks Review |Six Weeks Review- Jeopardy Game (Complete |Six Weeks Exam |Going over games to play with toddlers. |

|e |the Six Weeks Review Handout using |Each student will complete the Six Weeks |from Tuesday) | |We will go over board games, card games |

| |information learned over the course of the |Review Handout using information learned |As a class, we will review for the exam by |Using information students have learned |and physical games. |

| |six weeks. Students can also use the |over the course of the six weeks. |playing the a Review Game. Students will |throughout the course of the 1st six weeks,| |

| |textbook or any worksheets completed. |Students can also use the textbook or any |be separated into groups to compete against|students will individually complete the six| |

| |As a class, we will go over any questions |worksheets completed. |each other. Questions from the review and |weeks exam for a summative grade using Net | |

| |students may have over review questions or |As a class, we will go over any questions |exam will be asked. |School. | |

| |concepts. |students may have over review questions or|Six Weeks Review- Bingo Game (If time) | | |

| |Six Weeks Review- Jeopardy Game As a class,|concepts. |As a class, we will continue reviewing for | | |

| |we will review for the exam by playing the |Six Weeks Review- Jeopardy Game As a |the Semester Exam by playing a variety of | | |

| |CD Jeopardy Review Game. Students will be |class, we will review for the exam by |themed Bingo Games. | | |

| |separated into groups (can be lab groups) |playing the CD Jeopardy Review Game. |Each student will receive a blank bingo | | |

| |to compete against each other. Questions |Students will be separated into groups (to|card in which to label based on the game’s | | |

| |from the review and exam will be asked. |compete against each other. Questions from|theme. | | |

| | |the review and exam will be asked. | | | |

|Summar|Review today’s activity and check for |Students will begin reviewing for this |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |

|y |learning. Check for any last minute |exam. Students will be able to identify |describe important topics covered |describe important topics covered |describe different games parents can play |

| |questions and clarification. |and describe important topics covered |throughout 2nd Six Weeks. |throughout 2nd Six Weeks. |with their children. |

| | |throughout 2nd Six Weeks | | | |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 636 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Nov 3 – Nov 7 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Nov 3 |Nov 4 |Nov 5 |Nov 6 |Nov 7 |

|Object|The student will be able to: analyze the |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: generate ideas|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |seriousness and prevention of some birth |analyze the seriousness and prevention of |and gather information relevant to care and|analyze the seriousness and prevention of |analyze the seriousness and prevention of |

| |defects by creating a birth defects |some birth defects by creating a birth |protection of infants such as child care |teen pregnancy through discussion and |teen pregnancy through discussion and |

| |pamphlet. 2D |defects pamphlet. 2D] |options, abuse, guidance, services and |research. |research. |

| | | |agencies, immunizations, and appropriate |2A 2D |2A 2D |

| | | |health care.[3B] | | |

|Launch|Warm Up: How will you make sure when you |Warm Up: How can an individual know if |Warm Up: What do you think causes SIDS? |Warm Up: If you were 17 and you just found|Warm Up: What do you think is the biggest |

| |have children you will do your best to |they are a carrier of a hereditary | |out your or your girlfriend is pregnant, |worry of a pregnant teenager? Why? |

| |avoid any avoidable birth defects? |disease? | |how would you handle the situation? | |

|Explor| |Birth Defects Cont. Presentations today |SIDS information |Teen Pregnancy –We will go over Teen |Teen Pregnancy –We will go over Teen |

|e |Birth Defects Cont. | | |Pregnancy power point and then students |Pregnancy power point and then students |

| | |Research Project |SIDS Power Point – on net school |will research for statistics on teen |will research for statistics on teen |

| |Research Project |Pamphlet Review | |pregnancy and being a Mom. |pregnancy and being a Mom. |

| |Pamphlet Review | |SIDS worksheet on Net school – you will use| |Cont. |

| | |Information on Net school |your netbook to research to find answers. | | |

| |Information on Net school | | | | |

| | |UPLOAD When complete | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |UPLOAD When complete | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Summar|Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |

