Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ______Chapter 8 Study Guide—The Rise of Rome Section 8-1Vocabulary Word BankEtruscans (p. 264)Sicily (p. 263)Aeneid (p. 264)Roman Confederation (p. 266)republic (p. 265)Apennines (p. 263)legion (p. 266)Aeneas (p. 264)DefinitionsPrediction Answer1. an island that is part of Italy2. a rich people that greatly influenced the growth of Rome, and the shaping of Roman civilization3. the legend of a Trojan hero said to have begun Rome4. the mountain range that runs the length of Italy5. system of rule where Romans gave full citizenship to some conquered peoples6. the Trojan hero of the epic Aeneid7. a group of 6,000 soldiers8. a form of government in which its citizens vote for its leader9. What geographic land feature is Italy? What is Italy shaped like? (p. 263) 10. What geographical advantage does the Italian landscape have over the Greek landscape? (p. 263)11. According to traditional legend, who founded the city of Rome? (p. 264)12. What work were the Etruscans skilled in? (p. 265)13. Who did the Romans overthrow in order to set up a form of government where people were treated fairly? (p. 265)14. Roman soldiers were tough and good fighters in addition to being practical ________ _______. (p. 266)15. By what year did the Romans take over most of Italy? (p. 266)I-CAN: Explain why and how Rome became a republic.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 8-2Vocabulary Word Bankdictator (p. 271)consul (p. 270)patricians (p. 269)plebians (p. 269)praetors (p. 270)Scipio (p. 276)veto (p. 270)DefinitionsPrediction Answer16. the Latin word for “I forbid”17. a ruler that ruled on a temporary basis during an emergency, but ruled with complete control over the state18.Ruling class and wealthy landowners in Rome19. Roman general who helped win the Second Punic War20. interpreted law and acted as judges21. Top government officials22. artisans, shopkeepers, and owners of small farms23. Who could hold political office in early Rome? (p. 269)24. What did many plebians do in 494 B.C. in order to protest for equal rights? (p. 270)25. What important political reform occurred in 287 B.C.?26. Who was the best-known early Roman dictator of the Republic? (p. 271)27. How long did Cincinnatus serve as dictator? (p. 271)28. What was Rome’s first written code of law that was adopted around 451 B.C.? (p. 273)I-CAN: Describe how Rome gained control of the Mediterranean region.A. In the Punic Wars, who did Rome fight for control of the Mediterranean region? (p. 274)B. What was the First Punic War fought over? What was the outcome? (p. 274)C. How did the Second Punic War get started? What was the outcome? (p. 275)D. What happened to Carthage in the Third Punic war? (pg. 276)Section 8-3Vocabulary Word BankActium (p. 282)Cicero (p. 283) First Triumvirate (p. 280)Julius Caesar (p. 280) latifundia (p. 279)Second Triumvirate (p. 282) triumvirate (p. 280)DefinitionsPrediction Answer29. Rome’s greatest public speaker30. made up of Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar31. made up of Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus32. large farming estates worked by enslaved people33. military hero and Rome’s most famous leader34. the battle in which Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra35. a political alliance of three people36. Who were two prominent brothers that worked to bring reforms to the early Republic? (p. 279)37. What did Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus want to do? (p. 279)39. What is a reform of Julius Caesar that affects us still today? (p. 280)40. What happened on March 15 in the year 44 B.C.? (p. 281)41. What happened at the Battle of Actium? (p. 282)42. The great public speaker Cicero was against dictators, and called for what type of government? (p. 283)43. What title did Octavian take? (p. 283)I-CAN: Explain how the failure of the republic led to the creation of a Roman Empire.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Section 8-4Vocabulary Word Bankaqueduct (p. 291)Caligula (p. 288)currency (p. 294)Hadrian (p. 291)Ostia (p. 293)Pax Romana (p. 287)Puteoli (p. 293)DefinitionsPrediction Answer44. port city on the Bay of Naples45. he came after Tiberius and before Claudius46. human-made channel for carrying water long distances47. port city at the mouth of the Tiber48. a good emperor who built a wall in Britain49. 200 years of peace that began with the rule of Augustus; means “Roman Peace”50. a system of money51. Who were the Julio-Claudian rulers? (p. 288)52. Who was the musical emperor that is said to have “fiddled while Rome burned” in A.D. 64? (p. 288)53. What emperor began construction of the Colosseum, Rome’s famous sporting site? (p. 290)54. Under Emperor Trajan, the Roman Empire’s European boundaries were set at what two rivers? (pp. 291-292)55. What was Hadrian’s Wall? (p. 292)56. What was the most important element in Rome’s booming economy? (p. 293)57. What helped Rome’s trade? (p. 294)58. Who benefited the most from the Roman Empire’s prosperity? (p. 294)ICAN: Explain how the military and politic make Rome rich and prosperous.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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