
Black History Quiz Study GuideHarriet Tubman escaped slavery. She made numerous trips back to the South in order to help other slaves escape to freedom in the North. In all, she led more than 300 slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was an informal transportation system that helped slaves escape to the North during the mid-1800s.An abolitionist is any person who took a stand against slavery during the 1800s. This Abraham Lincoln, America’s 16th President is remembered for leading the nation through a Civil War and abolishing slaveryBooker T. Washington was a dominant black leader in his day. He was a close advisor to many U.S. Presidents.George Washington Carver, Madam C. J. Walker, Garret Morgan, Lewis Latimer and Dr. Charles Drew are only a few of the many important inventor and scientists of the late 1800s – mid 1900s.Jackie Robinson became the first black player to play Major League Baseball on a regular basis, in 1947.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the prominent Civil Rights leader who made his initial mark by leading a successful effort to desegregate busses in Montgomery, Alabama. Dr. King practiced non-violence and is the only African American honored by a national holiday. Rosa Parks made history when she refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. Ruby Bridges was a young girl who became famous when her father sued the Topeka, Kansas Board of Education in 1951, in an attempt to allow her to attend a Whites only school.Brown v. Board of Education is the name of the Supreme Court case that ruled separate educational facilities are unequal.The Equal Rights Amendment went into effect in the mid-1960s, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson.Oprah Winfrey became the first African-American woman to host a TV program for 25 years and now owns her own network and is remembered for her dedication to education.Barack Obama became the first African-American President of the United States of America. ................

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