
-419100-488315Character Questionnaire00Character QuestionnaireTell Us About Your Character in the Present TenseWhat has been your character’s’ happiest moment?What is your character’s most treasured possession?What is your character’s most favorite/least favorite thing to do?What is your character most passionate about?What is your character’s greatest extravagance?Who does your character admire? fictional heroliving person they knowhistorical figureWith whom does your character identify (who is most like him/her)?Does your character have a motto, or quote or overused catch phrase?What is your character’s favorite/least favorite food?What is your character’s greatest talent?What talent would your character love to develop?What has been your character’s greatest achievement?What are your character’s favorite quality in a:ManWomanFriendWhat are your character’s least favorite qualities in a:ManWomanFriendWhat are your characters best and worst qualities? What is your character’s most overrated virtue (what people think that isn’t true)?In what occasion would your character lie?If you character could change one thing about himself/herself what would it be?What is your character’s greatest regret?What is your character’s greatest fear? What is your character’s idea of the lowest depth of misery?Character’s appearance: (hair, eyes, face, build, race, etc.)Favorite Quality:Least Favorite Quality:Does your character have a pet? Name(s):Does he/she want a pet or more pets?What does your character do for a living? Is he/she happy doing this?Is there some occupation he/she would like to do in the future?Education What education does your character have?What education does your character want?Where does your character live? Where does your character want to live?What is your character’s current state of mind?When your character dies, what type of mark does he/she want to leave on the world?-13335047561500Tell Us About Your Character’s FamilyParentsMother’s SideFather’s SideMother’s GrandparentsFather’s GrandparentsMotherFatherMotherFatherMotherFatherMother’s SideFather’s SideMother’s SideFather’s SideNameChildhood (0-18)Poor/Comfortable/WealthySocial StatusEducation/OccupationIllnessMajor World/Family ConflictRelationship w/ SiblingsRelationship w/ ParentsRelationship w/ G-parentsRelationships/MarriageChildrenOther Important Info.Young Adult (19-25)Poor/Comfortable/WealthySocial StatusEducation/OccupationIllnessMajor World/Family ConflictRelationship w/ SiblingsRelationship w/ ParentsRelationship w/ G-parentsMarriage/RelationshipsChildrenOther Important Info.Adult & Senior YearsPoor/Comfortable/WealthySocial StatusEducation/OccupationIllnessMajor World/Family ConflictRelationship w/ SiblingsRelationship w/ ParentsRelationship w/ G-parentsMarriage/RelationshipsChildrenRelationship w/ Kid’s SpouseRelationship w/ G-childrenOther Important Info.Tell Us About Your Character’s LifeDoes or did your character have a caregiver/influential person other than their parent(s)?When & where was your character born?How many siblings? (list in birth order and give age differences) When & where does your character die?Is he/she remembered?Did they leave a mark on the world?Childhood (0—12)Teenager (13-17)Young Adult(18-25)Adult(25-40)Mid Life(40-65)Senior Years65+Poor/Comfortable/WealthySocial Status (popular, nerd, in school/work/church/group friends)Expectations of Family/SocietyIntroverted/ExtrovertedIndependent/DependentResponsible/Self Motivated/Financial CareEmerging Behavior PatternsInterests/Hobbies (books/games/music)Education (good in school?)Jobs (does he/she like or dislike)IllnessMajor World/Family ConflictFamily Traditions/ReligionMove/Change HomesPetsExcited AboutGreatest FearImportant Event #1Important Event #2Midlife CrisisPersonal Goal #1Bucket List Item #1Have Any Goals or Bucket List Items Been AchievedRelationshipsSiblings (spouses & kids)ParentsGrandparentsExtended Family (aunt/uncle/cousin)FriendsCrushes/Marriage/Relationships (dating/divorce/loss of spouse)Children (spouses/kids)Other Important Info. ................

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