
TitleCompany PersonalityCodeFiF.KPs/A-boPS.034/00TeacherECTS credits5Hours weekly2Prerequisites -Semester1/WAssessmentContentIdentity and Image of Organizations and Companies- understanding of the identity and image concepts on the interdisciplinary level- understanding of various components of the organization identity structure - acquiring the theoretical and methodological knowledge of the organization identity and image formation - knowledge of tools and possibilities, as well as the ability to form company's performance through the targeted profile of the organization's identity and image.– organization identity analysis, identity type specification - working with identity development tools in real conditions - organization culture analysis and specification of key organizational culture componentsIdentity and personality of a company, organization, societyIdentity and personality - general and specific context.Corporate Identity - Historical development of the identity concept. The company identity and its core pany Personality.Identity and ImageThe Identity and image anization Identity typologyImage of the organizationCompany cultureCommunity culture, nation, organization. Corporate culture and its core pany philosophy and company anizational communicationGeneral aspects of communication.Business communication and tools of corporate munication in business relationsCrisis Communication of the OrganizationBibliographyTitleInterventions in educationCodeFiF.KPs/A-moPS-224/00TeacherG.Herényiová.ECTS credits3Hours weekly2Prerequisites -Semester3/WAssessmentContentInterventions of school psychology in school, help to teachers and parentsSolving of problems of pupilsBehavioral problems of students and pupilsPreventive programs in the work of school psychologistProfteens – the program of the professional profile of students and pupilsBibliographyTitleSchool PsychologyCodeFiF.KPs/A-boPS-023/00TeacherG.HerényiováECTS credits5Hours weekly2Prerequisites -Semester3/WAssessmentContentThe development of school, psychology in Slovakia and abroadThe conception of the work of school psychologistDiagnostics of social networks in the classAggression in school and its implicationsDiagnostics of style of upbringing of parents and the importance of family in the human lifeBibliographyTitleMoral psychologyCodeFiF.KPs/A-boPS-135/11TeacherRadoslav Blaho, PhD.ECTS credits3Hours weekly2Prerequisites -Semester2/WAssessmentContentMorality and psychology, evolution of moralityMorality and religionMoral dilemma and its specificsNeuroscience of moral reasoningMoral reasoning and decision making (rational and social intuitionist approach to moral judgment)Moral development (in the context of cognitive, emotional, social development)Psychodiagnostic assessment of moral reasoningMoral emotionsIntercultural specifics of moral reasoningPsychology of conscienceBibliographyBlaho, R. (2016). Slovak healthcare workers? lived experience of conscience. Human Affairs (in press).Doris, J. M., & Fiery, C. (2010). The Moral Psychology Handbook. New York: Oxford University Press.Eisenberg, N. (2000). Emotion, regulation, and moral development. Annual Review of Psychology, 51, 665-697. Greene, J., & Haidt, J. (2002). How (and where) does moral judgment work?? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6(12), 517-523.?Greene, J.D. (2003). From neural "is" to moral "ought": what are the moral implications of neuroscientific moral psychology?? Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Vol. 4, 847-850.Haidt, J. (2001). The emotional dog and its rational tail: A social intuitionist approach to moral judgment. Psychological Review, 108, 814- 834.Haidt, J., Koller, S. H. & Dias, M. G. (1993). Affect, Culture, and Morality, or Is It Wrong to Eat Your Dog?. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 65(4): 613-628.Haidt, J. (2012). The righteous mind: Why good people are divided by politics and religion. New York: Allen Lane.Haidt, J. (2013). Moral psychology for the twenty-first century. Journal of Moral Education, 42(3), 281-297.Lind, G., Hartmann, H. A., Wakenhut, R. (2010). Moral Judgements and Social Education. NJ: Transaction Publisher. Shweder, R. A. (2002). The nature of morality: The category of bad acts. Medical Ethics. (9)1.TitleVisual GrammarCodeFiF.KPs/A-moPS-840/15TeacherECTS credits3Hours weekly2Prerequisites -Semester1,2/WAssessmentOn the level of the acquisition of knowledge (general orientation, knowledge of theories and models)Understanding the principles of visual messages creation.Visual communication roots.On the level of the acquisition of skills (diagnostic skills, intervention skills)Developing the ability to analyze 2D and 3D imaging in the context of psychological processesAbility to analyze and understand visual language.Transcription of content into visual formOn the level of acquisition of competencies for professional activity (professional skills)Enhance ability to understand visual messagesFacilitate