Poetry Project

Poetry Project Name:

Mr. Garbe – English Date:

A. Literary Analysis: 5 poems

1. From the poems covered in class and / or the Poetry Out Loud website or anthology analyze 3 poems.

2. Additionally, one song lyric and one poem of your choosing.

Say what you think the poems ‘means’ and support your ideas with evidence from the text. Each analysis needs to have the title of the poem at the top and a 1-3 paragraph analysis. Do not use personal pronouns (I, me, my) in analysis.

Sample prompts (not restricted to these):

This poem is about…..

“Quote” seem to show the reader……….

The tone of this poem is ……… This is evident when the author writes, “Quote.”

The author uses ……… to create the picture of ………… in the reader’s mind

The theme of this poem is ……….. We can infer this when the author says, “Quote.”

The author’s use of (repetition, rhyme, rhythm, stanza structure or…) creates…

5 of your original poems –use figurative language / poetic techniques


autobio poem

family poem


storyline poem

season - haiku

shape poem

Oral presentation of one poem from Poetry Out Loud

Present the poem orally – with practice and inflection. You need to let the punctuation guide you in your oral delivery-see POL rubric

The poem is to be memorized

Criteria (one document for whole written project)

Title page

Analysis typed – formal essay style

Poems typed – use formatting for effect (centering, font style (readable) etc.)

*make ONE EXTRA copy of YOUR best poem AND create a Wordle of the poem. These are for display in the class / display case in the hall

Due Dates: Rough drafts of analysis______ Final written project______

Oral presentation_____

Writer: Peer Evaluator:

| |4 Exceeds |3 Meets |2 Approaches |1 Falls far below |

|5 poems analyzed |*5 poems |*5 poems |*4 poems |*3 or less poems |

| |*supports analysis with |*supports analysis with |* analysis contains quotes|* analysis contains no |

| |quotes – feels ‘natural’ |quotes – feels ‘forced’ |– feels ‘forced’ |quotes |

| |*connects to literary |*connects to literary |*little connection to |*no connection to literary|

| |terms (tone, theme, |terms (tone, theme, |literary terms (tone, |terms (tone, theme, |

| |figurative language) |figurative language) |theme, figurative |figurative language) |

| |*includes analysis of |*includes analysis of |language) |*few include analysis of |

| |structure |structure |*few include analysis of |structure |

| |*no “I” |* no “I” |structure |*excessive “I” |

| | | |* some “I” | |

|Your 5 poems |* 5 poems |*5 poems |*4 poems |*3 or less poems |

| |* effectively use |* poems contain some |* poems contain little |* poems contain no |

| |figurative language: clear|figurative language: |figurative language: |figurative language: |

| |and effective, blends |mostly clear and |overuse of similes (like |contains mostly straight |

| |metaphors, symbolism, |effective, contains |or as to compare), other |description, poems show |

| |hyperbole and similes |metaphors, symbolism, |figurative language feels |little understanding of |

| |* typed |hyperbole with some |flat and somewhat |metaphors, similes, |

| | |similes but may be |confusing |symbolism or hyperbole |

| | |somewhat puzzling |* typed |* typed |

| | |* typed | | |

|Conventions – |Very few errors (1-2) |Some errors with |Many errors with |Numerous errors with |

|spelling, grammar and| |conventions (3-5) |conventions (6-8) |conventions (9+) |

|punctuation | | | | |

|Voice and Word Choice|* Writing demonstrates |* Writing demonstrates |* Writing demonstrates |* Writing demonstrates |

| |sophisticated |good understanding of |partial understanding of |little understanding of |

| |understanding of audience |audience and purpose |audience and purpose |audience and purpose |

| |and purpose |* Words are correct and |* Word choice is not |* Words are carelessly |

| |*Word choice is precise |sufficient to convey |always correct |chosen or used incorrectly|

| |and sophisticated. |meaning. | | |

|Oral delivery |*Excellent understanding |*Good understanding |*Good understanding |*reads poem |

| |*articulate delivery. |*articulate delivery. |*articulate delivery. |*volume is too loud or too|

| |-Voice is clear |-Voice is clear |-Voice is somewhat clear |soft |

| |-volume is appropriate |-volume is appropriate |-volume could be stronger |*feels rushed |

| |-pacing fits the poem |-pacing fits the poem |-pacing fits the poem |*needs practice |

| |*engages audience smoothly|*somewhat engages audience|*somewhat engages audience|*no eye contact |

| |with |-eye contact |-eye contact |*poor posture |

| |-eye contact |-good posture |-ok posture | |

| |-good posture | | | |

Total: A – 20-19 B 18-15 C 14-10 D 9-


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