|y |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |

| |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. | |questions and clarification. | |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 636 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Oct 28 – Nov 1 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Oct 27 |Oct 28 |Oct 29 |Oct 30 |Oct 31 |

|Object|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |Students will analyze the cost of a new |Students will analyze the cost of a new |Students will analyze the benefits and cost|analyze the seriousness and prevention of |analyze the seriousness and prevention of |

| |born and all the items they need. |born and all the items they need. |differences between breast and formula |some birth defects. |some birth defects. |

| | | |feeding. | | |

|Launch|Warm Up: How much do you think it would |Warm Up: What is the most surprising |Warm Up: When you have children, do you |Warm Up: Do you think birth defects are |Warm Up: What has been the most |

| |cost to raise a baby the first year? |cost you have come across for the baby? |plan on breast feeding or using formula or |serious? |interesting thing you have found out about|

| | | |a mix of both? | |birth defects? |

|Explor|The students will continue to work on how |The students will continue to work on how |Students will compare and contrast Breast |Birth Defects |Birth Defects Cont. |

|e |much a baby will cost. We will be working |much a baby will cost. We will be working|Feeding VS Formula. What are the | | |

| |on worksheet that will give an overview of |on worksheet that will give an overview of|philosophies people have about these two |Power Point |Birth Defects Chart on Net school |

| |what the first year can cost and will go to|what the first year can cost and will go |approaches. |We will discuss family planning, parent | |

| |a website to put the numbers in. |to a website to put the numbers in. | |readiness and birth defects. We will go |Birth Defects Cont. |

| |This will be uploaded to net school for a |This will be uploaded to net school for a |Compare and Contrast Activity on Net |through an interactive power-point over | |

| |formative grade. |formative grade. |school. |these three topics. Students will |Research Project |

| | | | |participate in journal writings, |Pamphlet Review |

| | | | |activities, and research to fully | |

| | | | |understand the importance of the three | |

| | | | |topics, where they pertain to child | |

| | | | |development. | |

|Summar|Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |

|y |describe the important items needed for the|describe the important items needed for |describe differences of bottle feeding to |describe the different birth defects babies|describe the different birth defects |

| |infant and new born child and their costs. |the infant and new born child and their |breast feeding and their costs. |may encounter and how some are preventable.|babies may encounter and how some are |

| | |costs. | | |preventable. |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 636 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Oct 20 – Oct 24 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Oct 20 |Oct 21 |Oct 22 |Oct 23 |Oct 24 |

|Object|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |Students will be able to create fall play |Learn the importance of childhood |Learn the importance of childhood |analyze the needs and basic care of a |Students will analyze the cost of a new |

| |activities for toddlers. |immunizations and explain in writing when &|immunizations and explain in writing when |newborn. |born and all the items they need. |

| | |which immunizations happen for children. |& which immunizations happen for children.| | |

|Launch|Warm Up: What do you plan on doing with |Warm Up: Do you know how many |Warm Up: Do you intend to give your child |Warm Up: How difficult do you think it |Warm Up: How much do you think it would |

| |your child to make holidays special? |immunizations a child gets at the first |all the immunizations the most people give|will be to care for a new born? What will|cost to raise a baby the first year? |

| | |doctor visit? |or only the required ones? |be biggest challenge? | |

|Explor| |Stds will work on the awareness of all the |Cont. Stds will work on the awareness of | |The students will work on how much a baby |

|e |Do the pumpkin activity – students will |immunizations a baby and young child needs.|all the immunizations a baby and young |APGAR Video & Quiz on Net School |will cost. We will be working on |

| |decorate pumpkins that would be appealing |The student will research what |child needs. The student will research | |worksheet that’s on net school that will |

| |to a toddler or elementary child |immunizations are usually given and when |what immunizations are usually given and | |give an overview of what the first year |

| | |they are given at each stage. |when they are given at each stage. |Watch new born video - |can cost and will go to a website to put |

| | |Immunization Schedule Sheet On Net school –|Immunization Schedule Sheet On Net school |Discuss the development of a new born the |the numbers in. |

