
Class Representatives

1953 - Jackie (Brown) Kenny


1954 – Betsy (Neff) Cote


1955 – Nancie (Anderson) Weber


1956 - Edie (Williams) Wingate


1957 –Shirley (Huff) Dulski


1958 – Pat (Terpening) Owen


1959 – John “Mike” Hall


1960 - Ren Briggs


1961 - Betsy (Schley) Slepetz


1962 - Dona (Hale) Ritchie




New Email and address:

Fr. Aaron S. Peters, O.S.B. (57)


Effective June 16, 2009 I will be

returning to the Abbey. So here is my

address and other particulars:

Fr. Aaron S. Peters, O.S.B.

St. Benedict’s Abbey

1020 N. 2nd St.

Atchison, KS 66002-1402

Phone direct to my room: 913-360-7831

Abbey Switchboard: 913-367-7853 (my extension is 7831)

Abbey Fax: 913-367-6230

My Email: aaronosb@



Our love and prayers go out to the family and friends of our classmates who have gone on before us. We will miss them, yet we can find comfort in knowing that one-day we will all join them for the greatest of all reunions.

Sandra Lee (Christiansen) Memmolo (60)

(From Ren Biggs) Passed away May 2008.

Terry Ennis (60)

(From Ren Biggs) I received a call from Terry's son that he passed away May 2nd. Terry has been on the kidney transplant list of some time but other problems prevented that from taking place. After several years of weekly medical treatments the body just gave in.

Sunday 5-3. I talked to Joy Ennis today. She is doing fine. Next Thursday she will fly to Salt Lake City where Terry's services will be held. She said that Terry had a heart attack and passed very quickly. He did not suffer. She wanted me to contact his old school mates and thank them for the support they gave to Terry during his many years of troubled health. She said that Terry always enjoyed the e/mails and contact that so many of you provided.

I am one of the lucky one who got to see Terry and Joy over the years. Pat's sister lives in Oklahoma City and we always took time to go and see Terry and Joy. I know that Paul Wilcott, Judy Murphy, and Anita Johnson also got to stop by and see them. Joy said that she is so thankful that Terry got to attend the Gathering in Dallas. If there is a lesson learned here, please take the time to stop and see your old friends or call them. You never know when we will lose them.

I pray that all of you take care of yourselves.  I don't want to hear anymore of what I've gone through the past two days. 

This past two days I have learned of two of my friends who are now gone. Frank, Terry and I were

roommates together at Bushy Park. Like all of you we will remember what good times we have had together.

We were very happy that he was able to attend the Gathering in Dallas, Texas in October 2008 and he was able to see so many of his old school mates.  Terry you will be missed.

Frank Schreiber (60)

(From Ren Biggs) I received a letter from Robin Schreiber that Frank passed away on February 19.  He had heart problems in October and had to have 3 stents installed. He felt much better and seemed to be doing fine. He died in his sleep on February 19.

(Editors Note: Ren Sent this picture of Frank and him taken about 4 years ago)


George Stillson (60)

Nancy Stillson informed me that George passed away from cancer on March 25, 2009.


Edna (Hunt) Ossa (53) (no picture available)


Kathleen “Kay” (Gfeller) Smith (54)


Alvin Collins (59) (no picture available)

alcee@ (From emails sent to Gail Kelly)

Hi Gail,

I attended Bushy Park in 1956. My graduation year would have been 1959 if I had stayed at Bushy Park. As it happened I did graduate from Sapulpa High School in Sapulpa Oklahoma in 1959.

Al Collins (Collie)

(And then from Gail)

Fancy the kid remembering my class after 4 different high schools and all their respective faculties; I was chuffed! He even found himself in this picture of my first field trip to London. He's the lad in the dark suit on the left with his back to the camera. We are picnic-lunching in Green Park. (How naive is that! In London, where it rains every 5 minutes, planning an al fresco break between museums). What a bunch of good sports! Would you believe, I am still in touch with about 10 'kids' in this picture. Wonderful! Good old internet, hey - cheero, Gail



None this time again. Are our memories getting like London back in the 50s – a little foggy? I

assure you that you can send your memories for publication and not worry – the statue of limitations has long ago run out. (




Nancie (Anderson) Weber (55)




Classes 53-54-55 & Friends


Reunion 2010 is pending!

