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Viewing Guide: “The Story of Us: Cities”

Directions: Watch “The Story of Us: Cities” and answer the following questions. You do not have to use complete sentences, but you need enough detail to show understanding. The link to this video if you were absent is found on

1. Why was American given the Statue of Liberty?

2. List some challenges that were faced building of the Statue of Liberty:

3. What purpose did Ellis Island serve during the late 1800’s?

4. Andrew Carnegie became wealthy and famous in what industry in the city of Pittsburgh? ____________________ Why was the Bessemer Process of steel making so revolutionary?

5. The narrator says New York during the “Gilded Age” was a place of “obscene opulence”. List 2 examples of the extreme wealth of this era:

6. What job did “roughnecks” perform? __________________________ How many people died performing this job? ______________

7. What steel innovation was built by Elisha Otis, that made the “vertical skyline” of New York possible? __________________________

8. In your own words, after watching the visuals, define “skyscraper”:

9. Where was immigrant Jacob Riis from? ___________________________. What “new technology” does he use to take his photographs? ________________________________

10. What did he attempt to do through his photographs of tenements?

11. What was the name of his famous book? _______________________________________

12. Describe a typical tenement based on his photos they show. Use descriptive adjectives!

13. Describe some of the “filth” described in cities (before the sewage system and waste management were developed):

14. What was the job of the “white ducks”? _____________________________________

15. As a result of the filament, what was invented? __________________________ Who invented this? _____________________________________

16. List some results this invention has on society:

17. Explain what happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. In your description, be sure to include reasons why do many died:

18. HOMEWORK EXTENTION: Use the googles and list 3 more inventions or innovations not mentioned in the video that were created in the years 1865-1900:



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