| | |upload when completed |– upload when completed |first few weeks. |

| | |Video on Immunizations |Video on Immunizations | |ator |

| | | | |

| | |x.html |ex.html | | |

|Summar|Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |Students will be able to identify and |

|y |describe creative ways to create play |describe important topics of the process |describe important topics of the process |describe important topics of the process |describe the important items needed for |

| |activities with a child for outdoor play. |immunizations. |immunizations. |of bathing, diapering, and feeding a new |the infant and new born child and their |

| | | | |born. |costs. |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 636 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Oct 13 – Oct 17 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Oct 13 |Oct 14 |Oct 15 |Oct 16 |Oct 17 |

|Objec|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|tive | |Students will analyze how the baby’s brain |Students will analyze ultrasound pictures |Students will watch a video on birth and |Students will describe the growth, |

| | |grows and the impact parenting has on it. |and how it has changed with technology. |will be able to analyze the steps and |development, and maturation of the infant.|

| | | |PSAT testing |process of birth. | |

|Launc|Warm Up: |Warm Up: How important do you think it is|Warm Up: What have you learned about |Warm Up: What is the last thing to truly |Warm Up: What are different ways to |

|h | |to develop your baby’s brain the first 5 |exercise and nutrition that has really |develop with the fetus in the womb? |deliver a baby? |

| | |years? |impacted you? | | |

|Explo| |Child Brain – video |We will discuss the process of labor and |We will discuss the process of labor and |New born characteristics Power Point |

|re | | |delivery. We will look at ultrasound |delivery. The students will view the |A new family member |

| | |Students will write a one paragraph review |images and discuss how advanced technology|video, Understanding Birth, to gain a | |

| | |of the video |has come. What are we able to detect and |better understanding of what mother and | |

| | | |see on the ultrasounds now? |baby go through once labor starts. They | |

| | | | |will write down questions to discuss after| |

| | | | |the video has finished. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Summa|Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Students will be able to identify and |

|ry |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |learning. Check for any last minute |describe important topics of the infant |

| |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. | |questions and clarification. |and new born child. |

|Homew|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|ork |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 636 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Oct 6 – Oct 10 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Oct 6 |Oct 7 |Oct 8 |Oct 9 |Oct 10 |

|Object|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: describe |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |We will explain the physical, emotional, |assess the safety of purchases for children|nutritional needs prior to and during |describe nutritional needs prior to and |identify signs and stages of |

| |social, and intellectual needs of the |such as cribs, toys, clothing, and |pregnancy such as impact of proteins, |during pregnancy such as impact of |pregnancy.[2A] |

| |infant.[3A |food.[1E] |lipids, and carbohydrates on fetal brain |proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates on | |

| | | |development.[2C] analyze reasons for |fetal brain development.[2C] analyze | |

| | | |medical care and good health practices |reasons for medical care and good health | |

| | | |prior to and during pregnancy.[2D] |practices prior to and during | |

| | | | |pregnancy.[2D] | |

|Launch|Warm Up: What do you think you will do best|Warm Up: What is the most important thing |Warm Up: Should a new pregnant mom eat |Warm Up: What kind of exercise is best |Warm Up: What develops in a fetus the |

| |with the baby and what might you struggle |you can do nutritionally during pregnancy? |whatever she wants to? Why or why not? |for a pregnant woman? |first trimester? |

| |with? | | | | |

|Explor| |We will explore and discuss Nutrition and |We will continue to explore and discuss |We will explore and discuss Nutrition and |We will look at different kinds of cribs, |

|e | |Exercise during pregnancy. |Nutrition and Exercise during pregnancy. |Exercise during pregnancy. |strollers, and car seat choices parents |

| |Discuss more of the baby issues and how to | | | |have. |

| |take care of it. Watch the Joys & Concerns|We will watch a portion of the Pregnancy |Nutrition while Pregnant Power Point |Exercise During Pregnancy handout | |