Wilmington, North Carolina is the tentative venue. Lovely area, lots to do.


Committee (all '55): Ruth Lund Bethea, Pat Miller Hodges, and Dianne Pendergrass Hopkins.


We hope you'll be able to make it.

First, however, we need to update our contact information with your current whereabouts and your email address. Please take a little time and catch me up (even if you know you can't attend). News, what you're doing lately, is welcome.


Nancie Anderson Weber '55

22309 Canyon Lake Drive South

Canyon Lake CA 92587



It's pretty amazing--next year is 55's 55th, and we're having more fun getting together than ever. Nashville 2008 was wonderful. You don't want to miss this next gathering.



Tony Taylor (58)


Pat and Gary, (ref birthdays in the last issue)

I suggest that each of us have the option to include the year... at this time in our lives, what difference does it make, and it also sets an occasion for congratulations for those who have a "significant" birthday.

Pat (Terpening) Owen (58)


Gary - received the following from John Frisby (61) j.frisby43@ and thought it might be fun to see if our classmates might want to send cards to his friend Lily.  We know that the cards will be a little late, but it would spread her birthday cheer out for a while.  If anyone would be interested in sending a card to Lily, her address is below. 

John Frisby (61) (no picture available)


My great friend Lily will be 103 on the 27th of May.  She is fiercely independent and takes care of herself at home.  Although how she manages I will never understand!  I am pretty sure she will not make 104 and she wouldn't mind me saying this.  Her family have virtually deserted her arguing over who will get her house when she dies.

I would like to take up a small amount of your time and finances.  Time enough to buy or make a birthday card and the cost of a stamp to send it to:

Mrs Lily Chaplin

67 Lays Drive



BS31 2LD


Sean Kelly (LCHS 78)


 I am looking forward to San Diego.  

Hope to go to Bushy Park in June for a visit as part of a new book I am working on about USAF bases around London.  I am seeking out people who were assigned to the bases (Bushy Park, Bushy Hall, West Ruislip from the 1950s on to get their memories down – whether they be military personnel, students, teachers, doctors, security police, photo interpreters, base commanders, even the guy who bulldozed West Ruislip base and the man who owned the Columbia Club (do you remember that place?)  The book will be called Home Bases – and will feature about 50 (1000-4,000 word) chapters detailing a couple of  people from each category – and their times and adventures.   I am working on it over this year....  Let me know if you have a great little story to tell and detailed memories of your old ‘base’ and if you ant to commit those memories to black & white! No money in it – just a chance to get it immortalized I guess....


Bob Lyle (54)


Dear Gary,

Quite often we have talked about the good fun and fellowship experienced at our last Bushy Park reunion in Nashville in October 2008. Unfortunately we are greatly saddened by the recent passing of Ruth Ann Baldwin but we have many good memories of Ruth Ann from our reunions and several other occasions. We are already looking forward to the next reunion in 2010.

As for me, I'm still doing some consulting work but it has been trailing off in the last few years. The parent company of my major client was just taken over so it may mean that my retirement (from

business) is just around the corner! In any case we have plenty of activities going on including family (we have 3 children all married and 6 grand children, 2 in each family) and lots of church and community activities.

Lois is still working part time (3 days per week). We have a busy summer shaping up - will be in Ohio twice and in September with some friends we are taking a cruise out of Boston to ports in Northern New England and the Maritime Provinces.

We just returned from a trip to Arizona to visit my brother and sister-in-law who are retired in Prescott. In the course of the trip we spent a couple of days in Las Vegas staying at the Golden Nugget. The last time we were at this hotel was for a Bushy Park Reunion. We found the hotel is still a great place to stay and the price was right - $54.00 per night during the week!

