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Social Studies 7 The Battle of Bunker Hill

A Costly

Victory At

Bunker Hill

“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!”

This famous order was given by the American Commander at the bloody battle of Bunker Hill. It was the first major battle of the American Revolutionary War.

How did it come about? Boston was in the hands of the British Army. But across the river, on the Charlestown Peninsula, were two hills. They were called Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill. If the Americans could put guns on those hills, they could fire down on Boston and the British war ships in the harbor. This might force the British to leave the city. The British decided that they needed to take control of the two hills.

The Americans heard of the British plan. They sent about 1,000 soldiers to build a dirt and wood fort on Bunker Hill. They built it in a great hurry on the night of June 16th, 1775. And for some reason that has never been explained, they built it on Breed’s Hill instead of Bunker Hill.

Early the next morning, British war ships opened fire on the Americans. They did little damage, but the noise and smoke was frightening. Colonel William Prescott, the American commander, drove his men hard to finish the fort.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, barges began carrying British soldiers across the river. Their tall helmets and bayonets gleamed in the sun. They were among the finest dressed soldiers in all of Europe.

British General William Howe had a simple plan. One group of soldiers would attack the hill from the front. Another group would circle around to the right, and attack from the rear.

The main British line marched up the hill. Nothing happened at first. Colonel Prescott had given his famous “whites of their eyes” order. The British came up higher and higher. Suddenly a voice at the top shouted, “Fire!” A blaze of flame and smoke ripped the British line. The redcoats tried to fire back, but were cut down again and again. Finally, they could stand it no longer. They tuned back and ran to safety.

The Americans thought victory was theirs. But 15 minutes later, General Howe ordered another attack on the hill. This time the redcoats had to climb over the bodies of their comrades. Again the redcoats were met by deadly fire. For the second time they fell back in disorder.

Still the British did not give up. Once more they formed their lines for an attack on the hill. By now the Americans were short on gunpowder and bullets. Even so they sent heavy fire into the British. This time the British did not turn and run. Though many were killed, they shouted, “Push on! Push on!” One of the British soldiers who fell was Major John Pitcairn. He fought at Lexington and Concord. He was killed by a bullet fired by Peter Salem, a free African American.

Soon the redcoats climbed over the walls of the fort. Inside, British and Americans fought hand-to-hand. Finally Colonel Prescott ordered the Americans to retreat.

The British captured Breed’s Hill – but nearly half their men were dead or wounded. It was a costly victory. One British General said, “Another such victory would have ruined us.” Both sides now knew they had a hard and bloody struggle on their hands.

1. What was the first big battle of the Revolutionary War? When and where did it take place?

2. Who controlled the city of Boston?

3. Why did the British not want the colonial army to control the hills around Boston?

4. Who was the commander of the British? Who was in command of the Americans?

5. Describe the British plan to take the hills around Boston?

6. Why do you think Colonel Prescott ordered his men to not shoot “until you see the whites of their eyes”?

7. How many times did the British charge up the hill?

8. What was meant when a British General said, “Another such victory would have ruined us”?

9. What did both sides realize at the conclusion of the battle?




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