


Study guide-Terms/vocabulary

9 week LEOCT exam is 15% of your grade

Define Psychology…

Identify Famous Theorist: Freud, Wundt, Watson, Skinner, Harlow, Milgram, May, Rogers, Pavlov, Erikson, Piaget, Galton, Bandura, Maslow.

Chap. 1- Approaches to Psychology

a. Founder of Psychology?

b. Why study Psychology?

c. A Brief History of Psychology

d. Psychology as a profession

e. Theory

f. Basic/applied science

g. Scientific Method

h. Structuralist/functionalist

i. Introspection

j. Psychoanalyst

k. behaviorist

l. humanist

m. psychiatry

n. clinical psychologist

Chap. 2 Psychological Research Methods and Statistics

a. What is Research?

b. Problems and Solutions in Research

c. Statistical Evaluation

d. APA

e. Ethics/Little Albert study

Chap. 3 Infancy and Childhood

a. Lawrence Kohlberg identified six stages of…..

b. Physical, Perceptual, and Language Development

c. Cognitive and Emotional Development

d. Parenting Styles and social development

e. Child Abuse

f. schema

Chap. 4 Adolescence

a. Physical/sexual development

b. Personal Development

c. Social Development

d. Kohlberg

e. Piaget

f. Erikson

g. Object permanence

h. Gender Roles and differences

Chap. 5. Adulthood and Old Age

a. Adulthood

b. Old Age/Ageism

c. Hospice

d. Dying and Death

e. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s 5 stages/theory – thanatology

Chap. 6. Body and Behavior

a. The Nervous System: The Basic structure

b. Studying the Brain- left/Right hemispheres

c. The Endocrine System

d. Heredity and Environment

e. Phineas Gage

Chap. 7 Altered States of Consciousness

a. Sleep and dreams

b. consciousness

c. Hypnosis- mesmer

d. Biofeedback

e. Meditation

f. Drugs and Consciousness

Chap. 8 Sensation & Perception

a. Sensation

b. The Senses

c. Perception

d. Illusions

Chap. 9 Learning Principles and Applications

a. Classical Conditioning (Pavlov – what type of stimulus was the tuning fork?

b. Operant Conditioning

c. Social Learning

d. Modeling

e. Little Albert

Chap. 10 Memory and Thought

a. Metacognition

b. learned helplessness

c. learning

d. Taking and storing information

e. Chunking

f. Retrieving Information

g. Short term/Long term memory

h. Encoding

i. Episodic memory

j. Declarative memory

k. Procedural memory

l. Confabulation

m. Eidetic memory

n. Decay

o. Mnemonic devices

p. Elizabeth Loftus

Chap. 11 thinking and language

a. Thinking and problem solving

b. Language

c. Noam Chomsky

Chap. 12 Motivation and Emotion

a. Theories of Motivation

b. Biological and Social Motives

c. Emotions

d. polygraph

Chap. 13. Psychological Testing

a. Intelligence Testing

b. achievement

c. intelligence

d. aptitude

e. Stanford-Binet

f. Bell-curve

g. Aptitude Test

h. Measuring achievement, abilities and interests

i. Personality testing

j. Validity

k. Percentile

l. Multiple Intelligence

m. Howard Gardner

n. Wechsler

Chap. 14. Theories of Personality

a. Birth order

b. Purposes of Personality Theories

c. Psychoanalytic Theories

d. Learning Theories

e. Humanistic and Cognitive theories

f. Abraham Maslow- Hierarchy

g. Rogers- Self - "self is essentially your image of who you are and what you value-in yourself, in other people, in life in general."

h. Freud-Id, Ego, Superego

i. Trait Theories

j. Type A, B, C

k. Nature/nurture

Chap. 15 Stress and Health

a. Sources of Stress

b. Reactions to Stress

c. Coping with Stress

d. Stress in Your Life

e. approach-approach

f. avoidance-avoidance

g. approach-avoidance

h. double approach-avoidance

Chap. 16. Psychological Disorders

a. What are Psychological Disorders?

b. Anxiety Disorders

c. Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders

d. Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders

e. Personality Disorders and Drug Addition

f. Multiple Personality

g. Hypochondriasis

h. Phobic Disorders

i. amnesia

Chap. 17 Therapy and Change

a. What is Psychotherapy?

b. Psychoanalysis and Humanistic Therapy

c. Cognitive and Behavior Therapies

d. Biological Approaches to Treatment

e. Dream analysis

f. Free association

g. Psychoanalysis

Chap. 18 Individual Interaction

a. Interpersonal Attraction

b. Social Perception

c. Personal Relationships

Chap. 19 Group Interaction

a. Group Behavior

b. Conformity and Obedience

c. Milgram Experiment

d. Conflict and Cooperation

e. Brainwashing

Chap. 20 Attitudes and Social Influence

a. Attitude Formation

b. Attitude Change and Prejudice

c. Persuasion

d. Subliminal advertising

Chap. 21 Psychology: Present & Future

a. Careers in Psychology

b. Psychology’s Contributions

Answer the following questions:

1. Psychologist who investigate observable behavior are known as _____________.

2. ______________ is the scientific study of the mental processes and behavior of organism.