the ability to interpret visual contentDeveloping skills to communicate by the visual meansContentDesign Principles - Beauty AnalysisBeauty analysis - principles and rulesPsychology of design in examplesDesign principles - Rules and proceduresElements of designApplication of psychological knowledge in the design processDesign principlesConcept of visual literacy - theoretical and methodological issuesOrigin and history of the termOrigins and social contextThe concept of visual literacy - the structure of visual speechVisual Language and its structure.Visual Language Elements.Signs and symbols in a visual language context.Visual GrammarPoint, shape, line, composition, position and compositional characteristicsDesign elements structure and their meanings.Phenomenon color - characteristics, models, systemsColor and its characteristics.Color space specification.Color and Color Standards.Color systems NCS, RAL, Pantone.Phenomenon color - Psychological aspects of colorColors and personality.The methodology of diagnostics through color. Design, administration, evaluation of color tests Luscher Diagnostics, SICA (Self Image Color Analysis), Frieling Test, HPM (Hans Peter Maier) Color standards.Visual rhetoricVisual culture and visual rhetoricVisual persuasionVisual message designUniversal principles of designVisual organization rulesCreating a visual styleCase study analysisBibliographyTitleVisual Literacy and DevelopementCodeFiF.KPs/A-moPS-839/15TeacherECTS credits3Hours weekly2Prerequisites -Semester1/W; 2/WAssessmentContentOn the level of the acquisition of knowledge (general orientation, knowledge of theories and models)- to create systematic insight into history and state of the art of leading concepts in the visual literacy and visual thinking- explain the ways of the design of the present meaning vehicles on the background of the various historical period and cultural contextOn the level of the acquisition of skills (diagnostic skills, intervention skills)- to enhance skills in analyzing of visual information and visual artifacts- diagnostic skills in identifying structure and type of the informing object- to identify possible ways in profiling mental map and visualization of the particular knowledge space- to create tools for management of the information design processOn the level of acquisition of competencies for professional activity (professional skills)- to provide insight how different aspects of information content and context can be managed. - to enhance the ability to use tools and work with an interdisciplinary teamBibliographyTheoretical - Methodological Basis of Visual CommunicationCommunication and visual communicationVisual TheoriesRoots and sources of visual communicationVisual communication in the historical contextPrehistoric worksArtistic DirectionsDesign schoolsVisual Communication in a Historical Context - SlovakiaHistorical sourcesSlovak MythNew SlovakiaVisual communication todayDesign sourcesThe mediaThe Internet as a universal communication mediumAnalysis and interpretation of objectsIntroduction to SemioticsImage SemioticsInterpreting visual objectsSigns and symbols in communicationSign and symbol - definitions, relationshipsSign languageSymbols and their interpretation.Psychological spaceGeometry of psychological spaceTheory of SpaceReal and virtual spacePerception of 3D spaceThree-dimensional imaging?Panoramic image?Perception of virtual spacePerception of the architectural spaceInteraction in the architectural spaceEvaluation and interpretation of the architectural spaceAnalysis of examples of architectural spaceVysoká ?kola: UK BratislavaFakulta: Faculty of ArtsKód predmetu: Názov predmetu: Counselling/Psychotherapy SkillsDruh, rozsah a metóda vzdelávacích ?inností: Consultations, reading required and recommended texts, watching/discussing video demonstrations, written essayPo?et kreditov: Odporú?an? semester ?túdia: winter fallStupeň ?túdia: MAPodmieňujúce predmety: Bachelor Degree (Psychology, Social Science, Antropology, Pedagogy, Nursing, etc.)Podmienky na absolvovanie predmetu: Course format: active participation on consultations; reading and discussing required/recommended texts; written essayV?sledky vzdelávania: Students gain a basic overview of the dynamics of the counseling relationship and counseling process and an understanding and comprehension of effective counseling skills. The course offers the opportunity to understand and learn how to assist clients in exploring their thoughts and feelings, gaining insights about themselves and their problems and start changes in their lives.Stru?ná osnova predmetu: The course provides basic theoretical foundation of counselling/psychotherapy process and relationship between counsellor/client. It presents guidelines for thinking about the client and counselling/psychotherapy and how/when/which interventions use to be effective as a?counsellor/therapist. Course uses integrative three-stage model (exploration, insight, action) as a?core for understanding helping skills. Ethical aspects and cultural of counselling/therapy are also included.Odporú?aná literatúra:HILL, C.E. Helping Skills: Facilitating Exploration, Insight, and Action. Washington : APA, 2014. , SCHWARTZ, B., FLOWERS, J.V.. How to Fail as a Therapist: 50+ Ways to Lose Or Damage Your Patients. Impact. Publ. 2010TIMULAK, L.. Developing Your Counselling and Psychotherapy Skills and Practise. London: Sage, 2011.Jazyk, ktorého znalos? je potrebná na absolvovanie predmetu: EnglishPoznámky: -Hodnotenie predmetov ABCDEFXUvádza sa percentuálny podiel hodnoten?ch ?tudentovVyu?ujúci: PhDr. Hana Smitková, PhD.Dátum poslednej zmeny: 18.4. 