Name: ___________________________________ Block: _______

Unit 5, Part 1: Civil War

Test Study Guide (Indicators USHC-3.1, 3.2, & 3.3)

DUE DATE: _____________________

Textbook Source Material: Ch. 11, Sections 1-5 (pgs. 336-372)

Significant Battles / Locations:

- Ft. Sumter:

- Bull Run/Manassas:

- Antietam:

- Vicksburg:

- Gettysburg:

- Atlanta:

- March to the Sea:

- Appomattox Court House:

Key Persons:

- Abraham Lincoln

- Jefferson Davis

- Ulysses S. Grant

- Robert E. Lee

- William Tecumseh Sherman

Key Terms:

- Confederacy (Confederate States of America)

- Copperheads:

- conscription:

- Ft. Pillow:

- habeas corpus:

- income tax:

- Thirteenth Amendment:

- Union

Chapter 11, Section 1:

- Fort Sumter (April 1861):

- Role in the war:

- Lincoln’s response to the attack:

- Lincoln’s main goal at the start of the war:

- Union’s (North) & Confederacy’s (South) strengths & weaknesses (advantages & disadvantages – there are several):



- Union’s three-part war strategy early in the war to conquer the South (name of strategy/plan & all three parts):




- Goal of Union blockades on southern ports:

- South’s strategy to win the war (name & parts):

Chapter 11, Section 2:

- Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation (when issued, when it was to take effect)

- Stated aim of the Emancipation Proclamation:

- Problem –areas of the U.S. where the slaves were freed (or not):

- Effect of the Emancipation Proclamation (on slavery AND the southern war effort):

- Writ of Habeas Corpus (describe what it is & why Lincoln suspended it):

Chapter 11, Section 3:

- Problems faced by African American Union Army troops:

- 54th Massachusetts & Col Robert Shaw (who made up this organization, the role at Ft. Wagner outside of Charleston):

Chapter 11, Section 4:

- Battle of Gettysburg, PA (July 1863):

- Turning point of the war (why):

- Victorious side:

- Impact on South’s strategy:

- Siege of Vicksburg, MS (May – July 1863) (importance of Gen Grant capturing the city):

- Gettysburg Address (author, purpose, famous quotes):

- “total war” (concept of,/who targeted, what two men used it, famous example):

- Election of 1864:

- Winner (& political party he was with):

- Key factors that led to the victory:

Chapter 11, Section 5:

- Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

- Selected map & chart interpretation questions pertaining to the unit’s lesson indicators will be included on the test.


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