3. _______________ psychology is the study of the changes that occur as people grow up and grow older.

4. Elizabeth Kuble-Ross did some pioneer work in the study of terminally ill and how they react to their impending death (her work contributed to the new field-the study of death and dying)

5. Established psychology as a separate field of study in 1879.

6. Psychologist have learned so much about brain injury and structures by the classic case of _____________.

7. The Psychologist that was interested in the unconscious mind.

8. Psychologist who developed a theory concerning motivation and emotion (hierarchy of needs)

9. At the beginning of Pavlov's experiment, the tuning fork was the _______________.

10. Dr. Maslow believed that most people were constantly striving to fulfill these needs but rarely archived this goal _____________.

11. Famous humanist psychologists _____________.

12. Theorist who's research revealed the following statement: "self is essentially your image of who you are and what you value-in yourself, in other people, in life in general."

13. ____________________ test attempt to discover a person's talents/to predict how well he or she will be able to learn a new skill.

14. Lawrence Kohlberg identified six stages of _____________ ______________.

15. What psychologist is famous for his contribution to the field of child developmental research?

16. What type of research involves the most intensive amount of investigation?

17. _________ is a form of altered consciousness in which people become highly suggestible and do not use their critical thinking skills.

18. The organization of sensory information into meaningful stimuli is known as _____________.

19. The ________________ study led to questions related to research ethics in which the toddler was conditioned to be afraid of objects with white fur and the researchers did not attempt to extinguish the conditioned fears.

20. The monkeys in Harlow's study spent most of their time…

21. Preference test review personality traits to reveal which part of the brain that ones personality reflects most. (logical, critical thinking is associated with-_______ brained people)

22. Creative thinking, intuitive thinking and the use of metaphors most likely describes people who are _________ brained people.

23. In nature-nurture question, nature refers to ...

24. The ________ is a chemical communication system, which uses hormones to send messages throughout the blood stream.

25. Dr. Julian Rotter wrote about our Locus of control which refers to _____________.

26. Much can be learned about Nature v. Nurture by studying the behavior of .....

27. In Freud's theory known as the structural concepts of the mind, the _________ is the reservoir or container of the instinctual/biological urges.

28. Suppose you thought of stealing food from someone else. According to Freud, the part of the personality that would stop you is called the _____________.

29. Theorist Carl Jung studied personality and labeled ____________ as people who display the following traits - sociable, outgoing, active, lively people.

30. ____________ is all of the consistent, stable, enduring, and unique ways in which the behavior of one person differs from that of others.

31. ____________ is perceiving items as a unit.

32. Techniques used by psychologist studying the unconscious mind.

33. Metacognition is a strategy in which you think about ______________.

34. Individuals who believe that no matter what they do their actions make no difference are exhibiting ____________.

35. A permanent change in behavior that results from experience is called _____________.

36. This type of learning occurs when associations are made between related and nonrelated stimulus and reactions.

37. We store information for future use in ___________ memory.

38. Remembering events that did not happen

39. A loss of memory that occurs after a blow to the head or as a result of brain damage is referred to as ___________.

40. HOMES, an acronym for the five Great Lakes, is an example of ________.

41. This is conceptual framework used to make sense of the world.

42. A condition in which one may be a genius in one area but unable to function in everyday society.

43. This is a state of awareness, including a person's feelings, sensations, ideas, and perceptions.

44. Stanley Milgram's experiment on ______ is a classic in which psychologist want to learn more about social conditioning.

45. In an __________________ conflict the individual must choose between two attractive alternatives. Example:. "a high school senior has been accepted at two excellent colleges and he or she must decide which one to attend.

46. The story "A Beautiful Mind" explored the disorder of ______________, which is characterized, by confused and disconnected thoughts, emotions, and perceptions.

47. ______________________ is when a person who is in good health becomes preoccupied with imaginary ailments.

48. ____________________ infers to any treatment used by psychiatrist, social workers, or psychologists to help troubled individuals overcome their problems. This therapy's goal is to break behavior patterns that lead to unhappiness.

Time Management- complete 10-15 terms per night to be prepared for your 9 week examine (read notes/study, study, study…)


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