2016Schválil: TitleCross-cultural psychologyCodeFiF.KPs/A-boPS-023/00TeacherG.HerényiováECTS credits5Hours weekly2Prerequisites -Semester3/WAssessmentContent1. Introduction.Why culture? Defining the field. 2. History of cultural comparisons; cross-cultural methods, anthropological methods.3. Emic/etic, culture specific vs. universal. Indigenous psychology.3. Basic approaches, famous models, theories4. Culure and values: Hofstede and Schwartz. Inglehart and Triandis.5. Culture and emotions: expression and recognition. 6. Culture and cognition, intelligence. 7. Personality and culture.8. Cultural interactions: Berry?s acculturation theory9. Metodological challenges of cross-cultural research, "emic vs. etic"10. Trends in current cross-cultural researchBibliographyJohn Berry, Ype Poortinga, Marshall Segall, Pierre Dasen (2002). Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. Van de Vijver, Fons, & Leung, Kwok (1997). Methods and data analysis for cross-cultural research. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Chapter 2McCrae, R. R., & Terracciano, A. (2005). Personality profiles of cultures: Aggregate personality traits. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89 (3), 407-425Bond, Michael H. (2002). Reclaiming the individual from Hofstede’s ecological analysis—a20-year odyssey: Comment on Oyserman et al. (2002). Psychological Bulletin, 128 (1), 73-77TitleDevelopment Psychology of Adolescence and AdulthoodCodeKPs/A-boPs-003-00Teacherdoc.PhDr.Barbora Mesáro?ová,CSc.; PhDr.?ubica Konrádová,CSc.ECTS credits6Hours weekly2Prerequisites -SemesterWinterAssessmentEvaluation – 40% durign semester, 60% in the examination periodDuring the semester – essay, presentation, testExamination period: test and oral examinationContentThe course is focused on the general knowledge of processes, methods and projects of developmental psychology, formative influences on the development of an individual person and gives opportunity to gain information in the area of the representative developmental conceptions and perspectives. Topics:- Object and system of the developmental psychology, general developmental characteristics- Biological conditionality of behavior- Teratogenic influences on the development of the individual- Genetics and the environment influences on the development of the individual- Societal and cultural influences on the development of the individual- Developmental Perspectives and overview of the representative developmental theories- Psychodynamic developmental conceptions- Piaget cognitive-structural theory of development- Theory of processing of information- Theory of Learning- Vygot?s cultural – historical developmental theory- Biological developmental theories- Humanistic theories of development- Types, projects and methods of developmental-psychological research- Ethics of research of developmental psychology BibliographyHall,C.S.-Lindzey,G.: Psychológia osobnosti. SPN ,Bratislava, 1997Langmeier, J.- Krej?í?ová,D.: V?vojová psychologie, Grada 1998 Mesáro?ová, B.: Teórie v?vinovej psychológie I.diel, Stimul, Bratislava 2017, 115s. . Miller, P.: Theorien der Entwicklungspsychologie. Berlin: Spektrum 1998.Green, M., Piel, J.A.: Theories of Humen Development. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, ISBN 0-205-29647-5.Wiers, R., van der Molen, M., Raijmakers,M.: Theories of Development. Selected Chapters from Green, Piel and from Crain. Pearson Custom Pushing, Universiteit van Amsterdam 2011. Atkinsonová,R.L.-Atkinson,R.C.-Smith,E.E.-Bem,D.J.-Nolen-Hoeksema,S.:Psychologie. Victoria Publishing. Praha, 1995. Verny,Th.- Kelly,J.: Tajomn? ?ivot die?a?a pred narodením, SPN, Bratislava 1993. Piaget,J.-Inhelder,B.: Psychológia die?a?a.. SOFA, Bratislava 1993. Vygotskij, L.S.: My?lení a rě?.SPN, Praha, 1970.Janou?ek,J.: Sociálne kognitivní teorie Alberta Bandury. ?s. psychologie, 1992, 36,5, str. 385-398.Jakab?ic, I.: Základy v?vinovej psychológie. Iris, Bratislava 2002Veselsk?, M.: Pedagogická psychológia – vybrané kapitoly. Univerzita Komenského Bratislava, 1999TitleIndividual PsychologyCodeA-boPS-104TeacherPhDr. Daniela ?echová, PhD.ECTS credits3Hours weekly2Prerequisites -SemesterWinterAssessmentEvaluation 100 % during the semester (consisting of test, review, active participation at lectures)ContentAlfred Adler – person and creator of Individual PsychologyPrepositions and theory background of Individual PsychologyTerminology of Individual PsychologyTheory of lifestyleFamily constellation, sibling relations, birth order, parents?influences and personalityMethods of Individual PsychologyTraining of skills of lifestyle interpretation: self-analysis and case studyBibliographyDREIKURSOV?