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Name: _________________________________________________

"Blast from the Past" Historical Figure Research Project 2016

Students will choose a historical figure from one of the units covered this year to research. Research will be conducted using online and print sources. Our research project will culminate in a Museum day. Students will dress up as their historical figure and pretend to be that person, giving a 1 to 3 minute oral report on that person's life.

PROJECT DUE DATES Due Date Monday, June 6th Historical Figure Selection Sheet due Friday, June 10th Research Organizer and Planning Sheet due Tuesday, June 14th Written Report Rough Draft due Thursday, June 16th Final Written Report due Friday, June 17th Museum Presentation Day

Please read the following packet carefully as it contains important information about the requirements of the project as well as a breakdown of the components.


The research project has a variety of components. Use this sheet as a checklist as you prepare to submit work for each due date. Information for each component is as follows: Due Date #1: "Historical Figure Selection Sheet" due Monday, June 6th

Choose a historical figure to read about and gather background information. You must have your parents sign this sheet so they are aware of your choice. Once you submit this sheet you cannot change your historical figure.

Due Date #2: "Research Organizer and Planning Sheet" due Friday, June 10th

Complete this organizer with details about your historical figure. As you research, take notes about important facts of their life. Try to learn as much about your figure as you can! You MAY take notes as bullets and not write in complete sentences, but it may help when you write your rough and final drafts.

Due Date #3: "Written Report Rough Draft" due Tuesday, June 14th You will write a report (at least five paragraphs) sharing information about your notable person. You should use information from your planning sheet to write your report. It may be NEATLY handwritten or typed (recommended). Stick to the essay structure you learned in Writing! Your rough draft report should include your bibliography (the list of websites and/or books used to father information. You can continue to add to this list before your submit your final draft.) We will have a teacher and peer review session in class to help you make revisions so it is VERY important that you bring your draft to class on this day!

Due Date #4: "Written Report Final Draft" due Thursday, June 16th Report Requirements: - Students should type (recommended) or write their final reports in their best handwriting. Typed reports should be in 12 point Times New Roman font and double-spaced. - Include a bibliography page (can just list websites and/or book titles). -You must include EITHER the timeline page or drawing page with your report


Museum/Presentation Day On the "Blast from the Past" Museum Day, you will dress up like your historical figure and present a 1 to 3 minute speech as if you were that person telling about your life and why you were famous. Think about the important details you would want someone to know ? use the information from your essay! You may bring props to help your audience recognize your person. Each student will deliver their presentation multiple times as people will tour in small groups like visitors in a museum. Note cards can be used to help when needed, but students should try to state the facts as best they can from memory. The Museum Day will be on Friday, June 17th during your Social Studies class. If you need to bring any props or costume items in early, you may bring them to class on Wednesday or Thursday in a bag clearly labeled with your name ? you should be able to change into/put on the costume easily (no makeup!) You must choose one of the two components to include with your final draft: Timeline If you choose to make a timeline, use the sheet provided in the packet. Creating a timeline can be really helpful to organize important information when writing about a person's life, both for your report and your speech. The timeline should have anywhere between 5-10 important events that happened in the person's life. Make sure to include your person's date of birth and date of death (if applicable) on the timeline. If this option is chosen, it must be detailed, complete, and submitted with your final report on Thursday, June 16th. Drawing If you choose to make a drawing, you may use the sheet provided or a plain sheet of paper. We can provide drawing paper or small poster paper, if needed. Your drawing should show your historical figure and/or a depiction of a scene or important event with your figure and should include a 5-6 sentence description of what the drawing is showing and how it is important to your historical figure. If this option is completed, it must be neat, colorful, and submitted with your final report on Thursday, June 16th.

*Your teacher must approve your historical figure. The person you are studying must come from one of the units/time periods we have learned about this year during Social Studies. Once you submit the "Historical Figure Selection Sheet" on Monday, June 6th you CANNOT change the person you are researching.


5th Grade Social Studies Units List

(You may choose from this list or come up with your own person to research):

Unit 1: The Age of Exploration 1400-1500s Christopher Columbus Hernando DeSoto Francisco Coronado Amerigo Vespucci Henry Hudson John Cabot Marco Polo Ferdinand Magellan Juan Ponce de Leon

Unit 2: The Era of Settlement and Colonization 1500-1700s

John Smith John White Sir Walter Raleigh John Rolfe Pocahontas John Winthrop

Unit 4: A Nation is Born ? Early American Government and Constitution: 1783-1800

Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin John Hancock Daniel Shays William Patterson James Madison Dolley Madison Richard Henry Lee Patrick Henry Roger Sherman

Unit 5: Westward Expansion: 1800-1815 Meriwether Lewis William Clark Daniel Boone Zebulon Pike Sacagawea James Polk

Unit 3: The Revolutionary War: 1763-1783 George Washington Samuel Adams Betsy Ross Thomas Paine John Quincy Adams Abigail Adams Paul Revere James Monroe Aaron Burr Deborah Sampson Esther de Berdt Martha Washington Molly Pitcher (Mary Ludwig McCauley) Ethan Allen Benedict Arnold Charles Cornwallis


Name: ________________________________________________________

"Blast from the Past" Historical Figure Research Project

Historical Figure Selection Sheet

Due: Monday, June 6th

The person I will research as my Historical Figure is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This person was notable during the _____________________________________________________ unit in Social Studies. (Choose from the list of Social Studies units provided on page 4 of the packet.)

This person is famous because (write in complete, full sentences ? list 2-3 reasons): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I chose to research this person because (write in complete, full sentences ? at least 5 sentences): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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