| |of Parenting |video that covers Pre & Post-natal | | |Go to Babies R Us and look up prices and |

| | |Nutrition | |Fast Food Handout |compare to another store like Wal*Mart or |

| | | | | |Target. Pick 3 items and compare all |

| | | | | |three from two different stores. Has to |

| | | | | |be exact same item. |

| | | | | |You will hand in at end of class for |

| | | | | |formative grade. |

|Summar|Discuss what we learned in the video about |Student will be able to continue to improve|Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |

|y |parenting and questions we may still have. |their knowledge of healthy nutrition while |learning |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |

| | |pregnant by engaging in class discussion. | |questions and clarification. | |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 636 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Sept 29 – Oct 3 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Sept 29 |Sept 30 |Oct 1 |Oct 2 |Oct 3 |

|Object|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |Examine skills relating to the prevention |Examine skills relating to the prevention |Examine skills relating to the prevention |Examine skills relating to the prevention |Examine skills relating to the prevention |

| |of family violence 1C by examining and |of family violence 1C by examining and |of family violence 1C by examining and |of family violence 1C by examining and |of family violence 1C by examining and |

| |discussing child abuse issues. |discussing child abuse issues. |discussing child abuse issues. |discussing child abuse issues. |discussing child abuse issues. |

|Launch|Warm Up: How will you make sure you do |Warm Up: How do you think you could |Warm Up: Do you ever catch yourself being |Warm Up: If you could change one thing |Warm Up: The discipline choice you made |

| |not abuse your children you may have? |communicate with your parents better? |verbally abusive? |about the way your family disciplines what|yesterday – how would you do it different?|

| | | | |would that be? | |

|Explor|Final Project for “A child called It” Cont.|Final Project for “A child called It” Cont.|Final Project for “A child called It” |Final Project for “A child called It” |Final Project for “A child called It” |

|e |You will have the choice of three different|You will have the choice of three different|Cont. |Cont. |Cont. |

| |types of projects. |types of projects. |You will have the choice of three |You will have the choice of three |You will have the choice of three |

| | | |different types of projects. |different types of projects. |different types of projects. |

| |You may work in pairs. |You may work in pairs. | | | |

| | | |You may work in pairs. |You may work in pairs. |You may work in pairs. |

| |You will have until Fri. |You will have until Fri. | | | |

| |Oct 3rd to complete. |Oct 3rd to complete. |You will have until Fri. |You will have until Fri. |You will have until Fri. |

| | | |Oct 3rd to complete. |Oct 3rd to complete. |Oct 3rd to complete. |

| |(Summative grade) | | | | |

| | |(Summative grade) |(Summative grade) |(Summative grade) |(Summative grade) |

| | | | | | |

| |All assignments & presentations are on |All assignments & presentations are on | |All assignments & presentations are on | |

| |Moodle |Moodle |All assignments & presentations are on |Moodle |All assignments & presentations are on |

| | | |Moodle | |Moodle |

|Summar|Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |

|y |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |

| |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 636 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Sept 22 – Sept 28 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Sept 22 |Sept 23 |Sept 24 |Sept 25 |Sept 26 |

|Object|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: Examine skills|The student will be able to Examine skills|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |Examine skills relating to the prevention |relating to the prevention of family |relating to the prevention of family |Examine skills relating to the prevention |Examine skills relating to the prevention |

| |of family violence 1C by examining and |violence 1C by examining and discussing |violence 1C by examining and discussing |of family violence 1C by examining and |of family violence 1C by examining and |

| |discussing child abuse issues. |child abuse issues. |child abuse issues. |discussing child abuse issues. |discussing child abuse issues. |

|Launch|Warm Up: Why do you think Dave’s parents |Warm Up: What do you think should have |Warm Up: Has this story opened your eyes |Warm Up: If you were a relative of Dave’s|Warm Up: If you child was not acting the |

| |changed so much? |been done differently for Dave with his |to how a child should be talked to? Why or|what do you think you could do? |way you think they should how would you |

