
SOUTH CAROLINA KINFOLK CHAPTERFAMILY REUNION 2020Drawing from Our Past, Planting Seeds for the FutureNovember 19, 2019Dear Kinfolk:As we move closer to our 2020 reunion, we gain more excitement about the plans we have in place for you. This packet contains important information about our upcoming reunion, so please review carefully and be sure to email or call if you have questions. Reunion Website - We recently released our Lesane/Lesesne website and hope you will find it user-friendly in making your plans. On this website feel free to review family reunion information, reserve your hotel room and register for family reunion activities. This is the address of the website: . Feel free to copy and paste it into your web browser.Hotel Information & ReservationThe Embassy Suites by Hilton will serve as our host hotel for the reunion. The address and contact information are listed below:Embassy Suites by HiltonNorth Charleston – Airport & Convention Center5055 International BoulevardNorth Charleston, SC 29418Direct No. 1 (843) 725-1310; Reservation No. 1 (843) 747-1882, Code LLR (for Lesane/Lesesne Reunion)You may register for your hotel room(s) by any one of the following:Go to the Embassy Suites Room Reservation Page . The various room rates are found on this page. Register through the website. Use the “Accommodation” tab, which will take you to the hotel’s reservation page.Call the Embassy Suites Reservation number directly at 1 (843) 747-1882; Use Code LLR (for Lesane/Lesesne Reunion).The hotel has reserved a few handicapped-accessible rooms. Please inquire directly to the hotel if you desire this type of room.If you anticipate the need for a scooter or other mobile devices while attending the reunion, this can be arranged with: Herbert’s Mobility of Charleston, SC1930 Ashley River RoadCharleston, SC 294071 (843) 571-1515 Website: sales@.This company will deliver the scooters to the hotel on or before July 16, 2019 and pick them up at the end of the reunion. This expenditure is separate from the reunion and you must contact them directly to reserve a scooter if you desire to have one. Be sure to inform the company that you are with the Lesane/Lesesne Family Reunion held July 16-19, 2020.Be mindful of the June 16, 2020 deadline to secure your room(s) at the stated rates. After this date, rooms will be released from the reserved block of rooms.Hotel Check-in is July 16, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.; Hotel Check-out is July 19, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.Itinerary and Registration In this packet you will find the Itinerary and Registration forms for the reunion. You can also find Itinerary information and the Registration form on the lesanelesesne website, under the “Schedule” and “Registration” tabs, respectfully.Although the deadline to complete registration information is June 30, 2020, we greatly appreciate your registering as soon as possible for reunion activities. You may do so by one of the following ways:Go to “Registration” on the website, complete the form and make your payment through your Paypal account or other card options plete the hardcopy of the form that is provided in this packet, scan it and email it to Pat Butler Fitch at email address: lesaneunited@. Thereafter, make your check or money order payable to: Lesane/Lesesne SC Kinfolk and mail it to South Carolina Kinfolk Chapter, c/o Pat Butler Fitch, 313 Huntcliff Drive, Columbia, SC 29229. (Sending your registration payment by this method must absolutely be done by the June 30, 2020 deadline date.)Complete the hard copy Registration form that is provided in this packet, make your check or money order payable to: Lesane/Lesesne SC Kinfolk and mail both to South Carolina Kinfolk Chapter, c/o Pat Butler Fitch, 313 Huntcliff Drive, Columbia, SC 29229. (Mailing your registration payment by this method must absolutely be done by the June 30, 2020 deadline date.)What You Should Know About Reunion Activities: Thursday – July 16, 2020: Following hotel check-in and reunion registration on Thursday, we look forward to officially greeting and welcoming you to the cities of North Charleston and Charleston, South Carolina. During “Meet and Greet” we are eager to fellowship and catch up on old times with refreshments, music, dancing, and an introduction of Charleston’s culture which is rich in African American influence. Friday – July 17th, after a cooked-to-order breakfast, the family will venture to Wannamaker Park in North Charleston where we have planned a day of fun, to include a kickball rivalry (between the northern and southern states), volleyball, horseshoe, other games, dancing, and lunching. If you are concerned about the typical warm days in the south—do not worry, we will have access to a climate-controlled facility that is adjacent to our outside activities, allowing you to enjoy the indoor, outdoor, or both. In addition to our planned family activities, you will have access to other park amenities such as paddle boating, bike riding, walking trails, a 9-hole disc golf course, and a water sprinkler play area. You will also have access to Whirlin Waters Adventure Water Park, which is a special attraction located within Wannamaker Park. However, this adventure has its own admission price and you should feel free to visit their website at for general information and admission fees.Following a hardy lunch in the park, we will have our “Say in the Park” with informational sessions given by our very own, Freeman Farrow. Freeman has some important information to share with our adults and essential information for our youth as we focus on our theme of “Drawing from Our Past; Planting Seeds for the Future.”Thereafter, we will return to the hotel and experience an afternoon break before taking in an evening of family showcase and talent. A Showcase/Talent form is included in this packet with instructions to complete and submit it to Mary Jackson at the address printed on the form. You can also find this form on the website. We look forward to great participation and a fun-filled family evening.Saturday, July 18th – At the conclusion of breakfast, family will board buses for a historical tour of Charleston, South Carolina. Although plans have not been completely finalized, we intend for this tour to include the downtown area of Charleston, the famous slave market, a plantation experience, the reputable Angel Tree, and other points of interest. Several of you have requested a beach experience so we have plans for the tour to conclude with a trip to the beach for a few hours of sun and relaxation. So, remember to include your beach gear in your travel plans. Our family banquet (the grand finale of the reunion) will be held on Saturday evening in the banquet room of the hotel. In keeping with our theme, we ask family members to wear their African attire for the family’s banquet.Sunday – July 19th, we will conclude our reunion in a jubilant fashion with an hour of worship that includes a farewell message from a guest speaker of the family –to be named at a later date.Feel free to share this information with other family members who are not on this email list. I am available to answer any questions you may have regarding our upcoming reunion.Yours truly,Patricia (Pat) Butler FitchCoordinator(803) 463-0272 (cell)Enclosures: Reunion Itinerary Registration Form Talent/Showcase Form Souvenir Ad Sheet ................

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