Mrs. Krnich

Famous Psychologists Gallery WalkNAME:For each, make note of the following: (A) their contributions/historical impact, (B) their importance to modern psych., and (C) the fun/unique fact about them included on the poster. Alfred Adler (A)(B)(C)John Watson (A)(B)(C)Sir Francis Galton(A)(B)(C)Karen Horney (A)(B)(C)Jean Piaget (A)(B)(C)Anna Freud (A)(B)(C)Abraham Maslow (A)(B)(C)Wilhelm Wundt (A)(B)(C)Carl Jung (A)(B)(C)Hermann Ebbinghaus (A)(B)(C)William James (A) (B) (C)G. Stanley Hall (A) (B) (C)Edward Thorndike(A)(B)(C)Ivan Pavlov(A)(B)(C)B. F. Skinner (A)(B)(C)Erik Erikson (A)(B)(C)Carl Rogers (A)(B)(C)Charles Darwin (A)(B)(C)Sigmund Freud (A)(B)(C)Edward Titchener (A)(B)(C)Mary Whiton Calkins(A)(B)(C) Margaret Floy Washburn (A)(B)(C)Gordon Allport (A)(B)(C)John Dewey (A)(B)(C)Gustov Fechner (A)(B)(C)Max Wertheimer (A)(B)(C)Roger Sperry(A)(B)(C)Kenneth Clark (A)(B)(C)Edward Tolman(A)(B)(C) Lawrence Kohlberg (A)(B)(C)Carol Gilligan (A)(B)(C)Alfred Binet (A)(B)(C)Albert Ellis (A)(B)(C)Noam Chomsky (A)(B)(C)Albert Bandura (A)(B)(C)Paul Eckman (A)(B)(C)Aaron Beck (A)(B)(C)Harry Harlow (A)(B)(C)Elizabeth Loftus(A)(B)(C) Hans Selye (A)(B)(C)Robert Sternberg (A)(B)(C) ................

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