“This We Believe” Assignment

Introduction: We all have certain quotations or maxims that we live by. These words of wisdom could be passed on through family members, said by famous figures from history or pop culture, or even constructed using our own brains.

For example, maybe one of your core values is individualism and being able to express yourself freely. You might pick Judy Garland’s famous quotation: “Be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” Or maybe you’re the creative type who happens to appreciate physicists of the past. You might choose Carl Sagan’s quotation on how imagination affects human progress: “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.”

We will collect everyone’s quotations and place them on our “This We Believe” wall in room 207.

Task: Think about your core values (i.e. values and concepts that you hold near to your heart and aren’t willing to compromise). Choose a quotation that represents one of your core values as a human being. Then, construct an artistic, colorful representation of that quotation on ½ sheet of white computer paper.

To the right, you will find an example (size not to scale). You should NOT imitate Ms. Stormont’s model below – be creative! Include designs, drawings, etc.


⇨ Use ½ sheet white computer paper.

⇨ On the paper, include: 1) the quotation, 2) who said it (if anyone identifiable), 3) your name.

⇨ Make the quotation in bigger letters than the other two items.

⇨ Quotations should be in English. If your quotation comes from another language, make sure the saying translates accurately.

⇨ Include color, designs, etc. (i.e. make it nice to look at and be creative!)

⇨ Be prepared to explain what your “This We Believe” quotation means in class (discussion and writing).


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