Jon Searles (55)


Lots coming up for me in 2010 hopefully dates won't conflict too much--my 50th West Point reunion, my grandson's commissioning in the US Army, my 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment reunion and of course visiting my children and grandchildren.  There was no mention of the date for the Bushy 2010 reunion.

Still doing a bit of mathematics tutoring and a lot of my hobby--woodturning--bowls, platters, peppermills, anything round out of wood.  Having a ball. 

Leola is deeply involved with here DAR and other club activities.

This summer I will be traveling to CT for one of my grandson's HS graduation, then to CA for my daughter's 25th wedding renewal of vows, then to AZ to visit my other son.  Leola and I will be going to NM to visit with a cousin.  Retirement sure is a busy time.

Edward “Ted” Hopkins (55)


I am currently making three cruises a year

as a Special Interest Speaker.  Usually we do three to four weeks per cruise which uses 15 to 17 talks like the one I shared at the last Reunion.  The talks seem to work with a broad range of nationalities and Dawn and I are able to see a lot of the world we haven't seen before. 


Last year, we took about two months to catalog and digitally record all the 300 framed animation pieces in out collection.  We still have about 200 items in bound albums but we are taking our time about starting that project.  Our collection of Historical Animation Art is now being considered for a museum loan.  


Victor “Vic” Nielson (55)


Good to know how things (2010 reunion) are going. We will try to hold the September dates open until it is set. A reunion on the East Coast and a little more time exploring the islands along the coastal passage would be fun.


We do have some trouble scheduling trips. We have children in Jacksonville Florida, Wentzville Missouri, Allen Texas (north of Dallas), Katy Texas (west of Houston--might as well be another state), Laie Hawaii, and Indian Springs Colorado (near Denver). And we have grandchildren going to school as frequent boarders. We spent Christmas and New Years in Hawaii two years ago.


My current project is a website which I call Evidence-based Family History Online. It's not up on the web yet. I have to learn something new at every stage in its development. I go to school two days a week, a website programming class. I may die before it is finished, but if so, it was a good way to postpone Alzheimer’s. The idea is to publish family history on the web that others can build on, as opposed to having to go through the same data over again.


Marlene is busy in our church as a Relief Society President. That and Grandmothering are her major interests right now. Oh, she is also head of a local group of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. She joined the LDS Church as a teenager, but her great

grand-parents were among the first settlers of Cache County in northern Utah, making her eligible for DUP membership.


My most exciting trip over the past two years was with our oldest daughter to England and Scotland. It was fun seeing where I lived in Harrow. It is now an Indian community. We spent two weeks touring London and a few days in Edinburgh. Even visited the Tower of London with snow on the ground. We didn't make it out to Bushy Park.

Coralie (Guertin) Lajoie (55)


Wilmington NC sounds like fun.  Don't know if I will be able to make it but I certainly would like to be there.

I now dwell in a little town in Massachusetts called Northbridge, actually I'm not far from the Rhode Island border. 

I am well and working as a cashier in a restaurant owned by sister and brother-in-law.  It's been fun and I have met so many wonderful people.  It keeps me young. The crew I work with has taught me so much about the food industry.  I even know how to wait and bus tables. (not my favorite thing to do).  My hours are Wednesday through Saturday 7:00 AM until 2:00 PM.  Right now life is good.  Hoping to see you next year. Please keep me updated about the gathering in 2010.


Pat (Terpening) Owen (58)


I will be gone from about May 25 through About June 10, and I'm going to put a note to that effect when I send out the May newsletter, but because of the length of time I'll be

away I'd like to just have you send the June newsletter to Bob Harrold - Rharrold@

and ask him to post it to the website, and I'll tell my people that they will just have to access it from there. 

