Dean Acheson - U.S. Secretary of State (1949-53)

Douglas Adams - popular comedic science fiction author of Hitchhiker's Guide to the

Galaxyseries (devout Anglican until age 18, then agnostic, then atheist)

James Agee - influential film critic

Spiro Agnew - U.S. Vice-President under Nixon

Edward Albee - playwright

Eric Ambler - influential British spy novel author

Chester A. Arthur - 21st U.S. President

Gerald Ford - 38th U.S. President

Fred Astaire - popular movie star and dancer

Charles Babbage - influential mathematician whose theories were instrumental in development

of computers

Francis Bacon - influential scientific philosopher

Tallulah Bankhead - movie star (identified herself as a "high Episcopalian agnostic")

James Blish - acclaimed science fiction writer; author of A Case of Conscience; etc.

Humphrey Bogart - movie star (lapsed)

Bono - lead singer for Irish rock band U2; humanitarian

Robert Boyle - father of modern chemistry

Marion Zimmer Bradley - fantasy writer; The Mists of Avalon; etc.

William Henry Bragg - Nobel Prize-winning physicist known for his work on X-ray diffraction

Margaret Wise Brown - influential children's book author: Goodnight Moon; The Runaway

Bunny; etc. (non-churchgoer; Presbyterian father; Episcopalian mother)

George H. W. Bush - 41st U.S. President

Charlie Chaplin - great silent film star, comedian, director; "The Little Tramp" (lapsed, agnostic)

George M. Dallas - Vice-President under Pres. Polk

Charles Darwin - father of evolutionary biology

Bette Davis - movie star (mostly lapsed Episcopalian/Baptist family background)

Richard Dawkins - influential evolutionary biologist (lapsed)

Cecil B. DeMille - movie director, The Ten Commandments, etc.

Philip K. Dick - acclaimed science fiction writer; movie adaptations of his work include Blade

Runner; Total Recall; Minority Report; Paycheck; Impostor

Marie Dressler - Academy Award-winning actress

T.S. Eliot - poet

Benjamin Franklin - a leading American Founding Father (raised Episcopalian; Deist)

Hannibal Goodwin - perfected application of photographic emulsion to a roll of film, a key

development in film technology that allowed motion pictures to be made

Judy Garland - movie star

Lillian Gish - movie star

Cary Grant - movie star (lapsed)

William Henry Harrison - 9th U.S. President

Olivia de Havilland - Best Actress Academy Awards for To Each His Own (1946) and The

Heiress (1949)

Thomas A. Hendricks - U.S. Vice-President under Cleveland

Robert Hooke - English scientist; formulated the law of elasticity; proposed a wave theory of


Thomas Jefferson - 3rd U.S. President (raised Episcopalian; Deist)

Edward Jenner - medical scientist who made vaccination for smallpox

William Thomson, Lord Kelvin - important thermodynamics physicist

C.S. Lewis - author, novelist, theologian, philosopher; Mere Christianity; The Chronicles of

Narnia; etc. (born into Church of Ireland)

John Locke - philosopher

James Madison - 4th U.S. President

Guglielmo Marconi - inventor of the radio

James E. McGreevey - first openly GLBT U.S. governor (New Jersey); resigned after gay

adultery/nepotism/security scandal

Victor McLaglen - Best Actor Academy Award forThe Informer, 1935 (Anglican)

Harriet Miers - White House general counsel; nominated by Pres. Bush to be on U.S. Supreme

Court (never confirmed)

James Monroe - 5th U.S. President

Van Morrison - singer (Church of Ireland)

Nevill Mott - Nobel Prize-winning physicist; explained the effect of light on a photographic


Georgia O'Keeffe - famous American painter (nominal)

Laurence Olivier - movie star (agnostic, but a dedicated Anglican)

John Ostrander - comic book writer

Franklin Pierce - 14th U.S. President

Sidney Poitier - movie star (Anglican while young)

Norman Rockwell - famous American painter (lapsed Episcopalian)

Franklin Delano Roosevelt - 32nd U.S. President

Theodore Roosevelt - 26th U.S. President (Dutch Reformed, but attended Episcopalian


Dante Gabriel Rossetti - famous painter

George Bernard Shaw - influential Irish playwright; received Nobel Price in Literature; founder

of the Fabian Society (raised in Church of Ireland; later atheist, then mystic)

Cordwainer Smith - science fiction writer

David Souter - U.S. Supreme Court justice since 1990

John Steinbeck - prominent American novelist (The Grapes of Wrath; etc.)

