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Name: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????School: FORMTEXT ?????Facilitator: FORMTEXT ?????2.02 Notes Guide “The New Constitution”Answer the 2.02 Notes Guide as you review the lesson. Introduction:What comes to mind now when you hear these words?In what document are these words found? FORMTEXT ?????Why are they such an important part of our government? The United States ConstitutionThe goals of the Constitution are laid out in its introduction, the FORMTEXT ?????. The first three words in the Constitution, “We the people,” are the basis for the rest of the document. It is the people of the United States who govern. The goals include, “…form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty...”Organization of the ConstitutionThe Constitution is organized into three main parts, the Preamble, the articles, and the amendments. The seven FORMTEXT ????? of the Constitution outline the duties of the three main parts of government, the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. The articles also outline the separate powers of the Federal government and State governments. Finally, the articles contain the process for amending and ratifying the Constitution.Principles of the ConstitutionThe Constitution contains six main ideas that are commonly referred to as basic principles.The Constitution was founded on the following basic principles: popular sovereigntylimited governmentFederalismjudicial reviewseparation of powerschecks and balancesLimited Government and Popular SovereigntyUnder a system of FORMTEXT ?????, the government is not all powerful. The Constitution limits what the government can do. In other words the FORMTEXT ????? applies which means that laws govern and not men. FORMTEXT ????? is a political doctrine which states that the people have the authority in a government system. In other words, the framers created a republic that firmly established that the people have the decision making power.Judicial Review FORMTEXT ????? is the doctrine under which the courts have the power to review and declare a law unconstitutional. It was not originally written into the Constitution and it may only occur if case is appealed to a higher court. The case of FORMTEXT ????? in1803 is a famous Supreme Court case that resulted in the creation of the power of judicial review. FederalismTo address the concerns about the national government abusing its authority, the Constitution creates a FORMTEXT ?????, whereby powers are divided between national and state governments. FORMTEXT ????? is a political concept in which power is distributed between national and state government on a fairly equal basis. Separation of Powers FORMTEXT ????? is a principle of the United States government whereby power is apportioned among the three branches of government. The FORMTEXT ????? makes the laws, the FORMTEXT ?????carries out the laws, and the FORMTEXT ????? interprets the laws. Legislative BranchThe Legislative Branch makes the laws. FORMTEXT ????? makes up the legislative branch with two houses, the FORMTEXT ????? and the FORMTEXT ?????. The powers of Congress are outlined FORMTEXT ????? of the Constitution. Congress is the most powerful legislative body in the nation. Only Congress can coin money, declare war, raise an army, and regulate commerce.Executive BranchThe FORMTEXT ????? is the executive officer of the Executive Branch which carries out or executes the law. The powers of the executive branch are outlined in FORMTEXT ????? of the Constitution and include FORMTEXT ?????, or overall command of the armed forces. The President’s term is four years and there was no term limit until the Twenty-second Amendment in 1951 limited the President to two terms.Judicial BranchThe Judicial Branch interprets the law to determine constitutionality. The judicial branch includes the FORMTEXT ????? and the federal court system and its powers are outlined in FORMTEXT ????? of the Constitution. Supreme Court Justices are appointed by the President, but must be confirmed by the Senate. Supreme Court Justices serve for life, thus safeguarding their decisions from politics.Checks and BalancesIn addition to separating the powers of the government into three branches, a system of FORMTEXT ????? was put into effect. This system allows each branch the ability to limit the power of the other two branches. It is designed to prevent abuse of power by any one branch.The following scenario is an example of checks and balances. Congress can propose legislation and the bill can pass both houses, but a president can FORMTEXT ????? or reject the bill. If two-thirds of both houses of Congress agree, they can override a presidential veto. Through court cases, the judicial branch could later find the law unconstitutional and strike it down. Each branch has powers that the others do not. ................

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