1. On April 12, 1861, General Pierre Gustave Toutant de Beauregard ordered Confederate troops to fire on what fort in Charleston Harbor, thereby beginning the Civil War?

Fort Sumter

Bonus: Identify the following forts for 5 points each and 5 more for all correct.

This NY fort was built by the French in 1726, captured by the British during the war of 1812, and ceded to the U.S. Fort Niagara

This structure was built by George Washington in southwestern Pennsylvania in July 1754 and was badly needed as its name implies. Fort Necessity

This fort, located in Blatimore, withstood heavy bombardment inspring Francis Scott Key’s poem. Fort McHenry

This Kentucky fort has been the site of the U.S. Gold Depository since 1936 and the site of the Godman Air Force Base. Fort Knox

This Pittsburgh fort was the target of General Braddock’s troops during the French and Indian War. Fort Duquesne

2. This early Greek dramatist has been hailed the “father of tragedy.” Only seven of his 80 plays have survived. For ten points name this author of such works as “The Persians,” “Seven Against Thebes,” “Prometheus Bound,” and “The Oresteia.”


Bonus: Given an author give their work which has a number in the title for 5 points each.

Three Lives Gertrude Stein

The Three Sisters Anton Chekhov

House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne

Slaughterhouse Five Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Two Years Before the Mast Richard Henry Dana

The Moon and Sixpence W. Somerset Maugham

3. In 1943, he published his most famous philosophical work, written while he was in a German prison camp. During World War II, he organized several French resistance actions, as well as writing “The Flies,” a vehemently anti-Nazi adaptation of the Orestes myth. Later, he “converted” to Communism, which led him to write “A Critique of Dialectical Reason,” and he declined the Nobel Prize for Literature because he did not wish to become part of any establishement. For ten points name this author of Being and Nothingness and Nausea.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Bonus: Identify the French authors of the following works for 5 points each.

Gigi Sidonie Colette

Germinal Emile Zola

Tartuffe Molière (accept Jean-Baptiste Poquelin)

The Stranger Albert Camus

Candide Voltaire (accept Charles Marie Arouet)

Gargantua Françios Rabelais

4. In this play, Jaques remarks that “All the world’s a stage/ And all the men and women merely players.” Jaques spends most of the play sitting around the forest of Arden. For tne points, name this play which includes characters such as Rosalind and Touchstone.

As You Like It

Bonus: 30-20-10 Name this other Shakespeare play given the characters

30 Alonzo

20 Miranda

10 Prospero The Tempest

5. Her brothers killed each other in combat of the kingship of Thebes. She was condemned to death for burying one of her brothers against her father’s orders. For ten points identify this daughter of Oedipus whose name title the final play in the Oedipus cycle.


Bonus: Identify the playwrights from the works on a 10-5 basis

10 “The Dance of Death

5 “Master Olaf” August Strindberg

10 “The Trojan Women”

5 “Medea” Euripides

10 “The Hostage”

5 “The Quare Fellow” Brendan Behan

6. Senators Cramer, Parrish, Hines, Smith, Winthrop, DeWilton, Wannamaker, Fry, Richardson, Strickland, Danta, Knox, and Munson make up the Foreign Relations committee of a Senate that ultimately rejects the nomination of Robert Leffingwell for Secretary of State, after Senator Anderson is driven to commit suicide by a less than scrupulous President. For ten points identify this Allen Drury novel, titled with the phrase for the Constitutional right of the Senate to confirm or reject Presidential nomination.

Advise and Consent

Bonus: For 10 points each, identify the fraction of the Senate required for the following.

Remove an impeached President 2/3

Pass a cloture resolution 3/5

Ratify a treaty 2/3

7. What is the cosine of an angle in the second quadrant that has a tangent of the negative square root of three divided by two ?


Bonus: Given an equasion, name the graph it describes for 10 points each.

three x squared plus four y squared equals 5 ellipse

five x squared plus five y squared equals 2 circle

four x squared minus two y squared equals 5 hyperbola

8. Two answers required. The world’s sixth largest cathedral, the second largest in the country, is commonly known as the National Cathedral. However, its official name is the Cathedral Church of what two saints, a pair known for sharing their two names with two-thirds of a folk trio?

Peter and Paul

Bonus: Identify the following folk artists or groups, ten points each.

This trio was one of the heralds of the 1950s and ‘60s folk revival. They’re known for hits like “Tom Dooley” and “Where Have All the Flowers Gone.”

The Kingston Trio

This Oklahoma-born singer-songwriter recently returned from a hiatus issuing Wearing the Time. He is most well know for writing “Bottle of Wine.” Tom Paxton

This singer first made his name with The Weavers, but has had a successful solo career, with songs like “The Garbage Song” and “Little Boxes.” Pete Seeger

9. This goddess with three faces ruled dreams and ghosts, who was also the mistress of the furies. For ten points name this goddess who resided in the Underworld where Cerberus was her familiar.


Bonus: For ten points each name the three fates

Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos

10. “You’ll be swell/ You’ll be great/ Gonna have the whole world on a plate.” So begins “Everything’s Coming Up Roses,” a song from this musical. For ten points name this musical that originally starred Ethel Merman as Rose.


Bonus: 30-20-10 Name the musical from the songs

30: “With A Little Bit of Luck”

20: “Get Me to the Church on Time”

10: “I Could Have Danced All Night” “My Fair Lady”

12. “In the beginning was the word/ And the word became flesh.” This is the beginning of this man’s Gospel, generally thought to be the last of the Gospels. For ten points name this man, who appears at the Crucifixion in the Gospel he wrote, but not in the other three Gospels.


Bonus: Here’s a bonus on beginnings, identify the following works based on the opening lines for 10 points, if you need the author, you can still earn five points

10 “I am a sick man, I am a spiteful man, I am an unattractive man.”

5 Fyodor Dostoyevsky Notes from the Underground

10 “Robert Cohen was once the middleweight boxing champion of Princeton.”

5 Ernest Hemingway The Sun Also Rises

10 “Stately, plump, Buck Mulligan, lather bowl in hand.”

5 James Joyce Ulysses


1. He established the algebra of sets and symbolic logic in his book The Laws of Thought. For ten points name this man known because his algebra allows for only two possible value, true or false.

George Boole

2. Born Josip Broz, he led resistance to German invaders in Yugoslavia in World War II. He then established himself as a Communist dictator, but within three years made his country non-aligned. For ten points name this longtime Yugolav Premier.

Marshal Tito

3. On July 4, 1854, this reformer burned a copy of the U.S. Constitution proclaiming: “So perish all compromises with tyrrany.” He supported temperance and women’s suffrage and had established the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833. For ten points name this founder of The Liberator

William Lloyd Garrison

4. Originally a bit skeptical, he attempted to merge the teachings of Aristotle with those of Christ. He did so to his satisfaction, and even was able to create a 12-step proof for the existence of God. For ten points name this author of the Summa Theologica

St. Thomas Aquinas


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