Tony Taylor (58)



It has been several years since any of us last inquired as to the whereabouts of two Bushy Park

graduates that to date have not been located; so with new alumni readers joining us every month, if

anyone knows anything about either of the following, it would be great to have an update:

Janice Taylor '57 (last known location was a move to Germany with her parents after her father got transferred in 1957; she may have gone to U. of MD in Germany)

 Chris Boex '58 (class valedictorian  and an accomplished artist; Chris was German, but came to Bushy Park when her father, a diplomat, was transferred from New Orleans to London in 1957; believed to have returned to Germany after graduation... hometown was Hamburg)

Carol (Smith) Benjamin (59) carolbenjamin@


I do have some good news for this family.  Our youngest son, Marcus Vincent Benjamin will graduate from the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma, on May 15, 2009, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in International and Area Studies.

David McCullough, the noted historian who wrote John Adams and 1776, will be keynote speaker.  I'm pretty excited over seeing him!

Our oldest son, Matthew Joseph Benjamin, will be ordained as Transitional Deacon in the Roman Catholic Church on May 23, 2009 in Kansas City, Missouri.  It is his final step towards being ordained

into the Priesthood which, God willing, will be next year about this time.

We are very proud of both of our sons and I hope you can use this for the next edition of Bushy Tales.  Thank you for all your hard work.  You are very much appreciated.      

Susan (Miller) Dalberg (62) wolfpaw81@

Hey, I have a favor.  I’ve been thinking,

and talking to Pat, about how so many of us military brats have had cancer, TB, etc.  May be not any higher than the national average, but wondered if any of our alumni have an opinion.

Daddy had TB in 51, Mother in 61 and me in 81—we always lived on SAC bases, and routinely, on Fridays, they sprayed the bases with malithion (sp?).  Mother died of cancer, I’ve had cancer, and we’ve lost a lot of our alumni to cancer.  Just fodder for thought—a discussion?

Lydia (Ropp) Crewdson (62)


Bob and I, Biddie Ropp Crewdson have just finished our sping concert.  We sing in the Sun City Hilton Head Chorus.  We sang 18 songs and had 4 performances.  It is quite an under taking and dedication of 16 weeks of practice, six hours a week.


Our director is a professional from NY, and his wife is our pianist and is a concert pianist.  Art and Lorraine Hanson are wonderful.


Oh to be younger...Bob and I are tired today after all of our performances.


Thank you for all you do to get us info about our fellow student friends. Have a great day!



Thirty great memories about music that caused our parents and teachers grief! Take the quiz and see how you score as a true 'Oldies Fan.' Write down your answers and check them

against the answers at the end. Don't cheat, now!

1. When did 'Little Suzie' finally wake up?

(a) The movie's over, it's 2 o'clock

(b) The movie's over, it's 3 o'clock

(c) The movie's over, it's 4 o'clock

2. 'Rock Around The Clock' was used in what movie?

(a) Rebel Without A Cause

(b) Blackboard Jungle

(c) The Wild Ones

3. What's missing from a Rock & Roll standpoint? Earth ___

(a) Angel

(b) Mother

(c) Worm

4. 'I found my thrill . . .' where?

(a) Kansas City

(b) Heartbreak Hotel

(c) Blueberry Hill

5. 'Please turn on your magic beam, _____ _____ bring me a dream,:

(a) Mr.. Sandman

(b) Earth Angel

(c) Dream Lover

6. For which label did Elvis Presley first record?

(a) Atlantic

(b) RCA

(c) Sun


1 (c) The movie' s over, it's 4 o'clock

2. (b) Blackboard Jungle

3. (a) Angel

4. (c) Blueberry Hill

5. (a) Mr.Sandman

6. (c) Sun

More in the next issue if I have room.



Roster Changes

What are we doing now?

Bushy Tales

Dedicated to all who attended London Central High School at Bushy Park, London England from

1952 to 1962


Issue #4 June 2009 Volume #9

Gary Schroeder (55), Editor gschroeder4@

Visit the Bushy Park Web Site at

Letters to the Editor

Classmates Who Have Transferred To The Eternal Duty Station

Look Who We Found

Memories of Bushy

This and That


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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