| | |situation? |why not? | |discipline your child? For example talking|

| | | | | |back. |

|Explor|We will be doing a book study of “A child |We will be doing a book study of “A child |We will be doing a book study of “A child |We will be doing a book study of “A child |We will be doing a book study of “A child |

|e |called It” by Dave Pelzer. |called It” by Dave Pelzer. |called It” by Dave Pelzer. |called It” by Dave Pelzer. |called It” by Dave Pelzer. |

| |We will read second part of Chapter 4 pgs. |We will read Chapter 5 pgs. 81-98 together |We will Chapter 6 pgs. 99-128 together and|We will read Chapter 7 Pgs. 129-154 |We will read Epilogue 161-176 together and|

| |63-69 together and the students will answer|and the students will answer questions from|the students will answer questions from |together and the students will answer |the students will answer questions from |

| |questions from chapter four before the end |chapter five before the end of class. |chapter six before the end of class. |questions from chapter seven before the |epilogue before the end of class. |

| |of class. Formative |Formative |Formative |end of class. Formative |Formative |

| |There is a digital copy on my |There is a digital copy on my |There is a digital copy on my |There is a digital copy on my |There is a digital copy on my |

| |website/Moodle |website/Moodle |website/Moodle |website/Moodle |website/Moodle. |

|Summar|Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |

|y |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |

| |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. | |questions and clarification. | |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 251 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Sept 15 – Sept 19 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Sept 15 |Sept 16 |Sept 17 |Sept 18 |Sept 19 |

|Object|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: Examine skills|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |Examine skills relating to the prevention |Examine skills relating to the prevention |relating to the prevention of family |Examine skills relating to the prevention |Examine skills relating to the prevention |

| |of family violence 1C by examining and |of family violence 1C by examining and |violence 1C by examining and discussing |of family violence 1C by examining and |of family violence 1C by examining and |

| |discussing child abuse issues. |discussing child abuse issues. |child abuse issues. |discussing child abuse issues. |discussing child abuse issues. |

|Launch|Warm Up: What do you know about child |Warm Up: what are your thoughts about |Warm Up: How many different forms of child |Warm Up: Is your parent grounding you |Warm Up: If your parent puts you down all |

| |abuse? |taking the baby home? Excited/scared? |abuse are there? |abuse? Why or Why not? |the time, is that abuse? |

|Explor|We will be doing a book study of “A child |We will go over the baby and how taking he |We will be doing a book study of “A child |We will be doing a book study of “A child |We will be doing a book study of “A child |

|e |called It” by Dave Pelzer. |/her home will go. |called It” by Dave Pelzer. |called It” by Dave Pelzer. |called It” by Dave Pelzer. |

| |We will read Chapter 1 pgs. 1-14 together | |We will read Chapter 2 pgs. 15-26 together |We will read Chapter 3 pgs. 27-44 together |We will read first part of Chapter 4 pgs. |

| |and the students will answer questions from|There is an app you can get for free – real|and the students will answer questions from|and the students will answer questions from|46-62 together and the students will |

| |chapter one before the end of class. |care baby |chapter two before the end of class. |chapter three before the end of class. |answer questions from chapter four before |

| |There is a digital copy on my | |There is a digital copy on my |There is a digital copy on my |the end of class. |

| |website/Moodle |We will watch a demo video as well. |website/Moodle |website/Moodle |There is a digital copy on my |

| | | | | |website/Moodle |

| | |If you cannot download the app they also | | | |

| | |have a website with lots of info. | | | |

|Summar|Go over any last minute questions and |Go over any last minute questions and |Go over any last minute questions and |Review today’s activity and check for |Go over any last minute questions and |

|y |clarification. Review any theorist points |clarification. Review any theorist points |clarification. Review any theorist points |learning. Check for any last minute |clarification. Review any theorist points |

| |that need clarification. |that need clarification. |that need clarification. |questions and clarification. |that need clarification. |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 251 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Sept 8 – Sept 12th 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Sept 8 |Sept 9 |Sept 10 |Sept 11 |Sept 12 |

