WHO WAS EDOUARD MANET “Father of Modern Art”


Édouard Manet was a 19th century French painter famous for transitioning from Realism to Impressionism. Manet's family was financially secure and politically based. Manet, however, did not start off impressively. Manet frequented the high class Salon. This may have led to his more controversial paintings in 1863.

He failed his military exams and joined the merchant marines. He struggled to convince his father of this ambitions to become an artist. The Manet family was further embarrassed by an affair between Edouard and his piano teacher of whom he fathered a child out of wed lock and had to pass the child off as the teacher's brother.

He later married this his piano teacher after the death of his father and used her and “his” child in many of his paintings. It is debated whether or not the child was Edouard Manets or his father's. It is very likely it is Edouard's and that his mother assisted in creating the rouse to allow E. Manet to remain connected to the child without his father learning of the disgraceful behavior. Manet allegedly sliced a portrait of his wife Degas, his friend, painted of the two of them. It is unclear why. Degas took back the painting, but never finished the mending and repainting of the piece and it remains sliced over Manet's wife.

Manet's art was seated in the works of masters such as Titian. However, his confrontational approach shocked viewers. For example, he took a famous painting by Titian and painted in the place of Venus a prostitute was painted who stared at the audience. His work was called immoral and vulgar and confiscated by the French government. After Manet's death his remaining family was instrumental in assuring his place in history through book and painting sales.


ALLA PRIMA color painting technique of using direct color hue desired. Traditionally artists would layer paints to come to the color they wanted.

Transitioned the world of realism to impressionism

Confrontational pieces including prostitutes in traditional compositions.

Broad quick strokes

Used unnatural lighting and altered perspectives

Painted various political paintings such as The Execution of Emperor Maximilian heavily influenced by Goya's own execution painting The 3rd of May 1808

Napolean III encouraged Maximilian to go to Mexico as the new emperor, but later removed French military leaving Maximilian to be captured and executed by firing squad by loyalists of the previous rule.

During the reign of Napolean III Manet's painting could not be displayed, but was displayed in New York.

Painted military paintings from his times in the Merchant Marines such as the paintings focusing American Civil war paintings.

1879 Self-Portrait with Palette


1863 The Luncheon on the Grass ( Le dejeuner sur l'herb),

Inspired by Marcantonio Raimondi's rendition of Raphael's Judgment of Paris. (bottom right 3 figures).

1863 Olympia

All references are to her being a high priced prostitute with lighting that critique say display her more as a cadaver than a woman.

Inspired by Titian's Venus

An image of a woman awaiting her husband with maids waiting on her from her wedding trunk. Dog represents loyalty

1882 A Bar at the Golies-Berger

1869 Execution of Emperor Maximilia

Inspired by Goya's 3rd of May 1808 painted in 1814 celebrating the revolutionaries against Napoleon III


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