
Dear Parents,Last evening was probably the most engaging class of the year. We began with the Litany of the Saints (All Saints' Day) which the students took turns to lead. I have attached a copy for you. While it is liturgical appropriate to recite it on the actual feast, I also selected it because it is one of the oldest of the Church's litanies dating back to the end of the 6th century.?The Blessed Sacrament was?exposed in Church and will be until 7:00 p.m. tomorrow evening. We then spent about 15 minutes praying before Jesus (and then discussed the difference between Jesus in the tabernacle and Jesus in the monstrance (exposed on the altar for all to worship and adore).?We then discussed the saint exercise that the students were to do at home. Thank you for those who completed it and were able to articulate it in class.As I had indicated previously, it was the most engaging class of the year. We talked about our Blessed Mother and never proceeded much past the finding of the Child Jesus in the temple. Several students were given scripture readings related to Mary's biblical life. Those raised questions like:1. What was the difference between Mary and Eve? ?2. What did it mean to be without sin?3. How can Mary live her entire life without sin?4. Could Mary have sinned? What kept her from sinning?5. What if there was no "original sin"?6. How much did Mary know about Jesus and when did she know it? (We will continue this particular discussion next class)7. Mary had to keep the secret about Jesus being God for 30 years until he revealed Himself??8. What did Joseph know and when did he know it?9. What does the title Immaculate Conception mean??It was truly the type of discussion that your students are capable of engaging in. I was very proud of them for some of the answers given to questions, the questions that they then asked, given the fact that we may not even know the answers all of them.?See the power point that I have attached. There are some videos embedded in it about the finding of Jesus in the temple and the wedding feast at Cana. Better yet, take a family night and watch the entire video.?Here's the link. It's the YouTube version so there is some commentary at the start and finish (skip to the 5:00 min mark for the start - Finding in Temple). Pay particular attention to the silent nods of Mary and Joseph during the discussion with Jesus. "I was supposed to be with My Father." "Don't you know that I must be in My Father's house?" How much did Joseph and Mary know about Jesus and his ministry?Next class, we will continue the discussion.?Blessings to you and your family.Bob (& Gerri)?--?Bob Lairdblaird48@(703) 732-0681 (cell)@BLaird483?Attachments?? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Preview YouTube video The Chosen Global Livestream: Episode Five INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/m8/17thss5s1p92c5f4tdwkg09c0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/mqdefault.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/m8/17thss5s1p92c5f4tdwkg09c0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/icon_2_youtube_x16.png" \* MERGEFORMATINET The Chosen Global Livestream: Episode Five ................

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