Laurence Sterne - influential author in 1700s; wrote Tristram Shandy (clergyman in Church of


Zachary Taylor - 12th U.S. President

Alfred Lord Tennyson - influential writer

Joseph J. Thomson - Nobel Laureate in Physics, discoverer of the electron, founder of the field

of atomic physics

John Tyler - 10 U.S. President

Matthew Tindal - philosopher of deism

Henry A. Wallace - U.S. Vice-President under F.D. Roosevelt

George Washington - 1st U.S. President

Oscar Wilde - influential Irish playwright, novelist, poet, story writer (raised in Church of

Ireland; deathbed conversion to Catholicism)

Tennessee Williams - playwright

William Butler Yeats - W.B. Yeats was an influential Irish poet; received Novel Prize for

Literature (Church of Ireland)

Some additional U.S. Senators who were Episcopalians:

Ted Stevens - Alaska

Barry Goldwater - Arizona

John McCain - Arizona (1987-)

Blanche Lincoln - Arkansas

Prescott Bush - Connecticut (1952-63)

Bill Nelson - Florida

Saxby Chambliss - Georgia

Evan Bayh - Indiana

William Dodd Hathaway - Maine (1973-79)

Millard E. Tydings - Maryland (1927-51)

Charles Mathias - Maryland (1969-87)

Stuart Symington - Missouri (1953-76)

Chuck Hagel - Nebraska

Jim Exon - Nebraska (1979-97)

James W. Wadsworth, Jr. - New York (1915-27)

Robert A. Taft - Ohio 1939-53

Robert Latham Owen - Oklahoma (1907-25)

Lincoln Chafee - Rhode Island

Claiborne Pell - Rhode Island (1961-97)

John H. Chafee - Rhode Island (1976-99)

Kay Bailey Hutchison - Texas

Phil Gramm - Texas (1985-2002)

John Warner - Virginia

Harry F. Byrd - Virginia (1933-65)

Harry F. Byrd, Jr. - Virginia (1965-83)

Chuck Robb - Virginia (1989-2001)

Brock Adams - Washington (1987-93)

Alan Simpson - Wyoming (1979-97)

Pete Williams - New Jersey/ABSCAM scandal

Some additional U.S. Representatives who were Episcopalians:

Bill Alexander - Arkansas (1969-93)

Bill McCollum - Florida (1981-2001)

Jack W. Buechner - Missouri (1987-91)

Jo Bonner - Alabama 1st

Don Young - Alaska (1973-)

John Shadegg - Arizona 3rd

Sam Farr - California 17th

Rob Simmons - Connecticut 2nd

Adam Putnam - Florida 12th

Dan Miller - Florida 13th (1993-2003)

Ander Crenshaw - Florida 4th

John Mica - Florida 7th

Jack Kingston - Georgia 1st

David McIntosh - Indiana 2nd (1995-2001)

Jim Leach - Iowa 2nd

Bob Livingston - Louisiana 1st (1977-99)

Charles Boustany - Louisiana 7th (2005-)

James Symington - Missouri 2nd (1969-77)

Rodney Frelinghuysen - New Jersey 11th

Robert E. Andrews - New Jersey 1st

Randy Kuhl - New York 29th (2005-)

Cass Ballenger - North Carolina 10th

Ralph Regula - Ohio 16th

Chris Bell - Texas 25th

Jeb Hensarling - Texas 5th

James McDermott - Washington 7th

Jim Sensenbrenner - Wisconsin 5th (1979-)

Judy Biggert - Illinois 13th

Brian Kerns - Indiana 7th (2001-2002)

Some additional U.S. Governors who were Episcopalians:

Hiram Johnson (1866-1945) - Governor and Senator from California

Fife Symington - Arizona (1991-97)

George Deukmejian - California (1983-91)

Charles L. Terry, Jr. - Delaware (1965-69)

Pete du Pont - Delaware (1977-85)

Bill Weld - Massachusetts (1991-97)

Kenny Guinn - Nevada

Mark Sanford - South Carolina

Carroll Campbell - South Carolina (1987-95)

Thomas A. Riggs - Territorial Alaska (1918-21)

Bob Wise - West Virginia

Dave Freudenthal - Wyoming

Stanley K. Hathaway - Wyoming (1967-75)

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justices who were Episcopalians:

John Jay

John Marshall

Salmon P. Chase

Melville W. Fuller

Morrison R. Waite

Harlan F. Stone

Additional U.S. Supreme Court Justices who were Episcopalians:

Alfred Moore

Benjamin R. Curtis

Bushrod Washington

Byron R. White

David H. Souter

Edward T. Sanford

George Sutherland

Horace H. Lurton

James F. Byrnes

James Iredell

James Wilson

John A. Campbell

John Rutledge

Owen J. Roberts

Peter V. Daniel

Philip P. Barbour

Potter Stewart

Robert H. Jackson

Rufus W. Peckham

Samuel Chase

Sandra Day O'Connor

Stephen J. Field

Thomas Johnson

Thurgood Marshall

Ward Hunt

William H. Moody

Willis Van Devanter

Gallery of Famous Anglicans

Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556). Archbishop of Canterbury and one of the three Anglican Bishops

martyred in Oxford in the sixteenth century under Queen Mary Tudor. Cranmer is best known

for being the primary architect of the Book of Common Prayer as well as the author of the

Thirty-nine Articles of Religion (orginally Forty-two Articles). He was largely responsible for the

abolition of the distinctly Roman Catholic ceremonies, the destruction of images and relics, and

the purging of medieval Roman superstitious heresies in the Church of England. He was burnt at


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