Chapter 14-European Renaissance and Reformation-Guided …

Chapter 9-The Progressive Era-Guided Notes

Section 1-The Origins of Progressivism

Four Goals of Progressivism (pg. 306-308)

• Describe the progressive movement using the vocabulary match up activity we conducted in class:

• What were the four main goals of the progressive movement:

• What was the purpose of The Social Gospel and the settlement house movements of the late 1800’s?

• Please list the accomplishments of the following groups during the progressive movement:

o Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA):

o The Salvation Army:

• What was the purpose of the Illinois Factory Act of 1893?

o Which influential woman is best associated with the passage of this act?

• Describe prohibition using the vocabulary match up activity we conducted in class:

• What were some of the tactics used by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) in their crusade against prohibition?


• Describe muckrakers using the vocabulary match up activity we conducted in class:

• What theory did Frederick Winslow Taylor use to increase mechanical output? (Please explain)


• Describe the new policy instituted by Henry Ford that changed traditional work day:

(Include work hours and pay rates)

Cleaning Up Local Government (pg.309-310)

• Please list and describe the two major natural disasters (including their effects) that led to the start of the Progressive movement?

o The Galveston Texas Hurricane/Tidal wave of 1900:

▪ What type of government did they adopt:

o The Dayton Ohio Flood of 1913:

▪ By 1925, __________ cities were being administered my managers

• What is the difference between a Mayor and a City manager?

• Please answer the following questions:

o Who are two reform mayors?

o What cities did they reform?

o How did they change their cities?

Reform at the State Level (pg. 310-312)

• Who is the most famous reform Governor?

• What state is he from?

• What major industry did he reform?

Reform at the State Level (pg. 310-312) continued…

• In what ways were Children protected in the workplace by the Progressives?

• In what ways were women protected in the workplace?

• What happened to the amount of hours a person was expected to work?

• Describe the three new ways that were created to make sure the “people” had a voice in elections:

o Initiative-

o Referendum-

o Recall-

• What is a primary?

• What was the purpose of the 17th Amendment and how did it give the people more of a voice?


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