|Objecti|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: create an |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ve |investigate parenting skills and |Analyze relationship skills, including |individual spending plan &practice |model positive communication skills & |model positive communication skills & |

| |responsibilities, including child support|money management, communication skills, and|communication skills 1B |practice communication skills 1B |practice communication skills 1B |

| |and other legal rights and |marriage preparation. 1B | | | |

| |responsibilities that come with | | | | |

| |parenthood. [1A] with discussion. | | | | |

|Launch |Warm Up: What is your birth order and |Warm Up: What do you feel are needed |Warm Up: Have you set goals for your |Warm Up: Do you ever get in trouble for |Warm Up: Do you know what a budget is? |

| |how do you think it affects who you are? |parenting skills for a successful parent? |future? If so have you made a plan to |your “body language”? |Does your family follow a budget? |

| | | |achieve the goal? | | |

|Explore|Family Structure and roles. |Parenting Skills and Relationship power |We will finish Parenting Skills Power | Oh, Puh-leeeeeeze! Activity – we will be |show a video clip of Everybody Loves |

| |We will complete family tree. |point |Point |discussing body language. |Raymond episode titled “The Checkbook” in |

| | | | | |Season 2 Episode 16. In this episode, |

| | |Students will fill out notes about the |Smart Goals – we will watch a video clip |We will watch a clip Amy Cuddy: “Your body|Raymond unsuccessfully manages the family |

| | |information from power point. |and then set personal goals. |language shapes who you are” |budget and learns why it is important to |

| | | | a spending plan. |

| | | |o&index=3&list=PLxbDwto9IsvmRiqB7vJAXk06_q|c |

| | | |6tPKcUK |Julian Treasure: “How to speak so that |c&list=PLxbDwto9IsvmRiqB7vJAXk06_q6tPKcUK&|

| | | | |people want to listen” |index=5 |

| | | |We will watch a clip on budgeting | |

| | | | |I | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |We will also reflect on individual values.| | |

|Summary|Discuss what you thought you knew about |Review today’s activity and check for |Review lesson objectives, terms, and |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |

| |parenting and what you learned. |learning. Check for any last minute |definitions. |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |

| | |questions and clarification. | |questions and clarification. | |

|Homewor|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|k |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 251 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Sept 1 – Sept 5th 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Sept 1 |Sept 2 |Sept 3 |Sept 4 |Sept 5 |

|Object|The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: investigate |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |Labor Day |Analyze relationship skills, including |parenting skills and responsibilities, |investigate parenting skills and |Examine skills relating to the prevention |

| |No School |money management, communication skills, and|including child support and other legal |responsibilities, including child support |of family violence 1C by examining and |

| | |marriage preparation. 1B |rights and responsibilities that come with|and other legal rights and |discussing child abuse issues. |

| | | |parenthood. [1A] with discussion. |responsibilities that come with | |

| | | | |parenthood. [1A] with discussion. | |

|Launch|Warm Up: |Warm Up: Do you think you have good |Warm Up: What is the most interesting |Warm Up: So how old do you think is a |Warm Up: Why are traditions important to |

| | |communication skills? Why or why not? |thing you have learned this past week? |good age to become a parent? Why? |the family? |

|Explor| | | |Parenting Readiness Power Point |Family Tree Activity |

|e | |The Changing Family Power Point |Parenting Styles Power Point | |The students will start with their |

| | | |Parenting Styles Activities – all on Net |Parent Job/Role Description activity on |Grandparents and create a family “tree”. |

| | |Understanding Your Income Power Point |school |Net school |They will include Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, |

| | | |- one is group one is individual | |and siblings. This will also include step|

| | |Assertive Communication Power Point | | |and half relatives. |

| | | | | |Make sure you label Dad (John) by each |

| | | | | |name. |

| | | | | |Don’t forget to add spouses. |

|Summar|Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Review today’s activity and check for |Teacher reviews families in closing. |

|y |learning. Check for any last minute |learning. Check for any last minute |learning |learning. Check for any last minute |Students write on their ticket out – what |

| |questions and clarification. |questions and clarification. | |questions and clarification. |I learned today |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

