
CANADA’S FOOD GUIDE ASSIGNMENTNAME: _____________________DATE:____________Below is a sample menu for a person who is on a 1600 calorie diet. Answer the questions using the menu.Breakfast (300 calories)? cup 100% fruit juice1 slice whole-grain toast1 oz whole-grain breakfast cereal? cup fat-free milkLunch (450 calories)2 oz meat, poultry, or fish2 slices whole-grain bread2 pieces lettuce2 slices tomato? cup baby carrots? cup berries or 1 piece of fruit1 cup fat-free milkMid-afternoon Snack (200 calories)5 whole-grain crackers1 tbsp peanut or other nut butter? fat-free milkDinner (500 calories)1 cup vegetable soup2 oz meat, poultry, or fish1 medium sweet potato or white potato? cup broccoli1 cup fat-free milkLate-night Snack(150 calories)? cup low-fat frozen yogurt? cup crushed fruit on top1. Look at the menu and analyze the food to determine if the food contains carbohydrates, protein and fats. Place a check mark in the space provided. Place all findings in the charts below.(place check mark in the box) (a 8)Food nameCarbohydrateProteinFatFor each food on the menu determine which category which it belongs. Place a check mark for 1 serving and a ? of a check mark for half of a serving. When completed total the number of servings for each category of the food guide. (a 4)GrainsDairyFruits & vegetablesMeat & alternativesTOTALSTotasANALYSIS ( a 4, c 4)Comment on the number of serving from each food group from Canada’s Food Guide. Is there any room for improvement in the diet?Where in this daily diet do you feel needs to be improved?Is this a diet similar to your diet? Explain.Do you make your own lunch and dinner or does someone else control your food intake?Conclusion: Provide 5 statements to summarize your findings. (c 4, t 4) ................

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