-FERGUSONOV?, E. : ADLEROVSK? TE?RIA. Slovenská adlerovská spolo?nos?. Bratislava 2005. ISBN 80-969264-7-0Adler, A. : O zmysle ?ivota. IRIS, Bratislava 1998Dreikurs-Ferguson, E. : Adlerian Theory. APA British Columbia, Vancouver 1984Eckstein, D. , Baruth, L., Mahrer, D. : Life-Style Assessment. Kendall/Aunt, Dubuque 1992Marková, D., ?echová, D. : Adlerian Ethics. Applications in counselling and psychotherapy. Adlerian Society UK & Institute for Individual Psychology, London 2016University: Comenius University in BratislavaFaculty: Course ID:FiF.KPs/A-boPS-030/00Course title:Statistics in Psychology 2Educational activities:Type of activities: seminar / lecture Number of hours:per week: 2 / 2 per level/semester: 28 / 28Form of the course: on-site learningNumber of credits: 3Recommended semester: 4.Educational level: I.Prerequisites:Course requirements: Intermediate evaluation: Active participation on seminars; Completion of assignments during the course.Concluding evaluation: Exam.Weight of intermediate / concluding evaluation: 50/50Learning outcomes: This course offers a?theoretical baseline about statistics, its use and interpretation in psychological research. A part of the course is also work with statistical software SPSS. Students will get familiar with basic functions of SPSS and options for statistical analysis.Class syllabus:Population and sample; Confidence intervals; Comparison of two parison of means - two related or independent samples (t-test).Analysis of variance (ANOVA).Non-parametric tests.Linear regressionStatistical power and effect sizes.Validity and reliability of psychological test methods.Recommended literature: Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS. Third edition. London: Sage publishing. Stowell, J. R. (Ed); Addison, W. E. (Ed).?(2017). Activities for teaching statistics and research methods: A guide for psychology instructors. Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.Languages necessary to complete the course:Notes:Past grade distributionTotal number of evaluated students: 865ABCDEFX26,9427,1730,1712,722,770,23Lecturers: Mgr. Jakub Raj?áni, PhD.Last change: 11.09.2018Approved by: doc. PhDr. Igor Brezina, CSc.University: Comenius University in BratislavaFaculty: ArtsCourse ID:FiF.KPs/A-boPS-009/00Course title:Statistics in Psychology 1Educational activities:Type of activities: seminar / lecture Number of hours:per week: 2 / 2 per level/semester: 28 / 28Form of the course: on-site learningNumber of credits: 3Recommended semester: 3.Educational level: I.Prerequisites:Course requirements: Intermediate evaluation: Active participation on seminars; Completion of assignments during the course.Concluding evaluation: Exam.Weight of intermediate / concluding evaluation: 50/50Learning outcomes: This course offers a?theoretical baseline about statistics, its use and interpretation in psychological research. A part of the course is also work with statistical software SPSS. Students will get familiar with basic functions of SPSS and options for statistical analysis.Class syllabus:Research process and its parts. The role of statistics in psychological research.Types of measurement, variables, scale of measurement.Descriptive statistics: frequency distributions, measures of central tendency.Measures of relative standing: Percentiles, quartiles; Graphical representation of the data.Measures of variability: Variance, standard deviation.Distribution of data, dispersion of the distribution – skewness, kurtosis. Probability distributions.Population and sample; Sampling distributions; Standard error.Hypothesis testing: Interpretation of statistical significance, null hypothesis.Relationship between two variables: Crosstable, correlations.Interpretation of correlation coefficients. Correlation and causality.Linear regression – modelling of the relationship between two variables.Recommended literature: Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS. Third edition. London: Sage publishing. Ritomsk?, A. (2015). Metodologické a metodické otázky kvantitatívneho v?skumu. Prvé vydanie. Bratislava: Iris.Stowell, J. R. (Ed); Addison, W. E. (Ed).?(2017). Activities for teaching statistics and research methods: A guide for psychology instructors. Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.Languages necessary to complete the course:Notes:Past grade distributionTotal number of evaluated students: 865ABCDEFX26,9427,1730,1712,722,770,23Lecturers: Mgr. Jakub Raj?áni, PhD.Last change: 11.09.2018Approved by: doc. PhDr. Igor Brezina, CSc. ................

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