Mrs. Hilliard 251 Lesson Plans for Child Development Week of Aug 25th – Aug 29st 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Aug 25 |Aug 26 |Aug 27 |Aug 28 |Aug 29 |

|Object|The student will be able to: demonstrates |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: learn how |The student will be able to: |The student will be able to: |

|ive |personal characteristics for success in |have the opportunity to explore their |important it is to learn about short and |develop an understanding of the class and |develop an understanding of the class and |

| |high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand |personality and character traits. Students |long term goals.  Student learns the |meet classmates. SWBAT understand what |meet classmates. SWBAT understand what |

| |careers. The student is expected to: (J) |learn to accept all students in the class |differences between short and long term |FCCLA is.analyze the physical, emotional, |FCCLA is.analyze the physical, emotional, |

| |practice leadership skills; and (K) |and their similarities and different |goals.  Students list their short term |social, and intellectual needs of the |social, and intellectual needs of the |

| |demonstrate effective communication skills |personalities. Students are able to create |goals. Teacher gives information about |school-age child.[6A] |school-age child.[6A] |

| | |a safe environment to learn and be | the FCCLA Power of One to assist students| | |

| | |successful. Student and teacher are able to|in their short term goals. | | |

| | |get to know each other and their interests | | | |

| | |TEKS J&K | | | |

|Launch|Warm Up: Make sure everyone has student |Warm Up: |Warm Up: Why is it important to learn |Warm Up: |Warm Up: SWBAT develop an understanding of|

| |sheet to fill out. |Welcome |about short and long term goals? What are |SWBAT develop an understanding of the |the class and meet classmates. SWBAT |

| | |Introduce myself |the differences between short and long |class and meet classmates. SWBAT |understand what FCCLA is. |

| | |Introduce course |term goals? |understand what FCCLA is. | |

|Explor|Supply List |Student Introductions |Supply List |FCCLA Day |FCCLA Day |

|e |Notebook paper, pen or pencil. NETBOOK |State their name and ask “Why are they in |Folder with brads, notebook paper, pen or |Students will watch a power point/video |Our class will join up with other FCS |

| |EVERYDAY |this class and what do they hope to learn?”|pencil. |over FCCLA, receive a handout as well as |classes during this period to learn about |

| |Student Information Sheets | |Student Information Sheets |play games related to the FCCLA theme |the FCS Student Organization, FCCLA. |

| |Complete Extra Extra sheets and ask | |Complete sheets and ask questions when all|“Highway to Success”. |Students will review information learned |

| |questions when all are finished. | |are finished. |Extra! Extra! Read All About Me! Activity |yesterday about FCCLA, including |

| | | |. |Each student will receive this activity |membership opportunities, benefits and how|

| | | | |handout. Students will be making the |to become an officer. We will play more |

| |We will go over the student Handbook | | |front cover of a magazine explaining |games related to the “Highway to Success” |

| | | | |themselves to their classmates. Students |as well as brainstorm community service |

| | | | |will write about a news story that changed|and fundraising ideas for FCCLA. Students|

| | | | |their life, the best book they have read, |will also be able to design the FCCLA |

| | | | |describe their hero, draw a cartoon about |student t-shirt. |

| | | | |themselves, as well as list many of their | |

| | | | |favorite things or past times. | |

|Summar|Check for understanding with students about|Play “Who Am I?” game. Check for questions |Check for questions or concerns about the |Students will have the entire class to |Review today’s activity and check for |

|y |section covered in the handbook. |or concerns about the class or class |class or class expectations. |work on this. |learning |

| | |expectations. | |Review today’s activity and check for | |

| | | | |learning. Check for any last minute | |

| | | | |questions and clarification. | |

|Homewo|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|rk |None |None |None |None |None |

For the Entire Year Lesson Plans Addition:

My class is a BYOD for technology (including tablets, laptops, phones) to complete assignments pertaining to my class.  If I do not have a device for them to use or they bring their own they may use them to complete work assigned to them from me.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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