
Philippians 4:6-9 – Put Jesus in your thought life!This is not a list to be slavishly worked through but a list where you can ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to the correct questions for your Small Group.Read Phil 4:6-9What was the context of the Philippian Church and why did Paul even mention issues about anxious thinking and feeling? Below on Page 2 are 20 ways to reduce anxiety – what do the Small Group think of them – these are practical rather than spiritual tips in the main. Discuss.V6 – Why is thanksgiving to God essential in overcoming anxiety? What does thanksgiving say about God and our thoughts on our anxiety?V 7 – Discuss why it is essential that the peace of God changes our hearts and minds? How are our emotional, spiritual and mental health linked?How do the statistics about anxiety make people feel:40% -- things that will never happen30% -- things about the past that can't be changed12% -- things about criticism by others, mostly untrue?10% -- about health, which gets worse with anxiety!?8% -- about real problems that will be facedThe following people have come to you for help in overcoming anxiety; how would you instruct them and help them:A young person worrying about their examsA person crippled by debts who are worrying about the way forwardA person anxious that they are “good enough to be a Christian”A non-Christian who is worried about deathA person crippled by anxiety and seemingly unable to function in life.Why is it important to concentrate on positive and praiseworthy aspects of life?Share as a Small Group how ‘speaking to yourself’ and not ‘listening to yourself’ has been helpful?How can fear rob us? What does the Bible say about fear and faith?Pray for any that particularly suffer from anxiety and fear.20 ways to reduce anxiety in your lifeMake time every day, preferably at the start of the day to meet with God and place on your anxiety on Him. Plan it now! Where, when and how – include reading the bible and believing it, prayer and worshipDon't rely on your memory. Write down meetings and appointments or put them in an online calendar. Also make note of birthdays, when bills need paying etc. Get up 15 minutes earlier in the morning so you don't start the day feeling under time pressure.Keep a duplicate car and front door key and give a spare to a trustworthy person in case of emergency.An instant cure for most stress: 30 minutes of brisk walking or other aerobic exercise.Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant and grace filled toward the erring, for by the end of your life you will have been all of these.See pressure and problems as God’s Sovereign opportunity to fashion you more into the image of His son. Say "No, thank you" to extra projects you don't have the time or energy for.Set up contingency plans; just in case, "If either of us is delayed," "If we get separated in the shops we shall meet at “x”, etc.Put brain in gear before opening mouth. Before saying anything, ask yourself if what you are about to say is it true, kind, and necessary.Stop worrying, If something?concerns?you, do something about it. If you can't do anything about it, let it go by giving it to God in prayer (1 Peter 5:17)For every one thing that goes wrong, there are 50 to 100 blessings. Count them.Learn to live one day at a time. Jesus said the future has worries; but don’t worry about it! (Matt 6:34)Every day, do at least one thing you really enjoy. Play a game, watch a programme, go to the gym, go for an ice-cream, read a book etc.Don't sweat the small stuff and remember it is all ‘small stuff’’! (2 Cor 4:17)Laugh more at everything that causes mirthRemember that the best things in life aren't things but God and people.Celebrate every small success!If an unpleasant task faces you, do it?early?in the day and get it over with.Do one thing at a time.Make time every day, preferably at the start of the day to meet with God and place on your anxiety on Him. Plan it now! Where, when and how – include reading the bible and believing it, prayer and worshipDon't rely on your memory. Write down meetings and appointments or put them in an online calendar. Also make note of birthdays, when bills need paying etc. Get up 15 minutes earlier in the morning so you don't start the day feeling under time pressure.Keep a duplicate car and front door key and give a spare to a trustworthy person in case of emergency.An instant cure for most stress: 30 minutes of brisk walking or other aerobic exercise.Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant and grace filled toward the erring, for by the end of your life you will have been all of these.See pressure and problems as God’s Sovereign opportunity to fashion you more into the image of His son. Say "No, thank you" to extra projects you don't have the time or energy for.Set up contingency plans; just in case, "If either of us is delayed," "If we get separated in the shops we shall meet at “x”, etc.Put brain in gear before opening mouth. Before saying anything, ask yourself if what you are about to say is it true, kind, and necessary.Stop worrying, If something?concerns?you, do something about it. If you can't do anything about it, let it go by giving it to God in prayer (1 Peter 5:17)For every one thing that goes wrong, there are 50 to 100 blessings. Count them.Learn to live one day at a time. Jesus said the future has worries; but don’t worry about it! (Matt 6:34)Every day, do at least one thing you really enjoy. Play a game, watch a programme, go to the gym, go for an ice-cream, read a book etc.Don't sweat the small stuff and remember it is all ‘small stuff’’! (2 Cor 4:17)Laugh more at everything that causes mirthRemember that the best things in life aren't things but God and people.Celebrate every small success!If an unpleasant task faces you, do it?early?in the day and get it over with.Do one thing at a time. ................

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