
This week  is French week at St. Matthew’s


Friendship - Discovery - Prayer 


On Tuesday 14th July 2020, it will be the French national holiday of Bastille Day. To mark this important day in the French calendar, we are dedicating a whole week of French activities.

I have included many different ideas and suggestions below you can do at home. Feel free to use any of these or come up with ideas of your own.

Please return pictures or/and videos to your class teacher by Friday 10th July.

Have fun and I can’t wait to see some of your creations!

Miss Radi



• Research key people in French history (and other famous French people). Can you create a biography about one of them? 

• Write a recipe for a French meal. 

• Write a letter (or an email) to a French pen friend.

• Create a shield, logo or poster that displays the French motto ‘Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite' (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity). 

• Plot the route of the latest Tour de France. Can you plan your own cycling competition?

• Create a tour guide for people who are planning to visit France. 

• Practise counting to 10 / 100 (or more).

• Find out about the currency used in France. How is it different to the currency used where you live? 

• Plan a menu for a French meal. Could you cook / eat some of the items on your menu? 

• Research the animals that can be found in France.

• Make a PowerPoint presentation about France.

• Use a blank outline map of France to plot the locations of French cities, towns and places of interest.

• Make a list of similarities and differences between your school and a French school. Find out about transport links in France.

• Use plastic straws to create a model of the Eiffel Tower.

• Can you create a model of another famous French landmark?

• Colour the French flag.

• Draw a picture of an artist's palette and label different colours using their French names. Plan a trip to France. How will you get there? How long is the journey?

• Create a collage that features images of animals and their names in French.

• Learn about famous French artists. Can you try to create some of your own artwork in a similar style?

• Create a piece of art that is worthy of being displayed in the Louvre.

• Find out about the Lascaeux caves. Can you create your own versions of the cave paintings found there?

• Can you learn the lyrics to a French song?

• Imagine that you could interview a French person. Make a list of questions that you would like to ask them.

• Find some facts about France and use them to make a fact file.

• Compare the population / area of France with other countries.

• Find out the countries that share a border with France. Investigate the festivals and celebrations that take place in France.

• Rehearse a simple French conversation. Can you perform/ record this?

• Make a French dictionary to teach others some French words.

• Create a timeline showing some of the key events in French history.


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